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Xbox One Kinect and Gameplay Video (UI stuff)

How can anyone, for one second, think that was real?!

It was the fakiest bit of fakery ever, even if it didn't include the E3 titanfall trailer.

Have you ever watched a Samsung smarttv commercial? If you have before, the entire video is fake from the ground up. It never works as well as it does in reality. Not even a little bit of how it works. Are we going to make a thread nitpicking at that or bashing them to death because of it? No, because we all know it doesn't work like that at all.


well is fake even just for the fact that he joins a titanfall session without even passing from a single menu..the character is even already running.

well transitions are gonna be fast anyway,just not THAT fast
If it's actually anything like that, then I'll be impressed.

Having Skype integrated like that is probably the best feature for me if they allow you to quickly set your status to 'do not disturb' and 'hidden' with a quick command.


And what has Sony did worst? I'm not apart of the percentage of people he is talking about in that post that I agree with but your post is just completely utterly wrong. What Sony does is what Sony does. What Microsoft does it what Microsoft does. Sony didn't lie about their system before the event, Microsoft did. Sony didn't do worst there. Sony is now charging for Multi-player which is just Multi-player... Microsoft is still ripping people off. Sony was a target of a major hack all because of something that a small percentage of users uses, shuts down the network... Apologies, has to take the shame face first, and what do they do for their customers? Give them free games, free identity protection for a year and grants them access for a full year to PS+.. Microsoft gets hacked and you get nothing. Not even a sorry or even thrown a little MS points for the inconvenience... Sony with a poor credit rating still had money and the dedication to pump out massive exclusives that can't be seen on a Microsoft console... Microsoft has all that money and rather throw it at timed dlc than new exclusive...

Stop the bullshit. Sony isn't the problem here but people are. People are the one making these statements that does not represent Sony but don't make it seem like they didn't work their ass off to have the reputation they lost in the last 7 years... It so happened Microsoft is in the same position and they are going to have to fight just like Sony against the same shit that happened 7 years ago. Please..

I think you're missing my point. Sony isn't doing worse. They're doing much, much better. But if Microsoft screws up hard, Sony can afford to be lazy. That is bad for the consumer.
Have you ever watched a Samsung smarttv commercial? If you have before, the entire video is fake from the ground up. It never works as well as it does in reality. Not even a little bit of how it works. Are we going to make a thread nitpicking at that or bashing them to death because of it? No, because we all know it doesn't work like that at all.

the difference is with Samsung and Apple adverts you get a "sequence shortened" message or a varient. Those adverts freely admit they speed it up or skip segments.

That's not what we've seen from Microsoft, unless there's some tiny discalimer I missed.

I'm sure the actual user interface will operate in a similar way to what was shown, just not as fast and with more steps between processes.
I think you're missing my point. Sony isn't doing worse. They're doing much, much better. But if Microsoft screws up hard, Sony can afford to be lazy. That is bad for the consumer.

And in what way can Sony "afford" to be lazy? Sony is not even the number 2 top tech companies in the world. Microsoft is not there major issue but getting themselves to an area that they have been ticked down for years. It's just the same as Microsoft trying to fight Google and Apple for a position they had for years. Competition is good but Sony isn't going to get big headed because Microsoft is doing worst. They've already been through that stage, and it's pretty much at this point continuing to build that trust even when your comp is down. And that includes not giving them the easy way back up.
Do people like you ever not attempt to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion just to have another apocalyptic doomsday story you can run into the ground regarding the system? Seriously, does it make any sense for people to go out of their way, with what seems like every other day now, to scare people about the prospect of buying an Xbox One? Is this what it has really come to? Scaring people? I especially find it a riot how innocent people try to act, almost as if they're somehow conflicted about what they're doing. Listen, people aren't stupid. Some will love this kind of crap, and eat it right up, but then others will see it for what it truly is. It looks opportunistic and petty. Some people just want to see a disaster, a trainwreck in the making, and will do whatever, say whatever they can to contribute to that cause. It may sound harsh, but that's what I see.

