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Your dream Announcement for this E3

Silent Hill remake (REmake style, faithful and improving on the original while keeping everything that made it great in tact) involving key members of the original team.

Or better yet, the announcement that the IP has been sold to someone who gives a fuck.

Or even better, breaking news that the head of Konami has just been eaten alive by fire ants.
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always chasing the next thrill
half life 3
a new sprite based metroid 2d game
sonic mania 2
borderlands 3
diablo 4
torchlight 3
a new sim city
clicker heroes 2
diablo 2 HD
breath of fire 6
red alert 2 remake


Neo Member
This is an obvius one, new F-Zero for Switch, tough and fast as GX. How long do we have to keep waiting?
However, I would rather have a GX remaster with online that a new experimental-not enough budgeted new game that doesn't keep up with the expectations of the main series.


Onimusha reboot being developed for PS4 would have been my dream announcement just a few months ago.
But now that Sony has announced Ghost of Tsushima I feel that that dream has been partially fulfilled (not that I wouldn't be incredibly happy with an actual Onimsuha game being announced by Capcom of course :D)
So my dream at this point would be either the Silent Hill 2 team getting back together to make a new game or Bloodborne 2 being announced or Square Enix announcing FFXVI with a FFIX-like medieval fantasy style.


Neo Member
I just want to see what Retro has been doing all these years.

They have so far yet to make a video game I would rank lower than 8/10, so whatever they're working on should be fantastic.


RIVAL SCHOOL 3 with graphics ala ninokuni 2.
And of course...
my dream dream game.
Is a DC VS MARVEL fighting game.


I can't get enough of Monster Hunter World, any type of expansion/large update aside from the weekly events would be fantastic.


Neo Member
Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I'd like to see a new Zelda game, using the BotW engine. But I know it's too soon for that, sadly..


Sega announces Phantasy Star Online 3 and it will release
worldwide this fall for PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch (w/phone chat) and PS4. And like Phantasy Star Universe, it will have a single player campaign, except this time instead of being average, it will be PS IV level of greatness.


New elder scrolls, Bloodborne 2, Mortal kombat XI, Next Halo, New Yakuza, Next Legend of Zelda, Smash, New Animal Crossing, and Gta VI.
Well aparently someone leaked the Nintendo Online Services reveal early and they also spoiled the entire E3 Nintendo presentation.

The Online Services leak proved to be accurate so it sounds like we will be seeing Metroid Prime 4. That will satisfy me.


Microsoft licence the rights to make Half Life 3 from Valve...

(Kyle Bosman voice)
Exxcccllllusivvvellly - not on PS4


God it would be beautiful.


Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.

I reckon the "biggest" criticism of the industry is actually how greedy it has become, with micro transactions, DLC & multiplayer hidden behind a paywall. Whilst political correctness gone mad & overall disrespect to gamers (both in financial terms & also morally) is another noted problem (EA seeking Anita Sarkeesian's input.. aka "what the hell is wrong with this industry?!"). When political extremist provocateurs & liars are moralizing an entire industry with apparent real influence, things go to sh*t real fast.

As for sequels? When Nintenbo satisfy their fanbase ad infinitum with constant Zelda, Mario Kart etc. masterpieces, there's nothing wrong with sequels when they're done right - likewise "new IP's" aren't always a winning ticket, especially when they suck. I listed Killzone as one of my own wishes simply because the actual lore & universe (with the ISA versus Helghast conflict) was a brilliant set-up with lots of potential (fantastic artsyle as well). I feel (after the first game) that narrative potential was squandered & I want to see a massive science fiction combat game set in the same universe, i.e. maybe mix things up a little & give us the chance to play as an actual Helghast this time.


(Post has images of Sony spokesmen talking for authenticity.)


Shawn Layden:
Someone said "Censorship is like banning steak because toddlers can't chew". Artist have struggled a lot with this idea, and we all know by now that games can be considered Art! Until now the best course of action for developers was to compromise; hide some stuff on their games in order to get a low age rating. That means that entire demographics in whole countries where getting versions of the game that the developer didn't originally intent, and was forced to tone or cut down it's content, so some kid will have access to it! Alternative, how many times have you been denied a game, just because it had a higher rating due to a couple questionable scenes.

We are happy to announce that having to struggle censored games as an adult will be a thing of the past.
We've developed a new way for developers to release their games.
Now games will censor them selfs automatically depending on the system's parental advisory settings. All the developer has to do is to develop an alternative way a mechanic or cut-scene can be shown without any parts that can be considered inappropriate, and during gameplay depending on the parental control level of the system the original or altered scene will show.

(Shows footage of Kratos ripping off Helios's head, and altered footage of Kratos giving Helios a back massage and taking his flashlight.)

In addition to an age rating, now the parental advisory settings will have options to lock away content that you might find disturbing. Such options as Religious, Sexual (male and female separately), Violence or Racism sensitivity, so such content that you might find inappropriate will automatically get filtered out.
Needless to say we'll be working endlessly with the various retailers to ensure that there will be sufficient information to the parents and buyers to make use of this option.

