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Wonder Woman and the Mystery of the Missing Marketing.

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Kris had a godtier rant on Super Tuesday about this

Crossbones randomly says Bucky and Cap starts playing the Brokeback Mountain theme in his head and has a montage in his head of all the times he and Bucky made your mama jokes and Bucky called Sarah Rogers a bitch or something. Meanwhile Clark tries to say save Martha Kent after Bruce kicked his ass and had his boot to his throat and people can't put two and two to together that he's trying to say Martha Kent, or people ignore the fucking flashback montage of Thomas Wayne's dying words being Martha, or people ignoring the fact Bruce was way more pissed after he thinks Clark is trying to pull Jedi mind tricks "why'd you say that name!", or that they find it inconceivable that Mr My Parents are Dead! would be triggered. but hey tie yourself in knots trying to say how the Bucky moment makes more sense. Tell me again, why didn't Clark give Wonder Woman the spear again when she was holding Doomsday with her lasso, .

I'd also like to add i find it amusing you describe Crossbones saying Bucky as being "tactical". But shit on the Martha moment as being stupid when throughout the film Bruce had been calling Superman an Alien, "you were never even a man" "men are brave" and only by realising that on his deathbed this alien only thought about a woman named Martha like his father and only then did he see this alien as a man who had a human mother. Only then did he realise that all the shit Alfred was saying was right. But hey, their mum's have the same name!

To summarise, The Bucky moment was the inciting moment due to Crossbones being tactical but The Martha moment is stupid because reasons!
No one cares about this but you anymore. Honestly.
So how bout dat Wondy? 2 TV spots and an Entertainment Weekly cover since yesterday is aight. Seeing merchandise all over too. Feels safe to say it's not getting sent out to die at least.


Vanity Fair weighing in...

So… is Warner’s really burying Wonder Woman? Five weeks is a long way out in movie-marketing land. Especially during the crowded popcorn season we’re entering. Let’s look at some data: according to iSpot, which tracks TV advertising, W.B. has spent $3,043,212 so far on ads for Wonder Woman. At five weeks out, the studio had spent $2,645,643 on ads for Suicide Squad. Wonder Woman ads aired during the Kids Choice Awards and the N.C.A.A. finals, and there were promotions for the film at South by Southwest and Wondercon. On Thursday—perhaps hearing the call from fans—the studio dropped two new trailers for the film, one heavy with action and another with wit. So far, at least, Warner Bros. seems to be giving Wonder Woman a fair deal. But if the studio falters in its release, it’s clear there will be an army of braceleted fists shaking about it.



I only know the release date because it falls on my birthday. I haven't seen any trailers on TV yet, which I was just thinking the other day seemed strange. I see GotG Vol2 all over the place and not a hint of WW.
So looking at the stats, they're spending more than Suicide Squad on TV ads so far.

So what's the point of this thread?

considering the article cites the same two articles as the OP, (and also suggests it's possible the spots dropped last night in response to those articles) what do you think the point of the thread is, Life?


I would watch a Vice documentary on the guys who put together these shit-ass memes.

Just sit down & turn a camera on as they narrate their process.

I bet it'd be fuckin' fascinating. The confidence on display. The knowledge that confidence will be rewarded with a ton of social media shares. The total lack of self-awareness (or design ability). The decisionmaking skills, or lack thereof.

I really want to see the one who did the TFA one. I mean it's a complete and total joke, but I'd watch a video about the person making it and his reasoning.


lol. I have done the run around with you before. Even with objective facts like me answering your questions within a few hours you'd still miss the point. It's tradition!
Bro, I'm 100% positive you've spent more time arguing about BvS than doing anything else. It's been a year. It ain't that serious, ain't ever been serious, and will never be that serious.
Feelings are better than facts?


The whole reason you have these facts is because people started actually asking questions, and other people started scouting around for answers. People in this thread, people in the entertainment press, people on twitter. The question got posed, people started answering it. Those answers were being posted in here as they were given.

Like, is giving a fuck a crime or something? This happened earlier in the thread, too - this sort of weird disdain for the act of caring about shit. I don't get it.

I mean, you can go back to the beginning of the thread and note the decent-sized number of people completely baffled that the film had either a) not come out yet or b) that it was coming out in June. It's not like the question itself is out-of-bounds, and the direct comparisons weren't so thin/flimsy that to even make them seemed foolish.

