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Xbox Scarlett – why the next Xbox is going to be huge.


PS Now is not more expensive. Playstation Now is $79 for a year.

Offers 680+ games. 300+ PS4 native game downloads. PS3 games. Streaming to laptop and PCs.

Game pass is around $120 per year.
It offers 240+ games to download on your XB1.

I'm not sure what gave you the impression that gamepass is cheaper but I assume it's the crazy hype and marketing for gamepass here.

From the link you posted:

Black Friday PlayStation Now 12-Month Membership offer is valid from November 16 to November 27 at 8 AM PT.

Nice try trolling though. I give it a 5/10. Try harder next time.


From the link you posted:

Black Friday PlayStation Now 12-Month Membership offer is valid from November 16 to November 27 at 8 AM PT.

Nice try trolling though. I give it a 5/10. Try harder next time.

Regular price is $99 so no it's not trolling. You are simply wrong about it costing more. Accept it and move on.

Regular price

In case you still pretend that this is some one off special price it's been that price throughout the year:

I give your trolling 5/10. What's with the crazies in these threads turning a blind eye to a point, unable to have a proper discussion and instead attacking the person whenever reality doesn't align with their pro xbox crap?
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Awesome, so you were unable to actually address my point. Exclusives are a factor yes, but not as much as some want to portray them as which was exactly my point. The fanatics often try and negate the power of the casual/mainstream gamer. This I believe is what many often refer to as the derogatory term fanboy, as they are the one's who desperately try and focus mostly in that key area on the forums.
And my point is simply that the exact reverse is happening from some xbox fanboys, I'm not defending one side or the other...


Regular price is $99 so no it's not trolling. You are simply wrong about it costing more. Accept it and move on.

Regular price

In case you still pretend that this is some one off special price it's been that price throughout the year:

I give your trolling 5/10. What's with the crazies in these threads turning a blind eye to a point, unable to have a proper discussion and instead attacking the person whenever reality doesn't align with their pro xbox crap?

U$ 100 is the discounted price for buying 12 months. For 1 month, it is U$ 19,90.
Dreamcast failed miserably. It was $199, had tons of great games, had a built in modem (a new idea at the time for consoles), standard analog controller and it sold lousy.

I think the Dreamcast is interesting because people like to retrospectively inflate it's presence. A lot of even now Dreamcast hardcore fans didn't like half the games that were coming out on the DC. The market actually came tot he Dreamcast, at least in the US, due to sports games and the people who brought those games branched off from there. DC also got a lot of popular cross-platform games with PSX and N64 which were cheaper systems with larger libraries. By the time the DC was able to get a few games to stick the PS2 came out and the Xbox was announced the same year. Sega didn't do a good job trying to course developers either so some waited. DC also tried betting on online but like the CD-i it was still not in the right place yet and they didn't have much killer software to really hype it up.

It's the same with the GameCube there was intial hype and it has a few goodies with smash and the like but the market didn't go for the software (along with other issues the GC had) and the GC being delayed a year really hurt it.
I can state that you talk 99% bullshit, and it is more correct than your 99% fifa shit.

Either you are a troll or just simple minded fanboy because you cant talk with facts.

It is 100% lying to say that 99% bought ps4 for fifa etc. I know 40+ people that bought it on launch:

Zero got it for fifa etc.

Most/all got it because:
1: PlayStation is seen as console with quality&variety of games
2: playstation = gaming in many countries
3: xbox offers shit and worse controller with higher price
4: 360 RROD issues
5: xbox "exclusives" arent as interesting as sonys
6: long history of having good games after first year
7: xbox is seen as fifa/cod/halo machine while playstation is seen as all rounder
8: friends on ps network

It is stupid to assume that if fifa/cod etc fills top 10 = exclusives wont matter.

If game A sells 100m(like gta v) does it mean that when game B sells 10m, it doesnt matter? No. It just means that some games sell year after year.

Some play only cod/fifa etc

Some play only exclusives/singleplayers

Some play both

Playstation has both = both groups enjoy

Ps. I got it on launch because of exclusives in the future + killzone + it is just better as gaming device

Some nice revisionist history here.


