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Yoshio Sakamoto and the future of Metroid

Last time i checked, Sakamoto was proud for Other M (which, don't forget, he made for the casual, non-players in mind. His words not mine).

That's why he has to go. Not because he made OtherM. But because he likes how it ended up and the next one he makes will probably be similar or worse.

He is also proud about his other games and he knows he did with other m something different.
And what has that to do with anything, what if he goes back to its roots for the next, maybe time has pass and has read feedback and understands what didn't work, what the fuck do you really know?
Im starting to get fed up of random people knowing how developers think based on random quotes, and it's even worse with Sakurai just to add another example.

The man has "failed" fucking once, give him a brake, people can learn from their mistakes.
Koizumi made the fucking piece of garbage that was Super Mario Sunshine, im sure his somewhat proud of it (me as a designer im also proud of things I did in the past full of mistakes Im aware of and not doing them again), and look at him now what masterpieces he did after that. And if you like Sunshine then congrats, because you are throwing bricks to your own roof, as the same argument you are using against people who like other m and defend Sakamoto can be used against you.

But of course, im not going to be that guy because I like to give people a chance, and even more if IMO they have a masterful career behind their backs.


Unconfirmed Member
Yatōkiri_Kilgharrah;141706447 said:
I know right? God damn stellar post.

Fans lack the foundation of respect.

The only thing they know is how to idolize someone,something and talk shit about everything else.

And yeah producers are great :p

That post doesn't prove anything. We all know the things Sakamoto was trying to do with Other M. Just most of us either didn't like how those decisions got implemented or didn't like him having those focuses at all.

I don't see why we're obligated to like it just because Sakamoto made a good game once.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I look at the thread, scroll up, and see an enormous post filled with long-ass quotes and images as well as some random Metroid Prime hate. I immediately guess "It's Mak." Sure enough...

It's nice to talk about what the developers intended Other M to be, but that doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the finished product. I'm sure the developers of Sonic 2006 were trying to make a good game, but that doesn't make Sonic 2006 a good game. Likewise, while the Other M devs were certainly trying to make a game that feels like the NES Metroid, they ended up with a game that took shallow inspiration from the control scheme and no inspiration from the maze-like level design or necessary minimalism of Metroid.

I'm glad Sakamoto's listened to feedback, but Nintendo's going to have a hard time convincing me to be excited about a Metroid game directed by him again.

As for your bizarre tangent on Metroid Prime, are you seriously using a contradiction in the instruction manual as evidence?
I uh...what? what prime hate? huh?
Yatōkiri_Kilgharrah;141704359 said:
No they dont. Leave miyamoto alone the man does not ned your crap. /s

Using the logic of those calling for Sakamoto's head, Miyamoto should be forbidden from making video games because one day he decided Wii Music would be a good idea.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
That post doesn't prove anything. We all know the things Sakamoto was trying to do with Other M. Just most of us either didn't like how those decisions got implemented or didn't like him having those focuses at all.

I don't see why we're obligated to like it just because Sakamoto made a good game once.
You missed the point, this isnt about liking the game or not, nobody in here inferred this, this is about the hyperbole and the false facts being spread around about a man and a series he's been apart of for 20 years, people saying things they dont know much about and only going off what other people say instead of what the actual situation is. It's not putting up real discussion and puts them in a bad light.


Honestly, if Miyamoto made a Mario game with a serious plot point being how Peach's got PTSD from being kidnapped multiple times, I'd tell even him to stay the fuck away from Mario. Not to mention Other M's multiple other shortcomings.

We can only speculate, sure, but until Sakamoto shows some repentance publicly, I'm still extremely wary. Even with the falling sales numbers, Toriyama still doubled down on the Lightning waifu shit for the FFXIII sequels. I'm afraid Sakamoto would do something like that.


Unconfirmed Member
Using the logic of those calling for Sakamoto's head, Miyamoto should be forbidden from making video games because one day he decided Wii Music would be a good idea.

Sakamoto shouldn't be banned from making video games, but I might like it best if he stayed away from metroid. Just like I want Miyamoto to keep making video games but he should probably stay away from Paper Mario.
I would like Sakamoto to be daring and take the template of Other M and extend upon what worked really well. I would like for him to omit what was absolutely terrible. I think we could reach a median of something truly special if that equation were to pan out into fruition.
Yes I agree, they should take Other M and omit everything that was absolutely terrible. Which is to say they should take Other M and omit everything.

