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Xbox360 has the highest attach rate of games after 14 months, why is that?


KTallguy said:
I disagree.

I have less and less time these days, and as a result, I only want to play really good games.

That's why you should only buy good games. Rent the lesser quality games.
Mana Knight said:
It's because many Xbox fans have a lot of money; therefore, they buy a lot of games. I've seen many mediocre games sell over 100k on release, like Over G Fighters, N3, Cromehounds, and others.


Chromehounds online is anything but mediocre. Some of the best times I've had on my 360 was when I was playing that game.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:

Chromehounds online is anything but mediocre. Some of the best times I've had on my 360 was when I was playing that game.

They said the same shit in that other thread with the same meme getting thrown around. Disgraceful, but eminently laughable, as anyone who knows knows.


Barnolde said:
That's why you should only buy good games. Rent the lesser quality games.

I don't even really have time to rent games ...

If I'm not supremely hyped for a game already, what I end up doing is playing demos/playing someone else's copy. If a game doesn't really grab me in the first 15-20 minutes, then I usually don't give it much of a chance. Sometimes GAF or another online blog will convince me to try out a game (which usually means buying it), but that doesn't always work out :D
The console has a lot of good games for this stage of its lifecycle + people who drop $400 on a console (as opposed to those buying their first PS2, for instance) are simply spending more money on game-oriented purchases (on average, of course).


Chromehounds online is the most fun I've had online with a non FPS. Awesome, awesome game online. I just wish the community would have held together more.

But to answer the OP...I'm not rich, not even well endowed with money, and I've bought probably 20-25 games if not more since launch. I've sold some, traded some, etc. I have about ten right now. I think I only bought maybe 20 total last gen. There are a lot of great games on the 360. Nothing wrong with that.


JdFoX187 said:
Chromehounds online is the most fun I've had online with a non FPS. Awesome, awesome game online. I just wish the community would have held together more.

Man, I really wish I hadn't missed the boat on that one.

Here's hoping that Armored Core 4 gets a nice hardcore fanbase :)


Mana Knight said:
It's because many Xbox fans have a lot of money; therefore, they buy a lot of games. I've seen many mediocre games sell over 100k on release, like Over G Fighters, N3, Cromehounds, and others.

I don't really think Xbox 360 has very many good games at all (I've played most all the good ones too).

Not like you know what a good game in any case.
Mana Knight said:
It's because many Xbox fans have a lot of money; therefore, they buy a lot of games. I've seen many mediocre games sell over 100k on release, like Over G Fighters, N3, Cromehounds, and others.

Paraphrased: Not only am I too dumb to spell Chrome, I am too dumb to post here. I know jack about gaming.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
That attach rate is going to go up another number when Feb 20 rolls around. All 360 owners had a meeting and it was decided that everyone is going to buy Crackdown. We have these meetings once a month with the sole purpose of taking down Nintendo and Sony. I have a robe.
dude...why'd you tell them!!??


As many others have mentioned the reasons the attach rate is so high is because of the fact that it's the hardcore gamers machine. Gamers that have already purchased a 360 and don't really see a reason to buy a $600 PS3 because the games that appeal to them are already covered on 360. I don't think anyone has mentioned that yet.

The PS3 is $600 argument is null and void because of the point I make above. Just because you happen to be hardcore and purchase tons of software doesn't mean you purchase all systems. I think many of the people who purchase large numbers of software purchased a 360 before PS3 even hit the market and they don't see exclusives on PS3 in genres they like.

Whoever said the 360 appeals to males in the mid to late 20's with disposable income is right. My favorite genres are, sports, shooters, and fighters. Online play is of course one of many reasons I like these types of games. The other common factor with all these genres is head to head competition. I'm looking to play with my friends on live and be competitive and enjoy the experience.

Other factors IMO are downloadable demos, achievements, and of course talking to friends about what games you'll pick up next. It's good to play together got ripped to shreds by GAF and plenty of other places, but it's one of the best reasons to own a 360.


Mana Knight said:
I don't really think Xbox 360 has very many good games at all (I've played most all the good ones too).

Yeah right.

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Burnout Revenge
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Saints Row
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Viva Piñata
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Call of Duty 2
Not Played by TheManaKnight


XBL demos are the #1 thing I like about the 360. I got to try the online made for Lost Planet, and found out quickly that it wasn't for me. On the other hand, it sold me on Rainbow Six: Las Vegas.


