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Why I sold Destiny.

Why lump Titanfall among there? The game NEEDS to be online only, because it's a multiplayer focused game. I guess they could have added local coop, but very few games have that nowadays. The game has no single player (if you count the campaign, respawn even said before launch that it was tied into multiplayer games... so bringing that up is silly). I think they said they focused on Multiplayer because it has more longevity and they didn't have many resources, which I can understand as they were a small team that were already having problems developing the game due to lawsuits, hell they even needed MS to step in with cash to keep them developing the game since EA wouldn't fund it any more. Sure they could have delayed the game a year+ and stuck a single player in it but I don't think it would have been worth it, it's not like they flat out lied about it like Sim city, for example.

The rest I get, but Titanfall is the odd one there.

Do know whats funny about Titanfall? Its the one game in this list that was proven to actually of been orginally designed with a full offline single player campaign in mind. Read the "final hours of titanfal" development diary.

They made it multiplayer only because the game was turning out to be a disaster and was going to be canned by EA. It wasn't because they thought multiplayer had more longevity or that they could concentrate on more content for it, as time as now shown. Titanfall for all intents and purposes is just another games multiplayer mode (in terms of content) ripped out and sold as a full game. Even then, its lacking in content in comparsion.

So like I said, the only benefit of Titanfall being online only is people got to play it. That is not a benefit that needs to be discounted, but it still doesn't prove that being online only is of any real benefit to the player base over having a single player mode.

One thing that I will give respawn is they mostly stayed away from that power of the cloud nonsense.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
To the OP, the reason you sold destiny = the reason i never bought destiny

With online only games, you have to really be invested in the singular component of online multiplayer, or else your money is wasted. Especially for what Bungie was selling us, a barebones adventure with no real reason to do it outside of wracking up meaningless points and upgrading. A far cry from Halo's huge expanse of modes under their watch.

Even Call of Duty still have a singleplayer with local multi, horde and co op.

I'd even say Treyarch puts a ton of effort into their single player experiences on top of everything else.

Titanfall too...you have to really be invested in PVP multiplayer, or else there's no point. How you sell that for 60 dollars until the online population diminishes to nothing or the servers close down is beyond me.

Online only games should always be F2P.


If your kids wanted to play Destiny, why not let them just play and enjoy it. Like they care about some no always-online principle you have, as long as they are having fun. The kids are right.
Most Destiny threads end with a bunch of people backslapping each other for avoiding, bailing early, or trading it in. I really don't get the disdain this game gets. Is it because Bungie is opening up to a wider audience this time as it's on multiple platforms? Not sure, but I guess the game can't be everyone's cup of tea.

For my $60 purchase it has provided me over 400 hours of game time and filled up my friends list with cool people to game with. In my estimation, the game is pretty darn good and constantly evolving.

Could it use some more storytelling? Yes.
Is it not as fun by yourself? Definitely.
Is it one of the top Co-Op games of the year? Absolutely

But I know, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.

OP - You're right. It's an always online game. If you don't like that, or other MMO type games, it's cool. There are many games in the sea. I'll assume you bought the bundle because you wanted a white PS4.
I mean, your reasoning makes sense. What I would say though is that if you were ever going to experience Destiny - which I'm not saying is a must - you would have to do it when the servers are up and when you have people to play with. It's kind of like saying you aren't going to buy WoW because in 10-15 years the server will be shut down. Granted WoW has tons more content, but the general sentiment is the same. Still, to me that doesn't diminish the game's value. I don't buy games and factor in playing them years down the road into how much I'm willing to pay now for them.

And I disagree with your definition of a single player campaign. Destiny's campaign, as mundane and poorly written as it is, is designed specifically so it can be played solo. Saying it's better with more people is like saying playing Halo is better with more people, it is just more fun and easier. It's basically just a really bad Halo campaign that requires an internet connection, that don't make it something other than a single player campaign.

Don't get me wrong, I cannot fully endorse Destiny even though I am still playing it. Nor can I discount your stance. I do find it a little naive though.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
you could have just save your breath by saying "because it sucks" and it would be done.
because, franky, it does.
For my $60 purchase it has provided me over 400 hours of game time and filled up my friends list with cool people to game with. In my estimation, the game is pretty darn good and constantly evolving.

I mean, I played 5 hours of Hearthstone for free, so if we just quantify value with time vs game cost then an iPad game was GOTY. It probably even got a free update at some point. Where does that put Flappy Bird?


Most Destiny threads end with a bunch of people backslapping each other for avoiding, bailing early, or trading it in. I really don't get the disdain this game gets.
Well, a lot of the OT regulars (and we are quite a few) have long learnt not to mess with all the "Destiny sucks!" topics around here. ^^
The game has it flaws, no one can argue that, and Bungie have made and is still making some rather dumb decisions about it, but it also has some pretty big qualities and strengths.
I've seen way shittier games get a better treatment than that on GAF. I suppose Bungie (or, well, Activision) is paying the price for its aggressive marketing...

For all the hate it gets, I just wanna say that I've just completed my first raid ever yesterday, with raid noobs friends, and that this was the best gaming experience I've had in a long long while.
Most Destiny threads end with a bunch of people backslapping each other for avoiding, bailing early, or trading it in. I really don't get the disdain this game gets. Is it because Bungie is opening up to a wider audience this time as it's on multiple platforms?

