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Why is Excitetruck so DAMN AWESOME?

Neo Child

Wario64 said:
Excite truck rocks!!! This could be you!


Why is she tilting to her right and the trucks going left?


I just played this all day yesterday. It's my favorite rally game ever as far as I'm concerned. Once you get the game mechanics and you get the controls locked down it's ****ing pure bliss. I hope they make a sequel damn it!! =_(


lynux3 said:
Reality check... Excite Truck isn't that awesome, but its fun as hell.

Yeah I think Wario64 made this thread to see how many people would think this game was awesome just because he said it was...

but thats just me..

Hasn't come to Australia yet though :( If the controls are in anyway better then cow racing in Wii Play im sold though. Can't get enough of cow racing.


Fun game, but I've really only played multiplayer (besides a little SP to unlock stuff), and my friends/relatives seem to prefer Wii Sports/Rayman over Excite Truck.


BlindN-Fan said:
Yeah I think Wario64 made this thread to see how many people would think this game was awesome just because he said it was...

but thats just me..

I won't argue that since there are a lot of sheep on GAF, however this game really does kick so much more ass then you would orignally think. Put a little time into it and I garrantee you'll love it. For me it took a little over an hour until I got the controls down and started having a blast. The tracks get crazy as hell and the rally feel is top notch. I absolutely love the control. Constantly powersliding, powerboosting and flying through the air in some of these courses will keep you on the edge of your seat.

awesome total.


Leatherface said:
I won't argue that since there are a lot of sheep on GAF, however this game really does kick so much more ass then you would orignally think. Put a little time into it and I garrantee you'll love it. For me it took a little over an hour until I got the controls down and started having a blast. The tracks get crazy as hell and the rally feel is top notch. I absolutely love the control. Constantly powersliding, powerboosting and flying through the air in some of these courses will keep you on the edge of your seat.

awesome total.

I would try it..and have it..If it were in Australia..seriously..Nintendo of Australia failed at that..Of all games to delay..Why ET? Through videos the game looks awesome to me..and no doubt Ill think it will be.

Dave Long

I dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but Excite Truck was created by Monster Games. PC fans will know them from the absolutely awesome Viper Racing and the less awesome but still great NASCAR Heat. Console fans know them from Test Drive: Eve of Destruction, a game that also flew under the radar but is pretty dang cool.

They're comprised of some ex-Papyrus (PC NASCAR sims, Grand Prix Legends, IndyCar Racing, etc.) developers.

Thumbs up for Monster and Excite Truck!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Dave Long said:
That truly is the face you make while playing the EXCITE TRUCK!

Gamespot saw the future!

But they only had an EXCITE! level of 6.8...

I like Excite Truck a lot more than I thought I would. I got it at a Boxing Day sale cheap and have played a ton of it since. One of the better Wii games so far, I'd say. AWESOME.


Picked this up tonight along with Red Steel.

My roommate and I tried Red Steel first for about 30 mins... ok game, need to play more to get into it.

But man, we popped in Excite Truck afterwards and I had my reservations at first but WOW, we played for about 2 hours straight just on the same 4 tracks you start out with. Man this game is FUN. I was laughing so hard at the absurdness of it all, crashing into god knows how many things in the beginning, and finally boosting up and flying above the tracks at unreal heights.

I love it.


BlindN-Fan said:
How many tracks does this game have again? I need over 10 to keep me hooked..

It has 20 different tracks, but there are only 6 different locales (and you visit five of them regularly).


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Hmm...I think I might move this to #4 of games I am going to pick up. I have now in order: that Dragon Ball game, Elebits, WarioWare, and then this. Sweet.

Dave Long

This game is so damn EXCITE! I picked up the tilt control immediately and only started having trouble getting B or better on platinum excite tracks.

Flying for a mile while doing 720 degree spins FTW.


I got this for Christmas and set it aside to play other games but when i finally put it in I haven't put it down since.
I just brought component cables today dose this game support it?


AdmiralViscen said:
I think multiplayer is great in this game, reviewers are retarded.
What pisses me off is the lack of motion blur in multiplayer, and the non-2button mashing for quic starts.

A game of it;s visual quality(Its not bad, nut not great) should have ZERO problem running 60fps, motion blur, e.t.c. on the Wii. No excuses.

4player would also have been nice, as would a lan option.


I've had this game for a week but put it aside to finish up some other games. Played it for like an hour today, so far so good.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
This game is the ****in shit. Honestly, Monster Games kicks ass for this. I hope it receives a sequel. I've been getting into this greatly


Agent Icebeezy said:
This game is the ****in shit. Honestly, Monster Games kicks ass for this. I hope it receives a sequel. I've been getting into this greatly
I honestly dont understand the reviews for this game.