Microsoft releases a great looking video of the Xbox One OS/UI in action with Kinect, and almost immediately there's a rumor attacking that aspect of the system. It's not really a major surprise that something like this was brewing, because the UI/OS for this system has always looked and sounded particularly impressive. This video only served to help drive that point home. And with perfect timing something specifically designed to target it and tear it down is released, and nobody is going to say to themselves, "Now wait just a minute here. Doesn't this all seem a little too convenient?" Xbox One reveal: the OS and the way it worked was one of the most amazing things shown. The response? It was all fake, doesn't exist. Not real. It's vaporware. it's all a smoke and mirrors campaign. Or, even if they do, it doesn't work as nicely as shown. Family Sharing aspect of previous xbox one policy sounds pretty cool, many people like it, one of the few bright spots nobody could attack? Oh, wait, random online post out of nowhere from a no doubt fake MS employee claiming it was a demo, which it absolutely was not, and people eat it up, because it feeds right into that nothing at all could possibly be good about the xbox one narrative.

Microsoft may have some issues at launch, but is that really suppose to be a shock to anyone? People, people, people. We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing. I mean, I'm sorry, but if that doesn't send your bullshit detector flying off the charts, then something has gone seriously wrong. Microsoft, as we all know from time to time, can be incompetent enough as it is on their own. They don't need extra help in the form of absolutely bogus and boneheaded falsehoods designed to scare the living shit out of people who may be, for their own reasons, interested in, or already committed to picking up the system.

The Xbox Live team does amazing work, and has consistently done amazing work now for years. Their track record is an excellent one, even if there have been some bumps in the road along the way. Does anyone seriously believe that if there are any serious issues with the basic functions of the system, Microsoft will fail to fix them as quickly as possible? This is what they've done now for years. People call themselves gamers and yet are bizarrely celebrating at the prospect that a platform they don't like could fail, and it's pitiful. it really is. When are people going to start rooting for a healthy and competitive industry rather than rooting for failure, which may satisfy your most selfish desires, but is ultimately not good for anybody?

And, yes, as rare as it may be, there are times when I absolutely don't defend them. There are just times when I think the silliness takes center stage.

Great post

I'm hitting the point where I almost want the xb1 to fail miserably so people can see what a one console future would be without a competitor to keep them in check

+1 to all.


I'm gonna cut through the usual sugarcoating, unnecessary prose and persecution complex and go straight to the juicy bits:

Microsoft releases a great looking video of the Xbox One OS/UI in action with Kinect, and almost immediately there's a rumor attacking that aspect of the system.

It's the other way around. Don't spin it this way. Rumours about the OS being a mess have been around for ages. MS replied to this with their OS video just now.
This is not the first time this kind of situation happens, especially with DF's articles, or how after a few days of good hands-on impressions about the DS4, there's suddenly an article about how MS invested $100M for their "new" controller. Which is essentially a slight redesign of the old one just with rumble in the triggers.

It's not really a major surprise that something like this was brewing, because the UI/OS for this system has always looked and sounded particularly impressive.

Sounded? Maybe, yes. Looked? Well considering all they've shown so far is heavily edited stuff, the jury's still out on that one.

We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing.

Show us ONE example of any insider here linking the inability of XB1 to render most gamers at 1080p native with the OS crashing.
They were always two completely separate issues.

Oh, wait, random online post out of nowhere from a no doubt fake MS employee claiming it was a demo

Are you talking about Cboat? He sure does have a lot of infos and docs for someone who's fake.


Senjutu Sage has a point to an extent.

The buildup to next gen has been like watching Formula 1: it's kind of interesting but its hella entertaining when someone crashes and explodes into a fireball.

But why is there only one driver in the race we're happy to see crash over and over?
Is that driver Vettel? It's important to know to be able to answer your rhetorical question correctly.


