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Wildstar? “You’re Gonna Find Out, Cupcake”


I kind of feel like the downturn in MMO quality has less to do with derivative design and more with poor execution on the systems put in place. Every genre has its fair share of "samey" design choices. The difference between a good and bad game is how much fun it is.

It looks like the Wildstar team understands this. Maybe it won't turn out well, but as long as the game is polished and fun, it will keep my interest.

You're absolutely right. There have been a handful of MMOs that have been designed extremely well but lack the proper polish on their core experiences that make it wholly unenjoyable.

Fortunately for WildStar, they have a team that's been through all of that and, for at least the "samey" concepts, can implement them in a smart and fun way. Hell, I'm merely speaking from all the videos I've watched. I'm still partially skeptical and I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was another shallow entry into the genre. But I'd like to believe this time.
That's perfectly fine. There are going to be an equal number of people who aren't excited about WildStar as there are the converse. To be frank, all devs act as if they have a plan. How the hell would you expect them to garner interest otherwise?

I'll agree that hype for MMOs tends to end in tears and disgust. But like I said, this game has an aesthetic quality and extremely apparent production values that are getting me pumped for it. Aion, Lineage II, and Guild Wars 2 are nothing to scoff at. They have an extremely well-proven track record for picking excellent titles to publish.

The fact that they were originally comprised of ten top-level WoW devs makes me confident they at least know what direction to take things in. I'll give them that. The rest I'll wait and see.

"Act" is the operative word here. Can't just throw a bunch of polished individual elements together that gels with faddish game design trends hope for sales. The classics, even the rough revolutionary ones, work as a coordinated whole, greater than the sum of their parts. For an MMO, that complexity is thru the roof, not to mention the from the temptation and/or dumbass investors/publisher out to kill WoW.


This game looks like the first true contender to WoW I have ever seen, like really.

If you somehow get in this beta, you better do yourself a favor and download it. I have never seen anything with this level of polish and 'wow' factor.

Check your e-mails.
would have been a good post if the gameplay was actually tab target turn based stuff

It is EXACTLY what I said it is, look for yourself:

-tab target (you can clearly see the targetting circle and the enemy portrait)
-action bar
-global cooldown (clearly shown on the action bar + 'you can't do that yet')

It is exactly like EQ/wow/warhammer/lotro and every other dime a dozen mmo.
Just because they telegraph the 'don't stand in the fire' with a blue marker on the ground and have more of it doesn't mean it's not literally exactly the same thing.

Hence my previous post with bewilderment over what people see in this, it looks like the safest carbon copy mmo imaginable combat wise.
Carbon clone all the way down to raiding, kill ten boars, ! marks and the d&d pseudo realtime style exchanging of numbers. It even has the rubberbanding health resetting aggro when you leave their invisible leash zone.


It is EXACTLY what I said it is, look for yourself:

-tab target (you can clearly see the targetting circle and the enemy portrait)
-action bar
-global cooldown (clearly shown on the action bar + 'you can't do that yet')

It is exactly like EQ/wow/warhammer/lotro and every other dime a dozen mmo.
Just because they telegraph the 'don't stand in the fire' with a blue marker on the ground and have more of it doesn't mean it's not literally exactly the same thing.

Hence my previous post with bewilderment over what people see in this, it looks like the safest carbon copy mmo imaginable combat wise.
Carbon clone all the way down to raiding, kill ten boars, ! marks and the d&d pseudo realtime style exchanging of numbers. It even has the rubberbanding health resetting aggro when you leave their invisible leash zone.

Someone should have clarified that tab targeting is an option but not the way the combat is designed. It's completely molded around freeform targeting and movement.
It is EXACTLY what I said it is, look for yourself:

-tab target (you can clearly see the targetting circle and the enemy portrait)
-action bar
-global cooldown (clearly shown on the action bar + 'you can't do that yet')

It is exactly like EQ/wow/warhammer/lotro and every other dime a dozen mmo.
Just because they telegraph the 'don't stand in the fire' with a blue marker on the ground and have more of it doesn't mean it's not literally exactly the same thing.

