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XB1: Microsoft Claims that Cloud Computing Can Provide Power of 3 XB1's, 32 X360's


I don't want to start anything off but if the cloud is all powerful why does some of the the X1 run games in 800/900p when the same games run in 1080p on the PS4 ?

Well, to start with, there are no games using the cloud that are also on PS4 right now.

Aaannnnnd.. Once again...
It’s relevant to mention that the representative talked about computing power, not graphical fidelity, but it’s still a definitely bold and intriguing claim.

You're wasting your time I'm afraid.

Oh, I know. :p
I often post responses here just to ensure posts like his aren't all that's left on these forums.


1) True.
2) "theory" where is the proof ?
3) No they are not on the PS4, but they are no better than anything on the PS4, yet the X1+Cloud is twice as powerful allegedly.

*i'm off to bed now

Well, provided you see this later;

2) Simply, we don't have it. I'd hedge my bets on Halo 5 (*maybe* H2A or FH2) showing it.
3) None of those games actually use it for graphics; Titanfall only controls AI while Forza and KSR upload how you play and allow others to utilize it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
If the "XONE" has the infinite power of the cloud, and the power of the cloud is a multiple of the "XONE", and the power of the "XONE" is a multiple of the power of the 360, doesn't the 360 also have the infinite power of the cloud? Any number multiplied by infinity is infinity.
essentially, MS just showed their cards too soon. The Cloud(how do you guys put the TM up there?) isn't at a point to be shown, but MS, feeling backed into a corner after the gongshow shitstorm they created, started using it as their hail mary. There is no doubt that it will benefit gaming in some way, beyond what it has done for Titanfall, but not anytime soon. I see it as a Virtual Boy to Oculus Rift kind of scenario; Nintendo wasn't wrong, just waaaay to early and too confident of where the tech could lead, not seeing that what they had was in no way amazing.


Do you really think Japan would fall for this?

This is Japan, they invented Technology. They have these people called Technology Fellows... yada yada


If the "XONE" has the infinite power of the cloud, and the power of the cloud is a multiple of the "XONE", and the power of the "XONE" is a multiple of the power of the 360, doesn't the 360 also have the infinite power of the cloud? Any number multiplied by infinity is infinity.

Well... don't you seem to be misguided. Luckily I got you...

The power of the cloud is infinite, hence "the infinite power of the cloud". However the Xbox One only receives a finite amount of that power. In this case it is about 3x as much power as the Xbox One has naturally. Think of it like picking up a Quad Damage in Quake.

If the Xbox One were to be granted the infinite power, then it too would become infinitely powerful.. this would logically then allow it to infinitely power all other Xbox One's and those in turn would infinitely power all Xbox 360's, and then all sorts of shit starts going horribly wrong.

Here's another way to look at it. God is supposed to have infinite limitless power right? Now if someone prays for God to give them strength, does God then decide to then give that person infinite power so they become a god themselves? No, he doesn't. Because that would be fucking stupid. That person could then start handing out god powers to any other random they come across, after a week everyone is god (everyone who isn't dead at least), and everything kinda breaks down at that point.

tl;dr... It doesn't work like that.

They really arent going to drop this, are they?

They need to put up or shut up with this. Actually show us something relevant that uses "the Cloud".


The Detective
The "cloud" is just servers FFS!
They are no different (other than some "cloud" services being able to load balance), they can only realistically perform a limited number of loads to send to a realtime remote system and a game has to be designed to use it.

Thus counting the power of "cloud" servers (which I very much doubt they have 3x the performance of the whole hardware for all of the 5 odd million XB1s out in the wild) as part of the everyday power of the console is deceptive!

Demon Ice

I'm probably beaten to this, but they already contradicted themselves. If 1 XB1 = 8 Xbox 360s and the cloud allows for the power of 3 XB1s, then that would be 24 Xbox 360s, not 32.

Not that anybody needed proof that MS was pulling these "cloud facts" straight out of their ass but there you go.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Well... don't you seem to be misguided. Luckily I got you...

Cloudy cloudy cloud cloud

I disagree. Your reasoning is cloudy.

Anyway, it's all down to whoever can harness the best server infrastructure and then give those reigns to the most adventurous developers who will in turn use utilize enough of that nigh-infinite power to give us a rough taste of what we can look forward to seeing previews of near the end of the next generation.

I'm going back to Rez now to kill Mars again.
PS4's not going to run that Build demo without cloud assistance. Neither is Xbox One, or especially Wii U. You're gonna *need* cloud for that one.