Have you ever watched a Samsung smarttv commercial? If you have before, the entire video is fake from the ground up. It never works as well as it does in reality. Not even a little bit of how it works. Are we going to make a thread nitpicking at that or bashing them to death because of it? No, because we all know it doesn't work like that at all.

Yeah but I'm pretty sure if you were to trawl a TV enthusiast forum you'd find them nit-picking the Samsung advert and pointing our where it's fake/exaggerating. In the same vein you're going to get the same thing for an XB1 ad here (or any similar ad be it Sony or Nintendo).

And let's face it, the point of the nitpicking by enthusiasts is lamenting the fact casual purchasers may well buy into the vision presented not realizing just how fake it probably is.

So it's really not a surprise to find this discussed on Neogaf nor the thrust of most responses - similar to all the flack Sony took way back with PS3 around some of the early trailers, etc.
How can anyone, for one second, think that was real?!

It was the fakiest bit of fakery ever, even if it didn't include the E3 titanfall trailer masquerading as gameplay.
This was done by PR/advertising, with no actual input from a real working Xbox.

Yeah and the pictures of hamburgers at McDonalds also always look like the real thing? Or Mercedes cars drive through long stretches of Nevada all the time? Oh yeah... welcome to planet Earth.



Do people like you ever not attempt to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion just to have another apocalyptic doomsday story you can run into the ground regarding the system? Seriously, does it make any sense for people to go out of their way, with what seems like every other day now, to scare people about the prospect of buying an Xbox One? Is this what it has really come to? Scaring people? I especially find it a riot how innocent people try to act, almost as if they're somehow conflicted about what they're doing. Listen, people aren't stupid. Some will love this kind of crap, and eat it right up, but then others will see it for what it truly is. It looks opportunistic and petty. Some people just want to see a disaster, a trainwreck in the making, and will do whatever, say whatever they can to contribute to that cause. It may sound harsh, but that's what I see.

Microsoft releases a great looking video of the Xbox One OS/UI in action with Kinect, and almost immediately there's a rumor attacking that aspect of the system. It's not really a major surprise that something like this was brewing, because the UI/OS for this system has always looked and sounded particularly impressive. This video only served to help drive that point home. And with perfect timing something specifically designed to target it and tear it down is released, and nobody is going to say to themselves, "Now wait just a minute here. Doesn't this all seem a little too convenient?" Xbox One reveal: the OS and the way it worked was one of the most amazing things shown. The response? It was all fake, doesn't exist. Not real. It's vaporware. it's all a smoke and mirrors campaign. Or, even if they do, it doesn't work as nicely as shown. Family Sharing aspect of previous xbox one policy sounds pretty cool, many people like it, one of the few bright spots nobody could attack? Oh, wait, random online post out of nowhere from a no doubt fake MS employee claiming it was a demo, which it absolutely was not, and people eat it up, because it feeds right into that nothing at all could possibly be good about the xbox one narrative.

Microsoft may have some issues at launch, but is that really suppose to be a shock to anyone? People, people, people. We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing. I mean, I'm sorry, but if that doesn't send your bullshit detector flying off the charts, then something has gone seriously wrong. Microsoft, as we all know from time to time, can be incompetent enough as it is on their own. They don't need extra help in the form of absolutely bogus and boneheaded falsehoods designed to scare the living shit out of people who may be, for their own reasons, interested in, or already committed to picking up the system.

The Xbox Live team does amazing work, and has consistently done amazing work now for years. Their track record is an excellent one, even if there have been some bumps in the road along the way. Does anyone seriously believe that if there are any serious issues with the basic functions of the system, Microsoft will fail to fix them as quickly as possible? This is what they've done now for years. People call themselves gamers and yet are bizarrely celebrating at the prospect that a platform they don't like could fail, and it's pitiful. it really is. When are people going to start rooting for a healthy and competitive industry rather than rooting for failure, which may satisfy your most selfish desires, but is ultimately not good for anybody?

And, yes, as rare as it may be, there are times when I absolutely don't defend them. There are just times when I think the silliness takes center stage.