Other M was a mess, Sakamoto should be ashamed of himself for writing that drivel, and Metroid should be handed back over to Retro. Maybe Sakamoto can have it if he hires an actually decent writer, and makes a point to retcon the entire mess that was Other M.

Yatōkiri_Kilgharrah;141706447 said:
Fans lack the foundation of respect.

The only thing they know is how to idolize someone,something and talk shit about everything else.

And yeah producers are great :p
Actually the fact that I deeply respect and love the Metroid series is why I talk shit about an obvious blemish on it and get annoyed when people suggest it's somehow an okay (or, heaven forbid, "good") game. I apologize, but a game that takes Metroid and utterly forgets practically every part of Metroid that makes is a good series cannot be considered a good Metroid game, and definitely shouldn't be used as a direction to take the series.

Especially when that damn game contradicts (at best) or utterly shits on (at worst) nearly every other Metroid game in the franchise.


What I'm getting out of this topic is, if you made a fantastic strew of games for most of your career (Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission) and you make a mistake even once (Metroid: Other M)

Then you are considered to be a shit dev, that shouldn't ever work on the series you worked the longest on for the rest of your career.

Am I getting this right?


If Metroid: Other M is retconned, they'd have to take out Fusion too since the stories are intertwined.

SPOILERS from 2010's Metroid: Other M and 2002's Metroid Fusion







Drunky McMurder
If Metroid: Other M is retconned, they'd have to take out Fusion too since the stories are intertwined.

SPOILERS from 2010's Metroid: Other M and 2002's Metroid Fusion

Great! Best idea I've heard about the Metroid story in over a decade.


What I'm getting out of this topic is, if you made a fantastic strew of games for most of your career (Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission) and you make a mistake even once (Metroid: Other M)

Then you are considered to be a shit dev, that shouldn't ever work on the series you worked the longest on for the rest of your career.

Am I getting this right?

No, you're wrong. Most of those people concede that he could come back to his 2D, minimal story style of Metroid. We are just not condoning franchise assassination.
If Metroid: Other M is retconned, they'd have to take out Fusion too since the stories are intertwined.

SPOILERS from 2010's Metroid: Other M and 2002's Metroid Fusion
A shitty halfassed reference to try and make Adam a good character instead of a frankly disturbing man who constantly looks down on Samus does not equal having an intertwining story.

If anything Other M makes Fusion's story weaker, as Samus finding out that the GFeds are cloning Metroids in Other M means she shouldn't have been at all surprised when they were still doing it in Fusion. It completely steals Fusion's twist. Not to mention how Other M butchers Adam's character worse than I could if I was trying.
The reference to Adam's sacrifice in Fusion was fine on its own without having been shown what actually happened.

Actually, scratch that. Fusion's plot point about Adam's sacrifice was better on its own without having been shown what happened in Other M because that scene was just that fucking stupid. Other M absolutely destroyed what good there was in Fusion's story.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I don't know how much influence Yokoi had on Metroid, but considering that Miyamoto learned game design philosophy from Yokoi, with Donkey Kong and Mario Bros both being collaborative efforts with Yokoi, I wouldn't act like Yokoi was just an engineer.


Let me clarify that. Yokoi is the quintessential manager / producer because he trained his designers (Kiyotake / Matsuoka / Sakamoto) during early Game & Watch projects.

When it comes to the NES and Game Boy, it has been publicly stated that Yokoi believed in encouraging his designers to fully develop their products without him policing the development process. Yokoi helped them come up with ideas and concepts, but then he let the designers make the games.

Yokoi was personally involved in Dr. Mario though. Since his team developed the NES version of Tetris, he basically asked consulted with his programming team to make a Nintendo spin-off of Tetris in Dr. Mario.

Sakamoto is known for developing strange cult games at Nintendo. That's the reason why he has a distinct identity. Ultimately, he created third person Metroid and can not be taken away from the franchise merely because of one failed experiment. If you want to subscribe to the hyperbole that one bad game equals the end of a developers career, then MGS5 or Super Mario Galaxy should not exist. End of story.