I think its the demos. People love free stuff. Playing games that are fun..well it gives the software allot of awareness when its been made right. Once they see it on store shelves,they might recall playing the game and feel less at risk of getting burned.


flinging feces ---->
The online network. Community definitely pushes game sales. Like GAF, on a bigger scale.

The Game demos and Trailers: bringing serious information on upcoming/distant games to people who wouldn't otherwise care about the future release windows. When you have a trailer/demo for a game like Lost Planet almost half a year before the retail edition releases, people take note.

I don't know what else to say.
pr0cs said:
Yeah right.

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Burnout Revenge
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Saints Row
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Viva Piñata
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Call of Duty 2
Not Played by TheManaKnight
i ****ing love gamer tags. all game reviewers should be made to make their's public by law.


Juice said:
As countless analysts have mentioned, this tie ratio is so high it is troublesome because it demonstrates that the average Joe isn't adopting the system en masse
Yeah, no.

First off 'countless analysts'... three or four Gaffers = countless analysts now? What?

Secondly 'average Joe' never adopt any game consoles this early in console lifecycle, they come in after a few pricedrops.

Finally, game developers are attracted to a console whose audience BUYS games. Amazingly simple and yet this is the secret that determines the success or failure of every console out there.

However Microsoft managed to do this, the end result is that the 360 audience buys like crazy. Game developers will flock to try to take advantage of this kind of a user base (that even buys mediocre titles like N3 which don't have a bald space marine in sight!) and so the 360 library will become wider and deeper due to sheer numbers and this will attract more users especially as console prices come down.

Getting that magical sprial upwards (more game buyers > more games > more game buyers) going is what every successful console has managed to do. The 360 is off to a *very* good start in this regard.


plagiarize said:
i ****ing love gamer tags. all game reviewers should be made to make their's public by law.

It's so cute, this gamer tag thing.

He could have been playing on his friend's Xbox 360, for all we know?

I've played a ton of Xbox 360 games, and I don't even HAVE a gamertag.
pr0cs said:
Yeah right.

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Burnout Revenge
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Saints Row
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Not Played by TheManaKnight

Viva Piñata
Not Played by TheManaKnight

Call of Duty 2
Not Played by TheManaKnight

a) "I played them on my friend's profile."
b) "I had a different gamertag when I played those."
c) "Those aren't the good games so why would I try them?"
d) "I am full of rich creamy shit and should be ignored in the future when talking outside threads supporting my Console of Choice."
KTallguy said:
It's so cute, this gamer tag thing.

He could have been playing on his friend's Xbox 360, for all we know?

I've played a ton of Xbox 360 games, and I don't even HAVE a gamertag.

Dude...it's Mana Knight.
The tendency for xbox gamers to hop on the latest games with online play has extended from the original xbox to the 360. It's a shame though. The smaller user base combined with this tendency keep certain games from developing solid online player communities. I've actually felt pressured to get a game at release so I can get my money's worth from online multiplayer. Depending on upcoming releases the window of opportunity can be short.


tekneek2k6 said:
The tendency for xbox gamers to hop on the latest games with online play has extended from the original xbox to the 360. It's a shame though. The smaller user base combined with this tendency keep certain games from developing solid online player communities. I've actually felt pressured to get a game at release so I can get my money's worth from online multiplayer. Depending on upcoming releases the window of opportunity can be short.

Yeah, I believe Xbox Live can be something of a double-edged sword. It's my belief that the herd mentality fostered by Live integration, can - and in many cases does - stunt the longevity of online games.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I put my votes in for:

Good games
Xbox Live service kicks ass
Demos demos demos
JB1981 said:
Yeah, I believe Xbox Live can be something of a double-edged sword. It's my belief that the herd mentality fostered by Live integration, can - and in many cases does - stunt the longevity of online games.

Maybe if you keep getting rid of them. I just went back to the loving arms of GRAW after a long hiatus. The weird thing is, after you buy a great game, it doesn't go anywhere unless you send it somewhere. Hell, I even played an online game of PGR3 yesterday. You'll always be able to find someone playing what you're playing if it was ever remotely popular.


KTallguy said:
It's so cute, this gamer tag thing.

He could have been playing on his friend's Xbox 360, for all we know?

I've played a ton of Xbox 360 games, and I don't even HAVE a gamertag.

Because your full of shit. An so is mana.
KTallguy said:
I disagree.

I have less and less time these days, and as a result, I only want to play really good games.