Your biases have completely blocked your mind from believing anything that comes from TRUSTED insiders. People want drama with this stuff. If something bad comes out about PS4, we hear about it. Do you just not find it at all possible that MS really COULD be months behind things as has been hinted at for months and months? You are upset that bad things might be happening regarding Xbox One, so what you do is choose to believe none of its true, despite proven track records from those who bring it to light. You can be skeptical about things from unproven people; you SHOULD be skeptical. But when it comes from people who are usually right, you maybe should adjust your expectations about this utopian launch your mind wants to believe is real.


How can anyone, for one second, think that was real?!

It was the fakiest bit of fakery ever, even if it didn't include the E3 titanfall trailer masquerading as gameplay.
This was done by PR/advertising, with no actual input from a real working Xbox.
Erm it's a promo for the UI feature set, trying to fit as many things in as possible and keep it simple. Thus, already released video of multiplayer gameplay to demonstrate multiplayer matchmaking/preloading.

We know it can do those things. What are people actually doubting in the video?

It's the other way around. Don't spin it this way. Rumours about the OS being a mess have been around for ages. MS replied to this with their OS video just now.
This is not the first time this kind of situation happens, especially with DF's articles, or how after a few days of good hands-on impressions about the DS4, there's suddenly an article about how MS invested $100M for their "new" controller. Which is essentially a slight redesign of the old one just with rumble in the triggers.

You're wrong here. The rumour isn't about the UI being a mess at all, but started/came out strong in here with that suggestion. Seemingly in response to this video. Then followed its own thread.

A buggy beta OS isn't big news. Network issues that extend after launch would be. The UI will be fine.


y'all should be ashamed
Do people like you ever not attempt to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion just to have another apocalyptic doomsday story you can run into the ground regarding the system? Seriously, does it make any sense for people to go out of their way, with what seems like every other day now, to scare people about the prospect of buying an Xbox One? Is this what it has really come to? Scaring people? I especially find it a riot how innocent people try to act, almost as if they're somehow conflicted about what they're doing. Listen, people aren't stupid. Some will love this kind of crap, and eat it right up, but then others will see it for what it truly is. It looks opportunistic and petty. Some people just want to see a disaster, a trainwreck in the making, and will do whatever, say whatever they can to contribute to that cause. It may sound harsh, but that's what I see.

Microsoft releases a great looking video of the Xbox One OS/UI in action with Kinect, and almost immediately there's a rumor attacking that aspect of the system. It's not really a major surprise that something like this was brewing, because the UI/OS for this system has always looked and sounded particularly impressive. This video only served to help drive that point home. And with perfect timing something specifically designed to target it and tear it down is released, and nobody is going to say to themselves, "Now wait just a minute here. Doesn't this all seem a little too convenient?" Xbox One reveal: the OS and the way it worked was one of the most amazing things shown. The response? It was all fake, doesn't exist. Not real. It's vaporware. it's all a smoke and mirrors campaign. Or, even if they do, it doesn't work as nicely as shown. Family Sharing aspect of previous xbox one policy sounds pretty cool, many people like it, one of the few bright spots nobody could attack? Oh, wait, random online post out of nowhere from a no doubt fake MS employee claiming it was a demo, which it absolutely was not, and people eat it up, because it feeds right into that nothing at all could possibly be good about the xbox one narrative.

Microsoft may have some issues at launch, but is that really suppose to be a shock to anyone? People, people, people. We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing. I mean, I'm sorry, but if that doesn't send your bullshit detector flying off the charts, then something has gone seriously wrong. Microsoft, as we all know from time to time, can be incompetent enough as it is on their own. They don't need extra help in the form of absolutely bogus and boneheaded falsehoods designed to scare the living shit out of people who may be, for their own reasons, interested in, or already committed to picking up the system.

