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Winter 2010 Anime Thread: Wandering Son & All the Other Crap

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Madoka Magica 1

For a magical girl show, this was surprinsingly kinda awesome. Having music by Yuki Kajiura really helps too.

Wide faces sure are wiiide, though.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
trejo said:
Madoka Magica 1

For a magical girl show, this was surprinsingly kinda awesome. Having music by Yuki Kajiura really helps too.

hOLY shit how did I not notice this

This went from "will watch" to "MUST WATCH".


I think it kinda looks weird cuz it looked like they just photoshopped a black rectangle on it. Like, the left side has exactly the same shading as the right, it feels.

EDIT: Actually, the whole eye is like that. But I guess it's less noticeable when the objects in the eye aren't very long length-wise.


Beelzebub 1

W-what the hell did I just watch?

Animation's kinda shitty but there's a lot of potential for awesomeness here.


Legendary Warrior said:
Kind of an odd style choice. Guess it's been pretty effective at setting her apart, though.
It doesn't really set her apart, though. It just makes her look like sage-mode Naruto and is really distracting. I couldn't focus on anything else happening whenever her eyes were shown prominently on screen since I was too busy wondering what the hell was going on there.
Madoka Magica 01 - I agree, that was pretty interesting. I like the near-future setting, all that glass-walled architecture is unique stuff for anime. They put some effort into the architecture of this series, for sure. I'm not so sure I like the odd character faces (they're so ... square or something), but the backgrounds make up for that.

The first couple of minutes reminded me of .hack//Sign crossed with Black Rock Shooter, stylistically, or something like that... pretty cool stuff. Then came the glass-walled architecture, and then the full-blown unexpected-even-though-people-had-said-it-was-unique awesomeness of the last part. That was so crazy, visually, awesome stuff. :lol This has got to be one of the most visually unique magical girl shows ever...

As for the story, it was okay. Not amazing, but enough to make me want to keep watching, which is good enough I think. Characters seem decent as well, if not exactly original.

(looks up Yuki Kajiura)... Huh, so the music's by the same composer as .hack//Sign, as well? Maybe that's part of why I was reminded of it at the beginning. :) That and the visual style of focusing attention with shots of interesting and unique environments, hack sign did a lot of that and I saw some of it in Madoka Magica too.

Gosick 01 - And again I agree, this was boring. It wasn't bad, really, just dull, predictable, and generic. I know someone mentioned this, but really, it's the kind of thing that bothers me so, so much... why is this "European" school so Japanese? Everything about this school is Japanese, and just about nothing is Western. Come on, put at least a LITTLE bit of effort into your setting... no, I won't just accept that anime only very, very rarely does any of that, it always bothers me. :( Also, this is set in the 1920s, right? The 1920s were the flapper era, not the goth loli era.

As for the actual show... generic. Boring.

Legendary Warrior said:
I haven't read the light novels either, but I'm sure if they ever made a season 2 or whatever, she'd come back somehow. I mean, she's the main heroine.
Yeah, I agree that it'd be hard to imagine them continuing it without her, as you say she's the main heroine... so yeah, I'd also be surprised if she didn't come back if they made a followup, unless the novels and anime follow different storylines, in which case they could do anything.

I thought the last episode was pretty decent, although they did a bad job actually building up to it and I thought that spoiled it somewhat. As for the series in general, I enjoyed it for what it was, but yeah, it definitely didn't have a good plot or anything.

Yeah, that's true, the rest of the show before it wasn't much like the last episode or two... didn't do a good job of setup at all, I agree. I know some animes like to switch quickly from comedy to serious (Mahoromatic...), but that was as bad as I've seen. On its own though it was a pretty good episode, easily the series' best. It didn't do anything to fix the bad plot though, it just gave it a conclusion... and it left a lot of things hanging at the end, there's no resolution for almost anything other than "the bad guys were defeated". Oh well.

mAcOdIn said:
Well, he's not really normal either, he's stronger than a usual guy and there's a scientific reason for that, one could take or leave that, but he's not really super powered. I don't remember if he blocked a tank shell, if it was really a tank shell and not a smoke canister, or if whatever was shot he actually blocked or just "deflected," I don't remember. But he's definitely not "normal" but I didn't think he was really God tier or anything either. Also, I always figured the whole blue lamp thing was a psychological thing for both sides, as I figure you have to mentally prepare yourself to face down a tank on foot and ignore danger and if it intimidates the other side as well, well that's a bonus.