A lot of even now Dreamcast hardcore fans didn't like half the games that were coming out on the DC. The market actually came tot he Dreamcast, at least in the US, due to sports games and the people who brought those games branched off from there. DC also got a lot of popular cross-platform games with PSX and N64 which were cheaper systems with larger libraries. By the time the DC was able to get a few games to stick the PS2 came out and the Xbox was announced the same year. Sega didn't do a good job trying to course developers either so some waited. DC also tried betting on online but like the CD-i it was still not in the right place yet and they didn't have much killer software to really hype it up.
Some nice revisionist history here.


True too just not sure which makes up the bigger customer base. Those who knew the power difference vs those who did not.


Completely agree with the implication that uninformed consumers buy more than informed ones. My point was meant to be that the uninformed will often follow what everyone else is buying, so losing the early adopters can end up causing a company to lose the uninformed who are trying to keep up with the Jones family.

Hmm Dreamcast fans sure hate it when people tell the truth of most of the market not buying many of it's games outside sports primarily. With few exceptions. At least not in high numbers. Hence why the 1+ million seller list is uh...

Heck didn't NPD Matt post the Dreamcasts highest grossing games and the top were sports games, interesting.



U$ 100 is the discounted price for buying 12 months. For 1 month, it is U$ 19,90.

That discount is always there though. Nothing to do with Black Friday. It means that at any given moment right now, people can get it for less than 10 bucks per month, as long as they subscribe for a whole year.


I can state that you talk 99% bullshit, and it is more correct than your 99% fifa shit.

Either you are a troll or just simple minded fanboy because you cant talk with facts.
It is 100% lying to say that 99% bought ps4 for fifa etc. I know 40+ people that bought it on launch:
Zero got it for fifa etc.

Most/all got it because:
1: PlayStation is seen as console with quality&variety of games
2: playstation = gaming in many countries
3: xbox offers shit and worse controller with higher price
4: 360 RROD issues
5: xbox "exclusives" arent as interesting as sonys
6: long history of having good games after first year
7: xbox is seen as fifa/cod/halo machine while playstation is seen as all rounder
8: friends on ps network

It is stupid to assume that if fifa/cod etc fills top 10 = exclusives wont matter.

If game A sells 100m(like gta v) does it mean that when game B sells 10m, it doesnt matter? No. It just means that some games sell year after year.

Some play only cod/fifa etc, Some play only exclusives/singleplayers, Some play both

Playstation has both = both groups enjoy

Ps. I got it on launch because of exclusives in the future + killzone + it is just better as gaming device

Alright so lets just counter attack all your points here, and fix this disgusting formatting.

1. Both consoles are seen that way, so your point is moot, and actually Nintendo is seen as that more then either Xbox or PlayStation.
2. Xbox = Play Anywhere, Nintendo = Play Anywhere. Once again your point is fucking moot.
3. The Xbox is the same price as it stands with the PS4 (Base Editions idgaf about Pro/X). Also seriously? You do understand the Xbox Controller is universally agreed upon as the best controller for any console/pc. By all 3 sides of users. Lmao you're a fucking joke if you're saying this. Obviously that's why Nintendo chose to use a similar design for both of their Pro controllers, and PS4 3rd parties do the same lmao.
4. You ever hear of the infamous Yellow Light? Yeah you couldn't fix that at all and that was a 2-3 revision problem with the PS3.
5. This is completely subjective, and the guy who made twisted metal even went as far saying that most of the PS exclusives all handle the same.
6. ???????????? Also subjective as fuck.
7. Uh no it's not lmao??? Xbox is seen as a Forza/Halo/PUBG machine if anything. You're basically making shit up at this point.
8. Nope, a large large portion of the users on PS are former Xbox players. So they didn't have friends on PS and if they did they all just switched over.

It sorta does matter if a game sells well that sorta pushes along if it is gonna get dlc sequels etc. Once again you have no metrics to just plan say some play sp/exclusives, some play only cod and fifa, and some play both.

Xbox also has both and so does nintendo. I too got it on launch as well as a Switch and a Xbox One too. Once again basically every PS user agrees that Killzone was garbage and looked pretty bad too. It was a super short lived game and they most likely won't make another.

Saying you bought something for exclusives in the future is like saying you're buying the iPhone for the updates coming in the next 5 years.

What kind of ass backwards thinking is this? I can't actually believe you're not trolling with this post.

Also to fix my point both consoles sold really well for their start so you can't amount either launch to being because of the games or titles. Those were all purely hardcore user sales.
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Red Ring of Death was a big contributor to those numbers.