The Xbox Live team does amazing work, and has consistently done amazing work now for years. Their track record is an excellent one, even if there have been some bumps in the road along the way. Does anyone seriously believe that if there are any serious issues with the basic functions of the system, Microsoft will fail to fix them as quickly as possible? This is what they've done now for years. People call themselves gamers and yet are bizarrely celebrating at the prospect that a platform they don't like could fail, and it's pitiful. it really is. When are people going to start rooting for a healthy and competitive industry rather than rooting for failure, which may satisfy your most selfish desires, but is ultimately not good for anybody?

And, yes, as rare as it may be, there are times when I absolutely don't defend them. There are just times when I think the silliness takes center stage.

What an embarrassing post. If you blindly ignore every single insider and dev from outside NeoGAF, then sure, it's all rainbows out there.

Or maybe it is some kind of conspiracy and people are timing this bad news to counteract the good Xbox news! :O



What an embarrassing post. If you blindly ignore every single insider and dev from outside NeoGAF, then sure, it's all rainbows out there.

Or maybe it is some kind of conspiracy and people are timing this bad news to counteract the good Xbox news! :O


His post is NOT embarrassing at all, some people here who are loving to see Xbox one failed are.

When the buggy UI/OS examined by game developers ? Why game developers needs to have latest UI/OS since their primary focus is game development instead of whole UI/OS integration ?
I think the buggy UI/OS rumor would be legit to some extent , but they are NOT game developers business in fact.


y'all should be ashamed
His post is NOT embarrassing at all, some people here who are loving to see Xbox one failed are.

When the buggy UI/OS examined by game developers ? Why game developers needs to have latest UI/OS since their primary focus is game development instead of whole UI/OS integration ?
I think the buggy UI/OS rumor would be legit to some extent , but they are NOT game developers business in fact.

I agree with him that some people are taking a bit too much pleasure from bad news on either side. That's to be expected with the ol' console wars. It's gross and I'm sure a bit tiring to some people.

I don't agree that people are leaking or making up bad Xbox news when a sliver of good XB news comes up. No one should agree with that. That is some crazy conspiracy level stuff.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I agree with him that some people are taking a bit too much pleasure from bad news on either side. That's to be expected with the ol' console wars. It's gross and I'm sure a bit tiring to some people.

I don't agree that people are leaking or making up bad Xbox news when a sliver of good XB news comes up. No one should agree with that. That is some crazy conspiracy level stuff.

It's a conspiracy, and the mods are in on it because they haven't locked the thread! /s
Do people really believe the industry is going to crash if MS leaves town? Business was good before they arrived and i'm sure it will be good without them. I don't give a shit about the 180's, the attempted DRM and NUads are god awful. It's clear they lost their way years ago. Some people can easily forgive and forget but i'm not. I honestly think they don't give a shit about gamers, they just want to sell some boxes. Some people can say the same about Sony but i don't get that vibe from them at all. Cerny, Yosp, Adam, etc all seem to have the gamers come first then sell some boxes. Which is how it should be.

If MS can bounce back and keep their shit straight then awesome. Healthy competition. But i'm going to wait a few years or maybe another gen before i can trust them again.


I agree with him that some people are taking a bit too much pleasure from bad news on either side. That's to be expected with the ol' console wars. It's gross and I'm sure a bit tiring to some people.

I don't agree that people are leaking or making up bad Xbox news when a sliver of good XB news comes up. No one should agree with that. That is some crazy conspiracy level stuff.

What we need to know, or to clarify UI/OS mess.

What was the dev-kit OS situation of PS3/360 in 2005 before launch ? Weren't they buggy/mess /fucked up until launch ?

Game developers saw incomplete UI/OS, taking it for granted that UI/OS is still all behind for launch window.

But why MS need to regularly release update UI/OS package when they have no effect on game development ?
Oh, we've reached "It's a conspiracy." meltdown phase.

Denial			[x]
Anger			[x]
Bargaining		[x]
Depression		[x]
[s]Acceptance		[ ][/s]
Paranoid Delusion	[x]


Microsoft may have some issues at launch, but is that really suppose to be a shock to anyone? People, people, people. We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing.

