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Your dream Announcement for this E3


New Monolith Soft Titel :D
Xenosaga HD Remake for Switch
Xenoblade Chronicles X Switch Port
New Nier Game ><

Quite monotone taste I guess :D


Sony’s announcement of their next portable, fully compatible with all our existing PS4 games and can be played on the go. Basically turn your PS4 into a portable.

All PSN downloaded games can be redownloaded on the new portable. All disc based games you purchased like God of War and Monster Hunter World can be registered through the disc and downloaded also to the portable.

Ok I dream too much.


I only have a Switch now so...

Resident Evil games on Switch
Eternal Darkness Remake or ED 2 by Retro
A new HD Snow Bros


Evil Within 2 DLC starring Juli Kidman (hubba hubba etc.) & a Mass Effect Trilogy (with all the DLC) remaster with 3 Platinum trophies on the ps4 version. I'd also want to see an Elder Scrolls VI reveal. Considering that's all in the domain of utterly implausible, I'll go with gameplay & a release date for the Medieval remake. Sir Daniel Fortesque is at least something to get excited about.

I could also 'dream' of a new Killzone, but that's even less likely than my first 3 wishes.


Neo Member
Valve's Artifact coming simultaneously to PS4 with the PC Release. I don't know why but that was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't even realize I was that hyped for it.


Could happen:
For the love of god Devil May Cry 5

Couldn't happen:
The return of Ninja Gaiden
AAA GunValkyrie sequel
God Hand 2


One isn't enough....

All Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games announced for the Switch including the forthcoming Shadow title.

Sega to announce an ongoing series of remastered Saturn compilation discs for consoles and PC.

Quake 6, a direct sequel to the original with emphasis on single-player.

Master Chief Collection for PC.
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Diddy X

Halo 6, Devil May cry 5, etc. are hardly a dream but a fact so a dream would be... a new Banjo-Kazooie!, even with a remake of the first one I would leave satisfied.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member

Starfield is the Bethesda Softworks Game you always wanted!! Sci-Fi RPG and it drops Xmas 2018!!


Cyberpunk 2077 is way further along than everyone thought....and it drops Xmas 2018!!


Fallout: New Vegas 2 has been secretly developed by Obsidian under our noses and drops Xmas 2018!!


Release dates for Shenmue HD and Shenmue 3, a save transfer feature between the two, and Shenmue 4 on the horizon...

Crew 511A

Shining Force 3 compilation with the Premium Disc.

I'd settle for a proper new Shining Force game. Several times in the last 20 years, they've announced new Shining Force games were coming, but those announcements were always followed by stinging disagreements.


Perfect Dark (true to the slick N64 original style)
Devil May Cry 5 (with playable Vergil)
Castlevania (a good looking classicvania maybe ?)

I don't have much more I'd want. I hope mostly for exciting new fresh IPs.


Not many massive dreams left for me really. Lots of things i really want are already announced or in production, Last of us 2 , shadows die twice, ff7 remake etc...
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prepare for disappointment.

Dream announcement? Probably Starfield or TES6. A new open world RPG from Bethesda Game Studios that is not Fallout would be huge for me. Although I wish for a FF7:R release date, I doubt that square is even able to develop the game. I really don't think they are competent enough to plan, develop and publish a game of this size.

Forsure, not expecting them to come out on stage and announce they have a release date for the remake by any means. I think a Kingdom Hearts release date is a definite though.


Hmm... just one dream announcement? How about:

Nintendo and Studio Ghibli team up to make a Harry Potter action-platformer based on the Sorcerer's Stone, with Miyamoto or Tezuka godfathering the gameplay while Ghibli handles the art direction and cinematics (which would potentially culminate in a theatrical film project).

That or EA loses exclusive publishing rights for Star Wars.

Not sure which would be more magical to be honest.
  • New Animal Crossing for Switch this holiday season
  • WaveRace for Switch with online Multiplayer
  • F-Zero for Switch with online Multiplayer
  • True Paper Mario Sequel (read: no Sticker Star bulls***)
  • Mario Maker for Switch release date (likely 2019)
  • Pokemon for Switch release date (again, likely 2019)
  • 2D Castlevania for Switch
  • Monster Hunter World port for Switch (highly unlikely...but hey, this is a dream thread, yes?)

  • Fable 4
  • (Spiritual) Sequel to Lost Odyssey
  • MechWarrior 3
  • Phantom Dust 2
  • Forza Horizon 4
  • Halo 6
  • Gears 5
  • Perfect Dark Sequel (that doesn't suck)
  • Scalebound assets in a new game?
  • Another new IP adventure game (a la Horizon: Zero Dawn)
  • Panzer Dragoon Compilation (including Saga) (this also releases for Switch, PS4)
  • All of the Sega OG Xbox games (along with a bevy of others) are now BC, and Microsoft was able to code a way to get the original XBL functionality back (read: Halo 2 is back on the menu, boys!)
  • Halo MC Collection coming to PC
  • Microsoft purchases Capcom*
  • Microsoft purchases Sega*
  • Microsoft purchases EA*
  • Microsoft purchases Bluehole Studios*
  • Microsoft purchases your mom*
  • Wild Arms/Legend of Dragoon Ressurection
  • Syphon Filter ressurection
  • SOCOM ressurection
  • Battle Arena Toshinden ressurection

*At least one (if not multiple) of these purchase announcements is plausible and possible since Microsoft has billions to repatriate back to the U.S. due to changes in tax law. Sony, your mom, not so much.


Nintendo is creating a series of first-party, licensed sports games for Switch (a la Ken Griffey, Kobe Bryant).
New Skies of Arcadia, but I'd settle for HD release.

Virtua Fighter 6 would be amazing, but I'll be be happy just to see the new Mortal Kombat.
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