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XB1: Microsoft Claims that Cloud Computing Can Provide Power of 3 XB1's, 32 X360's


Trying this horseshit on Japan now eh? Just like everywhere else, it's going to turn off more buyers than it's going to fool.


TitanFall 2 will be on PS4 - MS has no say in the matter. And they certainly won't have much to stand on when resorting to their typical bully behavior. They do not have the power any longer.

A MS without power, is a very good thing. History shows they will abuse it.
TitanFall 2 will be on PS4 - MS has no say in the matter. And they certainly won't have much to stand on when resorting to their typical bully behavior. They do not have the power any longer.

A MS without power, is a very good thing. History shows they will abuse it.
But what will Titanfall on PS4 use? I can't imagine MS will let them use Azure.


Cloud is not MS only. Amazon cloud services are much larger threat than Azure. And there are dozens of others


And so far, it has equated to dedicated servers (as needed) in a few games and offloading Titanfall's grunt A.I., which was far from impressive.

It did also control the titan ai, which is quite a lot more complex. There's also that build demo but that didn't specifically use Xbox ones I suppose.

No, because it's 1 Xbox One + 3 Cloud Xbox Ones. Where is your god now?
in the cloud obviously ;)

TitanFall 2 will be on PS4 - MS has no say in the matter. And they certainly won't have much to stand on when resorting to their typical bully behavior. They do not have the power any longer.

A MS without power, is a very good thing. History shows they will abuse it.
What exactly does this have to do with cloud power? Also, what's this bullying you speak of?


But what will Titanfall on PS4 use? I can't imagine MS will let them use Azure.

why not? as long as they're being paid...

Apple and Samsung have been suing each other for how long now? and while they may be cutting back a little now at the beginning apple was still using a ton of samsung parts...

or they could just go to Amazon or some other cloud service...whoever cuts them a better deal....


What exactly does this have to do with cloud power? Also, what's this bullying you speak of?

I don't know, you're the one who made the point that MS funded the game so it wouldn't be coming to PS4 ever, what did that have to do with cloud power?

Bullying example would be indie dev release parity clause, for one.


in the cloud obviously ;)

Now I'm convinced.

I don't know, you're the one who made the point that MS funded the game so it wouldn't be coming to PS4 ever, what did that have to do with cloud power?

The funding apparently saved the game from being shitcanned when Respawn ran out of cash.

And even if they did simply buy its exclusivity, that's not bullying. That'd be bribing.


Gold Member
This is like watching a terrible blackjack game and Microsoft just doubled down on a bullshit hand. "The power of the cloud" has already been thoroughly trounced in the North American and European markets - why do they think the Japanese are any more gullible, especially given the uphill battle MS has always had in that market?

Dat Exchange rate

This perfection should have been the first post.


Coincidentally came across this on imgur today:


I wonder if they translated 'cloud gaming' verbatim, or they made up a more Japanese buzzword for it.


What cloud features does it make use of? Unless you're equating being online only to the cloud.

I'd like to know as well...

Online only can't be it though, because Titanfall already did that (along with a load of f2p PS4 games).


Not this again.

If the X1 cloud is all that it's cracked up to be, why would anyone need a X1 why not just stream the content via a PC or smart TV app ?

Systems like this have failed before, i don't see the point in spending what must be hundreds of millions of dollars on data centers all over the world when they could've spent a extra $50 on each X1 console to make it much more powerful & took the hit on it because it would be outselling the PS4 if it was.

There is nothing stopping Sony using the 'power' of the cloud either on the PS4, they could even team up with someone else for the hardware, maybe even some sort of deal with Amazon they have one of the (if not biggest) cloud computer systems in the world.


If the X1 cloud is all that it's cracked up to be, why would anyone need a X1 why not just stream the content via a PC or smart TV app ?

You seem to have entirely the wrong idea. This isn't PlayStation Now or OnLive.

Oh, ok. Looking at the picture you're right.
The article is kind of wrong then:

The article better be wrong! This would blow up all my previous calculations.