If anything Other M makes Fusion's story weaker, as Samus finding out that the GFeds are cloning Metroids in Other M means she shouldn't have been at all surprised when they were still doing it in Fusion. It completely steals Fusion's twist. Not to mention how Other M butchers Adam's character worse than I could if I was trying.

Samus wasn't surprised the Galactic Federation was breeding Metroids in Metroid Fusion.

Her response was nothing with ".....". The Adam A.I. even suggests she already suspected it when she saw Sector 1 recreating the SR388 ecosystem. The story of Metroid Fusion was left open enough to be referenced later on.

(Inside the following Navigation Room)

SC: Samus, you shouldn't have done that. You ignored your orders. You may have to pay a price for that quite soon...

(A portrait of Samus and a speech box appears on-screen)

Samus: ......

SC: As you can see, the Federation has been secretly working on a Metroid breeding program. For peaceful application only, of course. Please understand. But perhaps you already knew of this program's existence? Certainly, you must have had doubts when you saw Sector 1. SRX, a faithful replica of the SR388 ecosystem...​

What I'm getting out of this topic is, if you made a fantastic strew of games for most of your career (Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission) and you make a mistake even once (Metroid: Other M)

Then you are considered to be a shit dev, that shouldn't ever work on the series you worked the longest on for the rest of your career.

Yeah, Sakamoto has been involved in the Metroid series for a long time.

Yoshio Sakamoto's discography of Metroid games

Metroid (1986) - Director
Super Metroid (1994) - Director
Metroid Fusion (2002) - Chief Director
Metroid Zero Mission (2004) - Director
Metroid: Other M (2010) - Producer, Director, Story

Yoshio Sakamoto developer profile on Metroid Database


No, you're wrong. Most of those people concede that he could come back to his 2D, minimal story style of Metroid. We are just not condoning franchise assassination.

Considering some of the replies I've read in this topic, could have fooled me.

I really don't want Sakamoto near Metroid at all, Other M was a complete mess for me for more reasons than just the horrible story and characterization of Samus.

The main thing his team added was the stealth part at the end, and that wasn't even good.

People keep bringing up "bubububu Super Metroid", yeah and George Lucas made Star Wars back 1977. That was a long ass time ago brehs

Yep, please never let Sakamoto touch the series (or Samus, we know how much he wants to touch her) again.

Get Sakamoto the fuck off the series unless he can restrain himself with the story elements.

Sakamoto needs to be taken off the series, he doesn't understand how to make Metroid anymore. Other M would have been a good game if It weren't for Sakamoto's stupid ideas (like not using the nunchuck/the terrible story).

He is too invested in the Samus character to realise that his 'vision' of her ruined the game.

Also if they are going to keep voice acting and more dense plots for future games, they need to let Treehouse change the script as much as they want. Having a clumsy, exposition-laden Japanese script translated so directly, was severely detrimental to the game.

I don't want Sakamoto near Metroid anymore. The guy has lost it. OtherM was a travesty. Retro has to handle the franchise from now on.

I want Metroid to be a fast paced action game but Sakamoto clearly isn't the right person for the job.

Other M was so bad that it ruined Ninja Gaiden by proxy.

Sakamoto should never, ever touch Metroid (or anything) again. In fact, I'd love it if most of the Nintendo "veterans" took an extended vacation and let the younger teams try their hand at established franchises. Sakamoto, Aonuma, and Miyamoto all need to be put out to pasture.

I hope Sakamoto (as well as Team Ninja) is not part of the future of Metroid. Other M was garbage. Forgettable gameplay, TERRIBLE story and characters, awful music, etc.

The only thing "from Other M" I'd like to see in a future game is the third person view.

I think there are more of then enough people saying it, that my point stands.
If Metroid: Other M is retconned, they'd have to take out Fusion too since the stories are intertwined.

SPOILERS from 2010's Metroid: Other M and 2002's Metroid Fusion
In fact, this is complete nonsense--you don't have to retcon Fusion if you retconned Other M out of existence. "His sacrifice that is referenced in Fusion still happens, but it wasn't as mind-blowingly stupid as it was portrayed in Other M and it happened in different circumstances." Done. It's not like Fusion details what was happening at the time of Adam's sacrifice.