Never base estimates of the overall market based upon your specific situation.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Maybe if you keep getting rid of them. I just went back to the loving arms of GRAW after a long hiatus. The weird thing is, after you buy a great game, it doesn't go anywhere unless you send it somewhere. Hell, I even played an online game of PGR3 yesterday. You'll always be able to find someone playing what you're playing if it was ever remotely popular.

Thats it... FLASHBACK Modays! are now in effect.

Next week I think we should totally play some Dead or Alive 4 and some PDZ.


Mana Knight said:
It's because many Xbox fans have a lot of money; therefore, they buy a lot of games. I've seen many mediocre games sell over 100k on release, like Over G Fighters, N3, Cromehounds, and others.

I don't really think Xbox 360 has very many good games at all (I've played most all the good ones too).



Vrolokus said:
No offense, but your Gamercard doesn't really support that claim.

plagiarize said:
i ****ing love gamer tags. all game reviewers should be made to make their's public by law.

krypt0nian said:
a) "I played them on my friend's profile."
b) "I had a different gamertag when I played those."
c) "Those aren't the good games so why would I try them?"
d) "I am full of rich creamy shit and should be ignored in the future when talking outside threads supporting my Console of Choice."

And here we go with this nonsense again. Another reason I can't stomach the whole gamercard 'everything you play is a matter of public record' thing. I suppose people should be obligated to document the games they play at a friend's now too? That, or risk being branded a liar anytime they say they've played something and can't provide 'proof'? And God forbid you're one of those people who wants to hide the games in your profile - that's proof positive that nothing you say can be trusted. :p

If this is what 'community features' means - having to make sure whatever you play anywhere is recorded before you can even express an opinion without getting dogpiled by said 'community' - then you can keep it.
Tellaerin said:
And here we go with this nonsense again. Another reason I can't stomach the whole gamercard 'everything you play is a matter of public record' thing. I suppose people should be obligated to document the games they play at a friend's now too? That, or risk being branded a liar anytime they say they've played something and can't provide 'proof'? And God forbid you're one of those people who wants to hide the games in your profile - that's proof positive that nothing you say can be trusted. :p

If this is what 'community features' means - having to make sure whatever you play anywhere is recorded before you can even express an opinion without getting dogpiled by said 'community' - then you can keep it.

Wait we are still talking about videogames right?


Did a bunch of posts get deleted out of this thread or am I losing my mind?
I remember some thread locking comments early on, that I must now eat a crow-pie for.

I believe I owe an admin an apology.
Tellaerin said:
And here we go with this nonsense again. Another reason I can't stomach the whole gamercard 'everything you play is a matter of public record' thing. I suppose people should be obligated to document the games they play at a friend's now too? That, or risk being branded a liar anytime they say they've played something and can't provide 'proof'? And God forbid you're one of those people who wants to hide the games in your profile - that's proof positive that nothing you say can be trusted. :p

If this is what 'community features' means - having to make sure whatever you play anywhere is recorded before you can even express an opinion without getting dogpiled by said 'community' - then you can keep it.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Dude...it's Mana Knight.

I appreciate your opinion but. ^

Hell shitty opinions go uncalled upon for every other system so no worries there right?


Professional Schmuck
Dirtbag 504 said:
Did a bunch of posts get deleted out of this thread or am I losing my mind?
I remember some thread locking comments early on, that I must now eat a crow-pie for.

I believe I owe an admin an apology.

I certainly hope not. Outside of porn, illegal links, and English magazine scans, posts RARELY get deleted here at GAF. If they're just deleting troll posts, it's a bad precedent indeed.

A ban is a fit punishment for that type of shit. Deleting those posts lets those people get away with it long term, without a post history to prove anything. Admins: I hope this doesn't become a habit. Not only does it create more work for yourselves, but it makes the community less self-monitoring.
PantherLotus said:
A ban is a fit punishment for that type of shit. Deleting those posts lets those people get away with it long term, without a post history to prove anything. Admins: I hope this doesn't become a habit. Not only does it create more work for yourselves, but it makes the community less self-monitoring.

That is really bizarre. I even noticed one of my posts getting deleted for quoting the um...wait what did I quote again? I have no idea.



« generous god »
PantherLotus said:
I certainly hope not. Outside of porn, illegal links, and English magazine scans, posts RARELY get deleted here at GAF. If they're just deleting troll posts, it's a bad precedent indeed.

A ban is a fit punishment for that type of shit. Deleting those posts lets those people get away with it long term, without a post history to prove anything. Admins: I hope this doesn't become a habit. Not only does it create more work for yourselves, but it makes the community less self-monitoring.

Yep some posts got deleted.
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