Neo Member
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Microsoft keeps lying to their customers. Granted, the Xbone is well behind the PS4 in sales. but they have shipped between 4-5 million Xbones which is no small number.

So obviously there are a lot of gullible people out there that don't mind when a company lies to them or tries to infringe on their ownership rights.


Not this again.

If the X1 cloud is all that it's cracked up to be, why would anyone need a X1 why not just stream the content via a PC or smart TV app ?

Systems like this have failed before, i don't see the point in spending what must be hundreds of millions of dollars on data centers all over the world when they could've spent a extra $50 on each X1 console to make it much more powerful & took the hit on it because it would be outselling the PS4 if it was.

There is nothing stopping Sony using the 'power' of the cloud either on the PS4, they could even team up with someone else for the hardware, maybe even some sort of deal with Amazon they have one of the (if not biggest) cloud computer systems in the world.

Azure has existed before xbox. It is quite profitable for MS I believe. Obviously, if the infrastructure didn't exist already, they would have done something different or just keep the weaker system. If the tools exist, why not try to leverage them.


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Microsoft keeps lying to their customers. Granted, the Xbone is well behind the PS4 in sales. but they have shipped between 4-5 million Xbones which is no small number.

So obviously there are a lot of gullible people out there that don't mind when a company lies to them or tries to infringe on their ownership rights.



You seem to have entirely the wrong idea. This isn't PlayStation Now or OnLive.
I know it is more than just streaming the actual image & it is about doing some of the hardware, physics & graphics in the cloud meaning the X1 doesn't have to be as powerful, it is something of a halfway house way of doing it & i would think that it is much more difficult to do that, than just stream the content, it's basically you buy a X1 & MS install a X1 in a data center tied to your system & they work in tandem, but the ultimate goal is to have the content just streamed to a display.

Nintendo has piles of cash so what is stopping them going this route & trumping both the X1 & PS4 ?

It is just like Sim City needed the power of the cloud behind it & look how that turned out.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Microsoft keeps lying to their customers. Granted, the Xbone is well behind the PS4 in sales. but they have shipped between 4-5 million Xbones which is no small number.

So obviously there are a lot of gullible people out there that don't mind when a company lies to them or tries to infringe on their ownership rights.

holy shit! Oh lord where is the world today!


It's bullshit like this that keeps me from believing in someone like Phil Spencer. If this nonsense isn't being spewn from Microsoft's mouth, it's coming out of their ass. All Phil ends up doing is wiping with 'we are making games'.

Strike 1 Phil - stop this insane marketing message, it insults our intelligence. Sony made up a lot of ground with dropping this sort of charade.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It's bullshit like this that keeps me from believing in someone like Phil Spencer. If this nonsense isn't being spewn from Microsoft's mouth, it's coming out of their ass. All Phil ends up doing is wiping with 'we are making games'.

Strike 1 Phil - stop this insane marketing message, it insults our intelligence. Sony made up a lot of ground with dropping this sort of charade.

I did not realize they had another person named Phil Spencer that worked as their Japanese representative.


I know it is more than just streaming the actual image & it is about doing some of the hardware, physics & graphics in the cloud meaning the X1 doesn't have to be as powerful, it is something of a halfway house way of doing it & i would think that it is much more difficult to do that, than just stream the content, it's basically you buy a X1 & MS install a X1 in a data center tied to your system & they work in tandem, but the ultimate goal is to have the content just streamed to a display.

Nintendo has piles of cash so what is stopping them going this route & trumping both the X1 & PS4 ?

It is just like Sim City needed the power of the cloud behind it & look how that turned out.

Whilst I definitely don't think this has as much potential as MS likes to portray it as having. I also don't think it's completely pointless in comparison to full streaming solutions. I've routinely mentioned how something like Outrun 2 lost its AI traffic once you went online, or how some games lose their online services once there are no longer enough players to justify paying for dedicated servers. I also think that physics that are not time-critical could be enhanced within online games (especially open-world). The difference with full image streaming, is that the delay gets applied to your control systems as well. This doesn't apply to MS' "halfway house" solution of just using the cloud to augment certain aspects of a game. There are many games that become essentially unplayable over a stream, so for now, we still require our consoles to be capable of handling a decent load offline.