Its fast, awesome air(unprecidented really) great sense of speed, a ton of maps, the absolutly kick ass real-time land deformation and it doesnt look half bad ta'boot.

Best arcade racer since Burnout, for shit sure.

The SD card option, while a cool addition, needs to be more fleshed out for the sequel. 4player multiplayer, and 8player online would have made it the perfect arcade racer.

This game kicks ass.

Dave Long

Yeah, men. This game is six degrees of awesome. It's one of the few games that compels you to go back and play tracks again for higher rankings that you say, "Hell yeah I'll get an S!" Becuase when you wire a three lap win filled with less time spent on the ground than you spend in the air, you're amped up to do it all over again on the next track.


Dave Long

So when I posted before, I hadn't yet unlocked Super Excite mode. Now that I have, Excite Truck has ratcheted itself up to...




...out of 10!

This is one of those games where you start out saying, "Wow, this is fast. Hey I can get an A or a B pretty easily." Soon you're saying, "Man, I NAILED that S ranking!" Then you unlock Super Excite and you're all, "I CAN DO THIS WHOLE TRACK ON BOOOOOOOOOOST! WOOOOOOOOO!"

Awesome. I wish I had played it before the end of 2006 so I could've put it near the top of my top ten for the GAF vote. This is easily one of the best games of the past year and right there with Zelda and Wii Sports as the best Wii has to offer right now. Do not miss it! This is the best "Rush" or "Thunder"-style game that Midway never made.


Dave Long said:
So when I posted before, I hadn't yet unlocked Super Excite mode. Now that I have, Excite Truck has ratcheted itself up to...




...out of 10!

This is one of those games where you start out saying, "Wow, this is fast. Hey I can get an A or a B pretty easily." Soon you're saying, "Man, I NAILED that S ranking!" Then you unlock Super Excite and you're all, "I CAN DO THIS WHOLE TRACK ON BOOOOOOOOOOST! WOOOOOOOOO!"

Awesome. I wish I had played it before the end of 2006 so I could've put it near the top of my top ten for the GAF vote. This is easily one of the best games of the past year and right there with Zelda and Wii Sports as the best Wii has to offer right now. Do not miss it! This is the best "Rush" or "Thunder"-style game that Midway never made.
Best part of this game is the crazy, crap you'll do to get tjose couple extra stars. Nothing better then going thru a forest of trees, off a massive jump, and getting like 30stars, looking back and wondering;


****ing great game. I love the land changing on the fly. The sequel better just ratchet up a notch to impress me though.

Online is a muct, so I can destroy Gaffers, and then post picks of said destruction in the excite truck 2:mokus revenge thread. :D


This game is a lot of fun multi. I can see it being more annoying in single on the higher difficulties due to the lack of precision, but in multi it's so over the top and forgiving that it's just a blast.

I was racing my roommate on the ice track and some how I ended up with a crazy air where I nearly flipped over, somehow managed to land it perfectly, got the boost and edged him out for the win.

I kinda wish you could race more than 2 at a time though.


bluemax said:
This game is a lot of fun multi. I can see it being more annoying in single on the higher difficulties due to the lack of precision, but in multi it's so over the top and forgiving that it's just a blast.

I was racing my roommate on the ice track and some how I ended up with a crazy air where I nearly flipped over, somehow managed to land it perfectly, got the boost and edged him out for the win.

I kinda wish you could race more than 2 at a time though.
Something that bugs me is this;

Cant the Wii lan wirelessly? I would kill for that with 4-player multi-player.

Can you imagine?

Online, and 4player lan would rock.
Ya I don't get why Excite Truck and Red Steel cut such a bad wrap. I bought Red Steel the other day and I'm in love with it. It has horrible story and cut-scenes, controls that glitch out from time to time, and generally just a very unpolished look to it.....but it sure as hell is a fun run-n-gunner that feels awesome to aim and shoot. The music and graphics are pretty good too.

I might get Excite Truck now.


I seriously had no interest in this game after seeing the screenshots and reading the impressions on this board. It was given to me for Xmas and it's since become my favorite Wii game outside of Zelda.

F*** the graphics, though they are nowhere near as bad as people make them seem. The speed and air of this game are completely off the charts. And to say that the sense of control over the trucks is spot-on would be understating it.

Based on the opinions on this board, I'm sure most of you nowadays wouldn't be able to go back and pick up Beetle Adventure Racing and actually have fun with it. The track designs Excitetruck remind me so much of BAR, and the controls give it it's own fresh feel. Definitely would rate it in the mid-8's if I had to score it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Picked this up recently:

Good: core game is fun as hell and my fav offroad experience in a game, hands down.

