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Winter 2010 Anime Thread: Wandering Son & All the Other Crap

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he's Virgin Tight™
Lafiel said:
Considering Relix is one of those soul-less people that thought mushi-shi was boring...:p


I really tried to like Mushi-shi! I liked the premise but... I don't know, it just bored me to tears. I have no soul :lol
Hellsing321 said:
People who say anime has become shit and aren't watching Wandering Son make me sad. :(

Indeed. Wandering Son has been a triumph, and it deserves to be watched by more people.

I think there are a lot of people who would rather bitch about how 'new anime sucks' and avoid watching anything that could change that perception. Oh well. It's their loss.
jman2050 said:
But being an elitist is fun, at least on this forum!

That's because every single person on this forum is an elitist. It's just to varying degrees. You got the super monocle people who can't even comprehend people dissing certain sacred cows and will label you a philistine for it and then you got those that don't really give a shit and just like to have fun but will still end up looking at people funny if they say bad stuff about their favorite work.


trejo said:
You should check out Seirei no Moribito. I feel it might just be up your alley.
That might have been my next suggestion. Fantastic Children and Kaiba are other more scifi/fantasy things I would suggest if you can handle the art style.


wandering son... i want to watch it but the synopsis kind of put me off
and we already had kuragehime
someone needs to convince me
Hellsing321 said:
People who say anime has become shit and aren't watching Wandering Son make me sad. :(
Is it wrong to think that adaptations don't count? If something was popular enough in another medium to be adapted, then it's gotta have some merits, right?
cosmicblizzard said:
The fans on both side of the spectrum make me pessimistic about my hobby. I find the elitist monocle people who think their tastes are absolute equally as annoying as the uguu moe moe gonna bring mah K-on body pillow to the quad on campus people.

But I try my best to ignore that and just enjoy what I like. I think a lot of people would be happier if they did the same.


jman2050 said:
But being an elitist is fun, at least on this forum!

not all the time.
Master Milk said:
Is it wrong to think that adaptations don't count? If something was popular enough in another medium to be adapted, then it's gotta have some merits, right?

There are plenty of absolutely terrible manga with anime adaptations that beg to differ with you.


Uchip said:
wandering son... i want to watch it but the synopsis kind of put me off
and we already had kuragehime
someone needs to convince me
It's incredibly well written and it has some beautifully developed characters.

Art direction might take some time getting used to. If at all.


Master Milk said:
Is it wrong to think that adaptations don't count? If something was popular enough in another medium to be adapted, then it's gotta have some merits, right?

Uh most anime are adaptations so...


Uchip said:
wandering son... i want to watch it but the synopsis kind of put me off
and we already had kuragehime
someone needs to convince me
Kuragehime and Wandering son have something important in common: the noitaminA anime slot. (You're kind of new here so I don't know if you're familiar with it.)

the noitaminA slot was designed specifically to make anime that appeals to a different audience than what one would consider the 'normal anime viewer'--that being kids or otaku. Most of the stuff on noitaminA ends up being aimed at women, which immediately puts the tone of them in a completely different place. I can't say I've enjoyed everything they've put on there (Goddammit Fractale), but if you want a list of stuff that is generally 'above' the average maturity level in anime, the noitaminA list hits more often than it misses.

Master Milk said:
Is it wrong to think that adaptations don't count? If something was popular enough in another medium to be adapted, then it's gotta have some merits, right?

99% of anime are adaptations. Pretty much have to count them. Whether they're good adaptations or not is another discussion that would just end in an argument between anime only people and manga/light novel purists.


Branduil said:
Madoka is objectively good.

OreImo is objectively bad.

Shows with awkward direction, poor sense of pacing, shallow characterization are considered objectively good now?


JKTrix said:
Kuragehime and Wandering son have something important in common: the noitaminA anime slot. (You're kind of new here so I don't know if you're familiar with it.)

the noitaminA slot was designed specifically to make anime that appeals to a different audience than what one would consider the 'normal anime viewer'--that being kids or otaku. Most of the stuff on noitaminA ends up being aimed at women, which immediately puts the tone of them in a completely different place. I can't say I've enjoyed everything they've put on there (Goddammit Fractale), but if you want a list of stuff that is generally 'above' the average maturity level in anime, the noitaminA list hits more often than it misses.


that explains a few things
didnt know eden of the east aired there :p


Rolling Girl
Well thread is going to go up in a minute. The OVA/Movie section is reduced to the part of the chart cowboybebopfan or whatever did since screw that man.
cosmicblizzard said:
Objectivity doesn't exist in fiction.

