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Xbox Scarlett – why the next Xbox is going to be huge.


Its just silly how xbox fans defends xbox, and shitting about every sony step in the gaming sector, sorry but your “facts” like all ps4 users says that Killzone is shit its unbelievable, how can you talk about what you doesnt know? Just pure imagination, i loved Killzone it was not briliant, but great first party launch game. And talking about Japan, that there Sony is dead, wtf? Japan developers pushing new ps4 games week by week, plus they are searching new recruits (today news by the way) to create new games for ps5. In Germany sony sold 5-6 milions ps4, yeah thats a “small” number...

Yeah that Japan is going PC/Switch comment was so bad it should become a meme. The PS4 is 450k ahead of the PS3 launch aligned and it's about to stretch that lead with December coming up. It will hit 8m before the PS3 did and has a great shot of outselling it LTD at 10.5m. The PS4 compared to PS3 in Japan is insanely more profitable for Sony. Rise in Digital sales, PS PLus, PS Now, profitable hardware etc.

No other country this gen apart from the USA has sold more PS4's then Japan. Soon the PS4 will be about 50m ahead of Xbox in sales WW. Japan will account for about 8m of that lead. Sounds pretty relevant to me.

On this PS Now thing, MS are going HAM trying to promote this thing while Sony are going quietly about their business. Next when the PS5 launches we'll see Sony push PS Now hard and it will dominate the market. I also believe the PS4 will be fully PS5 BC and at the start of the gen when games are fewer and further in-between so that goodwill combined with Sony's vastly superior games will ensure PS5 domination next gen. This will be the 5th Playstation home console and I predict it will be the 4th that dominates.


Gold Member
Microsoft slashed the price and it still didn't help.

Sony came back because they reduced the price and started putting out better games.

This means price only changed things early on, yet it's still the less attractive product.

Yea I'm gonna go with the "Too little, too late" argument on Microsoft's price slashing. They waited too long to remove the Kinect from the package. By that time it was well known the PS4 was a superior system and a media darling. The games was just insult to injury as Microsoft were just then beginning to put Phil Spencer in a position where he could have an effect on the prioritization of Xbox in the grand scheme of Microsoft. Again, too little too late for this gen.

I think this brings us to the present and now Phil has full control of the budget, Microsoft is buying game studios like its going out of style. I am a bit concerned though. I plan on making a post about this, but is Microsoft possibly spreading themselves too thin too quickly?


The article is full of assumptions, how much of it will turn out to be true, and/or how it will eventually turn out? Nobody knows, only time will tell. But one thing is certain - next generation will be hella exciting. Switching to x86, simple, PC-like architecture was the best thing that ever happend to consoles. Sure, it is held back by the weak Jaguar CPU, but it was a great first step neverthless, now imagine what will Sony/MS (and especially the developers) achieve when they upgrade and improve such baseline.

On some other gaming forum I made a post about a year ago in next-gen discussion, stating that Sony will stick to 399$ price tag no matter what, and will put as much processing power as possible within that price, because that's what made them sooo successful this generation - PS4, Pro, PSVR - all for 399$, all huge successes with lots of units sold, that price simply seems to be the sweetest spot for both the manufacturers, and most importantly the consumers. For MS on the other hand, I predicted they will start the generation with actually two different SKUs - cheaper, 250-300$ one, aimed for FHD, and a full-fat 4K model for 500-550$. So I wasn't shocked at all when Phil Spencer mentioned about "family of devices", because it seemed so logical that they have in fact learnt their mistakes, and while X1X is indeed a great success, saturating the market with as many units as possible is what actually drives revenues from online subscriptions, games, DLCs, season passes, accessories, and so on, so a cheap model for early adoption is a must. Rumors say the cheaper model will actually be a streaming device, which also seems quite logical, as MS is one of the very top cloud service provider, and the start of next generation would be the best time to test the grounds before the inevitable, streaming-only future arrives.

But that was a year ago, lot of things have changed since then, lot of rumors/leaks/patents showed up, plus, you can't ignore the PC market in the grand scheme of things - PC parts are more expensive than ever, so releasing a 500, hell, even 600$ console, would still make it the cheapest alternative for gaming, actually it would seem cheaper vs PC than 399$ was back in 2013. And here we are - newest rumor says about PS5 being a 500$ machine, which I personally will be very happy if true, because let's be honest, what's really cheaper - paying 500$ once for a proper hardware, or paying 400$ twice, for something that's underperforming from the start, or after just 1-2 years? But then again, it doesn't matter how much the console will cost itself, rather, where that investment will actually go - XB1 without Kinect cost 399$ as well, but MS opted for a fancy ESRAM instead of bigger GPU, at the end making it a sub-FHD console. Similar thing with PS4 Pro vs X1X - Pro is basically a QHD machine (sadly no 1440p output option as in X1X), while for that extra 100$ the X1X offers native 4K in wide range of titles, and crispier textures thanks to additional RAM, and that's what 4K is ultimately all about - razor shart, crisp image. All that backed up by more stable framerates and UHD player of course.

So I'm a little sceptical about PS5 being a "500$ monster" when I keep reading rumors/patents about build-in VR, which will obviously cost, fancy controler with build-in camera and touchscreen, which will also cost, and god knows what else they will come up with, it all leaves the question how much of that 500$ will be left for the actual processing power and memory? I think Sony is overconfident due to how this generation turned out for them, for me it looks like they are experimenting way too much, expecting people to jump onto PS5 just like that, pretty much blindly pre-ordering it, which in a longer run may end up very badly for them.

