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Xbox Live: Fall 2011 Dashboard update preview

Likewise, I pay for my cinema ticket and first thing I see when I sign into My Seats are ads!
Or if I pay my £20 a month Sky TV subscription, I'm treated to ads every 15mins. Hell they might even show me a tv show or product I may actually be interested in, gasp.


Majine said:
I payed for my subway ticket, why are there ads in the train? Bweeh.
I payed for my movie ticket why are they playing all these ads?

Really though some people over react WAY too much to advertisements some times.

Edit: Damn my movie argument was stolen by just a few seconds lol


CozMick said:
Advertising for games, deoderant, sky tv, zune, dlc, movies.....

There are 55 individual squares of adverts.


Please, explain this.

Because this comment, i'm starting to think that the PS3 fans get more ads than the rest :lol


D4Danger said:
some people count tiles that tell you about new XBLA games and such as adverts

those people are dumb

Well, while this is an information that some may find useful, you can still call this an ad; it's there to inform you about the game because it wants you to buy the thing.

If you go to a shop and see posters with newly released products those are still there to advertise the product to you; to inform you that those things are now available and you can buy them.

What really bothers me about this picture:

is that an advertisement takes the central page, the biggest square. The place should be occupied by the content of the DVD you've inserted (movie/game) or game/movie you've watched recently and would probably launched again. That way it would be more logical to have what's really important in the spotlight, and various ads/informations in smaller squares on both sides.
If ads support allow for 360 to be able to download patch that doesn't take forever like on the other platforms, then you know what I don't really fricking care if I have to look at one tile that is bigger than the other tile (that also advertisement if you want to argue about it because it show picture of the game from my game disc .. oh nos more ads!).

If they continue to put revenue back into upgrade and updating the UI and firmware then I don't really care. And again for the 100 times, if the ads bother you so much just don't auto-log into Live or better yet just use PS3.


Mr_Zombie said:
Well, while this is an information that some may find useful, you can still call this an ad; it's there to inform you about the game because it wants you to buy the thing.

If you go to a shop and see posters with newly released products those are still there to advertise the product to you; to inform you that those things are now available and you can buy them.

What really bothers me about this picture:

is that an advertisement takes the central page, the biggest square. The place should be occupied by the content of the DVD you've inserted (movie/game) or game/movie you've watched recently and would probably launched again. That way it would be more logical to have what's really important in the spotlight, and various ads/informations in smaller squares on both sides.

I'm not too bothered about it. When you cursor down you probably land on the top left item which is what's in your drive. I bet people would be crying that the first selected item is an ad if they put the drive image in the center. I already know what's in my drive; I don't really need a huge box reminding me what's in there.

What bothers me is that they are using a rotating ad for the center space. It seems very inefficient for a console interface since there is really no way to manually cycle them.


bish gets all the credit :)
there is a defense force for everything, it seems.

i made this before. It gets the same point across without being completely obnoxious. The ads make sense.


eek5 said:
I'm not too bothered about it. When you cursor down you probably land on the top left item which is what's in your drive. I bet people would be crying that the first selected item is an ad if they put the drive image in the center.

Hm, I think you're right, I haven't thought about that. Somehow I was under impression that you start on the middle square.

That said, can anyone who used Metro UI (I haven't, though I love how it looks) say how does cycling through content on a certain tab work? Say you're on a games tab, it first shows you a panel with 8 squares, but you have a lot more games. How do you cycle through them? Because on the screen posted above you can see that the panel on the right contains squares from the social tab, ie. sliding right-to-left would took you to the next tab and not to more content from the current tab.
Fixed :


Agreed in that this is how it should be, disliking the ad-based setup (especially for gold users) the more and more I look at it. Do not want.


antiquegamer said:
If ads support allow for 360 to be able to download patch that doesn't take forever like on the other platforms, then you know what I don't really fricking care if I have to look at one tile that is bigger than the other tile (that also advertisement if you want to argue about it because it show picture of the game from my game disc .. oh nos more ads!).