In terms of stories themselves, I agree.

Something can have objectively good/bad animation, or prose, or cinematography, but a story itself can't be objectively good or bad.


cosmicblizzard said:
The fans on both side of the spectrum make me pessimistic about my hobby. I find the elitist monocle people who think their tastes are absolute equally as annoying as the uguu moe moe gonna bring mah K-on body pillow to the quad on campus people.
I think I have it best, I love the elitist sacred cows like 12 Kingdoms and Wandering Son, I love the visual novel and h-game adaptations like Kimikiss, I love the shounen action shows like Naruto, and I'm loving the hell out of trashy stuff like Freezing (bewbies!). The only anime I can't stand are japanese comedy and trippy shows like Trazeze. Learn to love both the awesome and the trash so you don't have to be one of those annoying dipshits who are always crying that there is nothing worth watching every season.


A Good Citizen
Branduil said:
That's not really fair, Star Driver has pretty good animation as long as it involves fighting. It's everything else that sucks.
But we are talking about Madoka. Nobody in this thread likes Star Driver.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
In terms of stories themselves, I agree.

Something can have objectively good/bad animation, or prose, or cinematography, but a story itself can't be objectively good or bad.

Yeah, I meant mainly story. Though arguments can be made for that other stuff, at least cinematography.

Aigis said:
But we are talking about Madoka. Nobody in this thread likes Star Driver.

I d.....

Actually, I guess I don't or I'd be more motivated to get caught up :(
Infinite Justice said:
if the show did something for me i would check it :/
Well I don't think you have to be interested in transgendered issues to appreciate the show. Everything else about the show is so consistently well done and the characters are so well written and realized that its hard to not care about them regardless of whether or not you care about transgendered issues.


Renmei said:
Learn to love both the awesome and the trash .

actually its a matter of time allocation
why watch trash when i could fill it up with alternatives like western animation such as adventure time and sym bionic titan.
Im a fan of animation in general, not anime.


Branduil said:
I'm pretty sure EviLore agrees with you, so can you really claim you're taking a controversial stand to agree with the forum owner?
Huh, interesting.
icarus-daedelus said:
It's like in default Holocaust movie mode the entire time. Feels like cheating.
Do you consider real-life stories where nothing but bad things happen 'fake'?

Obviously, I agree that, in theory, works that pull such stunts (and there are a few) have inherent problems. Cheap emotional manipulations is bad when it's unearned.
icarus-daedelus said:
I wasn't aware of that, but ok. Don't the majority of people still take the opposite position?


Aigis said:
But we are talking about Madoka. Nobody in this thread likes Star Driver.
I like Star Driver, but I watch a *lot* of things I don't talk about. Many of them are far worse--trust me, Star Driver isn't that bad.

(And I'm not going to talk about the other things I watch, because people have a habit in this thread to want to watch bad things as soon as someone says they're bad.)


I can't really buy the complaint about NTHT having poor character development. Almost all of the important characters have legitimate arcs of characterization. The only thing I'd consider poor is
we're never shown why Abelia remains loyal to Hamdo despite his clear insanity. You can theorize love, but Hamdo is never lovable at any point in the show.

Aigis said:
Well considering both of those describe it pretty well, I'd say he is!

You can probably count the number of anime series in history with better pacing than Madoka on two hands. Seriously, if there's one thing it's gotten almost perfectly right, it's pacing.
JKTrix said:
I like Star Driver, but I watch a *lot* of things I don't talk about. Many of them are far worse--trust me, Star Driver isn't that bad.

Star Driver isn't so much bad as it is average, in my opinion. I think it really only attracts so much negativity because it had the potential to be amazing and wound up being nothing particularly special.


icarus-daedelus said:
Okay... so the entire premise of 'transgender drama' puts you off, but you want to be convinced to watch it anyway? Can't get my head around that reasoning.

well when everyone is going on about how good it is


KuwabaraTheMan said:
Star Driver isn't so much bad as it is average, in my opinion. I think it really only attracts so much negativity because it had the potential to be amazing and wound up being nothing particularly special.

Remember when we were hyping it up to be Utena with robots. Sigh.
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