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Xbox 360 owners are best in the bedroom according to new study


He looks like he's slipped a few cheap, syphilitic hookers a couple of inches during that one bender he went on by accident in college.
After establishing which console was used by the respondents’ partners to play videogames, the study asked, ‘How would you rate your partner in the bedroom?’

All this proves to me is that Xbox 360 owners tend to have partners that are A) easier to please, or B) less willing to shit on their partners' sexual performance in a research study.
Xbox Live owners are more likely to be willing to earn their red rings wings and experience hardware failure.

I exclusively play 360 games and can't play on PC to save my life


Makes sense. Why?

I have no idea...LOL

I game on my PC, Vita, and 360...am I a triple threat...or do they cancel each other out?

My wife seems to enjoy our encounters. :p

I get the impression that a LOT of the Sony ONLY and Wii ONLY fans here are younger/kids/single too though....so obviously they're not going to be that good/experienced.

Well duh. Xbox owners can play hands-free!


Well played sir.


These results aren't really that surprising.

PS3 owners never call potential partners back after the first date because their phone doesn't do cross-house calls. They're commonly heard saying things such as "my phone is just as good as a phone that does cross-house calls! Besides, if I wanted to communicate with someone in a different house I'd just use smoke signals or a carrier pigeon!" through gritted teeth while secretly hoping that every new firmware update to their phone will bring them the feature they seek so desperately.

Wii owners prefer having a quick waggle, but after a few weeks they got bored of that and now their private parts only collect dust. Believing themselves to be the most in shape group, Wii owners were surprised to find that they were no more in shape than any other gamer and that stepping up and down on a 1 inch high bit of plastic doesn't actually turn you into a bronzed, super-toned Adonis. "I feel misled", said one Wii owner. "That's the last time I buy a Nintendo console".

PC gamers have no money to go out on dates because they spent it all on SLI Titans, but boy, do they have some impressive benchmark scores to show you! PC gamers also set impossibly high standards for themselves. "I refuse to date women that don't look at least as good as Angelina Jolie" said 350 lb PC gamer, Dave, while shaking some remaining bits of pizza from his neck beard.


What if this study is actually from the future and it came about as a result of people's internet going down so they couldn't play their Xbox.


needs 2 extra inches
I'm assuming Wii owners are the least successful, seeing how they're comprised mostly of old people and kids. Not to mention, you know... .


Do you know why they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it


(I wanted to post it, but don't want ban)


So if I buy a 360 I'll instantly get women, and make them worship me when it comes to sex.

This study is very convincing.


Well they certainly don't seem to be the ones that overcompensate for something on message boards, unlike some other groups. :p


All this points out to me is that that the xbox community has a larger percentage of chav's (as its UK based survey).

Not surprised at the results as they are easier to please. You can find these classy girls in mens toilets at every chav hangout on a Friday night, giving a blowjob to a total stranger while kneeling in 2inches of piss water
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