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Your least favorite 95+ Metacritic game from the 7th generation?


Batman: Arkham City
Grand Theft Auto 4
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Mass Effect 2
Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted 2

I didn't like any of those, but Uncharted 2 was the worst. Not a fan of those highly cinematic shooters that emphasize "awesum!!" set pieces over decent gameplay mechanics.


It'd be better if I say which were the ones that I actually enjoyed:

The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2

I actually liked Mass Effect 2 too, it was fun, but no way it was a 95+ game, whatever that means, so I guess that's my least favorite because the other ones... were mostly shit.


GTA4 without a doubt, it deserves 8.5 to 9 at best.

It really seems like reviewers were either paid off or swayed by like nice luxuries (crack + 5 star hotel dinner strippers) during review weekend.


I respect your opinion, but I'll just never understand how somebody can play a game for hundreds of hours and ultimately determine it's not a good game.

A game like Skyrim has hooks and such to keep people playing. Just because you become compulsive about something doesn't mean you think it is good, especially after the fact, though it is true people don't make the difference.

EDIT: Multiple hundreds of hours does sound a little much though.
I'm torn between GTA4 and GTA5. I enjoyed 4 but it didn't stick with me and when it was over I felt kinda disappointed by it. On the other hand I feel 5 started out good but it lost me and I haven't finished it as of yet.


My least favorite would probably be Bioshock. Not to say I didn't like it, I just haven't played all the games up there.

A game like Skyrim has hooks and such to keep people playing. Just because you become compulsive about something doesn't mean you think it is good, especially after the fact, though it is true people don't make the difference.

I was going to originally list Skyrim as my choice, but I thought about the hours I put into it. I generally enjoyed the time I played Skyrim even if 75% of the time was messing around with mods.


Skyrim, Uncharted 2, and Mass Effect 2 strike me as not worthy of that company.

Skyrim tho for my least favorite.



The way it plays on PS3 is atrocious, luckily I had someone lend me the game for a short time to try it out. Happy I didn't buy it.

It really shouldn't be that high up the list.
That's a pretty limp list.
SMG, SMG 2 or Red Dead Redemption.

Edit: I misread the title. I thought those were the best.

Has to be GTA IV, Skyrim or Little Big Planet then.


It's easier for me to pick the ones which I think deserve 95%+ average rating. That would be TLoU, Portal 2 and Uncharted 2. All else is overhyped in my opinion.
GTA4. Not to say it wasn't fun at times but the story was so mind numbing I never could bother to finish it. Just fooled around doing random stuff in it until GTA5 came out. Now I never touch it again.
Only 15 games were rated that high throughout the entire generation. Here's all of them, in alphabetical order:

Batman: Arkham City
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Uncharted 2

Well I've only played Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock out of those. Of those two Bioshock is my least favorite.

Overall I'll give it to LittleBigPlanet I guess.
Let's just put them in preference:

Uncharted 2
Red Dead Redemption
The Orange Box
Grand Theft Auto 5
Super Mario Galaxy
Portal 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Mass Effect 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Batman: Arkham City


Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Uncharted 2

Of those games, I haven't played GTA5, Portal 2, or SMG2. I did play GTAIV, Portal, and SMG though.

So of the ones I played, GTA4 easily. The game is very pretty and the city is incredible, but after that it's all sooooo boring. I hated everyone in the game, the missions weren't any better than any of the other GTAs, the mechanics were barely refined at all (and in some places took several steps back from SA), and the driving felt like garbage which made one of the best parts of previous games, driving around the city, not fun anymore. Such an overrated game, I think people are just blinded by the tech and don't look at the game underneath.

And while I would have a lot of similar complaints about RDR (boring missions, boring mechanics, unlikable not entertaining characters), the game has in my opinion one of the best endings in videogames so that redeems it a bit.

LBP is my second. I bought that game day 1 because I though it looked so great artistically and thematically and I figured my wife and I could play co-op. Unfortunately, this is another example of in my opinion critics falling for the flair and not looking behind the curtain. The platforming in this game is garbage. Even my wife, who is about as casual as it comes when it comes to videogames, repeatedly complained about how bad it felt and quit a few levels in. I also never found any awesome user made content, although I sold it ~6 months after release - I'm sure better stuff came out eventually.

Great list though. I'm shocked but also thrilled Akrham City is on that list. I like AA and AC a lot but in different ways, but I completely agree the franchise (I haven't touched Origins) is one of the best of the generation and am glad AC got that recognition.
Red Dead Redemption. The game was simply boring and most of the missions sucked ass except for the last train robbery one. And the game was a technical disaster on PS3.
I liked all of them except Mass Effect 2, which was a bitter disappointment. I expected the exploration elements to be refined, but they were eliminated completely.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is 95+?

Jesus Christ of Nazareth, hear my cry.

I thought I would have some trouble choosing, but that must be my choice. The dull, sluggish version of Ocarina of Time. I can't believe I was excited for that game at a time after yawning through the title's watered down wolf transformation (that's as fun to play as hitting your head on a wall) and non-existent build up to the game's disappointing climax.

It has a couple of decent dungeons and Midna is, for the most part, a fun companion. Regardless, it's my least favorite 3d console Zelda (with Skyward Sword) by far.

It's like your in my mind. I agree with everything but it's a tough choice between GTA IV and TP.

I'm surprised to see LBP. I didn't know it was so highly regarded.
GTA IV. So much hype to be so boring.

I didn't find it to be better than the previous which was San Andreas. SA was a monster of a game.