It's worth noting, I think, that as the comparisons (and counter-arguments) kept coming, people in here gradually started shifting attention solely towards the single comparison with Doctor Strange as the measuring stick (when not dismissing out of hand the possibility that the two women who wrote the articles that posed this question in the first place had some effect) by which "it's all okay" was a standard.

That Vanity Fair article puts some good information on the table! Warner Bros is spending money! Are they spending it well? Is it reaching the market they want to reach? Note that where Dickens article is looking at YouTubes, Vanity Fair's is looking at TV buys. Neither article is looking at a much wider, more comprehensive comparison of all aspects of the marketing. (e.g. the magazine covers Bronc was bringing up)

Hence the question getting posed and people answering back, giving us all a better idea as to what goes into these sorts of things.


The ultimate test of marketing. She had Seven Eleven Slurpee cups months in advance, unlike BvS which had it the month of.
WB execs are secretly hoping this film fails so they can blame it on female leads rather than take any personal responsibility, and continue subscribing to archaic marketing schemes and making shitty movies with male leads.

Corporations would always rather stay the course than be forced to adapt.


WB execs are secretly hoping this film fails so they can blame it on female leads rather than take any personal responsibility, and continue subscribing to archaic marketing schemes and making shitty movies with male leads.

Corporations would always rather stay the course than be forced to adapt.


WB execs are secretly hoping this film fails so they can blame it on female leads rather than take any personal responsibility, and continue subscribing to archaic marketing schemes and making shitty movies with male leads.

Corporations would always rather stay the course than be forced to adapt.

Pretty much.


I would watch a Vice documentary on the guys who put together these shit-ass memes.

Just sit down & turn a camera on as they narrate their process.

I bet it'd be fuckin' fascinating. The confidence on display. The knowledge that confidence will be rewarded with a ton of social media shares. The total lack of self-awareness (or design ability). The decisionmaking skills, or lack thereof.
I would kill to see a doc like that.
WB execs are secretly hoping this film fails so they can blame it on female leads rather than take any personal responsibility, and continue subscribing to archaic marketing schemes and making shitty movies with male leads.

Corporations would always rather stay the course than be forced to adapt.

WB execs also went forward with announcing Gotham City Sirens and Batgirl, with directors and writers attached...
If they're spending less on marketing it's probably because they believe the movie is not going to be a hit (probably testing poorly) and they want to cut their losses.


I would watch a Vice documentary on the guys who put together these shit-ass memes.

Just sit down & turn a camera on as they narrate their process.

I bet it'd be fuckin' fascinating. The confidence on display. The knowledge that confidence will be rewarded with a ton of social media shares. The total lack of self-awareness (or design ability). The decisionmaking skills, or lack thereof.
Yes, this would be fascinating and likely hilarious.

What an idiotic comparison.

From the minds that bring us Youtube comments, most likely.
To be fair, I dont think that has happened with Ghost in the Shell, has it? (Which btw. flopped despite humongous marketing)
Maybe movie studios are over that point after hunger games, lucy etc.

They opted to blame people complaining about whitewashing instead... not their act of whitewashing... the people complaining about it.


They opted to blame people complaining about whitewashing instead... not their act of whitewashing... the people complaining about it.
That movie had a diverse cast, more so then most blockbuster movies. Scarlett's casting comes with a twist and it could be seen as meta commentary that every bad guy in the movie is white and they create a Übermensch in the form of Scarlo, of course being white.
stripping her from not only her past memories/ life but also from her identity as an Asian women

on topic: I hope this movie is good and the reason for the lack of marketing is that they plan for good word of mouth .... yeah :(


I would watch a Vice documentary on the guys who put together these shit-ass memes.

Just sit down & turn a camera on as they narrate their process.

I bet it'd be fuckin' fascinating. The confidence on display. The knowledge that confidence will be rewarded with a ton of social media shares. The total lack of self-awareness (or design ability). The decisionmaking skills, or lack thereof.

I am now imagining this to be how you are when you are writing your posts. I'd watch a Vice doc on that


Someone explain it to me like I am 5 how the two scenes aren't the exact same thing happening.