MS on the other hand is very good at keeping their secrets, nobody knows what they're up to with next Xbox as far as hardware specs go, but it's more than obvious that Play Anywhere initiative will be their baseline for everything, supported by Game Pass and most likely ability to stream the games on any device, I won't be even surprised if at some point in time Game Pass will be merged with XBL subscrpition. As for the hardware, it's safe to say both PS5 and Nextbox will be based on 8-core Ryzen, with MS most likely going for a minimum of 16GB RAM, seeing how X1X already has 12, and I'm personally rooting for MS to squeeze 13TF of GPU power - firstly because, well, it's A LOT, and as mentioned earlier, it would allow the console to last longer than just 1-2 years with a fast need for refreshed/upgraded model, and secondly - it would fit so well for their marketing, as the console would have been 10 times more powerful than the original XB1.

But ultimately, as always, it will all go down to the price, if one console will be full 100 bucks cheaper than the other, then nothing mentioned in the article will actually matter for the average Joe


This is 4 years old but interesting to watch and read.

Kahawai: High-Quality Mobile Gaming Using GPU Offload
Date May 5, 2015
Speaker: Eduardo Cuervo
Affiliation: Microsoft

Kahawai, a system that provides high-quality gaming on mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, by offloading a portion of the GPU computation to server-side infrastructure.


The task of quickly generating fine-grained details -- such as subtle changes in texture and shading at speeds of 60 frames per second -- is still left to the remote server. But collaborative rendering lets the mobile device generate a rough sketch of each frame, or a few high-detail sketches of select frames, while the remote server fills in the gaps.

Using Doom 3 as an example, the Kahawai tool managed to cut the bandwidth required to stream the game over a 1MB line by over 80%, without any cuts in visual quality.



Microsoft made it right with the One X as a console but the high price of it still so late in the generation makes me think this will still be Microsoft's downfall going into the next console generation. Whatever the next console is for Sony and Microsoft, I think the hardware specs and performance will be very similar so it will still be about Exclusives and Price. Interesting to see what will happen, I think GamePass has also saved Microsoft from complete failure.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I fully believe next gen and beyond will be won by whoever has the better Netflix style service. Right now, that is MS with Game Pass.


Microsoft made it right with the One X as a console but the high price of it still so late in the generation makes me think this will still be Microsoft's downfall going into the next console generation. Whatever the next console is for Sony and Microsoft, I think the hardware specs and performance will be very similar so it will still be about Exclusives and Price. Interesting to see what will happen, I think GamePass has also saved Microsoft from complete failure.

High Price?

I will never understand the following.

People spend 500-1000 USD/EUR for IPhones and other Mobilephones.

On the other side they are complaining / crying if a console cost more than 400 USD/EUR

This is the exact reason why we are getting weak consoles which are already outdated from their release.

I would spend a lot of money for a strong console. And no, I won’t play PC. I love the console exklusives.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
High Price?

I will never understand the following.

People spend 500-1000 USD/EUR for IPhones and other Mobilephones.

On the other side they are complaining / crying if a console cost more than 400 USD/EUR

This is the exact reason why we are getting weak consoles which are already outdated from their release.

I would spend a lot of money for a strong console. And no, I won’t play PC. I love the console exklusives.
I don't think most people buy their phones outright (I personally do), so to them it's a 2-3 hundred purchase. Also, most consider a phone a requirement, not a luxury. That is why I like a tiered model for consoles. Offer an entry level and an enthusiast version.
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In don't think most people buy their phones outright (I personally do), so to them it's a 2-3 hundred purchase. Also, most consider a phone a requirement, not a luxury.

Imo a phone could be a luxury or a requirement.

I can spend 300€ for a Xiaomi MI8 400 EUR (requirement) which is slightly weaker than a IPhone X which cost 1000 EUR (luxury)

What I'm most hoping for is more high quality single player games to come.

Sony's done an amazing job this gen with Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, Spider-Man, and Uncharted 4, proving that single player games are far from dead and can be profitable as hell.

MS would do good to take note and do the same with the next Xbox.

(Does Bloodborne count as SP..? It seems 50/50 in my mind?)
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Microsofy doesn't need to mimic Sony. Maybe in offering more single player games, but they don't need their own version of God of War, Horizon or Spiderman. Too risky in my opinion.

They need their own kind of SP games that do their own thing. By having expectations where they even remotely need their GoW or Uncharted-esque type of game, will make that IP look 2x worse if it fails to gain an audience or falls short of being a copy cat. No way.

See Killzone, Driveclub for reference.


High Price?

I will never understand the following.

People spend 500-1000 USD/EUR for IPhones and other Mobilephones.

On the other side they are complaining / crying if a console cost more than 400 USD/EUR

This is the exact reason why we are getting weak consoles which are already outdated from their release.

I would spend a lot of money for a strong console. And no, I won’t play PC. I love the console exklusives.

I think you need to understand the thread and discussion taking place before you comment.

I'm talking about comparing the price of the latest Sony console to the latest Microsoft console. Here in Australia the X is $100-150 more expensive than the Pro, hence it is a high price. Who's talking about the price of consoles in general, I know they are not that expensive!
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