If they continue to put revenue back into upgrade and updating the UI and firmware then I don't really care. And again for the 100 times, if the ads bother you so much just don't auto-log into Live or better yet just use PS3.
You do know patches are like that on xbox because Microsoft limits size of patches developers are allowed to push out right?.
madmackem said:
You do know patches are like that on xbox because Microsoft limits size of patches developers are allowed to push out right?.
You do know it's still a far better executed patch system than the competitions alternative right?


madmackem said:
You do know patches are like that on xbox because Microsoft limits size of patches developers are allowed to push out right?.
They recently got rid of most of the Patch limitations I think.

Also the GoW3 beta download (around 500MB) only took a few minutes for me.
Mr_Zombie said:
Hm, I think you're right, I haven't thought about that. Somehow I was under impression that you start on the middle square.

That said, can anyone who used Metro UI (I haven't, though I love how it looks) say how does cycling through content on a certain tab work? Say you're on a games tab, it first shows you a panel with 8 squares, but you have a lot more games. How do you cycle through them? Because on the screen posted above you can see that the panel on the right contains squares from the social tab, ie. sliding right-to-left would took you to the next tab and not to more content from the current tab.

You would select the tile you want and then it would basically open up into another page. So I assume when you select the tile that said My Game or My Library it would open up to a page with list of your games. Anyway, that's how Metro work on Windows Phone 7, you select the tile and it open up another section (ie deeper into the menu).
alr1ghtstart said:
there is a defense force for everything, it seems.

i made this before. It gets the same point across without being completely obnoxious. The ads make sense.

No one defense the shitty non-game ads, at least I am not. I would also love if the ads are target to me and my gameing habit and may be someday Microsoft would wise up and learn from Amazon of how to sell things but that is not the argument here.

I think the profile should be in social just like how they have it. It make more sense. As for their center tile being big, well that is the point, they want to let you know what's new on Live so you can buy stuff. I assume those will cycle through and hopefully no annoying non-Xbox related ads will go there. Also they are showing beta, I am sure final dashboard will be different. Again, if they are smart they would make the corner tile dynamic like you have and change base on the game you have in your play list.


alr1ghtstart said:
there is a defense force for everything, it seems.

i made this before. It gets the same point across without being completely obnoxious. The ads make sense.

See, this would be fine. It makes perfect sense. Hell, it would probably be more effective too.

You're never going to get me to buy a Kinect, MS. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many "features" you add, I'm never buying it.


Why am I still subscribed to this garbage
? *unsubscribes*

I would prefer no ads in the main dashboard areas of course, but the passion with which some of you hate something like this is unsettling... ugh
toythatkills said:
Actually, that's not the case. I think you'll find that if people are completely ignoring all forms of advertising, then they wouldn't have any idea what the Xbox does aside from play games. They certainly wouldn't be using Netflix or XBLA or anything. They also wouldn't even own any Xbox games anyway because they wouldn't have any idea what was available on the system. System? What system? They wouldn't even know the Xbox existed without advertising. It's baffling that people are still bitching about adverts on a forum which is basically dedicated to spreading the word about new games, which is, erm, a form of advertising.

I went into GAME yesterday to buy a new game, and they had a poster on the wall about buying Kinect bundles. I was all "SCREW YOU, GAME. I CAME IN HERE TO SPEND MONEY AND NOW YOU'RE ADVERTISING TO ME?!" I smashed that shit up. True story.

Not a true story.

What is a true story, though, is that I was on my dashboard yesterday waiting for something to download, and so I clicked on the Gumball ad. I watched a couple of Gumball videos and they made me laugh, so now I'm aware of Gumball which is a cartoon that I would enjoy watching. OH, THE HORROR.

Funny you pretending that the ads are only dedicated to informing about games when this picture shows the complete opposite.

