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Red Dead Redemption - 360 & PS3 comparison (Bish-approved!)

Tricky I Shadow said:
By the way, something that people seem to be ignoring is the sound quality.

The sound is definitely superior on the PS3........just throwing that out there.

Can I get a comparison screenshot or animated gif?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I swear everyone here remembers it differently. No one expected perfect pixel for pixel identical multiplatform games last generation. Now if a game has an edge on one platform over the other, the developers are considered lazy and people refuse to buy. In my opinion, this generations multiplatform games perform the closest across platforms, by far, over any other generation but the scrutiny has just become that much more intense.
Precisely. The differences are extremely minor. Never before have we had such platform parity. It's a huge step up from every other console generation in history.


Kos Luftar said:
Well reading this thread everyone said GTA4 was better on 360 but when I played it on PS3 I thought it looked really good so I guess I should just leave this thread and just pick up RDR on my PS3.
Leave this place with your sanity friend!
Tricky I Shadow said:
By the way, something that people seem to be ignoring is the sound quality.

The sound is definitely superior on the PS3........just throwing that out there.

Yeah, not a whole lot else you could call that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The PS3 version looks like someone sprayed it with Agent Orange. Maybe Marston gets some kind of cancer in the PS3 version and there's an exclusive ending™


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
travisbickle said:
I think MazingerDUDE is right!!

Weak scene!


Epic scene!


Just add more foliage!


This one's good.


Yeah there's no way I'm paying full price for the PS3 port.

edit: Frankly the PS3 apologists diminishing the shittyness of the port are looking a bit pathetic.
"Precisely. The differences are extremely minor. Never before have we had such platform parity. It's a huge step up from every other console generation in history."

You were having a big bitchfight about COD4's PS3 textures with 600% zoomed in screenshots less than 3 years ago.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
dark10x said:
Precisely. The differences are extremely minor. Never before have we had such platform parity. It's a huge step up from every other console generation in history.

Really? I recall last gen to be pretty much the same with a few exceptions (Need for Speed: HP2 comes to mind immediately, but it was handled by a different dev IIRC).

I made a point to DL PS3 demos of games I already owned on the 360 and there was a pretty wide gap with regards to IQ.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
MazingerDUDE said:
upper: 360
lower: PS3

....good selection of comparison pics....

Well that seals it for me, I'm getting the 360 version and that's coming from someone that usually always prefers to get my games on the PS3 as my preferred platform.

I'm sure that the game is very playable on the PS3 but I'm loving the extra detail coming through in the 360 shots.


jett said:
Yeah there's no way I'm paying full price for the PS3 port.

edit: Frankly the PS3 apologists diminishing the shittyness of the port are looking a bit pathetic.
Who gives a shit, it's still a good game. Shit I enjoyed Oblivion on PS3 and when I got it later on PC, I really didn't feel like the visual difference made a huge difference for me

These minor differences don't mean jack unless you're planning to run them side-by-side


jett said:
Yeah there's no way I'm paying full price for the PS3 port.

edit: Frankly the PS3 apologists diminishing the shittyness of the port are looking a bit pathetic.

If it plays and runs fine (regardless of whether another platform runs better) than thats all that matters.

I mean 6 months down the line, the PC version is going to come out and thats going to run at 1080P and 60FPS with much better detail and post-processing effects and all for a lower price. So does it really matter?


Sucks that the PS3-Version is inferior. But it's not like I have a choice, and it still looks good obviously. I console myself with the possibility of a superior sound-quality - not that unimportant for a western-setting.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
jett said:
edit: Frankly the PS3 apologists diminishing the shittyness of the port are looking a bit pathetic.

wow, slow down there fella, the differences are really not that BIG, also using the sharpness filter on your tv will help a lot in regards to the blurring, I'm going for the 360 version but I certainly don't think that the PS3 version is worth anyway less, the average person on the street that is going to purchase this game honestly wouldn't notice the differences or even care tbh, it's only under these conditions where both versions are under such scrutiny that the differences become that apparent and even then they are quite subtle.


I will probably never see the 360 version again after leaving this thread, it doesn't really matter what it looks like


lowrider007 said:
wow, slow down there fella, the differences are really not that BIG, also using the sharpness filter on your tv will help a lot in regards to the blurring, I'm going for the 360 version but I certainly don't think that the PS3 version is worth anyway less, the average person on the street that is going to purchase this game honestly wouldn't notice the differences or even care tbh, it's only under these conditions where both versions are under such scrutiny that the differences become that apparent and even then they are quite subtle.

