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"Zelda series keeping motion controls"

excellent news. i never want to play a zelda game without motion control combat again. just more refinement and were good to go



Not really.

Not really either.

Zelda > Darksiders

Zelda > any Zelda knock-off

This will be a true statement till the end of time. So let's stop pretending.


Nintendo's commitment to literally the worst part about Skyward Sword isn't admirable. In most respects, the absolute best that they can hope out of motion controls is that they will be as responsive as buttons. The swordplay stuff was neat and all but was a mixed bag because there are a lot less movement-attack combinations in SS than there were in TP. The Wii bowling incarnate stuff and the completely random and pointless motion controls that appear out of nowhere only serve to make the controls seem unresponsive.

Ummm what!? Where did they say they are going to focus more on stating the obvious and repeating stuff that has already been said and showing you the new item collection thing every time you pick something up?

I mean, they were literally the worst parts of that game.


That said, how in the world is this going to work on the U? There's no way that they can expect people to wield a wiimote, nunchuck and tablet all at the same time so does this mean that one on Nintendo's flagship titles is not going to use the system's main control method?

I'm thinking that if there's a stand for the tablet they could use that as another screen to put HUD elements and what not on it. Like...you would be using the wiimote, and nunchuk but have the tablet, with its screen facing you, on a table or something. Make it customizable too like Monster Hunter TriG's second screen.
i'm about 10 hours in now. the motion controls really don't add anything for me but frustration when they decide to break and i need to re-calibrate and i really do not enjoy the flying.

I'm around the same point, just finished the earth temple. I can definitely see where you're coming from. Game is awesome but the amount of times I have to press down to re-center is kind of annoying.

Flying definitely sucks.


My biggest complaint about Skyward Sword are the controls. For the most part, they work but there have been a few times where I just wish things were tied to the analog stick. Swimming comes to mind immediately.

I also think they need to ditch Z targetting and give us a proper camera control.


Motion controls are awesome, playing ocarina of time with buttons feels so awkward after skyward sword. Motion controls with awesome graphics, wiiu zelda will be interesting.
I do find it funny how the Wii-U's biggest selling point is this new tablet, yet one of Nintendo's biggest franchises won't use it. Wasted opportunity.

Well look at it like this, the way SS's sales are going The Legend of Zelda won't be one of Nintendo's biggest franchise for much longer, so everyone's a winner.


I'm thinking that if there's a stand for the tablet they could use that as another screen to put HUD elements and what not on it. Like...you would be using the wiimote, and nunchuk but have the tablet, with its screen facing you, on a table or something. Make it customizable too like Monster Hunter TriG's second screen.

Yeah, that sounds awful.
Link to the Past is one of my favorite games ever.

Ocarina of Time severely watered down the experience, and while it was still fairly enjoyable, I was not overly impressed by it (only managed to play it properly on the 3DS...could never stand the framerate of the N64 version). It's a good game, I'll give it that, but I do not feel it is an improvement over LttP in any way, as it took the same basic game and stretched it too thin in the name of making the game 3-4x longer.

Twilight Princess is one of the most boring games I have ever played as it took the watered down OoT experience and bogged it with awful storytelling and time wasting fetch quests.

Skyward Sword somehow managed to make the experience even worse by implementing inconsistent motion controls and the worst handholding I have seen in any game to date.

I have given Zelda many chances. While the core experience is solid and the dungeons are something fairly unique in gaming, the whole experience is bogged down by so much fat that the entire affair becomes a wholly undigestable mess.

so stop playing?


I do find it funny how the Wii-U's biggest selling point is this new tablet, yet one of Nintendo's biggest franchises won't use it. Wasted opportunity.

The biggest selling point of the Wii U is Nintendo games in HD. The Wii U tablet is nothing more than another hardware add-on and an evolution to the classic controller. I have been saying from the beginning that it's just an evolution of the classic controller. Nintendo will be supporting both. I doubt it will even be the default control method for most games.


Nintendo is starting to confuse the hell out of me. If they release a tablet controller they better back it 100 percent and not have half their games use one control method and half another.


I'm getting so sick and tired of people using this fucking lazy ass non-arguement.

"Well since you have a different opinion then I do, you must not know what you are talking about."

I made that most after reading the thread and seeing that it was true. Half of the people here just want all motion controls to die and skipped SS due to them.

Anyway, if motion controls are really as horrible as you guys think they are, the next Zelda will flop and you'll never see them again.

Good, I have thoroughly enjoyed the combat in SS & its not as if they need the controller screen to deal with the menus anymore.

It wasn't because of motion controls, it is because it isn't what I expect from a zelda game. Until Nintendo releases a game in the vein of the first two Zeldas I will not buy. It can be in 3D just not play or be structured anything like the games since and including OoT.

So you want then to ignore 20 years worth of Zelda games? Also why mention OoT, it's just a simpler LttP?


Motion controls is their "thing". Whether a person enjoys it or not has nothing to do with the fact that Nintendo's empire is currently built upon the concept of motion controls. They cannot have one of their flagship titles go..."Meh...you can play with or without motion controls."

It's crazy to think they wouldn't continue it.

They did it with Smash Bros, though.
You are making the assumption that the Wii U tablet is going to be the main control method. It is really not. It's only Nintendo's evolution of the classic controller. New Super Mario Bros. Wii U will be played with Wiimotes.
That's a whole lot of money to invest in something that's not going to be the main controller :/
I'm getting so sick and tired of people using this fucking lazy ass non-arguement.

"Well since you have a different opinion then I do, you must not know what you are talking about."
Not that I agree with what he said but too often on this board we find people trolling games that it's clear that they either never played or played for a few minutes at a friend's house based on their complaints. That's not limited to Wii threads.