More than half the screen taken up by ads for movies and shows. Sorry if you think I'm bitching, personally I think it's hilarious people put up with so many ads on a console let alone one with a subscription for online play. And worse of all acting like we're the bad guys.
wassup gamer brah? can i interest you in some Axe™ Body Spray Flavored Doritos to go with your Dudebro DLC brought to you by Mtn Dew? Ride the Walrus!
while i really like the look of the new dash, i really wish the large tile was for your game and the ads were on the smaller ones... the mock-up posted above is a pretty good example.
MTMBStudios said:
A scrolling white font rss ticker at a low size font is not really comparable to a nearly fullscreen image saying BUY GOLD.

An ad is an ad regardless of how big or small it is... It is still an ad. You said there were zero ads on the XMB. Do you know what the word "zero" means?

MTMBStudios said:
Boots up PS3.
On game section it defaults to the game in my tray, not the store. Tsk, tsk. So quite literally, zero ads except the RSS feed. Then I can push down and go to my PSN games if I want and still see zero ads.

Talking in absolutes but then allowing for exceptions is an oxymoron.
upJTboogie said:
Funny you pretending that the ads are only dedicated to informing about games...
If you go back and read my post again, which you handily quoted, you'll see that I regale you with a tale about an advert for a cartoon that is present on the 360 right now, an advert that has literally nothing to do with games.

Or in other words, I'm not really sure what you're talking about.


HokieJoe said:
Ads: who gives a fuck?

As long as I can scroll past them, not me.
Jesus, seriously. You'd think they were ad-gates. Now that would be worth raging about.

*clicks games tile*
Games tile will be available in 30 seconds

Smision said:
wassup gamer brah? can i interest you in some Axe™ Body Spray Flavored Doritos to go with your Dudebro DLC brought to you by Mtn Dew? Ride the Walrus!

Do you have any other flavored Doritos? I already have 10 bags of Axe flavored...damn ads.
toythatkills said:
If you go back and read my post again, which you handily quoted, you'll see that I regale you with a tale about an advert for a cartoon that is present on the 360 right now, an advert that has literally nothing to do with games.

Or in other words, I'm not really sure what you're talking about.
You right, I did misread the post, don't know how you got to comparing a public forum with ads on a console though, not everyone here is trying to persuade everyone who comes here to buy something, half of the forum doesn't talk about games at all.
upJTboogie said:
You right, I did misread the post, don't know how you got to comparing a public forum with ads on a console though, not everyone here is trying to persuade everyone who comes here to buy something, half of the forum doesn't talk about games at all.
I was talking about the gaming side only, since that's where everyone in this thread is. At any time, about 80% or more of the threads on the first page are about some deals in a shop, a new game that's coming out, a new game that's just come out, or some other development in gaming that's been revealed via press release. Most OTs on GAF are better than the game in question's official website. It's all just advertising, regardless of the source. It's spreading the word about stuff and that's what advertising is. The only difference is that someone pays to put ads on an Xbox but as a consumer, that has literally no bearing on you. To the consumer, an advert is an advert, regardless of how it came to be.

I mean, for goodness' sake, one of the threads on page one right now is "Uncharted 3 Subway promotion info" and if you're fine with that advert then there's no reason why you shouldn't be fine with adverts on the 360.
toythatkills said:
I was talking about the gaming side only, since that's where everyone in this thread is. At any time, about 80% or more of the threads on the first page are about some deals in a shop, a new game that's coming out, a new game that's just come out, or some other development in gaming that's been revealed via press release. Most OTs on GAF are better than the game in question's official website. It's all just advertising, regardless of the source. It's spreading the word about stuff and that's what advertising is. The only difference is that someone pays to put ads on an Xbox but as a consumer, that has literally no bearing on you. To the consumer, an advert is an advert, regardless of how it came to be.