BVS: Batman has boot to Superman's neck. Superman pleads for life of Martha Kent, you know that thing he was actually fighting about from the beginning. Audience and Batman only hear Martha. Batman is angry and confused and then undergoes some sort of PTSD flashback that reminds him of why he does what he does and he realises how out of character he has been throughout the film

CW: Cap has Crossbones in his clutches. Crossbones randomly says Bucky either fuck it just because or to play some Jedi mind trick. Cap internally is like "why'd you say that name!". Allows Crossbones to get the drop on him in an out of character fashion.

I see a lot of circle jerk of "lol Bleepey. Such a BVS Stan" but very little of "lol Bleepey. Here's why you're wrong"


Someone explain it to me like I am 5 how the two scenes aren't the exact same thing happening.

BVS: Batman has boot to Superman's neck. Superman pleads for life of Martha Kent, you know that thing he was actually fighting about from the beginning. Audience and Batman only hear Martha. Batman is angry and confused and then undergoes some sort of PTSD flashback that reminds him of why he does what he does and he realises how out of character he has been throughout the film

CW: Cap has Crossbones in his clutches. Crossbones randomly says Bucky either fuck it just because or to play some Jedi mind trick. Cap internally is like "why'd you say that name!". Allows Crossbones to get the drop on him in an out of character fashion.

I see a lot of circle jerk of "lol Bleepey. Such a BVS Stan" but very little of "lol Bleepey. Here's why you're wrong"

You litterally just wrote out the differences. One resolves the central conflict of the movie on the coincidence that both protagonists mothers names are the same , the other is a way to stall for 10 seconds so he can blow them up by naming a guy he knows to be Cap's friend. The latter doesnt rely on Crossbones and Cap both knowing a different Bucky and sharing a moment over it. If the entire conflict of Civil War was resolved by this exchange, then it'd get much the same response as Martha, except it'd somehow still be more sensible.

These are not the same because a name is uttered, just like a burger ain't a panini couse they both contain bread. You don't need shitty 4chan memes to see that.


You litterally just wrote out the differences. One resolves the central conflict of the movie on the coincidence that both protagonists mothers names are the same , the other is a way to stall for 10 seconds so he can blow them up by naming a guy he knows to be Cap's friend. The latter doesnt rely on Crossbones and Cap both knowing a different Bucky and sharing a moment over it. If the entire conflict of Civil War was resolved by this exchange, then it'd get much the same response as Martha, except it'd somehow still be more sensible.

These are not the same because a name is uttered, just like a burger ain't a panini couse they both contain bread. You don't need shitty 4chan memes to see that.

One was an inciting incident the other resolved a fight? That and saying "Crossbones randomly saying Cap's bff name in hope he's be distracted" makes more sense than "that guy who started fighting a dude to save his mother's life, saying on his deathbed pleading with his executioner to save his mother's life and the sole reason he is fighting is stupid" . I'm sorry I can't take that argument seriously. They are at best, the exact same thing and if honest the Bucky moment is stupider.


WB execs are secretly hoping this film fails so they can blame it on female leads rather than take any personal responsibility, and continue subscribing to archaic marketing schemes and making shitty movies with male leads.

Corporations would always rather stay the course than be forced to adapt.
If that was their secret hope, why make the movie in the first place?


These are not the same because a name is uttered, just like a burger ain't a panini couse they both contain bread. You don't need shitty 4chan memes to see that.

Well, see, that's where you're wrong, because that's exactly how he thinks. I have history with this guy and there are numerous times where his argument basically boils down to finding a single strand of commonality and using that as proof that people are hypocrites or applying a doublestandard when it comes to BvS.

Off the top of my head, he legitimately doesn't seem to see how Snyder's Batman and Nolan's Batman regard for killing is distinct just because of the fact that both have killed, nor does he see a difference between the narrative effectiveness of Zemo's plan and Lex Luthor's just because they're both highly convoluted and not entirely logically coherent, and now he is genuinely confused by what the difference between the Martha scene and this is. I could probably name more, but he has repeatedly shown he has no regard for context or purpose or placement or motivation. If he finds a single commonality, no matter how superficial, then it's as good as basically the same thing to him and he's confused why people mock him for saying so.

But just as a warning, he's also lying. He's not actually inviting you to actually have a discussion so you can get your point across. I can guarantee you that his first reply is going to be to dismiss everything you just said, because he also considers himself the sole arbiter of an objective viewing of the film. His rhetoric is constantly that everyone who disagrees with his view is not only wrong, but silly and even a little too stupid to get it and making reaching arguments that he thinks he's disproving with a casual wave of his hand. Trust me, I've been part of this song and dance plenty of times. I don't say this to mean "don't engage with him", because that's up to you. I'm just saying it so you know what your getting into.