Also, MS had a one year head start and people were more than willing to spend less money on a 360 than buy a 500-600 PS3 console. So the PS lost the gamers and gained them back. Only way MS has sales figures even close to Sony is if Sony screws up again.

The Xbox is not as popular as the Playstation and when PS5 sales better than the Scarlett, people are STILL going to blame what happened in 2013 for what's going to happen next generation.

And people like you will use excuses like RRoD because you don't want the numbers to be close. Meanwhile in the real world software sales were on average the same as the PS3. Let me guess, the people having disk scratched games bought them twice too? Yes the Playstation has more appeal worldwide and Xbox sucks in certain countries, namely Japan and Germany but those countries do not really generate huge numbers. Japan especially has gotten away from pure consoles and are geared more towards portable gaming. It's sad how hard some of you are unwilling to be open to the idea the Xbox may make a nice return next generation, fighting it all the way. If Sony is doing such a tremendous job for you why are you here?

So many people in here with an all or nothing attitude. Some posters thinking that exclusives are ALL that matters are just as bad as the ones claiming that they don't matter at all. The poeple stating that brand recognition doesn't matter are just as bad as the people stating that the PS5 would sell even if it literally had no games. Ridiculous!

Exclusives matter. How much they matter depends on several factors. An exclusive like the State of Decay franchise doesn't matter near as much as Halo. Some exclusives eclipse others over time as well. We've seen Forza Horizon unseat Forza Motorsport for Xbox. TLOU is currently in the process of unseating Uncharted. It's not beyond belief to think that one console could have the better exclusives one gen, and the scenario swap the next.

It's awfully rare for one brand to stay on top for long these days. I think the console market has longer legs than most because generations last so long, but that doesn't mean that any of the consoles can't catch fire next gen. We've seen MySpace dethroned by fb. These days my kids hardly use fb, because they're all about Instagram. We've seen movement of the masses from Nokia to Razor phones. Razor phones to blackberries. Blackberries to Iphones. Now Apple is losing its ass because they aren't selling as many Iphones as they projected.

That's not to say that brand recognition doesn't matter. The Playstation brand is a strong one within gaming. To be honest, all three are. The simple truth is that none of us really know what's going to happen next gen. The more someone speaks with certainty on the matter, the dumber they look. There's simply too many variables involved. Will any of MS aquired studios make a hit game? We don't know. Will Sony going all in on VR at the expense of other investments pay off? We don't know. Is the Switch a gimmick ala the wii, or is it the real deal that can continue for generations to come? We don't know.

It's fun to speculate, but there are a lot of "facts" being thrown around in here that aren't really indicative of anything.

Good read. One thing is for certain, some of the more hardcore or loyalist are the hardest to change. What percentage they make up is hard and they are also the one's likely to buy earliest. It usually takes a year or two to see how things will progress the entire generation because whomever gets the lead development from third party usually wins. The rare example of that not happening is when you come out with a device that changes everything and has hardware appeal. Wii is a prime example. Switch is kind of doing that now as well.

PS Now is not more expensive. Playstation Now is $79 for a year.

Offers 680+ games. 300+ PS4 native game downloads. PS3 games. Streaming to laptop and PCs.

Game pass is around $120 per year.
It offers 240+ XB1 native game downloads.

I'm not sure what gave you the impression that gamepass is cheaper but I assume it's the crazy hype and marketing for gamepass here or the fact that Now also offers a streaming service too.

Monthly it is more expensive, you purposely left out the monthly option. Now is cheaper annually. Just like how you purposely left out it offers new titles like Forza Horizon 4 and some Play Anywhere title that can be played on PC too.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
And people like you will use excuses like RRoD because you don't want the numbers to be close. Meanwhile in the real world software sales were on average the same as the PS3. Let me guess, the people having disk scratched games bought them twice too? Yes the Playstation has more appeal worldwide and Xbox sucks in certain countries, namely Japan and Germany but those countries do not really generate huge numbers. Japan especially has gotten away from pure consoles and are geared more towards portable gaming. It's sad how hard some of you are unwilling to be open to the idea the Xbox may make a nice return next generation, fighting it all the way. If Sony is doing such a tremendous job for you why are you here?

RROD was way more wide spread than the disc scratching issue.

They are doing a tremendous job, you're just making false excuses and blaming everything on MS as to why Sony is having such great success.


From the link you posted:

Black Friday PlayStation Now 12-Month Membership offer is valid from November 16 to November 27 at 8 AM PT.

