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Your least favorite 95+ Metacritic game from the 7th generation?


interesting topic. i'll throw another vote in for little big planet. i came in with fairly high expectations and was disappointed with the game's feel. i appreciated the cool graphics and zany user-created levels, but it didn't scratch the platformer itch.


I don't agree with City being there over Asylum.

Didn't really care for the GTA games, I gave them a shot but ultimately found them boring after a while.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
What a great list, for the most part.
Mass Effect 2 by a mile.
Basically a third-rate third-person shooter.


Favorite to least favorite:

Red Dead Redemption
Portal 2
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
Uncharted 2
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Grand Theft Auto 4
Super Mario Galaxy
Batman: Arkham City

All very good games.


Subete no aware
Of the ones I played, GTA4. In fact, it's probably the one game on the list hat just doesn't stand the test of time.


GTA4 - so many problems with this game starting with reviews down to content

Arkham City - a lot worse than Arkham Asylum in every respect, why is it rated higher?

LBP - has a lot of issues but big in scope, i would put LBP2 there instead just because of huge freedom to create awesome content

Valkyria Chronicles and Demons Souls deserve to be at the top


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Batman AC

All great candidates for dud of the gen. I'd have to give it to Skyrim. What a POS game. Not fun, bad combat, bad story, boring world, etc.


Edit: read the subject wrong. I'll go with Arkham City then. Decent game but wore out its welcome before the end, not on the level of it's predecessor.


Haven't played a lot of those, but out of the ones I have played:


Mass Effect 2
Then Skyrim

Least liked:



Out of what I've played in that list, LittleBigPlanet. I really didn't like the physics and I'm not a huge fan of customisation. It's the level designers job to do that stuff, I'm just here to jump around and stuff.


I actually really liked GTA IV. Enough to 100% it even. But it definitely failed to achieve the greatness of the PS2-era games.
Skyrim because I'm not a huge fan of exploring unless I can do it with friends. I'm more drawn to combat which skyrim lacks a bit of.

LBP for mostly the same reasons you listed + I'm not creative enough to have fun with the level editor.

GTA4 also felt like a downgrade from San Andreas.
GTA IV. My god that game was utter shit.

Every single mission was just you going to a location and killing someone...Wow so much variety. You couldn't do shit with your money because there was nothing expensive to buy (Other than weapons I guess...). The city is so grey and boring too.

Really I have no clue how GTA IV got such a high meta.
Super hands Mario down Galaxy


But for real... GTA4.


Grand theft Auto 4 , coming from San Andreas, this game was not "fun" at all. Although they added a lot with the Gay Tony DLC later on, but the main game never struck a chord like GTA5 did. Primarily due to the fact the game was trying to be too "real"


Easily Portal 2. I'll probably get hated for this, but I never got the hype around it. The humor wasn't really my type and I got bored every time I played it. It just doesn't feel like a 9-10/10 game to me, compared to the other great games on that list(except maybe LBP).


Of that list, I haven't even played:

Batman: Arkham City
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted 2

So... Those, I guess?

Of the ones that I did play, Super Mario Galaxy (both of the Galaxy games are far inferior to not only Mario 64, but also any of the games from the New Super Mario series)
Twilight Princess. Easily. Granted, I never played Super Mario Galaxy 2, but I tried SO hard to enjoy Twilight Princess and for whatever reason I could not get into it. I have serious fatigue with the series and don't even try them now.
Batman: Arkham City
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Red Dead Redemption

Haven't played:
Uncharted 2

One of the games from the "Meh" category, I'm sure. Didn't care to finish any of them. RDR and Skyrim just feel totally devoid of interesting things to do after GTA and Oblivion, respectably. Mass Effect's gameplay bores me. The Last of Us was way too linear and reliant on cutscenes.

All of them have really interesting and well developed worlds, so I can see why they're so highly praised, but the gameplay just wasn't there for me. Which is especially a shame with RDR; that game does the Western genre almost too well.

Edit: Nevermind, on second thought, it's unquestionably Skyrim. The rampant bugs, glitches and butt ugly graphics really knocks it down a peg. Can't believe I forgot how bad that was. That game doesn't deserve anywhere near a 95 for technical reasons alone. Absolutely embarrassing.


Twilight Princess. Easily. Granted, I never played Super Mario Galaxy 2, but I tried SO hard to enjoy Twilight Princess and for whatever reason I could not get into it. I have serious fatigue with the series and don't even try them now.

I pretty much feel the exact same way as you do, but I would have at least tried Skyward Sword if not for it requiring Wii motion controls. Not sure what it is about the series but I haven't been able to get into it since Majora's Mask and those feelings started with Twilight Princess.

But that doesn't stop me from getting excited about a new Zelda game though. I guess I'm hopeful one of these days I'll reconnect with the series.


Don't play many but really had to trudge through the Last of Us. Didn't like the story, don't enjoy cover-based shooters.


Arkham City

I really liked Arkham Asylum, but City just felt like the same thing again.

Of that list, I haven't even played:

Batman: Arkham City
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted 2

So... Those, I guess?

Wow...I.....I can't imagine having not played even half of those. Missing out a on a ton of great gaming experiences.


But that doesn't stop me from getting excited about a new Zelda game though. I guess I'm hopeful one of these days I'll reconnect with the series.

Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is the best Zelda game since Ocarina of Time (although Minish Cap, Four Swords, and the Oracle games were good too).


Of that list, I haven't even played:

Batman: Arkham City
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted 2

So... Those, I guess?

Of the ones that I did play, Super Mario Galaxy (both of the Galaxy games are far inferior to not only Mario 64, but also any of the games from the New Super Mario series)

That's a lot to miss for Gen 7. You a nintendo-only kinda gamer? That would make sense then I guess.
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