(Audience claps furiously!)
Andrew House comes to the spotlight

But as we say that video games can be art, we must not forget our legacy. But playing older games can be hard. You need to find the hardware and the software, and then there was the issue of compatibility in the various regions, locking players out from Historic games like Xenogears and Chrono Cross. The absence of such games in these games in these regions is a sin we could never atone for. However we can begin to make up for it by announcing a new section of the PSN. Gentles and ladysmen, let me introduce you to playstation Museum!

(Crowd goes into Frenzy. People are stage diving)


Due to popular demand, ps4 and ps5 will now be fully backwards compatible.
In addition to continuing bringing historic tittles to the store, European psn will now co-operate with the American and Japanese counterparts to cross-buy digital content without the need to create multiple accounts.
We've also didn't forget that that era was the golden age of Japanese Gaming! To combat the language barrier, we've added the ability for Retro games to be fantranslated by users. As long as the fans of the game abide by the rules, they are free to submit fan translations, and they'll become an available option to any PSN user who purchase a licence to each retro game.
And we didn't stop there... Fans are also free to re-translate already translated games, ether to fix translation inaccuracies of the time, or make available a superior version of a game that didn't make it out of japan.
In additions, the games can take advantage of the superior hardware of the PS5 and get up-scaled to HD and with Widescreen patches. With the help of the changes Shawn announced before, In Playstation Museum you'll find the definitive version of the entire Playstation LEGACY.

(Crowd starts an Orgy.)
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Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.

Well it makes it sorta tough to have a "dream announcement" and it not be a sequel of a game. Otherwise it's mostly just prospective mergers/collaborations, additional software features and hardware. The more you talk about new IPs like this, the more we're getting into a "describe your dream game that'll never happen"-type scenario.
A Sony FPS titled "War Games"

a killzone resistance cross over fps in the style of star wars battlefront (2005)
  • four factions (ISA, Helghast, Chimera and resistance forces)
  • 5 to 6 classes each
  • vehicles / jet packs that each factions use in their respected games
  • special characters for each faction (sort of like hero and villains)
  • galactic conquest type mode with maps modified from both games
I really want this TBH


Gold Member
Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.

Quest markers and HUBs feel identical across the board at times. I admit that, but I don't feel like there's anything wrong with sequels or reboots. Familiarity is engaging as well as entertaining. Unoriginal can often times be more enduring than having something we're accustomed to. You can only cut the melon so many ways. :/

I want to see Onimusha, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and a glimpse at the newest Final Fantasy. Sure, I sound like I just arrived from 2001. I still enjoy those franchises.

I remember when Gears of War was shown and how new it felt. I'd like to see the industry push an epic campaign again.

Bethesda's lineup would be exciting and I hope we get something good from their press show.

I'm not quite sure. I'm excited about RDR2 and Spider-Man.

I always enjoyed Halo, but I feel like I'm holding onto the plot like a classic novel. Where do they go from here? I haven't played Halo 5 since the year it came out.

I like how the industry holds onto franchises because I enjoy their world. If we kept getting all new IP's we'd feel like this was a fast food restaurant that always changes its menu. I wish game releases weren't this "quick high". Everyone plays it for a week or a month and then multiplayer games become the focus until another amazing single player game comes out.

I have Bloodstained and ShenMue 3 from Kickstarter. I'm excited for whenever those arrive.

Devil May Cry 5 would be awesome.
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Resident Evil Outbreak File 3 for PS4

Konami 3D Collection for 3DS(All of Konami's N64 output)

Xenoblade X 2

Simon Belmont in Smash


always chasing the next thrill
Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.
pfffff sir killjoy


Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.
Sequels can be very original and inspired. Was Mario 64 just another Mario game? Was God of War 2018 just another GoW game? Sequels don't just mean "the last game but slightly better", unfortunately alot of them ARE like that though...


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.

I feel like it's very hard to predict new iP so it's hard to say you want it.


MS will announce a new Halo, a new Forza and a new Gears and when the crowd is just about to fall asleep of boredom they reveal their new AAAAAAA single player game : Horizon of War
The story of a red haired demi-goddess widow that must travel with her small daughter to kill the gods that murdered her husband in a land habited by robot dinosaurs.

Codes 208

-banjo kazooie remake and banjo threeie
-conker 2
-halo reboot or spiritual successor

-solid release date for days gone
-bloodborne 2
-a true crash 4
-BC for ps3
-a game based on venom
-killzone 5 (with a focus more on what made 2 so amazing.)

-zelda OoT and MM HD
-virtual console
-new mario sidescroller (with no relation to nsmb)
-new pokemon
-solid release for metroid
-3ds successor

Third party
-doom 2
Apparently, all GAF can dream of is sequels. I don't say this in a condescending way. I just find it interesting considering the biggest critics of the industry right now is how unoriginal or uninspired it has become.
What else would we answer with? Its obvious many of us want pubs like ms to make new games but how is a new ip i never heard of or dont know even exists going to be my dream annoncement?


A fully featured no micro transaction Animal Crossing for the Switch.

A fully featured mainline Pokémon game dropping this fall for the Switch.

A brand new AAA IP FPS that focuses on online play for the Switch.
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