Nice try trolling though. I give it a 5/10. Try harder next time.
He's still correct despite the Black Friday pricing. PlayStation Now is $99.99 for a 12 month subscription.



He was saying the 99$ PSNow he mentioned is without any deals. Deal price is 79$. Gamepass is usually 120$ without this recent deal:


Right now only in the past week with deals its 80$ PSNow, 70$ Gamepass.

Still hardly anything to suggest that the revenue based chart provided somehow means that PSNow is less popular because it's more expensive. Especially as that chart was made before there were any black friday deals and gamepass was and is usually more expensive.
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He was saying the 99$ PSNow he mentioned is without any deals. Deal price is 79$. Gamepass is usually 120$ without this recent deal.


Right now with deals its 80$ PSNow, 70$ Gamepass.

Still hardly anything to suggest that the revenue based chart provided somehow means that PSNow is less popular because it's more expensive. Especially as that chart was made before there were any black friday deals and gamepass was and is usually more expensive.

Those promotions will always exist. The same way it does for Xbox Live. You can always get it for cheaper.

It means that PS Now has been around for longer.


That's cute, the three last xbox stans are still fighting to save microsoft honor

Meanwhile, MS is trying desperately to survive against a Sony who will dominate much harder next gen (PS4 good will) and a Google who wrecked them every time

Keeping their actual market share looks impossible after the xbone disaster, many jumped to PS side for the games and they didn't regret it and Sony is doubling down on that with TLOU2, Stranding & Tsushima

Halo/Gears sales dropped by more than 70% this gen, good luck finding someone who still cares for more of the same

TL,DR when you fuck up you'll pay for it next time


That's cute, the three last xbox stans are still fighting to save microsoft honor

Meanwhile, MS is trying desperately to survive against a Sony who will dominate much harder next gen (PS4 good will) and a Google who wrecked them every time

Keeping their actual market share looks impossible after the xbone disaster, many jumped to PS side for the games and they didn't regret it and Sony is doubling down on that with TLOU2, Stranding & Tsushima

Halo/Gears sales dropped by more than 70% this gen, good luck finding someone who still cares for more of the same

TL,DR when you fuck up you'll pay for it next time
To be fair, they are on a buyout spree to address just that...


To be fair, they are on a buyout spree to address just that...

It takes a loooong time and a massive commitment, will they give a second or third chance for a game/dev who flops & get destroyed by the critics?

Honnestly, i doubt MS have the patience for a 15 years long plan, they can change their mind and nuke everything after some failures like they did in the past.


Hmm Dreamcast fans sure hate it when people tell the truth of most of the market not buying many of it's games outside sports primarily. With few exceptions. At least not in high numbers. Hence why the 1+ million seller list is uh...

Heck didn't NPD Matt post the Dreamcasts highest grossing games and the top were sports games, interesting.

Dreamcast games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies.

Some nice revisionist history here.

Dreamcast games that have sold or shipped at least one million copies.

Man it's almost like you can't read and ignored where I mentioned "NPD". Or the context of the conversation which was the user I was responding to talking about the NA $199 price.

Sales: https://twitter.com/search?q=@MatPiscatella dreamcast&src=typd&lang=en

Grossing: https://twitter.com/search?q=@MatPiscatella dreamcast&src=typd&lang=en

I also said there were exceptions.

But go on.....


Those promotions will always exist. The same way it does for Xbox Live. You can always get it for cheaper.

It means that PS Now has been around for longer.

Sure yeah, black friday deals will always exist for both but regularly and at RRP it isn't the case. who is cheaper at that period for a given year is also anybodys guess (PS now was 60$ for a year last BF for example)

My point being that this doesn't make sense in the context of your post. Somebody mentioned that PSNow isn't a failure. That PSNow has 52% marketshare compared to 15% for gamepass and your response was that it is a revenue graph and that's why it is higher because it is more expensive and came out earlier. However that graph is for a given period only, Q3 2018, before black friday deals.


Regular prices would apply for Q3. It isn't an overall lifetime revenue either.

If you were to redo a graph for BF the difference is not a massive price difference in percentage to distrupt this but if your logic were correct (it's because it's more expensive therefore it would push higher revenue) then it would be more than this graph shows for Q3 not less. The only thing that will change this is actually marketing/hype for one or the other going forward. I fully expect gamepass to increase because there has been a lot of marketing for it, XO18 was essentially a gamepass advert and there is a lot of hype for it in these forums. PSNows higher marketshare has nothing to do with price difference though. They have the cheaper option throught the year.