Essentially complaints that a control method is "broken" is kind of hard to take seriously when 99% of the people using that control method aren't experiencing the same issues.


Nintendo is starting to confuse the hell out of me. If they release a tablet controller they better back it 100 percent and not have half their games use one control method and half another.
Maybe they'll include two control styles?


Okami > Twilight Princess


As much as I love Okami, I disagree with that as well. It's scenario and art design is unique, I appreciated the humor and loved the soundtrack, but I can't say it's better than TP. Okami's last half dragged on more than either TWW or TP.


"Zelda series keeping motion controls"
Thank gods! That WiiU demo had me worried.

Love, love Skyward's controls. I hope a new Wiimote comes out that improves upon them even further.


Uh......... wat

I play sitting down. And I get frustrated by the motion sword controls when the stupid ass bobokoblins keep changing their guard, and I try to move my sword to the other side but its read as a swipe so I get hit.. So I end up swiping furiously and sometime bump my leg. Not that odd.

I wouldn't want an expensive tablet controller to be anywhere near a thrashing wiimote. And how are you even holding both of them? Tablet in left hand? Stylus in your mouth? If they use the tablet as a replacement wiimote I'd laugh.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Awesome. The only thing that needs to be improved from SS is the bomb rolling. I'll be interested to see what they do with the tablet if the Wii Remote Plus stays as the main controller for Zelda. Return of the Tingle Tuner?

People can't handle the flying in SS? Or the sword controls? They are child's play.


Awesome. The only thing that needs to be improved from SS is the bomb rolling. I'll be interested to see what they do with the tablet if the Wii Remote Plus stays as the main controller for Zelda. Return of the Tingle Tuner?

Bomb rolling could be improved by having it be calibrated that only a slight tilt downward is necessary to prompt the roll action. That shit was awesome though. Curving the line on the roll was a cool little detail I doubt many appreciated.


Combat with swords = Yes, keep it please.
Menus and Archery = Use IR pointer
Swimming = Use analog stick

And I'll be happy.

I agree. Biggest issue I have with motion controls are their blatant over use. Just use motion where it's needed and move on, there's no need to have everything you possibly can mapped to a movement. Early Wii games were the worst, everyone was trying far too hard and ended up making a messy game that could have been much better (Red Steel 1, for example)

Maybe they'll use the tablet for multiplayer like the Tingle Tuner. Just be more useful this time.

Ooooh, maybe we can put it on the ground like a golf tee and launch beetles off of it. Coz putting a (rumored) pack-in only $200 tablet controller on the ground is a perfectly sound idea. No way kids
or drunken roommates
would accidentally step on it...

I'm getting so sick and tired of people using this fucking lazy ass non-arguement.

"Well since you have a different opinion then I do, you must not know what you are talking about."

See now I won't buy Skyward Swords ever, because if I do, they won't learn anything.

basically lots of comments just say "motion control sucks" and don't provide any further comment; unlike posts that pinpoint certain issues they have with the controls (like poor swimming control or reliability, etc)

How do you expect to get into a meaningful discussion when you just bash something without providing any reason or detail? Sad story that you hate it, but who cares?


Overall the controls in Skyward Sword were great so it's good that they're using them for future games.
I do hope they work in the tablet in some way though.


Not really either.

Zelda > Darksiders

Zelda > any Zelda knock-off

This will be a true statement till the end of time. So let's stop pretending.

I enjoyed Darksiders 1 more than Wind Waker and TP.

Also 3D dot game Heroes is the best Zelda since OOT.


Consider me 100% sold on the Wiiu then, next gen Zelda is going to be mind blowing. Nintendo accomplished something remarkable with Skyward Sword's controls. It would be a HUGE disappointment if they left them on Wii because playing a Zelda game (or a video game in general) has never been so... fun! I come back to Skyward Sword on a regular basis just to chop up some Bokoblins. If the Wii had these kinds of controls for more games from the beginning I would had never sold it.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Bomb rolling could be improved by having it be calibrated that only a slight tilt downward is necessary to prompt the roll action. That shit was awesome though. Curving the line on the roll was a cool little detail I doubt many appreciated.

Oh it works fine if you are standing up, but sitting down it's a pain. It can be fixed easily.

Derrick01 said:
I enjoyed Darksiders 1 more than Wind Waker and TP.

Yeah, and their "thing" is dumb so I can't wait for it to start losing them money so that their thing can once again become making very, very good Zelda games.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

I've certainly outgrown Nintendo but I recognize that there are scads and scads of people that are more than willing to throw them their money.


From Eurogamer

Wii U launching with a Wiimote/Motion+ controller confirmed?

I vaguely recall posting about the different controller configurations way back, but using a Wiimote+ simultaniously with the Wiipad was one of them:


Wiimote+ used together with the Wiipad whilst the latter is resting on a dock on the table. It will only be used to display non-critical pieces of information and only sporadically require you to use the touchscreen out of the heat of combat.


Bomb rolling could be improved by having it be calibrated that only a slight tilt downward is necessary to prompt the roll action. That shit was awesome though. Curving the line on the roll was a cool little detail I doubt many appreciated.

The truth is, you can probably replicate the sword swinging controls on the touchscreen with a stylus. You would basically be controlling the tip of the sword, which is the cursor, and just drag or swipe it and get the same result.
If the controls were responsive enough it would be fine, but they're simply not with the current tech.

I feel like if they have horrible motion controls in the next Zelda game it will ruin so much of my love for the series. Skyward Sword was such a crushing disappointment as it is.
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