Hmm. Well I hope that that's all the light is, and I agree that if that is it that it clearly works... as for that cape though, I'd have to watch it again I guess.

I never let it go. Ever.
I'm the same way for some things in anime, so sure, I understand. :)

As for Samurai Girls, no I haven't bothered with the last episode yet. I'm glad to hear some of my predictions didn't end up coming true, means I underestimated them slightly, but ultimately it was such a shitty show I really don't feel like ever getting around to it. Especially now that I started my Mushi-shi discs and got Nier, Infamous, 3d Dot Heroes for the PS3 and Borderlands for the PC, I actually have stuff to play now, I am a gamer too after all. Samurai Girls just moved way to the bottom of the ladder, though it may one day return as I'm already halfway through Mushi-shi and this season looks to continue the cycle of suck. Honestly, once it became all too apparent that the only reason I even bothered watching it was so I could come back and rage about how stupid it was I really haven't felt like going back.

You really should watch the last episode. I wouldn't have said that about much of the show before that, but as you are on the last episode, and the last episode is the best one of the series by a good margin, really, watch it. It's only 25 minutes or whatever. I put off watching it for a while too, as I said, but when I finally did get around to it a few days ago, I actually kind of regretted it because it was actually pretty cool, particularly visually but also in terms of the fights and resolution, to the main plot of stopping the bad guys anyway (if not other things, as I said above).

I'd never recommend watching it over a fantastic show like Mushi-shi, but do watch it soon. It'll probably be worth it. :) ("probably because everyone's tastes are going to be different, but I at least thought that as far as this show went it was the best episode... and the visual styles, like the black and white mangaesque part through the final part of the fight, were just plain cool period.) Don't drop it right at the end.



Looking pretty good. Solid animation, and it's following the manga pretty well. My only complaint is that it went more with the One Shot than Chapter 1. I much preferred the Beel reveal to Furuichi partway through Oga's storytelling, compared to just showing him off at the start like the One Shot did. But ah well, shouldn't be a problem in the future.
Kettch said:

Looking pretty good. Solid animation, and it's following the manga pretty well. My only complaint is that it went more with the One Shot than Chapter 1. I much preferred the Beel reveal to Furuichi partway through Oga's storytelling, compared to just showing him off at the start like the One Shot did. But ah well, shouldn't be a problem in the future.

Ah, I knew something seemed off. That's what it was. I rarely read pre-serialization one shots.


I guess this is what comes off watching John Woo's Killer and thinking about Ichiro Itano whilst watching Macross. Now I'm mulling over action cinematography fruitlessly.

Appleseed - Just the fight scenes - Mini shotguns are cool, slow-mo can be used for good reason.

Wolverine - Watching bullets bounce off a dude as he kicks/slashes people has never looked so dull. You'd think that you could let loose with these superhero properties but I suppose you'd need some talented staff to do so.

Mezzo Forte - Action scenes only - Wow. Just wow.

My heart is lifted to see such madness. She just spin kicked him through the corridor wall, the brick outer wall and then about six stories. It doesn't even make sense, but that's fine by me. There's no need to work within the confines of physics when creating anime I suppose.



But the bowling alley scene is certainly a work of genius. I can't say that I'd ever have picked such a location to hold a gun battle, which just goes to show that I'm not crazy enough.

Hand to hand combat, the Castle of Caglisotro car, gun-fu, necks being snapped with legs, wildly firing shotguns and explosive bowling balls.

The choreography, cinematography, editing an animation are excellent throughout. So good.

I had to watch it a few times to spot the best parts - such as:


I presume that flaming body got a strike.

The difference between this and something like Wolverine is night and day.


trejo said:
Oniichan no koto oh godammit 1

Fuck this shit, Japan. Fuck. This. Shit.