Eh? QAA is a piece of shit and it bothered me the instant I started playing AC2, without having seen any comparison pictures. And this thing is subHD+QAA. No dude, shaprness won't help. I don't care if the average joe doesn't notice these things, I do, and I do feel that a port like this isn't worth $60. Maybe I'll rent it some day if it never comes to PC, but no no I'm not buying it on the PS3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
szaromir said:
Yeah, let's forget that this game took ages to develop and Rockstar employees worked like slaves on this one. Ultimately, if RDR is competetive with other open world games on the platform (and it apparently is, including exclusives such as Infamous) throwing accusations that the devs did not work hard enough to work around the platform limitations is ridiculous.

I didn't intend for it to sound that way. I think 'excuse' was the wrong word to use.

I understand developers have lots of priorities pulling them in many different directions, so I'm not playing some blame-game or suggesting they didn't work as hard as they could have. I'm sure given their budget, their skills/experience, their time, their goals, their priorities etc. they did the best possible job they could.

I think people too easily conflate the 'accusation' that a dev didn't do as good a job as can possibly be done on a system with saying a dev is lazy. There's lots and lots of reasons why a dev mightn't execute as well as would be exemplary, that may have nothing to do with total level of effort expended on the game. Most particularly in a multiplatform context.

The poster I was responding to was saying 'of course it's not going to be as good, the GPU is weaker'...as if that's necessarily some fundamental limit. All I meant to say is that it's not.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
jett said:
Eh? QAA is a piece of shit and it bothered me the instant I started playing AC2, without having seen any comparison pictures. And this thing is subHD+QAA. No dude, shaprness won't help. I don't care if the average joe doesn't notice these things, I do, and I do feel that a port like this isn't worth $60. Maybe I'll rent it some day if it never comes to PC, but no no I'm not buying it on the PS3.

Well if you let things like QAA effect your gaming experience to such a degree then I feel for you honestly I do, it's such a shame that minor inferiorities in image quality can tarnish your enjoyment of a game in this way, that's very unfortunate.


I'm sure the PS3 GPU was downgraded at the relatively last minute as a desperate measure to cut costs, it doesn't make sense to pair the Cell CPU with such an ordinary GPU at that time (128 bit bus... ugh). Anyway, as a multi-platform user I don't really care that much and these threads are welcome for helping me spending my money on the better version. Bring X720 - PS4 already! 4 GB RAM + 1GB VRAM will make a huge difference. Current engines will show immediate awesome graphics just by adding extra texture resolution, better framerate, crazy post-processing and IQ enhancements.


This game will be great regardless what console you get it for. Just get it for whatever console/controller you prefer to game with. I won't be playing RDR 'til later this year (have to clear out some backlog) and it'll be the X360 version because I prefer the controller, not because of (slightly) better performance.

schennmu said:
The usual suspects have turned up, no surprise there.

That's what makes these threads so fun. Their responses are so predictable (if you've been on GAF for a while, that is).
and here comes my little follower...


Licorice-flavoured booze?
zero margin said:
Pretty big. I'm not gonna quote those images yet again but you can't deny, pretty big difference.

Of course I can deny it, I've seen the images myself and I am purchasing the 360 version because of them, but imo the differences are still minimal, I guess at this level of comparativeness though an image that is a bit sharper compared with one that isn't can be constituted as a MASSIVE difference by some, but not by me my friend, and certainly I can assure you not by many people outside of threads/forums like these.


travisbickle said:
I think MazingerDUDE is right!!

Weak scene!


Epic scene!


Just add more foliage!

:lol pretty much sums up the thread. There are some details missing on the PS3 version, if you only have PS3, you wouldn't know the difference unless you went to this thread or watched someone else play it. It's pretty foolish that people are not going to buy this game or wait for a discount because the 360 version looks better.


In conclusion: shut the fuck up, and get the version you want without being worried about visuals. You won't be able to tell the difference. I'm getting the game for console I don't have to pay to play online on. See how easy that decision was?
reKon said:
In conclusion: shut the fuck up, and get the version you want without being worried about visuals. You won't be able to tell the difference. I'm getting the game for console I don't have to pay to play online on. See how easy that decision was?

You'll be sorry knowing that other people are playing the game with extra shrubbery.


BattleMonkey said:
You'll be sorry knowing that other people are playing the game with extra shrubbery.

shit, you know what? I've thought heavily for the past 20 seconds and reconsidered my purchase based on your statement. How could I be killing people without that extra shrubbery in the background...?


reKon said:
In conclusion: shut the fuck up, and get the version you want without being worried about visuals. You won't be able to tell the difference. I'm getting the game for console I don't have to pay to play online on. See how easy that decision was?

But how can you play the game knowing you will have less foliage? Don't you know less foliage turns a epic scene in a shitty scene?


BattleMonkey said:
You'll be sorry knowing that other people are playing the game with extra shrubbery.

why not place some real shrubbery on a table half-way between the TV and where you sit - not only will you benifit from more shrubbery - but you will benifit from smell and 3D effect.

personally I prefer all shrubbery to be removed from my Mrs...I guess X360 owners like their women manly?