Uncharted 2. One of the few games I have bumped down to easy just to get through that gunplay and seemingly endless waves of baddies who magically show up in a location I had to solve a big ass room puzzle just to get into faster. The much lauded train section was good until the most bullet spongy of all baddies showed up in craptastic fashion.


Probably GTA4 - I enjoyed playing it at the time but I would NEVER go back to it, so dour and serious compared to the other games.

I thought SMG was a bit disappointing (but I had sky-high expectations).


GTA4. I just didn't like Niko plus it didn't help that I kept being interrupted from all my mayhem by someone calling to go bowling. And coming off of San Andreas, I wasn't a big fan of being stuck in a city setting.


Of the games on that list that I've played, it's either Skyrim or GTA IV.

I thought Skyrim had terrible combat and quests, and GTA IV was good, but not deserving of a 98 score. Not even close.

Batman: Arkham City disappointed me, too. It's definitely a good game, but I thought Arkham Asylum was much better. I just didn't dig the open world nature of it.


Probably Uncharted 2. Tried it and just didn't like it, whereas the others I either liked or disliked less.

Or just didn't play.


A game like Skyrim has hooks and such to keep people playing. Just because you become compulsive about something doesn't mean you think it is good, especially after the fact, though it is true people don't make the difference.

EDIT: Multiple hundreds of hours does sound a little much though.

I guess, I mean I would think though one would look at their overall experience with the game and judge it that way, at some point they had to really like it right? I know for a fact if I ate 100 pizzas in a row, I wouldn't be crazy about pizza like I am now, I might even hate pizza. I think too much of anything can ruin positive feelings but that doesn't have to mean something isn't good.

I was going to originally list Skyrim as my choice, but I thought about the hours I put into it. I generally enjoyed the time I played Skyrim even if 75% of the time was messing around with mods.

Now see, this makes much more sense, considering your overall experience with the game as opposed to when you stopped playing it several hours if not several hundred hours later.

Sorry didn't mean to thread derail, of course anybody is free to have their own opinions about a game, it just is a way of thinking I have a hard time understanding,


My relationship with Arkham Asylum and City is weird, because it seems like I'm always going "Ugh, I can't wait for this part to be over" and I hate the combat but I still completely engrossed in them and can't stop playing.


Batman: Arkham City
Bioshock - haven't played
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5 - haven't played
The Last of Us - haven't played
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Portal 2 - haven't played
Red Dead Redemption - haven't played
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - haven't played
Uncharted 2

Least favorites in bold.


Why does it have to be a "least favourite" thread? Can't we be a bunch of happy goers with positive thoughts?

Skyrim. Because Dark Souls is better. Hrmph!


Wow, I'm someone who actually likes Metacritic (to a point) and uses it, so it's amazing how mixed I feel about most of these games.

Batman: Arkham City: Ruined Arkham Asylum by making it a lame open world game when it had been an amazingly tight Metroidvania. Did not finish, won't ever go back.

Bioshock: Played like crap the whole way through. Worst gunplay I've ever encountered in an 'AAA' shooter. It was worth it for the story and best in class audio, but the last third of the game is a bit ropey and the shooting was just... well, crap.

Grand Theft Auto 4: Enjoyed it, but this is the game that the term 'ludonarrative dissoance' was invented for. Was way too over-serious for a GTA, both in story and in terms of what you could do. Liberty City was dull, too. Still a good game, just a bit of a disappointment.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Waiting on dat PS4, brother.

The Last of Us: 10/10, full neogaf hivemind mode. Loved it.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Amazing game, just feels stale at times because of the way it apes OoT and because the wolf was lame as hell. Compared to everything else on the list it deserves its scores, though.

LittleBigPlanet: A platforming game where the mechanics quite obviously came last. Absolute garbage. Wanted so badly to love it, but couldn't. The definition of style over substance. Not fit to lick the goomba off Mario's boots.

Mass Effect 2: The weakest Mass Effect. In a series where story is everything, this game had the weakest plot by far. The side stories were great, but that's almost all there was. The game became more of a straight shooter than an RPG and it just felt a little uninspired doing nothing but collecting crew members. The high points are so, so high though. Still a great game. Shadow Broker DLC showed how it could/should have been.

The Orange Box: Never played. Liked Portal, think HL2 is massively overrated.

Portal 2: Still haven't played. Own it on steam but don't have a computer to play it on.

Red Dead Redemption: Most overrated game of the last generation for me. Grand Theft Horse, and twice as dull as that sounds. How to do an open-world game wrong - huge and empty. So, so dull, with a story that's bookended by brilliance but 80% rubbish in the middle. The last two hours made me glad I played the game; everything up till then not so much.

Skyrim: Combat is poor and I didn't like the setting much, but otherwise this was a stellar WRPG. No complaints here.

Super Mario Galaxy; Super Mario Galaxy 2: The GOAT games of the last gen. Should have a 110/100 metacritic.

Uncharted 2: I played it years late and it still blew my mind. Not much special going on in terms of gameplay, but the pinnacle of the blockbuster, 'cinematic' narrative based game so prevalent in gen 7.

That's at least 5 of the very top games that I strongly disliked. Didn't happen in previous gens. Interesting.
Well, seeing that list somewhat reinforces that reviews aren't listening to. There's a whole bunch that I could pick, but it's definitely The Last of Us, which represents everything that's wrong with modern video games.

Dr. Kaos

I did not care for, LBP (wtf is this game? controls sucked!), Skyrim (can you say unpolished? DS/DaS is where it's at!) and GTA4 (gave up on remote controlled plane mission), in that order.

Never played Mass Effect 2 because the first one had some flaws that didn't let me properly enjoy it, but I'm willing to bet that it was a really good game.
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