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Would you want a remastered Mass Effect trilogy?


I've waiting this since February the 20th of 2013. This and a Black HD since 2006. What on Earth, EA? Why do you hate my money?

Codes 208

Gold Member
It's always crazy to me how much the ending impacts people view of 3.

3 had Mordins sacrifice, Tali's suicide after the destruction of her people, GOAT Javik/the revelations concerning his people, and Thane's badass death right off the top of my head. The journey was more than worth the price of entry.
This one is actually preventable. Its not just a choose her or choose legion and the geth, there is a third option to spare both which I consider the true choice.
No. Make new IP's / games.
After andromeda and anthem...I dont trust bioware to make new games.

Atomic Odin

I'm a huge fan but short of a full remake I think I'm alright having them on PC already as that is the only way I can have the mods which kind of fix the narrative structure of ME3.


Not really, if you play them on PC you can mod them with high resolution textures (ALOT mod) which would probably look better than what Bioware could shit out.


The ending nullified all you did and made it meaningless. The whole point of the Mass Effect journey was to make choices that affect the outcome and the way the ending was written made it all pointless.
Yeah, the point of any journey is the outcome, but that doesn't mean the journey itself is bad. ME3 had some of the most standout moments in the series. Plus, in the end, it's a video game. The point of playing any video game is the journey, not the ending. Players only play "to beat the game" when the game itself is boring and outstays its welcome. Does the last 15 minutes of a 40 hour experience really ruin the entire game enough for you to consider the multiplayer to be the only good part of ME3?

i mean, it was such a big missed opportunity and the studio had already shown how they can cash on this build ups in DAO, felt like a joke at the time. The indoctrination theory might as well had become canon to fix it. It was surreal how the ending shifted quality wise just in the final stretch.
It's unreal to me that they haven't been able to replicate GOAT DAO in any other DA since. I don't even think I have much faith in the new one they're working on.

This one is actually preventable. Its not just a choose her or choose legion and the geth, there is a third option to spare both which I consider the true choice.
I forgot about that! I remember being surprised and depressed as shit when she died. I think the option to save both was grayed out to me (there is no way I wouldn't save both if that was an option) so I just made the moral choice. Still, fucking fantastic mission. I can't wait to do another series playthrough once this collection comes out (assuming it's real; I'm not convinced it is)
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Lone Wolf

Yeah, the point of any journey is the outcome, but that doesn't mean the journey itself is bad. ME3 had some of the most standout moments in the series. Plus, in the end, it's a video game. The point of playing any video game is the journey, not the ending. Players only play "to beat the game" when the game itself is boring and outstays its welcome. Does the last 15 minutes of a 40 hour experience really ruin the entire game enough for you to consider the multiplayer to be the only good part of ME3?
Yes. I wanted to see the outcome of all my choices. We were also promised that. Instead we got 3 colors. And a Starchild villain that came out of nowhere. The ending did not fit the overall narrative of the game. It was bad, and they should feel bad.


Fuck man, every time I see another Mass Effect Remaster tread I get my hopes up for some good news..



I’d rather have DA4, but if they got a solid port studio to do it, sure. Haven’t relayed them in over a year now, and still haven’t replayed all the ME3 DLC
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Just make another good mass effect. I already played the originals.
They have messed up their latest games so badly, I'd prefer they prove that they can at least remaster/remake a game properly, before they try and take on new endeavors.
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I'd rather a remake, not at the scale of FF7R, but a lot of ui, inventory and level design need work but the vo, gameplay and story can almost entirely be kept the same with minimal cleanup.


Yes. I wanted to see the outcome of all my choices. We were also promised that. Instead we got 3 colors. And a Starchild villain that came out of nowhere. The ending did not fit the overall narrative of the game. It was bad, and they should feel bad.
Seems like an overreaction to throw out the entire game (especially post update version), but whatever floats your boat man.

Tbh, these still look great to this day
Yeah, I've been working on getting all the achievements on one (one guess as to which one I have left), and the game still looks and feels fantastic.
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Golden Boy
I‘d take it. It’s probably the only thing Bioware may be able to do at this point, seeing that everything new they touch is hot garbage.