Let me help: it's because many (most?) people found the game to be a colossal disappointment, based both on Bungie's pedigree, and their pre-launch marketing.
Sold mine last month

No story to capture my interest and when I read about the grind fest at the end.

I threw in the towel on those when I quit Wow.


I dont get all the Destiny hate.
Bungie built expectations around story and scope that were nowhere close to met, making it a disappointment to many who had been following it.
The story is dreadful.
The loot system is awfully grindy.
The enemy respawn rate is akin to 8-bit platformer games where you wander just a little bit, backtrack and the enemies return (necessary for grinding).
The mission design is dull as heck.
Limited matchmaking.
Crucible has a small player cap.
Deceptive and abusive business practices with DLC that doesn't offer much value for $ and actually aubtracts from the experience of those who don't buy it.

I could go on, but the basic problem underlying all of the above is that it was billed as a game that would cater to a wide variety of tastes, but the only people I see strongly defend it are those who haave the time to grind to get to the raids and friends with similar tastes.
I'm not even sure I'll be alive in ten years time. The continued existence of Destiny servers is the least of my concerns.

If you enjoy a game now, play it. If you don't, sell it.
I hope you brought a thesaurus for those poor kids.
Those kids were just 2-3 years younger than me.
To the OP, the reason you sold destiny = the reason i never bought destiny

With online only games, you have to really be invested in the singular component of online multiplayer, or else your money is wasted. Especially for what Bungie was selling us, a barebones adventure with no real reason to do it outside of wracking up meaningless points and upgrading. A far cry from Halo's huge expanse of modes under their watch.

Even Call of Duty still have a singleplayer with local multi, horde and co op.

I'd even say Treyarch puts a ton of effort into their single player experiences on top of everything else.

Titanfall too...you have to really be invested in PVP multiplayer, or else there's no point. How you sell that for 60 dollars until the online population diminishes to nothing or the servers close down is beyond me.

Online only games should always be F2P.
Destiny was never gonna be F2P. And I feel like even if cod dropped all campaign and did multiplayer only, it would still be selling millions.
"Kids" today were born online. The fact that a game is online only isn't a bad thing to them.

Face it, you're getting old. You're the older guy who's out of touch, who's pining for "the good old days" and who says that their music is terrible, only the music you listened to as a kid was good.

Those kids were just 2-3 years younger than me.

It's a whole new generation. Face it, grandpa, time to pack it up, kick back in that rocking chair and just wait for the mailman every day. Since you're so big on offline things, better make sure Billy down the street delivers your newspaper every day. What time is Cronkite on?


I have been going back and forth on trading/selling the game. The final nail in the coffin was how they handled exotic upgrades in the DLC. I thought it was really shortsighted not to have some sort of better upgrade path for the equipment. They could have created more levels and additional buffs instead of making people go through the process all over again. What makes it all even worse is you have to wait for Xur to even offer your equipment for trade. I don't know what happened to Bungie over the last few years, but these decisions are laughably bad. Everything just seems like a desperate move to pad out the playtime for the game. Not even going to get started on how they handled the weekly/daily strikes and playlist.
I wouldn't mind the online only crap if the game just provided compelling gameplay with its various modes. Even when played multi player the game is tedious.
I know that is generally discouraged to double post, but sometimes I come back to this thread to get a good laugh. Just looking back at some of the responses I got from people, makes me lol.


Most Destiny threads end with a bunch of people backslapping each other for avoiding, bailing early, or trading it in. I really don't get the disdain this game gets. Is it because Bungie is opening up to a wider audience this time as it's on multiple platforms? Not sure, but I guess the game can't be everyone's cup of tea.

Like most things in life, truth lies in between. Some posters with obvious console allegiances are bitter about Bungie's success given that they bailed on Halo and MS. These people feel threatened and do not want Bungee to challenge the Halo franchise. There are however many people who genuinly think it is a disappointing game with a lot of wasted potential.
You don't need to justify your purchases or sales/opt-outs OP. Hell, if this wasn't about a game that most of Gaming side is really sour on (say instead this was Dark Souls or Shenmue :p), you'd probably get thrown some flak for trying to make a special case out of nothing. It's odd, but that's the internet I guess.

Anyway, don't let folks shame you for not being able to get into certain things or not be attracted to this gameplay or that. I'm not that sweet over the idea of online only and was really tentative on getting into games like Destiny and Titanfall.

Somehow, I really liked them both, but there were times where the online always nature lead to a lot of displeasure (some off network days on Titanfall plus the shitty campaign; Destiny on PS4 requires PSN to be operational which isn't nearly as much of a guarantee as it should be.). So while I don't necessarily agree that a $60 game should have an offline component, just as one shouldn't have to have an online, I totally understand where you're coming from and you have solid reasoning behind you.

Edit: Shame this will just be another platform for Destiny-targeting shit posting. Aka post below.

J 0 E

I recently went back and played some more and it is way more fun than my head built up. Sure there is some bullshit rep grinds that I hate even thinking about but the actual playing part is tight and that first story expansion mission was hype.


Meh. I still hop on every week to raid with friends and do nightfalls and stuff. Never really had that before with any other game

So I don't plan on selling it any time soon. I dislike aspects to it, but it can be fun.


Sold it two days ago for 50% of the price I bought it for. That hype.

Thank you, Destiny, for teaching me to not freaking use every reedemable code like.....season pass right away.

Why do people care as to the reason other people are selling games?

I wouldn't do this if I were you.
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