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Worst Trends To Ever Catch On

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I found this on Urban Dictionary regarding neon sunglasses:

1. neon sunglasses

A plastic pair of sunglasses that have large neon colored frames and black lenses. They are the new rage for late teen to early twenty year old's who think they're the best thing since sliced bread. You can see people wearing them in groups, usually to signify that they ARE on top of the new fad. Usually worn well with Converse or Vans shoes along with a fresh Ed Hardy or Tapout branded t-shirt.

Frequent users of these green, pink, yellow, blue sunglasses include:
-airheaded sorority girls
-douchebags who are trying to fit in when really they are making themselves look even more foolish
-any person with an extraordinarily small amount of self esteem
-those people from high school that always knew what the latest fad was, even before it came out.
-meathead frat guys
Airhead slut 1: Like, do you have any more of those neon sunglasses? That random guy who I had sex with last night took them.

Airhead slut 2: No, but I'll pick some more up from the dollar store when I go to get my herpes cream.

way more

Gluten allergy. When did this bullshit become so popular? Oh yeah, when Atkin's came out.

Fucking customers requesting gluten-free and then ordering a beer or cake.


mac said:
Gluten allergy. When did this bullshit become so popular? Oh yeah, when Atkin's came out.

Fucking customers requesting gluten-free and then ordering a beer or cake.

At first I thought you were talking about Coeliac Disease... but that just sounds dumb. :lol


The internet and anonymity causing everyone to act like assholes in ways which would never fly in real life. Also, hyperbole.


mac said:
Gluten allergy. When did this bullshit become so popular? Oh yeah, when Atkin's came out.

Fucking customers requesting gluten-free and then ordering a beer or cake.
My mom is "gluten sensitive". It's really annoying going to a restaurant with her.


This is not a world wide trend, but something confined to a very special sub-culture of people where I grew up. We call them "soss", and are basically kids from rich families that dress in expensive and weird trends.

The worst example of a soss I've seen was a boy with a pink one-piece, UGG boots, huge bumblebeen sunglasses, Bandana with halflong blond hair pulled back by it and skin made orange by som kind of cream that is popular. And this was in the summer. This is the most extreme case, but seeing boys with ugg boots, or girls with ridiculous amounts of brown cream is surprisingly common.

Also, Russ Busses. A russ is a kid that is celebrating end of high school, and wears red pants like this:

During the month this celebration lasts, many russ invests in pimped up busses and drive them around partying most days. (Note: this is BEFORE the exams.) However, the extreme materialism of these busses, and the stupid competition put me off much of the celebration. (I had several friends that where deeply involved in the drama and economy.)

Here is a typical russ buss:

Some more info for the interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russ
And a movie of the partying: http://vimeo.com/6473275

Davey Cakes

TheExodu5 said:
My mom is "gluten sensitive". It's really annoying going to a restaurant with her.
I feel for her, since I'd hate to be "gluten sensitive." Gluten is the kicker that makes a lot of food (most especially bread) taste better.

Gluten-free bread is similar to vegan "meatballs." Tastes like cardboard.


I work in a call center, and while I am in the USA, we do have sites doing business in India. Now, I get wanting to do business with someone in the same country as you. I even get that with a bad connection an offshore rep might be hard to understand. But when someone comes on the line and tells me that "Them furriners can't never speak no proper English," I am strongly tempted to ship their call back to India.
In short, people who live in glass houses shouldn't freaking call me.

EDIT: Also the whole trend of non-religious people bagging on Religion, and the religious people bagging on Evolution/Big Bang/Whatever. Can we please just all be adults and agree to let other people have their own beliefs?
.JayZii said:
The internet and anonymity causing everyone to act like assholes in ways which would never fly in real life. Also, hyperbole.

That isn't a trend. Give everyone in a group a mask (hell you dont even need masks if you get a big enough group) and they will act like assholes and be capable of committing terrible inhumane crimes.

It is basic human psychology, not a trend.


RetroGamer42 said:
EDIT: Also the whole trend of non-religious people bagging on Religion, and the religious people bagging on Evolution/Big Bang/Whatever. Can we please just all be adults and agree to let other people have their own beliefs?

Yeah man screw facts and truth. Everyone should just believe whatever so when they are in a position to influence people's lives they can do anything under the guise of faith in their beliefs! Sounds like a recipe for success to me!

I don't mean to derail the thread so I'll just say that the religious apologist trend is pretty terrible.


charlagame said:
all the stuttering in music lately. sure its catchy but not everysong needs it.
True. It's another Tired Old Dance Music Cliche™ that pop is borrowing. This bullshit died in the early 2000s along with auto-tune. They're all forced, creatively bankrupt trends that nobody really likes.

The Troutman Vocoder, gated snares, no mids, etc. are all due to come back right around now.
RetroGamer42 said:
Also the whole trend of non-religious people bagging on Religion, and the religious people bagging on Evolution/Big Bang/Whatever. Can we please just all be adults and agree to let other people have their own beliefs?

I must point out that not all ideas/opinions are equally valid.
mac said:
Gluten allergy. When did this bullshit become so popular? Oh yeah, when Atkin's came out.

Fucking customers requesting gluten-free and then ordering a beer or cake.
This is definitely stupid. Seems like a lot of people think gluten is actually bad for you, not realising it's just an allergy some have.


RetroGamer42 said:
Can we please just all be adults and agree to let other people have their own beliefs?

I don't want muppet bullshit about a supernaturally created world being taught in public schools. I think I'm on the adult side of that argument.


Obsessed said:
That isn't a trend. Give everyone in a group a mask (hell you dont even need masks if you get a big enough group) and they will act like assholes and be capable of committing terrible inhumane crimes.

It is basic human psychology, not a trend.
Which is facilitated by recent trends such as internet message boards and comment systems.

Dollar Yen

Neo Member
Yasae said:
True. It's another Tired Old Dance Music Cliche™ that pop is borrowing. This bullshit died in the early 2000s along with auto-tune. They're all forced, creatively bankrupt trends that nobody really likes.

- that and synthesizers whored out in every popular song these days. Dance today pretty much is crap. There's no effort now.
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