Junior Member
iNvidious01 said:
why are people still denying this :lol
its obvious, the 360 version is sharper, better framerate,
less pop issues, whilst the ps3 has foliage missing,
looks blurry and worse than gta iv on ps3.

this is bullshit, thought rockstar would remember they
owe everything to playstation fans who took em to fame.

bad port

Rockstar should get all the blame, I am pretty sure no other multiplat devs run in to similar problems. They need to start downgrading the better version if they cant get decent performance out of the PS3 version, its only fair.
i've got cowpokes moon-walking thru camp, & a piano player who stands on his stool between songs - & i'm supposed to get worked up over how good this looks, graphics-wise? :) ...


goonergaz said:
why not place some real shrubbery on a table half-way between the TV and where you sit - not only will you benifit from more shrubbery - but you will benifit from smell and 3D effect.

personally I prefer all shrubbery to be removed from my Mrs...I guess X360 owners like their women manly?

Joke account?
I tried to play Crysis, but had to turn down the shadows from 'Very high' to 'high'..... it pained me inside, so I uninstalled knowing the lazy developers did not optimize for my system of choice.
had to stop in to say just how nice the gfx are (360 here). it's suprising how good the IQ is for such a large scaled world. textures are sharp, draw distance is amazing, framerate has been very stable so far and I have yet to notice screen tearing. good stuff man.


WrikaWrek said:
The differences are pretty big, damn. What would concern me the most is the shimmering effect, and the blurriness that really kills some of the detail, particularly in the vegetation where Read Dead Redemption really shines.

Why would PS3 only owners care anyway. It's not like you have another choice, just pretend the 360 version doesn't exist. Calling this a shitty port, and finding it a pretext to troll the game or the developers just seems like pure stupidity in fashion.

There 2 consoles are different from each other, and they produce different results. Can't quite understand how some feel devs have to reach the same exact results on both.

Response goes straight to "Lazy" etc, well if it was the other way around would they be lazy? :lol Of course not.
Indeed. Ahh..only if you had said something similar to 360 owners in the ff13 comparison thread though..:lol

Relix said:
Hey PS3 owners be happy! At least this isn't the piece of shit that 360 owners got in FF13!
Judging by the comparison shots posted by Mazinger, I would say ff13 360 is a much better port than rdr ps3.

I think RDR ps3's lower resolution hurts its look more than the lack of foliage. It looks even more blurry in those pictures where the characters are riding their horses due to lower res + qaa. This is a rather easy choice for multi-platform owners.


-_- blah

Which version should I get? I don't have Live, and probably won't for a good while still. The graphics are a concern. Does the game look blurry in motion on PS3? I was almost dead set in picking this up on PS3, but now I'm not for sure. Sound doesn't matter as I don't even have a 5.1 setup. Is the online really worth it? Or will I primarily be playing the single player campaign?


Basch said:
-_- blah

Which version should I get? I don't have Live, and probably won't for a good while still. The graphics are a concern. Does the game look blurry in motion on PS3? I was almost dead set in picking this up on PS3, but now I'm not for sure. Sound doesn't matter as I don't even have a 5.1 setup. Is the online really worth it? Or will I primarily be playing the single player campaign?
IMO, Sub-HD + QAA ain't a good combination.


jett said:
Yeah there's no way I'm paying full price for the PS3 port.

edit: Frankly the PS3 apologists diminishing the shittyness of the port are looking a bit pathetic.

This case I can understand somewhat. The real lolz was reading people defending the PS3 abortion of Bayonetta :lol


Basch said:
-_- blah

Which version should I get? I don't have Live, and probably won't for a good while still. The graphics are a concern. Does the game look blurry in motion on PS3? I was almost dead set in picking this up on PS3, but now I'm not for sure. Sound doesn't matter as I don't even have a 5.1 setup. Is the online really worth it? Or will I primarily be playing the single player campaign?



if you only have PS3, you wouldn't know the difference unless you went to this thread or watched someone else play it.
Doesn't really make sense. If you only have a PS3 you'd rather not play an awesome game because it runs better on the other platform?
Wow that is taking the console wars to a new level, someone set us up the bomb.


Basch said:
-_- blah

Which version should I get? I don't have Live, and probably won't for a good while still. The graphics are a concern. Does the game look blurry in motion on PS3? I was almost dead set in picking this up on PS3, but now I'm not for sure. Sound doesn't matter as I don't even have a 5.1 setup. Is the online really worth it? Or will I primarily be playing the single player campaign?

I played both versions for awhile last night and while the 360 version did look a little better, I honestly don't see why all the drama. I didn't run into anything on either platform that affected my enjoyment of the game. I didn't play any online so I can't really speak to that.

Edit: Just an FYI, I am planning on playing the PS3 version through to the end.
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