Also yea, SimCity was some serious BS. However Titanfall, whilst not very ambitious overall, was not.

I did not realize they had another person named Phil Spencer that worked as their Japanese representative.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the new marketing instructions simply haven't made their way over there yet.
its been proven Japan is smarter than us since they are hardcore on that whole get good grades and dont fail shit
so why in the blue hell does Microsoft think Japan will believe their lies
Talk about clinging onto the sinking boat.

MS, no one except idiots believe your claim about the cloud ...... it makes you look stupid, insults your audience and diminishes the positives that the machine actually has.

Pathetic and insulting.

Microsoft continuing to treat potential customers like idiots.

It is incredibly insulting that they still insist that we're stupid enough to buy into this snake oil.

At least they should stop treating people like complete clueless idiots.

There are lots of morons who buy into this - they are MS target market. Anything and everything to try and close the power gap with PS4. Maybe they should have just designed the machine to play games instead of just be a multimedia hub? Just a thought...

Better than trying to push this agenda yet again.

ouch, let's not be mean here guys...


I know it is more than just streaming the actual image & it is about doing some of the hardware, physics & graphics in the cloud meaning the X1 doesn't have to be as powerful, it is something of a halfway house way of doing it & i would think that it is much more difficult to do that, than just stream the content, it's basically you buy a X1 & MS install a X1 in a data center tied to your system & they work in tandem, but the ultimate goal is to have the content just streamed to a display.

Nintendo has piles of cash so what is stopping them going this route & trumping both the X1 & PS4 ?

It is just like Sim City needed the power of the cloud behind it & look how that turned out.

It's not really that simple. MS invested $15 billion to build their Azure infrastructure (which Xbox Cloud Compute is a subset of). I don't think Nintendo has that kind of cash available.
It did also control the titan ai, which is quite a lot more complex. There's also that build demo but that didn't specifically use Xbox ones I suppose.

in the cloud obviously ;)

What exactly does this have to do with cloud power? Also, what's this bullying you speak of?

None of this is not anything that can be done without azure infrastructure, when it comes to PS4 that will be apparent.


None of this is not anything that can be done without azure infrastructure, when it comes to PS4 that will be apparent.

Yea, it can also be done by throwing up loads of dedicated servers, or paying Amazon or Google to offer a similar solution. That doesn't change the fact that Azure has helped Titanfall to be what it is today, and also saved it from potential BF4 style disaster.


What is stopping Nintendo & Sony also using the cloud though, if all you need it is internet connection ?


I cannot see though how the cloud will work if the X1 doesn't have to be "always" online this just like EA had with Sim City, where the servers did some of the work running the glassbox engine & other in-game processes.

I don't want to start anything off but if the cloud is all powerful why does some of the the X1 run games in 800/900p when the same games run in 1080p on the PS4 ?

Why are games worse looking on the X1 when it is apparently twice as powerful as the PS4 with the cloud behind it, until MS can actually show a game doing this, then their point is mute.


It will servers and run better on PS4...the cloud is nonsense in the way MS is talking about it.

Dedicated servers are most certainly not nonsense. PS4 is certainly not going to get Azure servers and so would probably have servers provided by EA... and we all know how well they seem to pan out...

What is stopping Nintendo & Sony also using the cloud though, if all you need it is internet connection ?


I cannot see though how the cloud will work if the X1 doesn't have to be "always" online this just like EA had with Sim City, where the servers did some of the work running the glassbox engine & other in-game processes.

I don't want to start anything off but if the cloud is all powerful why does some of the the X1 run games in 800/900p when the same games run in 1080p on the PS4 ?

Why are games worse looking on the X1 when it is apparently twice as powerful as the PS4 with the cloud behind it, until MS can actually show a game doing this, then their point is mute.