Sony could utilize Amazon or something else (I *HIGHLY* doubt you'll see Azure on PS4 for obvious reasons). If they really wanted to save money, I guess they could utilize OnLive, but seeing as how IIRC that was GPU or graphics-based instead of CPU-based, they're going to have to find an alternative.

One thing to bear in mind- Azure is in a *ton* of places. Like, I'm pretty sure you can have a great connection to it [almost] anywhere in the world (South Africa got cut from TF release, right?). Amazon, as far as I remember, is the only one that could stack up to it. So let's brainstorm; is Sony really willing to part with a *ton* of money to operate these servers all over the world for games? In my opinion, probably not- though if they could leverage these servers for other aspects of their business (nothing immediately comes to mind) that would be more likely.

Boy I'm rambling. I need me some dinner.

1) As above, money. Sony's financial bottom line is not pretty, and Nintendo just doesn't have the online community to necessitate it.
2) The most popular theory is cloud features/better graphics online, and restrictions/reductions in quality offline.
3) Because there are three games that use the cloud (IIRC): Forza, Titanfall, Kinect Sports. These are not on PS4.

LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline. Titanfall has frame issues, low player count, no destructibility and bad AI, BF4 is vastly more impressive. Kinect sports, i mean seriously? They are exclusive because they are, nothing to do with cloud. All these could easily run on ps4 and look and run better. MS brain washing is deep.


I'm probably beaten to this, but they already contradicted themselves. If 1 XB1 = 8 Xbox 360s and the cloud allows for the power of 3 XB1s, then that would be 24 Xbox 360s, not 32.

Not that anybody needed proof that MS was pulling these "cloud facts" straight out of their ass but there you go.

I already solved this, along with all other discrepancies. Here...

Infinite down to 80. Infinite was a theoretical target before any server limitations were considered.

80 down to 40. This is simple. They removed the DRM and so are likely to sell twice the number of consoles that they were going to sell pre-180. Thunderhead didn't magically double in size and so here we are.

40 down to 3. This one isn't actually true. Firstly, as mentioned in my previous post, they state that the cloud provides the power of 3 Xbox Ones, this is in addition to the local Xbox One, to give 4x the power. With that now corrected let's move on...

40 down to 4. Wait a sec... this isn't correct either! MS never claimed the cloud would provide 40x the Xbox One's power. They said 40 times the Xbox 360's power. Seeing as they also stated that the Xbox One would be 10x the Xbox 360 in power the ratio actually hasn't changed. It has always been 4:1 when cloud enabled.

10x360 down to 8x360 then? Titanfall happened.

3x8=32? They got confused and added the local Xbox One to the 360's cloud estimation.

We all clear now?
Wait a minute....Do we still have people on Gaf who believe this shit?


Yep and they use speculation and total baseless assumption to try and make it sound like titanfall, forza and kinect sports benefit greatly from cloud lol. Either of these games would run and look better on ps4 with zero concessions.


Well I just jumped into this thread so wasn't sure if you meant on a first party level or any game :p.

MMO's don't count apparently. They existed before Microsoft invented the entire concept of server side processing with "The Cloud" and are therefore some sort of anomoly and not to be trusted.


LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline. Titanfall has frame issues, low player count, no destructibility and bad AI, BF4 is vastly more impressive. Kinect sports, i mean seriously? They are exclusive because they are, nothing to do with cloud. All these could easily run on ps4 and look and run better. MS brain washing is deep.


I'll never campaign for a person to get banned, but I'll be surprised if you last past E3.


The whole problem is that it can only unload or share the CPU load. I can get an overclocked i7 in my computer but if I'm playing games with a GTX 550 the graphics will still be subpar. I still think they are just relying on people not understand what the cloud is and how it actually benefits their console.


LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline. Titanfall has frame issues, low player count, no destructibility and bad AI, BF4 is vastly more impressive. Kinect sports, i mean seriously? They are exclusive because they are, nothing to do with cloud. All these could easily run on ps4 and look and run better. MS brain washing is deep.


LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline. Titanfall has frame issues, low player count, no destructibility and bad AI, BF4 is vastly more impressive. Kinect sports, i mean seriously? They are exclusive because they are, nothing to do with cloud. All these could easily run on ps4 and look and run better. MS brain washing is deep.

Congratulations, in no way did I imply that those games used the cloud for graphics. I just said those are the only three games that use the cloud at the moment.