Hence my previous post with bewilderment over what people see in this, it looks like the safest carbon copy mmo imaginable combat wise.
Carbon clone all the way down to raiding, kill ten boars, ! marks and the d&d pseudo realtime style exchanging of numbers. It even has the rubberbanding health resetting aggro when you leave their invisible leash zone.



Hence my previous post with bewilderment over what people see in this, it looks like the safest carbon copy mmo imaginable combat wise.
Carbon clone all the way down to raiding, kill ten boars, ! marks and the d&d pseudo realtime style exchanging of numbers.
As I said earlier, I don't feel like the fundamentals of the genre are flawed any more than an FPS would be considered generic for covering the basics. It's all about execution and polish.
As I said earlier, I don't feel like the fundamentals of the genre are flawed any more than an FPS would be considered generic for covering the basics. It's all about execution and polish.

I guess we disagree there then :p TO each his own.

It definitely doesn't look like it'll break the mold or change anything about the mmo genre though so no idea where the 'wow killer' idea comes from.


I guess we disagree there then :p TO each his own.

It definitely doesn't look like it'll break the mold or change anything about the mmo genre though so no idea where the 'wow killer' idea comes from.

At what point has any game in this genre broken the mold and achieved great success? It's always been very iterative with the more unique games having moderate, niche success, if that.

Meanwhile WoW is quickly approaching the point of being a decade old. There's a new generation of people ready to experience the genre for the first time. The only thing that has stopped a new game from taking over is insufficient content, poor execution, and rushed (buggy) releases. Will Wildstar have any of these issues? No idea. It does look interesting, but this genre does call for more skepticism than most.


I don't get why they make you pick a path. I'd rather have the option to do any of the stuff in the game on one guy and not have to just kill things endlessly because I picked soldier. It looks like they're segregating content just for the sake of alt replay value, which if I had more than one character, I could still choose what I wanted to do differently my next time through if I had access to everything.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I don't get why they make you pick a path. I'd rather have the option to do any of the stuff in the game on one guy and not have to just kill things endlessly because I picked soldier. It looks like they're segregating content just for the sake of alt replay value, which if I had more than one character, I could still choose what I wanted to do differently my next time through if I had access to everything.

a LOT of people said this same thing in the family and friends beta, so they included a lot more cross-path play. i think you get like 20%ish more of the thing you want to do (assassin, swat, etc for soldier) but you still get to do other stuff if you want. also, you can do other-path missions with other players and you get xp/stuff for it.


5 years ago I'd be chomping at the bits for this game, but I've since become so desensitized to MMOs after ultimately being let down by every MMO I've played since FFXI and WoW, no matter how much I believed games like FFXIV or ToR would take the genre to the next level.

I think XIV 2.0 will be my last hope for the genre before I give up hope completely. All I've ever wanted since XI was an MMO with a beautiful world full of emotional music, lovely vistas, mythical monsters, and mysterious content.

Wildstar looks fun, but the colorful yet muddy sci-fi art style and goofy characters seem like a mash up that would get old fast to me. I also find myself rolling my eyes whenever an MMO claims to be action oriented, but I'd love to be surprised.

If they embrace the GW2 pay model, I may give it a go, but NCSoft is itching for a new "it" subscription model game to diversify their active portfolio with, and this looks like just the game for the job.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Looks like WoW with GW2s combat.

Perfectly fine with me.

I don't know, the combat (at least in the videos) doesn't look as meaty as GW2's combat. But yeah, it kinda looks like WoW meets GW2.

Depending on the price model I'll check it out though.
a LOT of people said this same thing in the family and friends beta, so they included a lot more cross-path play. i think you get like 20%ish more of the thing you want to do (assassin, swat, etc for soldier) but you still get to do other stuff if you want. also, you can do other-path missions with other players and you get xp/stuff for it.