That's cute, the three last xbox stans are still fighting to save microsoft honor

Meanwhile, MS is trying desperately to survive against a Sony who will dominate much harder next gen (PS4 good will) and a Google who wrecked them every time

Keeping their actual market share looks impossible after the xbone disaster, many jumped to PS side for the games and they didn't regret it and Sony is doubling down on that with TLOU2, Stranding & Tsushima

Halo/Gears sales dropped by more than 70% this gen, good luck finding someone who still cares for more of the same

TL,DR when you fuck up you'll pay for it next time

Lol desperately. Sony is not gonna dominate next gen. They've already basically lost Japan with how far their sales were tanking, and how much they're pushing shitty policies on them. Japan is going Switch/PC. Sony is pushing out shitty hardware PS Classic which is going to only tarnish the name as it is now universally being trashed on by every outlet and once main stream news gets on it. Well that product is dead.

Lol using Death Stranding as a selling point you do understand how fucking bad that game is gonna tank. People are already getting really back and forth on it sure not many now but just wait for the gameplay trailer lol. Have fun playing Mountain UPS Delivery Sim 2020, and another game nobody is really excited for?

Show me the sales stats on this please I'd need a source. Because not even a google search shows 70% declines in either game. I'll eat my words if you can prove it to me.

Well if you want me to find someone who likes more of the same just look at FIFA/Madden/Battlefield/Battlefront/COD/Fortnite/PUBG/Destiny/Warframe.

Should I go on about the top selling games? Which none of them are 1st party?
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Gold Member
Just got through reading this latest page of the thread. I forgot what the thread was supposed to be about...*scrolls up* Oh ok, Xbox Scarlett and how it's gonna be awesome. LOL the conversation has devolved into debates about RROD had an effect on Xbox One sales and Gamepass Vs. PSNow subscription price war? How did we get here? HAHAHA!


Go Go Neo Rangers!
That's cute, the three last xbox stans are still fighting to save microsoft honor

Meanwhile, MS is trying desperately to survive against a Sony who will dominate much harder next gen (PS4 good will) and a Google who wrecked them every time

Keeping their actual market share looks impossible after the xbone disaster, many jumped to PS side for the games and they didn't regret it and Sony is doubling down on that with TLOU2, Stranding & Tsushima

Halo/Gears sales dropped by more than 70% this gen, good luck finding someone who still cares for more of the same

TL,DR when you fuck up you'll pay for it next time

This is so bad it's funny.
Sony came back last gen and beat the 360.
Sony is head of this gen.

I don't need to, but apparently, you're blaming this based on what happened in 2013.

I'm not blaming anyone, you're the one who is trying so desperately to promote Playstation. All I said to counter your RRoD reason why the Xbox 360 matched the PS3 in sales was that software sales were still the same regardless, so explain that and you never did. I also said Sony lost half their userbase last generation and so is Microsoft this generation. So what? Things change all the time as we seen and Microsoft is poised to hopefully make a good comeback next generation. Is there even a reason why you're here?

Just got through reading this latest page of the thread. I forgot what the thread was supposed to be about...*scrolls up* Oh ok, Xbox Scarlett and how it's gonna be awesome. LOL the conversation has devolved into debates about RROD had an effect on Xbox One sales and Gamepass Vs. PSNow subscription price war? How did we get here? HAHAHA!

It happens in every single friggen Xbox topic and that is because some of the more hardcore Sony fans cannot ignore Xbox topics. They more than anyone want to change the discussion to suit them and that narrative 9/10 times is to be as negative as possible. They laugh at Kinect. It's now gone. They laugh at the power disadvantage, it's now gone. We are here to talk about the next Xbox, now they want to talk about history and RroD and eberything else but the next Xbox. They want Microsoft to build it's 1st party output so they get more studios and build more of their own, now they want to suggest they might close them soon.

It never ends.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Just got through reading this latest page of the thread. I forgot what the thread was supposed to be about...*scrolls up* Oh ok, Xbox Scarlett and how it's gonna be awesome. LOL the conversation has devolved into debates about RROD had an effect on Xbox One sales and Gamepass Vs. PSNow subscription price war? How did we get here? HAHAHA!