In fact, I think that would be the way to go about it. Retcon Other M out of existence, because as it is it ruins Fusion's story by proxy.
The reference to Adam's sacrifice in Fusion was fine on its own without having been shown what actually happened.

Actually, scratch that. Fusion's plot point about Adam's sacrifice was better on its own without having been shown what happened in Other M because that scene was just that fucking stupid. Other M absolutely destroyed what good there was in Fusion's story.

I still can't get over how
he dies by walking through a door.
The bit with him
shooting Samus
is worse in every way but talk about offing him in the most underwhelming way possible
  1. Give it to Platinum
  2. Leave the writing to anyone who worked on Nintendo's RPGs.
  3. Focus on non-linear exploration. Even more open than Super.
  4. Use lots of stuff from the manga prequel as references.


It's not just the narrative that's fucked beyond belief in Other M. The gameplay too. It's narrow corridors. Doors that shut and stay shut. This isn't Metroid.

Other M was an abortion that should be nuked from orbit and then its ashes nukes with many tiny nukes and then the molecules sent off to become some distant, shitty star that we can all avoid. One day in the far off distant future the descendants of that star may travel to our system to meet us. Let us nuke them and begin the cycle anew, creating a stable of shitty stars for the cosmos to shun.


Considering some of the replies I've read in this topic, could have fooled me.

I think there are more of then enough people saying it, that my point stands.

Considering there are more than 300 replies to this thread, my 'most' can still apply as well. And people are just being hyperbolic. Their next post is always like "I loved Super Metroid, can't he come back to that?"
A shitty halfassed reference to try and make Adam a good character instead of a frankly disturbing man who constantly looks down on Samus does not equal having an intertwining story.

If anything Other M makes Fusion's story weaker, as Samus finding out that the GFeds are cloning Metroids in Other M means she shouldn't have been at all surprised when they were still doing it in Fusion. It completely steals Fusion's twist. Not to mention how Other M butchers Adam's character worse than I could if I was trying.

Your conflating your own idea of Adam's Characterization. You dislike it because it makes you dislike samus
In fact, this is complete nonsense--you don't have to retcon Fusion if you retconned Other M out of existence. "His sacrifice that is referenced in Fusion still happens, but it wasn't as mind-blowingly stupid as it was portrayed in Other M and it happened in different circumstances." Done. It's not like Fusion details what was happening at the time of Adam's sacrifice.

In fact, I think that would be the way to go about it. Retcon Other M out of existence, because as it is it ruins Fusion's story by proxy.

Seriously considering retconning Other M because you dont like how such things are portrayed is hilarious.

What are you, children?

You know people are crazy when a guy who absolutely detests Other M is asking you what the hell is wrong with ya.

Narrative can always be explained with a little more background information and clearer, concise script. Gameplay though? Nothing can fix that once you screw it up.


Metroid Fusion is not perfect. It's a good game with some wonderfully creative boss fights, but it suffers from Adam's tedious conversations and a replacement of exploration with "Go there and do this."

It's a lot like Metroid Prime 3.

It's perfect in its own way. It's a portable game and that's why it's segmented for a quick play.

All Samus' actions are all fun to do and carry a lot of weight, and you can do a lot of actions with just two buttons and a side trigger, which is a design achievement in my eyes. Back in Super Metroid, controls were a bit cumbersome and redundant and made controlling Samus like if she were a tank. Fusion's enemies attack patterns are also better adjusted than in Super Metroid, which was more about tanking hits with a lot of health because you barely could see anything coming.

It felt very fresh. Setting was new, Samus was different, her role in the game was different compared with previous iterations and she was physically frail and in constant danger. Gameplay also tried new things with new moves and a the whole sector thing, which enabled for self contained sections that introduced a twist in gameplay, like destroying the fans, avoiding the ice X, running from SA-X and so on. Enemies felt really organic with the merging mechanic.

Adam told you what to do, but not how to do it. You still have to explore the sector, look for a plausible route, find the map room, the secret rooms beyond the map. This routine makes plenty room for surprises when it doesn't follow as you expected, so the developers were conscious of what they were doing. I think this is its most controversial point, but again, it's a portable game and was made with all of these limitations in mind, limitations that allowed them to experiment with new things like the narrative and the self-contained levels.