I think paths should exclude having to do certain types of content rather than having X content unique to that particular path.
So if I pick the, let's say, "Social" path, I will not have to do any of the Warrior-path stuff (which is basically just stand in a circle and slay stuff) whereas that content will be crucial to the progress of a warrior-path character.


LOVE the art. Seems like the kind of thing Insomiac or Vigil would do if one wasn't focusgroup'd and the other six feet under :(


Is this going to be B2P, F2P or monthly? I don't think they have said about this yet. If its monthly I will pass, but B2P I would jump in.


Is this going to be B2P, F2P or monthly? I don't think they have said about this yet. If its monthly I will pass, but B2P I would jump in.

From the amount of content they've shown and talked about I find it hard that it will be F2P. My best guess is B2P or P2P, and I'm kinda of leaning P2P.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
It had a dodge you have to use once in a while! So meaty!


I'm sorry if I might be the only one, but I actually think the GW2 combat was feeling really great :( Has that smack to it if you hit an enemy, at least for me.


Been keeping an eye on this, looks really interesting. Hopefully will get into the stress-test which guarantees closed beta entry.

Just watched the video on player housing, wonder how they're going to get around the issue of deserted cities (I'm assuming the housing is instanced)? I imagine as players expand their land plots, there'll be less and less reasons to leave your zone.

Have a feeling release is still a ways off :(


Really hope this is F2P, B2P won't be so bad. But I will not pay monthly for another game. I only do that for World of Warcraft, that's enough.
Played it at PAX East and enjoyed it. I'm not too big on MMOs but this looks like I'm gonna have to get on board. The aesthetics are beautiful, the humor reminds me of Ratchet and Clank, and it just seems fun. The devs were also super cool and overall just really nice people. I hope it succeeds.

Please don't be free to play.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Really hope this is F2P, B2P won't be so bad. But I will not pay monthly for another game. I only do that for World of Warcraft, that's enough.

It will be anyway after 1 year max. Is there literally one MMO that came out of beta in the last 3-5 years that managed to keep up its monthly fee (only) without going either F2P or B2P after 1 year?

Let's check all new-ish MMOs that started subbed that come to my head.

Conan -> F2P
Lotro -> F2P
Aion -> B2P
DDO -> F2P
Burning Sea -> F2P
Champions -> F2P
Star Trek -> F2P
Star Wars -> LOL
APB Reloaded -> F2P
Secret World -> B2P
Mortal Online -> F2P

Warhammer -> See Rift :3
Rift -> Sub, but Rift "Lite" is already up. It won't be long.
Eve -> Sub, with an option to earn real money ingame
Darkfall -> Just came out, will be dead in t-1 year

Man, that's actually really a lot. Remember, all of those started as full-fledged monthly subbed MMOs, fully intending on keeping the fee up and saying way more than one time "Nah, we won't go F2P!".

IF they really go the Sub route, they are nuts. My opinion.
There was another "Devspeak" video released recently about player movement (I can't make threads so sorry about the bump):


I'm of the mind that no matter how this game actually turns out, they are very good at their promotional videos so far. They're fun to watch.

Edit: This thread wasn't nearly as old as I thought it was.


Conan -> F2P
Lotro -> F2P
Aion -> B2P
Rift -> F2P
DDO -> F2P
Burning Sea -> F2P
Champions -> F2P
Star Trek -> F2P
Star Wars -> LOL
APB Reloaded -> F2P
Secret World -> B2P
Warhammer -> F2P
Mortal Online -> F2P

What does LOL stands for?

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Warhammer is still sub ( http://www.warhammeronline.com/Forever-Free-Trial ). It just has a free to level 20 thing, like WoW and RIFT have.

Oh, okay, I did not know that. Will fix!

Just so you don't get me wrong now, I really like how Wildstar is shaping up, and I love the humor of the devs. I really hope this will finally be the one game that's holding me as tight as LotRO did back in the days. Or GW2 for a few months. :(
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