This show is a plot brought about by Oreimo's and Yosuga no Sora's creators to make their shows appear less creepy by comparison.


Starting my DMC runthrough, pig sluts.

cosmicblizzard said:
How's it doing in the ratings? As long as it doesn't get cancelled and has some level of popularity, we could probably even get one this year.
Last I looked, it was above the bottom-tier crap like SWOT, but was nowhere near the top... doing decently at best. I just hope it doesn't get cancelled, although Psyren's fate worries me. An anime should help, if that ever happens.
trejo said:
Oniichan no koto oh godammit 1

Fuck this shit, Japan. Fuck. This. Shit.
I know no one reads the OP, but I warned you all.


trejo said:
Oniichan no koto oh godammit 1

Fuck this shit, Japan. Fuck. This. Shit.
I don't personally need to watch creepy shit to know that it's creepy shit :lol

Man, no-one liked Gosick. Even random people I follow on twitter found it dull. That's how poorly produced/directed/written it was.


Jexhius said:
Mezzo Forte - Action scenes only - Wow. Just wow.

My heart is lifted to see such madness. She just spin kicked him through the corridor wall, the brick outer wall and then about six stories. It doesn't even make sense, but that's fine by me. There's no need to work within the confines of physics when creating anime I suppose.



But the bowling alley scene is certainly a work of genius. I can't say that I'd ever have picked such a location to hold a gun battle, which just goes to show that I'm not crazy enough.

Hand to hand combat, the Castle of Caglisotro car. gun-fu, necks being snapped with legs, wildly firing shotguns and explosive bowling balls.

The choreography, cinematography, editing an animation are excellent throughout. So good.

I had to watch it a few times to spot the best parts - such as:


I presume that flaming body got a strike.

The difference between this and something like Wolverine is night and day.
Was Mezzo Forte the one with the
loli sex
or am I thinking of Kite? I always get the two confused. Action choreography is indeed great in both.

Kite liberator felt like a letdown in comparison. Was it even made by the same guy?
Dresden said:
Starting my DMC runthrough, pig sluts.

Last I looked, it was above the bottom-tier crap like SWOT, but was nowhere near the top... doing decently at best. I just hope it doesn't get cancelled, although Psyren's fate worries me. An anime should help, if that ever happens.

I know no one reads the OP, but I warned you all.

it may end up like Psyren (rushed to end before it got canned).

trejo said:
Was Mezzo Forte the one with the
loli sex
or am I thinking of Kite? I always get the two confused. Action choreography is indeed great in both.

Kite liberator felt like a letdown in comparison. Was it even made by the same guy?

both had it actually its just the one from Kite looks younger that than Mezzo Forte one.


trejo said:
Was Mezzo Forte the one with the
loli sex
or am I thinking of Kite? I always get the two confused. Action choreography is indeed great in both.
Well that certainly never happened, so I assume it's the other show you're thinking of.

More characters need spin four times before hitting the ground.
trejo said:
Kite liberator felt like a letdown in comparison. Was it even made by the same guy?
Ann says yes. Even so, the dude should just be working on actions scenes for everyone else, to make them more crazy and unexpected.
trejo said:
Was Mezzo Forte the one with the
loli sex
or am I thinking of Kite? I always get the two confused. Action choreography is indeed great in both.

Kite liberator felt like a letdown in comparison. Was it even made by the same guy?

You're thinking of Kite, I'm pretty sure.
From what I can remember, Mezzo Forte's two sex scenes both involve the main character at her current age. Neither actually happened, either; one was a dream (where she dreams her two male allies raping her, of course, Japan's views on rape are nothing if not despicable, at least they left it in a dream in Mezzo Forte unlike Kite's stuff...) and the other one where you think she's getting raped by those guys in jail, but actually it's just a robot clone of her they're with and then she kills them.

Mezzo Forte's sex scenes were pretty stupid and unnecessary, which I guess they realized because the Mezzo Forte DSA series doesn't have any.

jman2050 said:
This show is a plot brought about by Oreimo's and Yosuga no Sora's creators to make their shows appear less creepy by comparison.