In terms of design, the space station is something else. All the rooms are tightly packed together, which makes traversing fast and allows for some shortcuts and shine puzzles mid and late game. Somebody said the rooms being slope heavy give Fusion a Wario Land feel, and that's true. It's all for taking advantage of the shine, the star of the GBA Metroids IMO. Puzzles are amazing and blend with the action better than before. This was something GBA Metroids did amazing too.

And then you have the plot and the backstory. Samus talks and she's cool. The X developments and learning. It brings together elements from Metroid, II, Super Metroid and even Other M to tie everything together and give the classic series not only a tribute, but a sort of closure.
The baby metroid, the Metroids, Ridley, the Space Pirates, Adam, SR-388, the etecoons and dachoras, the Chozo Statue spreading nature inside the ship, and how it was revealed that the Chozo created the Metroids to fight the X and how Metroid means "Ultimate Warrior" in regards to Samus, fitting like a glove in the backstory of the series.
It gets very emotional for me.

When it was released, I used to think that Fusion was a bad Metroid, but years later I started a new game and was blown away by it. Calling this little gem simply "good" is a disservice to what it offers, because there's nothing like it. Not Prime, not even Super Metroid. Only Zero Mission can compete with Fusion in terms of controls, rhythm and design quality, but I myself prefer Fusion over ZM for replacing missiles with super missiles, which was an excellent idea to make a more streamlined inventory, the plot devices and the space station tight layout over the loooong vertical and horizontal corridors of Zebes.

It definitely isn't like Prime 3. That's the one that is "good".
All this Metroid talk coupled with the fact that Im currently playing Halo 4's campaign (those protheans look a lot like space pirates!) for the first time, has made me feel incredibly hungry for another Retro made Metroid. It doesn't have to be FP. In fact I'd be happy with just a dual analog enabled HD remaster of Prime 1 on WiiU.

Seriously I've never felt such hunger for a new Metroid game in my life. I was too young to understand Super Metroid when it came out so my first Metroid game was Prime and loved it but after Prime 3 I was done with them and prepared to let go so the thirst wasn't there before Prime

And yes. Other M should be nuked out of existance, let alone retconned. The last Metroid game worth a damn I played was in 2007! Now I know what Metroid fans were feeling between 1994 and 2002.


I feel some of you guys are taking the Other M hate way to far. I feel that people are hating for the sake of hating. IMO the game is a solid 7/10. This Samus looking weak thing is as annoying as the skyrim arrow meme. Sure it was silly, but it wasn't really that big of a deal.
He is also proud about his other games and he knows he did with other m something different.
And what has that to do with anything, what if he goes back to its roots for the next, maybe time has pass and has read feedback and understands what didn't work, what the fuck do you really know?
Im starting to get fed up of random people knowing how developers think based on random quotes, and it's even worse with Sakurai just to add another example.

The man has "failed" fucking once, give him a brake, people can learn from their mistakes.
Koizumi made the fucking piece of garbage that was Super Mario Sunshine, im sure his somewhat proud of it (me as a designer im also proud of things I did in the past full of mistakes Im aware of and not doing them again), and look at him now what masterpieces he did after that. And if you like Sunshine then congrats, because you are throwing bricks to your own roof, as the same argument you are using against people who like other m and defend Sakamoto can be used against you.

But of course, im not going to be that guy because I like to give people a chance, and even more if IMO they have a masterful career behind their backs.

I want my first post in Neogaf to be me agreeing completely to what this guy posted. God bless you. And God bless Sakamoto, savior of Metroid and bringer of Wario Ware and Kiki Trick.
I don't want sakamoto involved with metroid going foward. Inf act after other M and Kid Icarus Uprising I would prefer if he just retired. He seems to have come down with Lucas Syndrome.
I hope they bury everything (except for the Varia Suit redesign, that was nice) and retconn the shit out of Other M.

It was absolutely dreadful, the gameplay, the leveldesign, the bland art, the craptastic music... and thats before I even mention the offensive story...

...the only thing I´d give them is that it looks expensive.

They should go back to the Prime foundation and build from there. Prime´s gameplay would work wonderfully with a Dead Space-esque third person camera and they could use the TPS camera to make the game a bit more dynamik (if they want to, I can live with first person again)

Minimalism, Lore to scan and let your brain fill out the gaps etc.