Also, I'd love to hear your solution for Titanfall on PS4.
LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline. Titanfall has frame issues, low player count, no destructibility and bad AI, BF4 is vastly more impressive. Kinect sports, i mean seriously? They are exclusive because they are, nothing to do with cloud. All these could easily run on ps4 and look and run better. MS brain washing is deep.

please...you're making juniors look bad...
LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline.
Bullshit on looking terrible - it looks flat out gorgeous most fo the time and also runs smooth at 1080p / 60fps. The cloud aspect that I know about is the Drivatar support - and you wouldn't notice a difference being online or offline because that's now how it works. It collects data on how you drive and periodically sends this data to cloud servers for remote processing - creating profiles based upon your driving style and the style of other players. So these profiles are being crunched without using anybody's particular Xbox. *If* you're periodically online when playing your personal Drivatar data is more up to date and you also get more up to date Drivatars for use in your own races, whether offline or online.

Azure servers *might* also be used for hosting multiplayer matches but I honestly don't know.
PS4's not going to run that Build demo without cloud assistance. Neither is Xbox One, or especially Wii U. You're gonna *need* cloud for that one.

Sony could utilize Amazon or something else (I *HIGHLY* doubt you'll see Azure on PS4 for obvious reasons). If they really wanted to save money, I guess they could utilize OnLive, but seeing as how IIRC that was GPU or graphics-based instead of CPU-based, they're going to have to find an alternative.

One thing to bear in mind- Azure is in a *ton* of places. Like, I'm pretty sure you can have a great connection to it [almost] anywhere in the world (South Africa got cut from TF release, right?). Amazon, as far as I remember, is the only one that could stack up to it. So let's brainstorm; is Sony really willing to part with a *ton* of money to operate these servers all over the world for games? In my opinion, probably not- though if they could leverage these servers for other aspects of their business (nothing immediately comes to mind) that would be more likely.

Boy I'm rambling. I need me some dinner.

1) As above, money. Sony's financial bottom line is not pretty, and Nintendo just doesn't have the online community to necessitate it.
2) The most popular theory is cloud features/better graphics online, and restrictions/reductions in quality offline.
3) Because there are three games that use the cloud (IIRC): Forza, Titanfall, Kinect Sports. These are not on PS4.

Not so sure about that. Apple's iCloud runs on Azure. I don't see why Sony and MS wouldn't do business if it's mutually beneficial. Microsoft's new CEO certainly seems amiable to getting Microsoft technology wherever he can.


Not so sure about that. Apple's iCloud runs on Azure. I don't see why Sony and MS wouldn't do business if it's mutually beneficial. Microsoft's new CEO certainly seems amiable to getting Microsoft technology wherever he can.

While this is true, it is also one of their potential trump cards for Xbox. Weighing one against the other would certainly be a tough decision for a lot of people- though I suppose the board of directors, for example, would probably want profit, so they'd say go for it.

I still stand by my position that it probably won't happen.


Yep and they use speculation and total baseless assumption to try and make it sound like titanfall, forza and kinect sports benefit greatly from cloud lol. Either of these games would run and look better on ps4 with zero concessions.

Funny, really...certain parts of TF played like a powerpoint presentation ! Now THATS Microsoft ecosystem at play there lol.

Joking aside, rendering graphics using "cloud servers" is IMPOSSIBLE , not with the latency of current broadband internet.

Doing simple "static" lightning or pre-backed phisycs is doable but still limited and free very nigligable amount of GPU/CPU power.

Also, Cloud is everywhere, smartphones, Tablets, PC, Xbox, PS4....all of them are capable to "get" Cloud computing from "external" servers like "Gaikai" and "Azure"

Stop with the cloud BS...literate yourselves people :)


The Detective
Congratulations, in no way did I imply that those games used the cloud for graphics. I just said those are the only three games that use the cloud at the moment.

Also, I'd love to hear your solution for Titanfall on PS4.

Forza 5 only uses "the cloud" for the drivetars and Titanfall is just an online MP game with mobs (like Dota or LoL or what have you), completely possible on any old server (with a set number of servers) or other cloud (with a dynamic number of game server instances).

There is nothing about them that makes them only possible on XB1.


Yep and they use speculation and total baseless assumption to try and make it sound like titanfall, forza and kinect sports benefit greatly from cloud lol. Either of these games would run and look better on ps4 with zero concessions.

LMAO at titanfall, forza and Kinect sports using cloud....Forza is a terrible looking next gen game that plays identical when offline. Titanfall has frame issues, low player count, no destructibility and bad AI, BF4 is vastly more impressive. Kinect sports, i mean seriously? They are exclusive because they are, nothing to do with cloud. All these could easily run on ps4 and look and run better. MS brain washing is deep.

You seriously have a thing against the Xbox One don't you...?

