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WWDC15 Thread of iOS 9, Mac OS X 10.11 & watchOS: The epicenter of change.

Google Now depends a lot on you being logged in for searches and to use Gmail, Google Maps, etc. I have a Gmail account but rarely use it, so Google Now usually just gives me weather and sports scores. In a recent trip I used my gmail to book tickets and it worked automagically to give me flight and return times, weather at the destination, hotel reservations. Pretty neat. A little creepy though.


Hell, having some storage (at the very least the current 5GB) per device would be a big improvement already.

Bizarre that you're punished for having too many Apple devices and basically forced to buy storage in that case.

I sympathise, but it can't just merely be tied with each device, because what happens if you sell it and another user uses it? It deletes the allocated storage and gives it to the other user? iCloud accounts are independent of purchase.

there are some solutions they could probably implement but they'd be a bit finicky to manage.


I prefer the way Google separates things. Play Movies, Play Music, Play Books, etc. Much easier to understand for a newcomer. "oh this is where I buy books, movies," etc.

Google may separate things, but their services have terrible user interfaces. They're the opposite of discoverable.


Google may separate things, but their services have terrible user interfaces. They're the opposite of discoverable.

As a non-iTunes Apple user I couldn't even tell you what's available because they do not have a searchable web catalog.
From the Instagram of Apples Chief of French Content for Apple TV. Just in case we needed any more confirmation of Apple Music.



Junior Member
Even iOS 8, which had some pretty big changes behind the scenes, felt underwhelming in many regards because there wasn't one really big marquee feature that got users excited in my opinion.

We haven't had an update like that since iOS 4 if you're talking about pure features.

Are they introducing the Beta Seed program for iOS this year?
We haven't had an update like that since iOS 4 if you're talking about pure features.

iOS 5 brought iMessage and iCloud while iOS 7 was pretty big in many ways the most obvious being the new UI.

iOS 6 brought Maps but other than that there wasn't really much going for it that I can remember.


Junior Member
iOS 5 brought iMessage and iCloud while iOS 7 was pretty big in many ways the most obvious being the new UI.

iOS 6 brought Maps but other than that there wasn't really much going for it that I can remember.

Okay, I kind of forgot about what iOS 5 brought to the table, which was still a major update for iOS-only users. That was somewhat of an odd one, being surrounded by the death of Steve Jobs and whatnot. I remember watching the keynote for the 4S and thinking it was extremely subpar to previous events.

The Real Abed

I don't understand this. It seems like such lost potential to not offer lower tiers on Dropbox. I like Dropbox, but I'm with you, I'm not paying $10/month and I don't need an entire terrabyte of storage.
I don't get it either. I just want to store all my documents in the cloud, but not move them from their location, but I don't want to pay more than I need. DropBox would work fine if it just had lower price tiers. They could get away with $1 for 40GB to compete with Apple's 20GB and 80GB for $2. Maybe also $3 for 120GB. I probably could get away with about 100GB or so for just my normal documents. Maybe less. Heck, probably just a 40-50GB tier for a buck. That's all I want. The pros of DropBox in features it has that iCloud does not is the only thing that keeps me using it. No SymLink support, no ability to exclude files and folders from specific Macs, I don't own 1Password on the Mac App Store yet so I need to use the downloadable version to use DropBox sync instead of iCloud sync, no menubar status among other things keeps me on DropBox, but I only use the 5.6GB I've accrued over the years. If they had a tier for a buck, I'd just use both iCloud and DropBox in tandem. iCloud for iOS backups and photos. DropBox for documents. I like how aggressive DropBox is about syncing, but I hate the badges it puts on files. I don't mind a badge while a file is updating, but the green checkbox is so pointless I wish I could get rid of it. I could go on forever about my problems with both services. But I won't. I'm not holding out hope for iCloud to become my replacement by tomorrow. But at least I know if I ever fill up my current 5GB it'll only be a buck to get a lot more space.

I'm betting on OSX Redwood.
I'm guessing OS X Sonoma.
OS X Compton.
I'm still holding out hope for Monterey.

The Real Abed

I hope it's not just about Apple Music. I could give two craps about music. I own my music. I store my music on my computer and phone. I don't stream. I don't want to stream. I don't want to subscribe. Give me something I care about.
I still don't see the advantage of turning iTunes into a bunch of different apps. I feel like it would just add more confusion without much of a benefit.