:lol True... :)
A Black Falcon said:
Mezzo Forte's sex scenes were pretty stupid and unnecessary, which I guess they realized because the Mezzo Forte DSA series doesn't have any.

Its said they even got a different voice actor for that section in the dub :lol


Jexhius said:
Man, no-one liked Gosick. Even random people I follow on twitter found it dull. That's how poorly produced/directed/written it was.
liked it! Just in case you had any doubt about
's ability to discern quality.


Maybe next time I'll read the op so accidents like Oniichan no godfuckingdammit never happen again.

A lesson has been learnt here today.
Infinite Justice said:
both had it actually its just the one from Kite looks younger that than Mezzo Forte one.

No, Kite had one when the girl was younger, I'm pretty sure. In Mezzo Forte both are of the girl at her current age.

Infinite Justice said:
Its said they even got a different voice actor for that section in the dub

I assume they had them because they thought people expected them because Kite had had some, but yeah, it really wasn't needed... that is kind of amusing though, a whole different voice actor for those parts? With Kite of course they also released a version here with the sex scenes completely removed. Did they do that with Mezzo Forte (I mean, besides the existence of the DSA series)? I don't know.

Oh, I haven't seen Kite Liberator. Is it any good at all?


Subete no aware
trejo said:
Oniichan no koto oh godammit 1

Fuck this shit, Japan. Fuck. This. Shit.

Indeed. I felt bad for even watching this thing in fast forward. :lol

Although I found it hilarious to essentially watch a show from the tsundere's perspective. At least she knows she's being a manipulative bitch on purpose.
Besides, she's adopted, so it's "okay" or some shit. :lol

The characters look kind of creepy too - dude has super skinny arms.


I know no one watches Mitsudomoe here, but their first episode was basically an entire episode of their fake show within a show. I know every comedy anime does that now, but it never gets old. Gachi Rangers, go! :lol

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Onii-chan no This is What I Watch While I Wait for Pokémon Subs to be Out 1: Hey, could be worse. It could be Kiss X Sis.

I cannot imagine how even the people who liked that would enjoy watching this crap. The characters in here look like giraffes.
A Black Falcon said:
No, Kite had one when the girl was younger, I'm pretty sure. In Mezzo Forte both are of the girl at her current age.

was comparing both of them as in who looks younger.

Should have just said that both had sex scenes but Kite had the younger one (Mikura does look small imo).

A Black Falcon said:
assume they had them because they thought people expected them because Kite had had some, but yeah, it really wasn't needed... that is kind of amusing though, a whole different voice actor for those parts? With Kite of course they also released a version here with the sex scenes completely removed. Did they do that with Mezzo Forte (I mean, besides the existence of the DSA series)? I don't know.

Oh, I haven't seen Kite Liberator. Is it any good at all?

Yea the VO thing is confirmed by the ANN listing

@ bold: they did it as well.

about Liberator: haven't seen it either.


A Black Falcon said:
Oh, I haven't seen Kite Liberator. Is it any good at all?
Well, it's not bad. But action-wise it's nowhere near as good as the others. There's no sex either, as far as I recall, so it seems the director has dropped that shtick.


trejo said:
Well, it's not bad. But action-wise it's nowhere near as good as the others. There's no sex either, as far as I recall, so it seems the director has dropped that shtick.
Wasn't the director forced to put the sex in the others or something?


zoku88 said:
Wasn't the director forced to put the sex in the others or something?
What, the guy behind Yellow Star? That seems unlikely. Dude has like one scenario that he's interested in - little girls and older men.

Although he did do the best Robot Carnival segment. So I suppose he has talents in other areas.

Beelzebub 1 - This is actually enjoyable to watch.


Jexhius said:
What, the guy behind Yellow Star? That seems unlikely. Dude has like one scenario that he's interested in - little girls and older men.
Oh, I thought they were forced for Mezzo or something. I guess that's not the case? :lol


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
trejo said:
Oniichan no koto oh godammit 1

Fuck this shit, Japan. Fuck. This. Shit.

well he's really not her
but it seems japan is all about siscon anime and moe/lolicon..