Bad: launch rush-itis is clear with wacky framerate and poor multiplayer, and the overall production values are semi-low.

Result: I'll play the heck out of single-player to enjoy the insane track designs but will then shelve it and wait for hopefully, a sequel with a bigger budget, and proper development cycle.


Talking about this game makes me want Waverace for the Wii. Not the crappy GC game, but the N64 Waverace with huge waves and awesome tracks.


This sounds very entertaining. Might have to pick it up now on dirty pal when it comes out in UK next month.

Has anybody got this and Motorstorm for comparison?


I've only played the demo for Motorstorm, but I'd say Excitetruck is a lot more fun... A lot more 'rush', more burnout-ish in substance and execution. Of course the visuals in Motorstorm are a shitton better, but Excitetruck, once you start unlocking things and learning the intricacies of control, is more fun, crazy and fast paced.
i'm still going back to it this long after picking it up (which i did at launch) which for an arcade racer is the true test of things.

it may be a game that you have to give lots of time to get into (it wasn't my personal experience, but judging from what i've heard from other people) but you more than get back what you give to it.

excite truck 2 with online would be beyond awesome.

it would be excite.


Pud said:
I've only played the demo for Motorstorm, but I'd say Excitetruck is a lot more fun... A lot more 'rush', more burnout-ish in substance and execution. Of course the visuals in Motorstorm are a shitton better, but Excitetruck, once you start unlocking things and learning the intricacies of control, is more fun, crazy and fast paced.


I have the full JPN version of Motorstorm but it feels very rushed, you just get tickets and thats it really. Im after something harder I think to fight for the medal/1st places like Fzero etc...


Dazzyman said:

I have the full JPN version of Motorstorm but it feels very rushed, you just get tickets and thats it really. Im after something harder I think to fight for the medal/1st places like Fzero etc...

Well, you'll likely be satisfied with Excitetruck, as long as you know what you're getting into. Unlocking and finishing Super Excite and Mirror modes were quite challenging and took a lot of attempts (you have to be VERY good, not only at placing first, but doing enough tricks to earn the points)! Unlocking the new (unlisted) trucks added equally to the replay value. Plus the secret level that you unlock after everything is quite the visual treat :D


force push the doodoo rock
Excite Truck came out in Japan yesterday and my initial impressions are EXCITE!!!

From the moment I accessed the CD and heard the most "amazing"(air quotes people, air quotes) guitar lick I've ever heard in a game I knew this game was gonna be special. I was right! The game is so damn fun and hectic. My one complaint is 360's, I hate having to hold down 1. Why cant it be B?

Also, while I was at the store/mallish place I bought EXCITE TRUCK(!!!) there was a jewlery store that was setting up for a big sale. As I was eating my KFC they put up a big yellow and red (see: hulkamania) sign that read "EXCITE BARGAINS!!!!!" and I was like: "Oh yes, I'm excite all right."

That's the end of the story, sorry I couldn't provide a better ending.

Dave Long

Pud said:
Well, you'll likely be satisfied with Excitetruck, as long as you know what you're getting into. Unlocking and finishing Super Excite and Mirror modes were quite challenging and took a lot of attempts (you have to be VERY good, not only at placing first, but doing enough tricks to earn the points)! Unlocking the new (unlisted) trucks added equally to the replay value. Plus the secret level that you unlock after everything is quite the visual treat :D

Holy crap! I thought there'd be some stuff after Super Excite, but man, now you're telling me there's stuff there I didn't quite expect!



I only have that one last track to beat in Super Excite. You're telling me that once I beat that, there's even more?
miyuru said:
I only have that one last track to beat in Super Excite. You're telling me that once I beat that, there's even more?
cool looking planet track, monster truck, and after you get S on all the races - mirror mode
. It took two friends and myself from practically the Wii's launch to the first week in January to unlock everything.

I demand a sequel!


So I'll get
Crystal Road (which, admittedly, I don't really like...), a new truck, and then mirror mode if I choose to go S-rank...do you get more stuff if you S-rank all of mirror mode?


Yes, you have to S-rank every track to earn all there is to earn. The game is a LOT deeper than it looks on the surface. Suggestion, though: get yourself an SD card with some MP3s. The only negative point to the game, IMO, is its super-cheesy 80's rock riff soundtrack.

I've earned S-ranks in everything, including the challenges. And boy oh boy did it take forever. Myself and my brother played the game throughout December to earn it all.
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