Edit: Nothing against Sakamoto though. He is clearly talanted. Wario Ware is insanely fun. Tomodachi Life is a great idea / ant farm to poke at. I just don´t want him to touch Metroid again.
I feel some of you guys are taking the Other M hate way to far. I feel that people are hating for the sake of hating. IMO the game is a solid 7/10. This Samus looking weak thing is as annoying as the skyrim arrow meme. Sure it was silly, but it wasn't really that big of a deal.
My hate is well backed and it's not just because its "what everyone else thinks".

I hate the controls. Why they had to stick to Wiimote only? A 3D game should never only be able to control with a Dpad. Those forced first person pixel hunting segments were horrible. And the back and forth of the controller to point to the TV was frustrating. Oh and those forced slow walking parts are mind boggling. An option for Wiimote + Nunchuk wouldve fixed many of my complaints here.

I hated the level design. To many narrow corridors that looked very same-y. To many empty rooms. Doors that closed and didn't open up again. Where's the classic sense of exploration?

And I won't delve commenting on what they did with the story, Samus' personality which is nothing short of a blasphemy and that creepy Adam/Samus relationship. Other M shits all over who's supposed to be the badass par excellence First Lady of videogames and turned her into a submissive, daddy issue ridden doll with a mole on her face who goes all over the Galaxy fighting in high heels.

Oh I assure you. My loathing of Other M is very very well thought out.
I feel some of you guys are taking the Other M hate way to far. I feel that people are hating for the sake of hating. IMO the game is a solid 7/10. This Samus looking weak thing is as annoying as the skyrim arrow meme. Sure it was silly, but it wasn't really that big of a deal.


I think Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are 10/10 masterpieces and Corruption is a 9.5-9/ 10 game .

Other M is just such a huge step down compared to what came before in....every single aspect (imo), so the hate and anger is kinda justified.


My hate is well backed and it's not just because its "what everyone else thinks".

I hate the controls. Why they had to stick to Wiimote only? A 3D game should never only be able to control with a Dpad. Those forced first person pixel hunting segments were horrible. And the back and forth of the controller to point to the TV was frustrating. Oh and those forced slow walking parts are mind boggling. An option for Wiimote + Nunchuk wouldve fixed many of my complaints here.

I hated the level design. To many narrow corridors that looked very same-y. To many empty rooms. Doors that closed and didn't open up again. Where's the classic sense of exploration?

And I won't start commenting on what they did with the story, Samus' personality which is nothing short of a blasphemy and that creepy Adam/Samus relationship. Other M shits all over what's supposed to be the badass par excellence First Lady of videogames and turned her into a submissive, daddy issue ridden doll with a mole on her face who goes all over the Galaxy fighting in high heels.

Oh I assure you. My loathing of Other M is very very well thought out.

I do agree with you on the controls, and a bit on the level design but I think you and many others are extrapolating too much negativity from the story. Sure Samus is a bad ass, but just keep in mind that the games from the main canon were all 2D till Other M. It isn't easy to build a character in an environment with no other characters to converse with on top of being limited to small capacity cartridges. Nintendo rarely had a chance to build a character for Samus so we filled in the blanks with our own head canon. The limitations that were imposed on the previous games imposed an image of Samus that may have never been intentional. In the few instances that come up, Samus' dialog in Metroid Fusion with the A.I.is pretty consistent with Samus in Other M. She is being ordered around and authorized to do things and is irritable and oversensitive when other peoples lives are at stake much like in Other M (especially when Adam is brought up). I believe many people including yourself are making that mistake and thus you believe Samus' portrayal in Other M is wrong. Other M most certainly could have toned down the anime esque presentation, but for the most part Samus portrayal as a reflective, and concerned warrior is in line with Metroid Fusion.


Make it like Dark Souls.

Samus goes to some crazy ass planet and meets some depressed aliens who sell her stuff. Occasionally she finds other people in different areas, with varying roles.

Giant bosses and unpredictable smaller enemies that make exploring tense and interesting.

Instead of having a linear upgrade path, allow more choices and customization. "Damn, I put too many points in ice rockets when I should have focused on smart bombs."