It's like other companies saw what AIC done with OreImo and they're like "Goddamn,we're gonna find a longass title with Bro/siscon action too and beat them!"


Gosick 1

Wow, that was... incredibly dull. It wasn't bad just really, really dull. I mean, stuff just happened with no rhyme or reason. It also had the worst crime deduction scene I've ever seen. A monkey could've figured that one out.

What the hell is wrong with Bones lately? It's sad that the most defensible thing they've done in years is a little segment for Halo Legends.


trejo said:
Maybe next time I'll read the op so accidents like Oniichan no godfuckingdammit never happen again.

A lesson has been learnt here today.
Err, there's a secret we all know, anything with Oniichan in the title is automatically crap. Automatically. Without fail. 100% of the time. Coincidentally, the female version of this rule also works 100%. Also works with differing ages, if not more so. That's right, it can be more than 100% correct and in those cases it accurately predicts the exact level of suck, not merely that it will suck like the others. God help you if it has a variant of both sister and brother in the title, especially with one of them being younger, then it's beyond crap and will likely cause you permanent damage upon viewing.

So if the title has "brother" or "sister" in it it's crap, and if it's "younger brother" or "younger sister" it's really, really crap and if has both brother and sister with one of them being younger, avoid at all costs.

You're welcome.


cosmicblizzard said:
I like how everyone just trails off in their bolding of Onii-chan no hedroppedherfuckinpopsicle :lol
Oniichan no seriously Japan stop it already is clearly the voice of our generation!


Subete no aware
Dresden said:
I didn't even know that existed. Will track it down.

Also: I thought Oga's VA for Beelzebub sounded familiar... it's Kamina.

It's a fairly silly adaptation of the manga... but then again, the "real life" version of the manager is hilarious. And they got Gene Simmons to play the fake KISS guy in the duel. :lol

trejo said:
Oniichan no seriously Japan stop it already is clearly the voice of our generation!
Strikes Witches weeps for our youth!


I also think Infinite Stratos is the worst thing to happen to Japan. I swear, if Wandering Son turns out to be horrible, this might be the first season where I don't give a shit about any show.


firehawk12 said:
I also think Infinite Stratos is the worst thing to happen to Japan. I swear, if Wandering Son turns out to be horrible, this might be the first season where I don't give a shit about any show.
I don't know, I think Infinite Stratos is harmless. It panders so relentlessly, it's almost comforting. It helps that I'm a sucker for that shit as well.

Your SHAFT-whore cred is slacking if you didn't find Madoka fun!


Subete no aware
Dresden said:
I don't know, I think Infinite Stratos is harmless. It's so cynically exploitive, it's almost comforting. It helps that I'm a sucker for that shit as well.

Your SHAFT-whore cred is slacking if you didn't find Madoka fun!

Oh right, I still need to watch Madoka. I just assume it's awesome by default (maybe I need to watch the loli-Vampire show... it's the only one I haven't seen at this point).

And, I dunno... Infinite Stratos is like a wet dream made manifest. Robot fetishists and harem lovers join forces to make the most pandering and bland show ever. Although I suppose I agree that I'm impressed with how crass the show is in terms of being completely exploitative.


mAcOdIn said:
Err, there's a secret we all know, anything with Oniichan in the title is automatically crap. Automatically. Without fail. 100% of the time. Coincidentally, the female version of this rule also works 100%. Also works with differing ages, if not more so. That's right, it can be more than 100% correct and in those cases it accurately predicts the exact level of suck, not merely that it will suck like the others. God help you if it has a variant of both sister and brother in the title, especially with one of them being younger, then it's beyond crap and will likely cause you permanent damage upon viewing.

So if the title has "brother" or "sister" in it it's crap, and if it's "younger brother" or "younger sister" it's really, really crap and if has both brother and sister with one of them being younger, avoid at all costs.

You're welcome.
I know I'm stretching your rule a bit, but it seems Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood seemed to do okay, and a little while ago wasn't everyone in here talking about Oniisama e or whatever it was called?

but yeah in the context you meant you're probably right
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