The ability to use Handoff, to turn the iTunes Library into something that can be much more easily accessed by third-party apps through official APIs, generally being able to dogfood whatsoever (iTunes has a totally separate audio/video solution from the built-in OS X one because their development is so incredibly separated from each other).
Huh? 9to5Mac leaked pretty much the entire conference...

They had a similar big roundup last year but still missed plenty of stuff. Gurman's great, much respect to him as a reporter on the Apple beat, but he certainly doesn't get everything.


Apple Maps today isn't as good as google maps from 5 year ago. I don't expect much from an information service from apple that doesn't rely on Google

I never use Apple Maps because I feel like for some reason it just won't be as accurate as Google's offering. Especially going to NYC a few days ago having proper transit directions definitely kept me from getting lost.

Apple has amazing hardware and a smooth as hell OS but they are really starting to lag behind in terms of their native apps. Photos was probably my favorite but now Google's new photo app gives that a run for it's money too.
Apple Maps today isn't as good as google maps from 5 year ago. I don't expect much from an information service from apple that doesn't rely on Google

Google Now and the semantic Google Search stuff are great, yeah, but the Apple Watch is finally a hardware product that gives Apple a genuine incentive to git gud at proactive information display (as well as voice-based interaction, for that matter) as the primary way of interacting with something.


I'm sure he means at the time.

While I don't even use Apple products anymore, I'm eager as hell to watch this keynote with my friend at his apartment tomorrow. Looks like a good time.

Oh we're you the one that started that thread about getting an iPhone 4 a couple months ago?

Yes. I regret everything, but I don't want to be off topic anymore. Let's just have a good keynote. Hair jokes and all. :)

Mr Swine

I really really hope they announce split screen for iOS 9 (iPad) today, it's about time hat feature comes to all future tablets
hopefully your next phone will be a better experience. I miss the old iPhone 4/s form factor.

Anyways, hopefully there will be some surprises but I won't get my hopes up.

I was surprised about Swift and extensions/3rd party keyboards being announced last year. Hopefully this year they have something up their sleeves. Extensions/3rd party keyboards still need work as well, but I've enjoyed the features when it works well.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Looking forward to split landscape keyboard on the 6+ and whatever watch news there is.


Junior Member
Huh? 9to5Mac leaked pretty much the entire conference...


They had a similar big roundup last year but still missed plenty of stuff. Gurman's great, much respect to him as a reporter on the Apple beat, but he certainly doesn't get everything.



They had this last year, which is a pretty thorough roundup not unlike they have up right now. Yet do you see anything about Continuity? What about Swift, is it documented in there? Those were far and away the most important points of the keynote last year.

I'm not expecting anything of that magnitude if that promised focus on quality is to come true, but I would bet they again have something unexpected to show us.


Apple Maps today isn't as good as google maps from 5 year ago. I don't expect much from an information service from apple that doesn't rely on Google
Generally agree, but I do find the turn-by-turn navigation interface/voice far superior on iOS; definitely think Google could put some more work into that aspect of Maps.


Apple has paid particular attention to ensuring that iOS 9 runs well on A5 devices such as the 2011 iPhone 4s and 2012 iPad mini.

If true, great news for my The New iPad. Thing had taken a pretty serious hit on iOS 8, and was about ready to move on.
The A5 just won't die.

Apple had been hiring Android developers, so It's a safe bet an Android Music app is coming. Not sure if it will be announced tomorrow though. Maybe a quick "oh yeah, it's going to be on Android as well, moving on..."


Will Apple TV get its own OS? Epicenter of change? So assuming they want Apple TV to be the "epicenter" with the channels streaming, music streaming AND smart-home hub with the homekit, it has to get an OS upgrade right?

I want to buy a new Apple TV.


I'm hoping iOS 10 retires the A5/A5X/A6/A6X, though, and is 64-bit only.

Yeah, I can see 'iOS X' being a big revamp of the platform.

Damn, isn't iPad 3 the WORST A5 device out there? Sucks.

It's...serviceable? Haha. OS animations got pretty framey when iOS 8 first came out, but seems to be fairing better with each point update. Once you're in an app/browser it's completely fine, though.
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