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Xbox Series X hands on previews are live

As someone who missed alot of games during the last 2 years for the XBox I'm really excited for this! Was planning to play games like RE2-3 Remake, AC: Origins & Odyssey and Killer Instinct and many more for instance and knowing that there is a chance that these games perform better on the XBox Series X is awesome :)


Gold Member
Seems like MS, besides the pre-orders, is doing everything else right with this gen's launch, while Sony is shooting themselves in the foot by keeping everything closer to the chest, and not divulging much information with less than 2 months to go before launch, which can be quite frustrating for average the consumers.

The average consumer isn't going to watch either of the systems "breakdowns" even if they were fully released.

As someone who missed alot of games during the last 2 years for the XBox I'm really excited for this!

Luckily for you, you haven't missed much.
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this preview is just to test old games load times and fps boost and see menu. nothing more , no next gen games not even demos or smt. and then how it will improve with dev patches ..


If You want to play already released Xbox games, theres a console for you and thats the Xbox One X


Haha love this meme, and assume you are just having fun since it doesn't apply here. Microsoft has been advocating Series X for full back compat since it was announced along with Series X enhanced versions since day 1. The best place to play all your Xbox games. Past, present, and upcoming.

The upgrade cycle for PCs, laptops, cell phones, tablets, etc etc - they almost all do the same things the previous model did, just the newer versions have better hardware do these things more effectively. It's amazing there are people out there ( in this thread) who get outraged when new hardware 1) Plays all their old games at higher resolutions, faster framerates, way faster load times 2) Plays all their "current" games at higher resolutions, faster framerates, better lighting and other graphics techniques, and faster load times 3) will enable them to play all the upcoming titles at a higher graphical fidelity with better framerates and load times.... because.. uh many of these titles were already playable at a reduced level of quality on their old systems? I could play world of warcraft on a 10 year old PC. Should I be outraged at AMD that my new PC plays it amazingly? ... because my old PC could still play it... not as amazingly? I don't get those people.


If You want to play already released Xbox games, theres a console for you and thats the Xbox One X


Yes yes, and if you want to play previously released PC games, there's a PC for you and that's called a PC.
The meme just doesn't apply.
*er double post or something I think. Feel free to delete mods
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Great Hair

Interesting but i would guess probably because the OS is doing other things on the internal SSD while external SSD does not have any activity on it.

He showed which drive he used externally, most likely an external nvme drive at 1.3GB/s (10Gbps max. speed of 3.1gen 2 ports).

The internal is capable of 2.4GB/s. How can 1.3GB be quicker than 2.4GB? If the os is really slowing it down, what is actually happening during the process? Seems weird, as the loading times are pretty much even (except in FF15).
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Important thing to note: seems like the viewpoints of those people deemed important enough to get a look - very positive in every way.

The views of those who have never even been in the same building as the console and are desperate for it to fail seem negative in every way.

Shocker :messenger_beaming:
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He showed which drive he used externally, most likely an external nvme drive at 1.3GB/s (10Gbps max. speed of 3.1gen 2 ports).

The internal is capable of 2.4GB/s. How can 1.3GB be quicker than 2.4GB? If the os is really slowing it down, what is actually happening during the process? Seems weird, as the loading times are pretty much even.
Xbox Series X uses USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports so 5Gbits/s

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Maybe it is just me but I have not found too much to be impressed about apart from how silent it is and the snappy OS - really nice. The BC performance - while not tested with patches - does not really impress me given the known GPU capability differences. The same goes for the loading times - it is not game changing based on the values seen (fully understanding that the tested games does not seem to utilise the DirectStorage API).
Just wait until PS5 underwhelms with BC games that are not utilising boost mode and run no different to PS4.


Not a single XSX game......
How can you show off a console and dont show actual XSX games. Ridiclious!

When you consider most of the time reviewers do not get a game to review until around 1-2 weeks before the game comes out, how is it surprising that they do not have new games atm the to review. At least we are getting some hands on previews of the console this far away from release. When was the last time you remember press getting a console this early?

My guess is MS is going to slowly control what they are allowed to talk about. The day they got the consoles they could only mention they got them and show pictures/videos of the console itself. They were not allowed to show videos of the interface or even the console itself with the power on. It now seems like they are allowed to show BC games that have been approved (according to one article it is like 400 games they are allowed to show). Next, MS will probably allow them to show BC games that have XSX enhancements like Gears 5.

Closer to launch we will see new games with the press.


This would be intersting to see side by side with PS5 to be honest.
We know these values are going to be better vs. last Gen. The real question is how to they compare Intra-Gen..
Sony, where art thou?
Prepping to send the PS5 to be showcased by Sony artists, Instagram hoes and in Columbia Pictures movies. Hands-on impressions will be given while under the watchful gaze of a Sony employee.
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Well, good but not shocked...I mean that is why its called next gen....old games should load faster and get better fps....

Do they have the test with Doom Eternal?


That's what preview builds are for.

And the press usually do not get preview builds this early for just themselves. They usually go somewhere to play the preview builds, where they are in a more controlled environment. I know for some preview builds since COVID, they have had some control builds via streaming. Others it was a time locked. This is MS previewing the console itself, and not the games. Hopefully the games will come soon, but that is not what this is right now.


The speed improvement of these unoptimized games are nice , but it feels a little bit underwhelming to me .

Still it’s a improvement.


One question..... why are so many of the ray tracing features delayed?
Like Halo, it was stated to be added later in a patch and DMCV, also stated it would not launch with ray tracing.....
Then they have not shown any next gen games on the console. Very suspicious.

My guess would be due to the delays with the SDK to work with ray tracing. There were some developers talking about the SDK finally getting improvements it needs. Just my guess though.


Another thing that I noticed in the loading times comparison videos, often time the games have 'forced' waiting periods that faster storage wont fix. For example the delay in loading the FFXV main screen, or the long pause that developer titles are given when booting a game. Such as Outer World, as the Unreal, Obsidian and Private Division logo time is fixed between the two. If it wasn't for these forced waits the difference would be even greater. Same thing will likely plague BC games on the PS5.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
It's always funny when someone console wars and gets something so incredibly wrong. Every single xbox one/360/og game will supposedly have HDR added to it through a Machine Learning algorithm and this was made know back in February or so I believe.

Sure, but even with some local data extracted from the running game we do agree it is not the same thing as a game’s rendering pipeline created with HDR in mind and tweaked by the game’s artists right?


Commenting on the no next gen games . It seems MS has a roadmap to talk about features, today is about quick resume of BC games.

So I bet on a later date it’s time for next gen games .


Nope, he showed some external ones by seagate for XBX. He used one of those, didnt pay much attention on the modell name.

this one
That's a slow SATA drive mate. 540MB/s

That's the max speed, but you will get slower than that on sustained read and write. The bottleneck is not the internal SSD, it is the external and USB speed.
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Mister Wolf

Commenting on the no next gen games . It seems MS has a roadmap to talk about features, today is about quick resume of BC games.

So I bet on a later date it’s time for next gen games .

Yeah. The Scorn developers already confirmed they are showing something next month. I would expect a games showcase from Microsoft.
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