I mean, for goodness' sake, one of the threads on page one right now is "Uncharted 3 Subway promotion info" and if you're fine with that advert then there's no reason why you shouldn't be fine with adverts on the 360.
The user generated content on this forum varies too much to call it dedicated to advertising. And these NeoGaf ads and the 360 ads aren't close to the same thing, so you can easily have a problem with one and not the other.
upJTboogie said:
Funny you pretending that the ads are only dedicated to informing about games when this picture shows the complete opposite.

More than half the screen taken up by ads for movies and shows. Sorry if you think I'm bitching, personally I think it's hilarious people put up with so many ads on a console let alone one with a subscription for online play. And worse of all acting like we're the bad guys.

upJTboogie said:
a subscription for online play

upJTboogie said:
online play

upJTboogie said:
online play

Are you not getting online play?


I don't mind the non game stuff It's mostly stuff, i'll usually watch if i'm having a tea break or eating something inbetween gaming. Like they had that cool lucozade ad with Travis Barker and Tinie Tempah a while back. I notice they also have Lynx promotions regularly but i imagine that's an easy sell for most users. Attractive women in bikinis some free gamerpics and a theme as well as well as video ads for movies again which giveaway free gamerpics and themes.

I mean glancing at the infamous Spotlight section on my UK account i see.

Now in stores video: Rise of Nightmares and other games that came out last friday

A deal of the week on BFBC2 DLC

A Zune ad for 'life in the fast lane' on and a cross promotion with the release of Fast 5

Crimson Alliance ad link

Fallout New Vegas DLC ad link

Sky player ad for The Social Network now available on Sky Movies apparently

Ad for The Gunslinger Demo

Xbox Recommends: Games for people who like Halo Reach

MW3 clothing items for your avatar

An Ibiza Rocks section that leads to playlists and others things involving Plan B and Zune music

School Of Xbox video on how to review other players

And a 'ad' for how to change your Xbox to family programming

Logging into my US account

I see

Castle Crasher ad
Crimson alliance again
Kinect for Core section
Gamestop and Gears 3 offer
Red Bull The art of flight video/trailer/gamerpics/themes
Back To School Offers which include deals on Xbox/pc promotions and loads of game/music/movie stuff all school themed
X Men First Class on the movie store
ESPN ad for college Football
Call Of Duty Elite video
Indie games Uprisng section
BC2 DLC add on section
upJTboogie said:
The user generated content on this forum varies too much to call it dedicated to advertising. And these NeoGaf ads and the 360 ads aren't close to the same thing, so you can easily have a problem with one and not the other.
The user generated content on this forum is still advertising, regardless of its source. If I started an epic OT for Forza 4, would that not be advertising the game?
toythatkills said:
The user generated content on this forum is still advertising, regardless of its source. If I started an epic OT for Forza 4, would that not be advertising the game?
I don't think so, but your probably going to disagree, still these OTs on games aren't comparable to the ads on Xbox, and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest so, I don't think I can entertain the idea anymore.
upJTboogie said:
I don't think so, but your probably going to disagree, still these OTs on games aren't comparable to the ads on Xbox, and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest so, I don't think I can entertain the idea anymore.
No, no, bear with me a little longer. My fictional epic Forza 4 OT isn't advertising, then. Now, what if Microsoft paid me to make an epic Forza 4 OT, is it still not advertising?

EDIT: Well, I'll take the silence as your answer then. Instead of a) yes or b) no, you're going with option c) "oh crap, I've argued myself into a corner so I'll just shut up and maybe nobody will notice."
I like it. I wish the games tab wasn't so far or was the main tab. Can't really be bothered about ads. but man you guys on GAF will complain about/defend anything.

Hey You

I am disappointed that I see ads on the dashboard and I pay for XBL but its NOT that big of a deal.

Its not like they are popping up or anything. Most of the time the ads are something that I can buy on my Xbox (movies,games,DLC etc), but its stupid we still get ads for Axe,Phones etc
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