Xbox One sales? No. I'm sure many people bought multiple 360 consoles due to the RROD.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I'm not blaming anyone, you're the one who is trying so desperately to promote Playstation. All I said to counter your RRoD reason why the Xbox 360 matched the PS3 in sales was that software sales were still the same regardless, so explain that and you never did. I also said Sony lost half their userbase last generation and so is Microsoft this generation. So what? Things change all the time as we seen and Microsoft is poised to hopefully make a good comeback next generation. Is there even a reason why you're here?

It happens in every single friggen Xbox topic and that is because some of the more hardcore Sony fans cannot ignore Xbox topics. They more than anyone want to change the discussion to suit them and that narrative 9/10 times is to be as negative as possible. They laugh at Kinect. It's now gone. They laugh at the power disadvantage, it's now gone. We are here to talk about the next Xbox, now they want to talk about history and RroD and eberything else but the next Xbox. They want Microsoft to build it's 1st party output so they get more studios and build more of their own, now they want to suggest they might close them soon.

It never ends.

Now you're putting words in my mouth again. I never said RROD was the reason why it match PS3 sales. The main reason why is because Sony sold the PS3 at $500 - $600.

Sony lost their user base and gained it back late last generation and kept it. I'm not here to promote Playstation, but you're here making excuses as to why Xbox One is behind, even reachiing as far as to say the 2013 screw up was the reason why they're so far behind.

MS made MANY changes this generation and they were still unable to get back into the race. This is what Sony did last generation which goes to show you how much of a impact Sony has on the gaming industry.

Reason why this happens on a lot of Xbox threads because of the ridiculous stuff coming from the fan base. People will blame the 2013 and not give credit for what Sony has done this generation.

Exclusives? No, only a small a small minority cares about those according to the Xbox gamers on here. Numbers prove otherwise, but you want to keep pushing this false narrative.

People are also saying that gamers only care about multiplat games such as COD, GTAV etc. Well, GTA+COD along with Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, MLB The Show has been a more attractive product than GTA+COD along with Halo 5, Gears 5, PUBG, Forza. The number speak for themselves.


Gold Member
Xbox One sales? No. I'm sure many people bought multiple 360 consoles due to the RROD.

Dude I didn't say this to get dragged into the conversation. I mentioned this to note how ridiculously off topic it is. The OP is considering the reason Xbox Scarlett may be awesome. WTF does that have to do with RROD?


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Dude I didn't say this to get dragged into the conversation. I mentioned this to note how ridiculously off topic it is. The OP is considering the reason Xbox Scarlett may be awesome. WTF does that have to do with RROD?

I'm clarifying that I mentioned RROD in regards to the 360 not the Xbox One.


Can we get back on topic? This is a shitfest, this isn’t about Sony Vs Microsoft or Now Vs Pass, it’s about Scarlett.

Both consoles and both companies are successful in the console business and bring forth unique and exciting features now and well into the future.
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Its just silly how xbox fans defends xbox, and shitting about every sony step in the gaming sector, sorry but your “facts” like all ps4 users says that Killzone is shit its unbelievable, how can you talk about what you doesnt know? Just pure imagination, i loved Killzone it was not briliant, but great first party launch game. And talking about Japan, that there Sony is dead, wtf? Japan developers pushing new ps4 games week by week, plus they are searching new recruits (today news by the way) to create new games for ps5. In Germany sony sold 5-6 milions ps4, yeah thats a “small” number...
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Gold Member
Now you're putting words in my mouth again. I never said RROD was the reason why it match PS3 sales. The main reason why is because Sony sold the PS3 at $500 - $600.

Sony lost their user base and gained it back late last generation and kept it. I'm not here to promote Playstation, but you're here making excuses as to why Xbox One is behind, even reachiing as far as to say the 2013 screw up was the reason why they're so far behind.

MS made MANY changes this generation and they were still unable to get back into the race. This is what Sony did last generation which goes to show you how much of a impact Sony has on the gaming industry.

Reason why this happens on a lot of Xbox threads because of the ridiculous stuff coming from the fan base. People will blame the 2013 and not give credit for what Sony has done this generation.

Exclusives? No, only a small a small minority cares about those according to the Xbox gamers on here. Numbers prove otherwise, but you want to keep pushing this false narrative.

People are also saying that gamers only care about multiplat games such as COD, GTAV etc. Well, GTA+COD along with Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, MLB The Show has been a more attractive product than GTA+COD along with Halo 5, Gears 5, PUBG, Forza. The number speak for themselves.