This is not true. No insider ever claimed this.


That looked completely unpleasant. I don't want to interrupt a book I'm reading to watch a TV show to have it interrupted by a phone-call which I interrupt with a movie which gets cut into with a text message. I want to punch whoever wants that sort of entertainment experience in the face.


Do people like you ever not attempt to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion just to have another apocalyptic doomsday story you can run into the ground regarding the system?


An ill-conceived post whose length will make some think it has more insight than it actually carries.

You do nothing to address or diminish the credentials and post history of the posters leaking the XBO's troubles.

And, furthermore, you seem to just make up strawman "leaks" that were not actually proclaimed by the trusted leakers (you know, the ones the mods have had contact with in PMs and verified from several sources).
@albertpenello Looks incredible but things rarely are as they seem. I will be completely blown away if it's really that good.

@davidgoltry prepare to be blown away.

@albertpenello @Sloane___Ranger @thevowel so it is/will be as fast and seamless at launch? Color me impressed...

@GuerrillaM6 @Sloane___Ranger @thevowel All of the transition timings and animations are exactly as they work on the real dash.

@albertpenello How close to that video is the actual OS in terms of speed?

@Marc_P89 The same. You could have a movie and a game running and switch between them that fast.

@albertpenello So Albert everything in Xbox Camp is all well? Any other announcements before the system launches?

@nickgraham1986 Everyone is working really hard. Next stop is hands-on, which is happening with press right now.


Do people like you ever not attempt to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion just to have another apocalyptic doomsday story you can run into the ground regarding the system? Seriously, does it make any sense for people to go out of their way, with what seems like every other day now, to scare people about the prospect of buying an Xbox One? Is this what it has really come to? Scaring people? I especially find it a riot how innocent people try to act, almost as if they're somehow conflicted about what they're doing. Listen, people aren't stupid. Some will love this kind of crap, and eat it right up, but then others will see it for what it truly is. It looks opportunistic and petty. Some people just want to see a disaster, a trainwreck in the making, and will do whatever, say whatever they can to contribute to that cause. It may sound harsh, but that's what I see.

Microsoft releases a great looking video of the Xbox One OS/UI in action with Kinect, and almost immediately there's a rumor attacking that aspect of the system. It's not really a major surprise that something like this was brewing, because the UI/OS for this system has always looked and sounded particularly impressive. This video only served to help drive that point home. And with perfect timing something specifically designed to target it and tear it down is released, and nobody is going to say to themselves, "Now wait just a minute here. Doesn't this all seem a little too convenient?" Xbox One reveal: the OS and the way it worked was one of the most amazing things shown. The response? It was all fake, doesn't exist. Not real. It's vaporware. it's all a smoke and mirrors campaign. Or, even if they do, it doesn't work as nicely as shown. Family Sharing aspect of previous xbox one policy sounds pretty cool, many people like it, one of the few bright spots nobody could attack? Oh, wait, random online post out of nowhere from a no doubt fake MS employee claiming it was a demo, which it absolutely was not, and people eat it up, because it feeds right into that nothing at all could possibly be good about the xbox one narrative.

Microsoft may have some issues at launch, but is that really suppose to be a shock to anyone? People, people, people. We had "insiders" on here claiming that the fact that the Xbox One even attempts to run games in 1080p at all would send the OS crashing and failing. I mean, I'm sorry, but if that doesn't send your bullshit detector flying off the charts, then something has gone seriously wrong. Microsoft, as we all know from time to time, can be incompetent enough as it is on their own. They don't need extra help in the form of absolutely bogus and boneheaded falsehoods designed to scare the living shit out of people who may be, for their own reasons, interested in, or already committed to picking up the system.