Developers certainly could use the cloud on PS4/Wii U but they won't have the servers provided for them by MS and it can be extremely expensive buying servers.

The reason games are 900p on X1 is because it's GPU is weaker, cloud can be used for computations however it's less practical to use it for GPU related stuff.


None of this is not anything that can be done without azure infrastructure, when it comes to PS4 that will be apparent.

PS4's not going to run that Build demo without cloud assistance. Neither is Xbox One, or especially Wii U. You're gonna *need* cloud for that one.

Sony could utilize Amazon or something else (I *HIGHLY* doubt you'll see Azure on PS4 for obvious reasons). If they really wanted to save money, I guess they could utilize OnLive, but seeing as how IIRC that was GPU or graphics-based instead of CPU-based, they're going to have to find an alternative.

One thing to bear in mind- Azure is in a *ton* of places. Like, I'm pretty sure you can have a great connection to it [almost] anywhere in the world (South Africa got cut from TF release, right?). Amazon, as far as I remember, is the only one that could stack up to it. So let's brainstorm; is Sony really willing to part with a *ton* of money to operate these servers all over the world for games? In my opinion, probably not- though if they could leverage these servers for other aspects of their business (nothing immediately comes to mind) that would be more likely.

Boy I'm rambling. I need me some dinner.

What is stopping Nintendo & Sony also using the cloud though, if all you need it is internet connection ?

I cannot see though how the cloud will work if the X1 doesn't have to be "always" online this just like EA had with Sim City, where the servers did some of the work running the glassbox engine & other in-game processes.

I don't want to start anything off but if the cloud is all powerful why does some of the the X1 run games in 800/900p when the same games run in 1080p on the PS4 ?

Why are games worse looking on the X1 when it is apparently twice as powerful as the PS4 with the cloud behind it, until MS can actually show a game doing this, then their point is mute.

1) As above, money. Sony's financial bottom line is not pretty, and Nintendo just doesn't have the online community to necessitate it.
2) The most popular theory is cloud features/better graphics online, and restrictions/reductions in quality offline.
3) Because there are three games that use the cloud (IIRC): Forza, Titanfall, Kinect Sports. These are not on PS4.


Yea, it can also be done by throwing up loads of dedicated servers, or paying Amazon or Google to offer a similar solution. That doesn't change the fact that Azure has helped Titanfall to be what it is today, and also saved it from potential BF4 style disaster.

Dedicated servers are most certainly not nonsense. PS4 is certainly not going to get Azure servers and so would probably have servers provided by EA... and we all know how well they seem to pan out...

PS4's not going to run that Build demo without cloud assistance. Neither is Xbox One, or especially Wii U. You're gonna *need* cloud for that one.

Sony could utilize Amazon or something else (I *HIGHLY* doubt you'll see Azure on PS4 for obvious reasons). If they really wanted to save money, I guess they could utilize OnLive, but seeing as how IIRC that was GPU or graphics-based instead of CPU-based, they're going to have to find an alternative.

One thing to bear in mind- Azure is in a *ton* of places. Like, I'm pretty sure you can have a great connection to it [almost] anywhere in the world (South Africa got cut from TF release, right?). Amazon, as far as I remember, is the only one that could stack up to it. So let's brainstorm; is Sony really willing to part with a *ton* of money to operate these servers all over the world for games? In my opinion, probably not- though if they could leverage these servers for other aspects of their business (nothing immediately comes to mind) that would be more likely.

Boy I'm rambling. I need me some dinner.

You're wasting your time I'm afraid.


1) As above, money. Sony's financial bottom line is not pretty, and Nintendo just doesn't have the online community to necessitate it.
2) The most popular theory is cloud features/better graphics online, and restrictions/reductions in quality offline.
3) Because there are three games that use the cloud (IIRC): Forza, Titanfall, Kinect Sports. These are not on PS4.

1) True.
2) "theory" where is the proof ?
3) No they are not on the PS4, but they are no better than anything on the PS4, yet the X1+Cloud is twice as powerful allegedly.

*i'm off to bed now
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