One was an inciting incident the other resolved a fight? That and saying "Crossbones randomly saying Cap's bff name in hope he's be distracted" makes more sense than "that guy who started fighting a dude to save his mother's life, saying on his deathbed pleading with his executioner to save his mother's life and the sole reason he is fighting is stupid" . I'm sorry I can't take that argument seriously. They are at best, the exact same thing and if honest the Bucky moment is stupider.

Ha! Did I call it or what.


One was an inciting incident the other resolved a fight? That and saying "Crossbones randomly saying Cap's bff name in hope he's be distracted" makes more sense than "that guy who started fighting a dude to save his mother's life, saying on his deathbed pleading with his executioner to save his mother's life and the sole reason he is fighting is stupid" . I'm sorry I can't take that argument seriously. They are at best, the exact same thing and if honest the Bucky moment is stupider.
Its not about making an objective statement as to which works best, i tried telling you what i thought of their differences like you were 5. Like you asked, hence the food metaphor. Even if Bucky/Cap is dumber, as you say, its hardly important to the rest of the movie. Bats and supes Martha bit is the most important point of conflict resolution - if you buy it, the movie works, if it doesn't, the movie collapses. I think thats important to keep in mind.

I think its great you love the movie, you do you, i just can't imagine why'd you turn to 4chan and passing similarities to marvel stuff to seek validation. But Yea, between Messo's and Veelks perspectives, I think i'm gonna bow out.


Its not about making an objective statement as to which works best, i tried telling you what i thought of their differences like you were 5. Like you asked, hence the food metaphor. Even if Bucky/Cap is dumber, as you say, its hardly important to the rest of the movie. Bats and supes Martha bit is the most important point of conflict resolution - if you buy it, the movie works, if it doesn't, the movie collapses. I think thats important to keep in mind.

I think its great you love the movie, you do you, i just can't imagine why'd you turn to 4chan and passing similarities to marvel stuff to seek validation. But Yea, between Messo's and Veelks perspectives, I think i'm gonna bow out.

I have said many times there's nothing wrong with not liking the movie. My point has always been you can't criticise one movie for doing the exact same thing whilst shitting on the other. At this point it's like two people both serving sandwiches both using pretty much the same ingredients and now you're just bitching about how one was cut and how the fillings were layered.


Oh good, movie conspiracy theory image macros. Last movie conspiracy image I remember seeing was a doozy.

Suddenly a whole lot of things about why I disliked TFA make sense to me...

Actually no, but it was still funny to see, especially since Rey will probably drop her big black staff in the next movie.

El Topo

Oh good, movie conspiracy theory image macros. Last movie conspiracy image I remember seeing was a doozy.

I can already see the conspiracy theories for TLJ:
"Rey seeks the wisdom of a hero-turned-cuck to learn that the separation of light and darkness is wrong. Black has to join (read: enter) white. The only truth the old beta knows, as he says. By choosing a beloved hero, the movie makers try to persuade viewers that this is right, i.e. that white women shall join black men."

(Good God, the picture you posted always cracks me up. I really, really hope there are no people that legitimately believe shit like that.)


One was an inciting incident the other resolved a fight? That and saying "Crossbones randomly saying Cap's bff name in hope he's be distracted" makes more sense than "that guy who started fighting a dude to save his mother's life, saying on his deathbed pleading with his executioner to save his mother's life and the sole reason he is fighting is stupid" . I'm sorry I can't take that argument seriously. They are at best, the exact same thing and if honest the Bucky moment is stupider.
And this is why people don't go "Bleepey, this is why you're wrong..." anymore. You're willfully obtuse.


WB execs are secretly hoping this film fails so they can blame it on female leads rather than take any personal responsibility, and continue subscribing to archaic marketing schemes and making shitty movies with male leads.

Corporations would always rather stay the course than be forced to adapt.

This is really dumb.

Rey and Star Wars already opened the door, it's not suddenly gonna close itself.

Also, they probably want to emulate the Deadpool formula.

Get a decent movie, with decent budget for its production values, and hope it's enough, cut losses by not spending hundreds of millions in marketing while also not damaging the brand like BVS and SS did.
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