I would enjoy an excuse to play through the trilogy again. ME1 in particular could use some TLC in terms of its mechanics. If they could insert the combat system from 3 into the first two, it would be epic.

Great Hair

No. Make new ones, and better. Stop the remaster craze. If done like Shadow of the Col. why not, but cheap upres lazy effort with different colors palette.

Heck no. The team would spend the whole generation remastering all 4 games .... ;)
Redo it in UE4, assets and models then yes. Otherwise tell me a story from the second books ending. It’s an official story from the creator of the original game’s story and they didn’t use it for andromeda because well... that story was lazily written by hacks.
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eh cool for those that want one, but i have them on pc, unless its a massive visual upgrade then meh. I would really like kotor 1 and 2 tbh they got the star wars license and those games are older.

I've never played these games and would like to but don't particularly feel like going through them at 720p/25fps or whatever they run at on original hardware.


Sure, why not. But for me it depends on how it is done.
EA should take notes on what 2K is doing with the Mafia Trilogy.
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No. I'd rather have a new game. Played and completed all three previously. Now that I think about it, I only want remasters and remakes of games I haven't played or completed for some reason.
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Yes. I am replaying the trilogy right now and the pacing and lighting in ME 1 is terrible, imo. Why is everything so dark in Mass Effect 1? There are also these dark corners in the top right, left, bottom right and bottom left of the screen that make me feel like I have tunnel vision.
The start of mass effect 1 drags on and on and by the end of the citadel I was so tired of it and wanted to get back into the field.

The bloom lighting from light fixtures is kinda annoying in me1 also.
Not really unless they do something that can't already be done with PC mods. I can play the game 4K 60 FPS already, with higher res textures and reshade RT GI etc. There's very little they could add to a remaster that would make it worth buying, short of doing more of a remake.


No. I actually like the gunplay of 2 and 3 less than that of part 1, so I have no trust in any gameplay "improvements" they might make and a minor graphical update alone is not enough to interest me. It would have to be on the level of the UE5 demo to get me to play it again..

I'm sure there are still people who never played them though, so it might be nice for them..
Ugh, the gameplay is serviceable in ME1, but it's so dull (IMO) compared to ME2 and 3.
I feel like I just run and gun too much in me1, and there is less consequence for not using cover.

Me2 still has the best gameplay, imo.


I've finished each of ME 1-3 multiple times, but the more I think about it, I'd be fine leaving the franchise in the past. I think I would rather that talent he used to a new world/universe than to continue with the same franchise.


I'd rather get a skate 3 remaster if EA is gonna hop on the remaster train. This generation is a bit long in the tooth to be doing remasters still isn't it? I get it early on, it's quicker and easier to get something out on new hardware, but we're goin' on 6 years in now, I mean, c'mon...


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Yeah, the point of any journey is the outcome, but that doesn't mean the journey itself is bad. ME3 had some of the most standout moments in the series. Plus, in the end, it's a video game. The point of playing any video game is the journey, not the ending. Players only play "to beat the game" when the game itself is boring and outstays its welcome. Does the last 15 minutes of a 40 hour experience really ruin the entire game enough for you to consider the multiplayer to be the only good part of ME3?

This logic is the equivalent of jumping out of an airplane with a busted parachute. Sure you're having fun on the way down, but you end up dying because the parachute fails to open.

The journey is important, but a game that is all about controlling the story and making choice to affect the ending, it ended up being a real slap in the face. In more linear games where the outcome is mostly the same regardless then the ending matters much less.
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I think remasters of games from 2 generations ago are mostly unnecessary - unless they had major technical issues and frame rate drops - making them unenjoyable despite being good.

ME falls under "unnecessary" cos we got the full experience when the trilogy ended. I'd rather get remakes/remasters of games from older generations - like we saw with Spyro etc.


If they scrap ME3 and remake it from the ground up with a better or actually "any Story", then yes.
Else no, just do ME1, that one was fun at least with you going down onto planets.


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure it’s needed. I played them last year and while 3 was ass I had a good time with 1 and 2, neither is mechanically old enough or ugly enough to need a remaster.


Not really, I prefer new things.

Much as I enjoyed the Mass Effect trilogy I’ve played and completed it.

Give me new games instead.
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