Regardless of what you say...most Playstation and Xbox owners are casual gamers. To casual gamers, there's one thing that matters more than anything else.


Sony beat Microsoft on price at the beginning of the gen. That's what won the generation. That's what still has Sony winning the generation. When only about 10% of your install base buys an exclusive, you can't make that the biggest reason a console won a generation.

Now can we get back to talking about Xbox Scarlett? I mean what do we know about this thing anyways? I hear the word leak tossed around Youtube like a ragdoll for both Xbox and Sony's new systems.

I'm clarifying that I mentioned RROD in regards to the 360 not the Xbox One.

At this point I don't even remember who I got that from...I definitely didn't have your comments in mind though. Hey how about that Xbox Scarlett though?
Now you're putting words in my mouth again. I never said RROD was the reason why it match PS3 sales. The main reason why is because Sony sold the PS3 at $500 - $600.

Sony lost their user base and gained it back late last generation and kept it. I'm not here to promote Playstation, but you're here making excuses as to why Xbox One is behind, even reachiing as far as to say the 2013 screw up was the reason why they're so far behind.

MS made MANY changes this generation and they were still unable to get back into the race. This is what Sony did last generation which goes to show you how much of a impact Sony has on the gaming industry.

Reason why this happens on a lot of Xbox threads because of the ridiculous stuff coming from the fan base. People will blame the 2013 and not give credit for what Sony has done this generation.

Exclusives? No, only a small a small minority cares about those according to the Xbox gamers on here. Numbers prove otherwise, but you want to keep pushing this false narrative.

People are also saying that gamers only care about multiplat games such as COD, GTAV etc. Well, GTA+COD along with Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, MLB The Show has been a more attractive product than GTA+COD along with Halo 5, Gears 5, PUBG, Forza. The number speak for themselves.

Nobody is saying only multiplat, t is you guys implying exclusives matter most and that is where you want the narrative to remain. Sony lost half their userbase last generation by making bonehead moves, namely the pricing. So how can exclusives matter most? Nintendo screwed up with the Gamecube and the WiiU and Nintendo ALWAYS has decent 1st party excluive titles. That huge setback was not because of the quality of their studios, it again goes back to price and third party support that has greater impact on success.. Yes exclusives matter but not as much as the hardcore crowd that wants to speak the loudest on forums want to portray they do.

The 2013 mess up by the Xbox One did have an impact regardless of your intent the Xbox can't compete. That is is no way top discredit the PS4's success. It was a better built hardware for less money and once it became the lead platform for third party developers it's hard to stop that momentum. Call of Duty and other third party deals with games like Destiny came quickly. Now I will ask again, why are you here because you certainly don't show any interest in Scarlett?

Like I told you in another thread, arguing with fanboys is like talking to a fucking wall because you have no interest in the next Xbox. Therefore how can the discussion even continue with you if there is no common ground?


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Regardless of what you say...most Playstation and Xbox owners are casual gamers. To casual gamers, there's one thing that matters more than anything else.


Sony beat Microsoft on price at the beginning of the gen. That's what won the generation. That's what still has Sony winning the generation. When only about 10% of your install base buys an exclusive, you can't make that the biggest reason a console won a generation.

Now can we get back to talking about Xbox Scarlett? I mean what do we know about this thing anyways? I hear the word leak tossed around Youtube like a ragdoll for both Xbox and Sony's new systems.

At this point I don't even remember who I got that from...I definitely didn't have your comments in mind though. Hey how about that Xbox Scarlett though?
Microsoft slashed the price and it still didn't help.

Sony came back because they reduced the price and started putting out better games.

This means price only changed things early on, yet it's still the less attractive product.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Nobody is saying only multiplat, t is you guys implying exclusives matter most and that is where you want the narrative to remain. Sony lost half their userbase last generation by making bonehead moves, namely the pricing. So how can exclusives matter most? Nintendo screwed up with the Gamecube and the WiiU and Nintendo ALWAYS has decent 1st party excluive titles. That huge setback was not because of the quality of their studios, it again goes back to price and third party support that has greater impact on success.. Yes exclusives matter but not as much as the hardcore crowd that wants to speak the loudest on forums want to portray they do.