The Xbox Live team does amazing work, and has consistently done amazing work now for years. Their track record is an excellent one, even if there have been some bumps in the road along the way. Does anyone seriously believe that if there are any serious issues with the basic functions of the system, Microsoft will fail to fix them as quickly as possible? This is what they've done now for years. People call themselves gamers and yet are bizarrely celebrating at the prospect that a platform they don't like could fail, and it's pitiful. it really is. When are people going to start rooting for a healthy and competitive industry rather than rooting for failure, which may satisfy your most selfish desires, but is ultimately not good for anybody?

And, yes, as rare as it may be, there are times when I absolutely don't defend them. There are just times when I think the silliness takes center stage.

My 1st post ever.

+1, like, thumbs up, retweet to the above.

Wanting a system to do well is one thing, wanting a system to fail is another. Get yo life together GAF!
My 1st post ever.

+1, like, thumbs up, retweet to the above.

Wanting a system to do well is one thing, wanting a system to fail is another. Get yo life together GAF!

One system just doesn't even really seem to be competing with the other at this point. If anything, the ps4 is competing with the 360, the xbone is just a monumental failure in so many different areas.




I don't see why what he's saying can't be possible.

If an Intel Atom processor powered tablet can insta-switch between Windows 8 apps, why wouldn't a next gen console with an OS specifically tailored for it and it alone not be able to do so?

Even an arm powered Tegra 4 SoC in a Surface 2 can zip around a metro interface with ease.
One system just doesn't even really seem to be competing with the other at this point. If anything, the ps4 is competing with the 360, the xbone is just a monumental failure in so many different areas.

Its not looking good, but personally I went for Xbox One because the line-up at launch (to me) is much better. Can't wait to play Ryse and Dead Rising 3 among all the other titles, think despite all the issues around Xbox One the games from MS will certainly be worth the entry price.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Why is it fun when Microsoft fucks up but not when Sony does it?
This forum has had plenty of fun at Sony's expense over the years. But everything's relative on GAF and when MS is shitting the bed as bad as they are right now while Sony is generally executing so much better than they did with the PS3, there's just no legitimate way to portray any sort of level playing field right now.
Great post

I'm hitting the point where I almost want the xb1 to fail miserably so people can see what a one console future would be without a competitor to keep them in check

PS2? It was awesome.

You guys continue to think competition is always better for the consumer. News flash, it's NOT always better. If there are significant economies of scale a well regulated monopoly can be better for the consumer.

Think about basic plumbing. What if 2 or 3 companies had to get pipes to your house in order to compete to offer you the service? Their cost would be astronomical, since 2 of them just built pipes for nothing and the price you'd end up paying is much higher than in a monopoly. This is basic economic theory.

Moving to consoles, first of all it will never be a monopoly, since they'll always have to compete with PCs. Now imagine if every game was exclusive and optimized for the hardware. Instead of the multiplatform crap we get now. Compare Killzone to COD Ghosts. There's no reason COD couldn't look the same or better if only they didn't have to make so many versions of the game for different platforms.

Even if the price of games ended up a bit higher (which is unlikely), how much would that need to be to offset the cost of the extra console you need to buy if you wanna experience every game?

Now for something really controversial. People say the 360 made the PS3 better, but I don't think that's the case at all. If the 360 hadn't existed, the PS3 would have been great much sooner. Every dev would have to learn to master the Cell from day one (which I'm sure is what Kutaragi misguidedly hoped), since they would have had no alternative. You wouldn't have had the inferior multiplatform issue, since they'd be forced to optimize for the PS3.

Anyhow, long story short, I feel like you. I'd also like to see a one console future, but for entire opposite reasons.


Why is it fun when Microsoft fucks up but not when Sony does it?

We don't need this disingenuous accusation here. When the PS3 was floundering during its initial two years, posters on GAF (and the internet in general) gave Sony shit. All the "giant enemy crab," "599 US dollars," "we want you to have a second job," "rumble is a last-gen feature," etc., got rightfully mocked. There is an infamous jpeg ("Remember when the PS3 was saved by") that was passed around when all of Sony's first party games bombed or were met with critical disapproval.