Invade other people's games as DARK SAMUS.
Whoever makes the next Metroid game, I hope they remember that Samus is fast and agile, and not a truck. That's the one thing Other M nailed and the otherwise superior Prime games got tremendously wrong.


I just want a new, universally (or as much as can be reasonably expected) loved Metroid so we can stop talking about how Other M ruined the series and what not. Also I like the Metroid series and Samus so I obviously want more games in the series.


I find Other M a regular game that can easily be improved. You guys make it sound like it's Superman 64 kind of bad, the hate its way out of proportion.


You know, the more OtherM topics i read, the more i realize that people who like it have nothing else to say except defending it's crappy story in some ways. A few fans will point out that Samus is again agile (a good point) and that they prefer the 3rd person perspective over first person in Prime (another legit one).

Other than that its always discussions about the story, how Samus is portrayed, what is canon and what is not, if it's sexist or not, if Samus has daddy issues or not, if we should care about the other characters, how it connects with the other Metroid games, how things are explained in the comics, etc. Of course, some people will point out how this game doesn't feel like Metroid because it throws some important design aspects (the series is known for) out of the window, but that doesn't matter. Most fans don't care about this stuff, they only care to prove that everything that happens in the game is "cannon" so that means its a good Metroid game (!!!???)

I just don't get it, is this what videogaming is all about now? What is this, a game or an anime series? If someone randomly sees a topic like this without knowing what Metroid is, he will have a hard time understanding if it's a game or a TV/comic series. And i don't remember enjoying the original Metroid, or Metroid 2, or Super, because of it's comics. I don't even care about the comics, the only comics i ever read are the ones about Donald and Scrooge Mc Duck.

Read a topic about Super Metroid or Metroid Prime. Its always talk about game design, level design, shortcuts, speedgaming, atmosphere, the soundtracks... THE SOUNDTRACKS. When was the last time you saw a topic or discussion about OtherM's soundtrack except the ones that point out it's non-existance?

This proves that OtherM has nothing for it, except it's controversial plot and characterizations. Things that normally should be low priority in the series, or be more subtle, or exist in the background.
I do agree with you on the controls, and a bit on the level design but I think you and many others are extrapolating too much negativity from the story. Sure Samus is a bad ass, but just keep in mind that the games from the main canon were all 2D till Other M. It isn't easy to build a character in an environment with no other characters to converse with on top of being limited to small capacity cartridges. Nintendo rarely had a chance to build a character for Samus so we filled in the blanks with our own head canon. The limitations that were imposed on the previous games imposed an image of Samus that may have never been intentional. In the few instances that come up, Samus' dialog in Metroid Fusion with the A.I.is pretty consistent with Samus in Other M. She is being ordered around and authorized to do things and is irritable and oversensitive when other peoples lives are at stake much like in Other M (especially when Adam is brought up). I believe many people including yourself are making that mistake and thus you believe Samus' portrayal in Other M is wrong. Other M most certainly could have toned down the anime esque presentation, but for the most part Samus portrayal as a reflective, and concerned warrior is in line with Metroid Fusion.

Its true that some of that "canon" personality we filled it with our heads but its also true that we don't have to like the direction Sakamoto went with Samus' personality.

And even setting that aside the game's story still managed to be badly paced, horribly written and abysmally voice acted.

Oh and what about that "I'll burn to death before I disobey a direct order from Adam" fiasco? What a horrible excuse for a "let's strip Samus of all her upgrades" gimmick.


I find Other M a regular game that can easily be improved. You guys make it sound like it's Superman 64 kind of bad, the hate its way out of proportion.

It's because they have a sickly obsession with the Metroid universe that they're now taking it to a level of narcissism that allows them to believe creative entitlement over the very creator himself.
You know, the more OtherM topics i read, the more i realize that people who like it have nothing else to say except defending it's crappy story in some ways. A few fans will point out that Samus is again agile (a good point) and that they prefer the 3rd person perspective over first person in Prime (another legit one).

Other than that its always discussions about the story, how Samus is portrayed, what is canon and what is not, if it's sexist or not, if Samus has daddy issues or not, if we should care about the other characters, how it connects with the other Metroid games, how things are explained in the comics, etc. Of course, some people will point out how this game doesn't feel like Metroid because it throws some important design aspects (the series is known for) out of the window, but that doesn't matter. Most fans don't care about this stuff, they only care to prove that everything that happens in the game is "cannon" so that means its a good Metroid game (!!!???)