The 2013 mess up by the Xbox One did have an impact regardless of your intent the Xbox can't compete. That is is no way top discredit the PS4's success. It was a better built hardware for less money and once it became the lead platform for third party developers it's hard to stop that momentum. Call of Duty and other third party deals with games like Destiny came quickly. Now I will ask again, why are you here because you certainly don't show any interest in Scarlett?

Like I told you in another thread, arguing with fanboys is like talking to a fucking wall because you have no interest in the next Xbox. Therefore how can the discussion even continue with you if there is no common ground?

Exclusives plays an important part. If multiplats wasn't the narrative then you wouldn't see so many people downplay exclusives


Xbox One sales? No. I'm sure many people bought multiple 360 consoles due to the RROD.
My Xbox 360 was out of warranty when it got the RROD. They extended the warranty and fixed it for free. I'm not sure why you would need to buy a new console because of it. It was a pretty big scandal and I think they took care of it as well as any company could. The PS2 had a huge lens issue that they refused to fix, and the original PS4 has a lot of its own issues that lead to bricking of the console. Microsoft isn't alone in hardware failure. Both Sony and Microsoft have had consoles that at launch have a high failure rate that's fixed by later revisions.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
My Xbox 360 was out of warranty when it got the RROD. They extended the warranty and fixed it for free. I'm not sure why you would need to buy a new console because of it. It was a pretty big scandal and I think they took care of it as well as any company could. The PS2 had a huge lens issue that they refused to fix, and the original PS4 has a lot of its own issues that lead to bricking of the console. Microsoft isn't alone in hardware failure. Both Sony and Microsoft have had consoles that at launch have a high failure rate that's fixed by later revisions.
Yet people were still taking heat guns, adding thermal paste etc to fix their Xbox consoles. These types of fixes were very popular
Exclusives plays an important part. If multiplats wasn't the narrative then you wouldn't see so many people downplay exclusives

You're going in circles and have yet given a reason to what even brought you to this topic. Same old same old.

Let's get back on topic which is about the future of Xbox, Sacrlett, and try and not allow the trolls to dominate the discussion.

1. What year do people expect a release? My prediction is 2020.
2. What price? My prediction is 2 models. The basic streaming only model for $149 and a standard edition with a disk drive for $449 and a 1TB hard drive.
3. Launch titles? Halo Infinite and Playground Games new RPG will be the 2 big exclusives.

Other prediction,

Game Pass will change it's price to $14.99 per month and will include online matchmaking. Xbox Live Gold will be gone and online matchmaking will be free, no Game Pass required.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
You're going in circles and have yet given a reason to what even brought you to this topic. Same old same old.

Let's get back on topic which is about the future of Xbox, Sacrlett, and try and not allow the trolls to dominate the discussion.

1. What year do people expect a release? My prediction is 2020.
2. What price? My prediction is 2 models. The basic streaming only model for $149 and a standard edition with a disk drive for $449 and a 1TB hard drive.
3. Launch titles? Halo Infinite and Playground Games new RPG will be the 2 big exclusives.

Other prediction,

Game Pass will change it's price to $14.99 per month and will include online matchmaking. Xbox Live Gold will be gone and online matchmaking will be free, no Game Pass required.

What brought me into this topic is people saying the only reason why XB lost their audience. It's a ridiculous claim.

Power is not going to get Scarlet to be competitive next gen, it's going to come down to games.

It's going to come down to games. Acquiring all of these new studios is just one step, they have to create games that will sell and attract a new audience.

2020 is likely, but I think they should wait until 2021. I believe having another Xbox console soon after the release of the XB1X is too soon.

I can only see the price of the next gen console at $500. If it's at 450 or $400, then that means they would have to reduce the price of the Xbox One X to 300. Releasing in 2021 would allow them to gradually reduce the price to 400 and then maybe 350 and then launch the next Xbox Console. A digital box could reduce the price to $450 and a streaming box for under $200.

These are only predictions and I think they should wait until 2021 to release the next Xbox console.

Halo will likely be a launch title. They should also launch with an older IP and a game like Banjo would attract a younger\older audience.
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Man it's almost like you can't read and ignored where I mentioned "NPD". Or the context of the conversation which was the user I was responding to talking about the NA $199 price.

Sales: https://twitter.com/search?q=@MatPiscatella dreamcast&src=typd&lang=en

Grossing: https://twitter.com/search?q=@MatPiscatella dreamcast&src=typd&lang=en

I also said there were exceptions.

But go on.....
"Misinformation is cool so long as I blame someone else for it"...
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