First off, looking better on the PS4 makes no difference at all to the fact that they use the cloud to benefit the game. Respawn have said multiple times that Titanfall wouldn't be what it is without the cloud and Forza's AI is absolutely fantastic. I don't know about Kinect Sports.

Forza is a bloody gorgeous game, it also doesn't continuously download from the cloud, it periodically downloads profiles to play against so of course it's going to be the same offline.

Titanfall's grunt AI is MEANT to be bad, a fact you have conveniently ignored for the entire thread, it's Titan AI is not awful on the other hand,

And finally there's the Build demo which MS showed which very clearly showed a benefit using the cloud.


While this is true, it is also one of their potential trump cards for Xbox. Weighing one against the other would certainly be a tough decision for a lot of people- though I suppose the board of directors, for example, would probably want profit, so they'd say go for it.

I still stand by my position that it probably won't happen.

I don't see it working like that at all. Devs are likely to want one implementation of any cloud services for their games. If MS doesn't want to rent out Azure space for PS4 versions, then they're essentially guaranteeing that no multiplatform games will ever use the service. And for what? To fling a couple of rocks at Sony (who would never even notice the difference once devs started using AWS anyway).

Offers the services free for X1, then make money on any multiplat implementations. That's the only way any of this makes sense. Devs would likely opt for it as it would almost certainly be cheaper than paying Amazon for both platforms.
While this is true, it is also one of their potential trump cards for Xbox. Weighing one against the other would certainly be a tough decision for a lot of people- though I suppose the board of directors, for example, would probably want profit, so they'd say go for it.

I still stand by my position that it probably won't happen.

Old late 90's/aughts Microsoft would totally do that, make business decisions through the lens of "Protect our current business before all else". Recently though, I think they have shown signs that they see that that tactic is at the root of their almost completely missing mobile and the post PC era in general. Azure is the strongest, most forward looking part of the company and they would be crazy to hamstring it to help the relatively tiny Xbox Division.

Microsoft would be much better off doing everything they can to make Azure synonymous with cloud gaming than to simply win a console war.


The Detective
You seriously have a thing against the Xbox One don't you...?

First off, looking better on the PS4 makes no difference at all to the fact that they use the cloud to benefit the game. Respawn have said multiple times that Titanfall wouldn't be what it is without the cloud and Forza's AI is absolutely fantastic. I don't know about Kinect Sports.

Titanfall is completely possible sans azure (as shown by all the other games that have mobs) and Forza only uses it for drivetars, not the normal AI.

Forza is a great looking game
Only to people that have very little experience of great looking games.

And finally there's the Build demo which MS showed which very clearly showed a benefit using the cloud.
That demo used a ton more than 3 XB1's worth of servers.


Congratulations, in no way did I imply that those games used the cloud for graphics. I just said those are the only three games that use the cloud at the moment.

Also, I'd love to hear your solution for Titanfall on PS4.

Dedicated servers are dedicated. Not hard. 1996 called.


Titanfall is completely possible sans azure (as shown by all the other games that have mobs) and Forza only uses it for drivetars, not the normal AI.

Only to people that have very little experience of great looking games.

That demo used a ton more than 3 XB1's worth of servers.

I know Forza uses it for drivetars, that is the normal AI though...

No, it is a seriously good looking game. I have a pretty powerful PC, I'm used to playing very good looking games. That doesn't change the fact that Forza is bloody gorgeous.

Yes it may well have done, however it's a demonstration which shows that the cloud can be used to a very noticeable effect.


Titanfall is completely possible sans azure (as shown by all the other games that have mobs) and Forza only uses it for drivetars, not the normal AI.

Only to people that have very little experience of great looking games.

That demo used a ton more than 3 XB1's worth of servers.

Titanfall's AI whilst not 'difficult' to kill, is far more complex than the average mob AI in something like DoTA. They all have proper and effective path finding, team strategies, line of sight awareness etc. They can't shoot for shit, but they're not zombies.

And how do you know exactly what was required to process that demo? Just curious.


I'm surprised people are still convinced by this when the main game hyped by it looks pretty average even compared to 360.


I'm surprised people are still convinced by this when the main game hyped by it looks pretty average even compared to 360.

Once again...
It’s relevant to mention that the representative talked about computing power, not graphical fidelity

Are people not reading the OP or something? I mean, be as skeptical as you like about if this has any real uses.. but for the love of god, can people stop talking about graphics. The damn OP invalidated your point already... jesus...


If Sony believes their PlayStation Now service can offload 100% of all computational and graphics processing to the cloud and stream the rendered video output over the internet to gamers then in fail to see why MS couldn't beef up the Xbone with some extra power from the cloud as well.

I wish people wouldn't immediately bash MS.
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