When Sony did dumb stuff and did it consistently, they were taken to task.

But then something happened: they mostly got their act together.

They started making first-party games that were well-reviewed and met with fair sales. They also diversified their lineup with new IPs in different genres. And they apparently started planning the PS4 in a way that was better thought-out than the competition. They also responded to the needs of gamers (even if it was a cynical business move) but taking a hard stance against DRM, taking a lower price-point, and focusing their PR on "games" instead of "TV TV TV."

Meanwhile their competition fumbled the messaging in the second half of the generation with Kinect (while making boatloads of money), lowered their first-party output to a handful of genres, and got off to a terrible start making/marketing the XBO. A book could be written on how much bullshit they've spouted, from the initial DRM woes to "the power of the cloud" and culminating with their talk of "balance."

So of course the tables have turned. When MS started doing dumb shit and doing it consistently, they were taken to task too.

We love seeing the arrogant (Sony in 2005-2007, Microsoft 2013-?) get their comeuppance. It's not a matter of it being more fun because it's Sony or Microsoft. It's just the way the facts/leaks are shaking out this go around. We need not act like it's anything more than that.
Have you ever watched a Samsung smarttv commercial? If you have before, the entire video is fake from the ground up. It never works as well as it does in reality. Not even a little bit of how it works. Are we going to make a thread nitpicking at that or bashing them to death because of it? No, because we all know it doesn't work like that at all.
Yeah man, it's like w/ fast food on tv. It NEVER looks that good in person.
That looked completely unpleasant. I don't want to interrupt a book I'm reading to watch a TV show to have it interrupted by a phone-call which I interrupt with a movie which gets cut into with a text message. I want to punch whoever wants that sort of entertainment experience in the face.
"Emotional Investment"....it's an endangered species.
My jaw literally dropped when I realized they spent up to 2 minutes just waiting for the race to start, and then getting gearblocked out of the actual race just when it was about to start.

I'd of been pretty furious and just write the whole thing off right there, if I didn't know any better. If that's happening on launch, many non-core purchasers aren't gonna "know any better" and won't possibly tolerate that under any circumstances.


Do people really believe the industry is going to crash if MS leaves town? Business was good before they arrived and i'm sure it will be good without them. I don't give a shit about the 180's, the attempted DRM and NUads are god awful. It's clear they lost their way years ago. Some people can easily forgive and forget but i'm not. I honestly think they don't give a shit about gamers, they just want to sell some boxes. Some people can say the same about Sony but i don't get that vibe from them at all. Cerny, Yosp, Adam, etc all seem to have the gamers come first then sell some boxes. Which is how it should be.

If MS can bounce back and keep their shit straight then awesome. Healthy competition. But i'm going to wait a few years or maybe another gen before i can trust them again.

The "Business" was fine before MS but you didn't know any better. If it wasn't for the Xbox, online gaming would not be as big as it is today and indie gaming on consoles might not exist right now.

Also, you are delusional of you think sony truly puts gamers before money. Both companies will do what it takes to sell their consoles.


Whitta likes what he's seen:

Buuut... Cboat doe?

Gary says he didn't play Ryse. The problems that were talked about were about snap crashing the console while a game is being played. So no this doesn't exactly address the problems that were talked about.

That said, I feel good about my optimism that the OS will be just fine at launch.
Whitta likes what he's seen:


I don't know what he was expecting, but how can he say Kinect 2 was smaller than he though? That thing is huge.

The Ps4 console is small and all, but it was the new eye size and slimness compared to the monster that the new kinect is that gave me that feeling that sony's design makes Ms' feels really clumsy.


But the rumors of it being awful...the double secret insiders...the Albert Penello hate...I don't know what to think anymore...I got...I got the vapors. Fetch me my fainting chair.


Not every rumour is true, remember all the downclock talk? It then turns out both the CPU and GPU were actually upclocked.

I expect the dash to be working day one, but it will just like 360 be an evolving project, probably more so this gen than last even.
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