I just don't get it, is this what videogaming is all about now? What is this, a game or an anime series? If someone randomly sees a topic like this without knowing what Metroid is, he will have a hard time understanding if it's a game or a TV/comic series. And i don't remember enjoying the original Metroid, or Metroid 2, or Super, because of it's comics. I don't even care about the comics, the only comics i ever read are the ones about Donald and Scrooge Mc Duck.

Read a topic about Super Metroid or Metroid Prime. Its always talk about game design, level design, shortcuts, speedgaming, atmosphere, the soundtracks... THE SOUNDTRACKS. When was the last time you saw a topic or discussion about OtherM's soundtrack except the ones that point out it's non-existance?

This proves that OtherM has nothing for it, except it's controversial plot and characterizations. Things that normally should be low priority in the series, or be more subtle, or exist in the background.

Well lets look at the facts: It is the worst reviewed console Metroid game since the NES and after it came out the longest drought of Metroid games started since Metroid Prime ended the 8 year apartheid and still we got no near end in sight.

Metroid Other M may not be as bad as some say but as far as the franchise goes it was a big disappointment and the one responsible for singlehandedly killing the series (until I see any Metroid game again I'm calling it dead).


Junior Member
I want exactly the same approach taken as Metroid Prime.
I want the old team back and an atmospheric, lonely masterpiece.

I want nothing fromOther M
I don't want sakamoto involved with metroid going foward. Inf act after other M and Kid Icarus Uprising I would prefer if he just retired. He seems to have come down with Lucas Syndrome.


It's because they have a sickly obsession with the Metroid universe that they're now taking it to a level of narcissism that allows them to believe creative entitlement over the very creator himself.

I don't hate the game (though I dislike it and it's still one of the worst Metroid games by a good bit) but all you seem to be doing is brushing off anyone's criticism with "lol haters" and "you're overreacting" while not actually saying why you think the game is good.


Metroid Other M may not be as bad as some say but as far as the franchise goes it was a big disappointment and the one responsible for singlehandedly killing the series (until I see any Metroid game again I'm calling it dead).
Yeah, that's another one. Some people don't get this. Metroid fans who hate the game (like me) mostly hate it because it's a terrible Metroid game. By itself its actually a pretty decent action game (with awful custsenes still). But it has a name on its box art that says "Metroid" and when i'm in the mood to play a Metroid game, i expect a Metroid game. Not a casual action game. Even if its the best casual action game in the world, it's still a terrible Metroid game and that's what matters.


I don't hate the game (though I dislike it and it's still one of the worst Metroid games by a good bit) but all you seem to be doing is brushing off anyone's criticism with "lol haters" and "you're overreacting" while not actually saying why you think the game is good.

I'm doing nothing of the sort. I'm not making brandish remarks about how it is objectively impossible to think there is any semblance of good in Other M. Quite the opposite. I am pointing out to those who do think such things to be psychologically unstable, which they are. Their criticism is psychologically unstable. Too much emotional/mental investment in past successes has given them an attachment deficit.

Star Wars fans and Star Trek fans are no different.

Fanaticism in general is no different.


You lost me there. Are you saying the artwork/spritework should be animated at 30fps, or the game should run at 30fps?

Because one of those two things is not a good idea.
I don't know, which ever one makes the game look AND play as smooth as possible. I just assumed the fps for spritework would have to match the fps for the game. If not then maybe 24 frames for animation, and much higher for the game? Whatever plays and looks best.


Yeah, that's another one. Some people don't get this. Metroid fans who hate the game (like me) mostly hate it because it's a terrible Metroid game. By itself its actually a pretty decent action game (with awful custsenes still). But it has a name on its box art that says "Metroid" and when i'm in the mood to play a Metroid game, i expect a Metroid game. Not a casual action game. Even if its the best casual action game in the world, it's still a terrible Metroid game and that's what matters.
If it were a decent action game then it would be a still be a decent game regardless of story.

I don't give a shit about Samus' personality or if Other M is respectful to previous games. At the end of the day Metroid is about jumping on platforms and shooting aliens and Other M is godawful at this.

Why do they deserve a second chance if they couldn't even get the basics right?
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