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Media Create Sales 3/26 - 4/1


.dmc said:
There is no way that Sony ever planned on underperforming for four years just so they could 'relaunch' in 2010.

Did I say anywhere where this was part of their plan? No. I am simply trying to figure out a way where their current situation isn't just terribly bad, and that is by trying to see if the PS3 can help them in the next round.

JoshuaJSlone said:
I don't think you can just relaunch an aging system like that if it's just been doddering.

It depends on the mindset of the potential buyers. If there are still people who wanted a PS3 but couldn't stomach the price, $300 in 4-5 years as part of a "re-launch" might just get them on-board. That would be the cost-conscious mainstream/semi-hardcore video game players. For the casuals, it might have a shot if HDTV penetration is significantly higher than today, for then it would be a cheap Blu-Ray player and, oh by the way, it plays all those PS3 games you might have heard about in the past few years.

JoshuaJSlone said:
What you're suggesting here reminds me of the people who say Wii should've just been an add-on to GCN.

This is all under the assumption that the PS3 will be comparable/not too much underpowered compared to the next generation of systems. Even the Wii is two times the power of the GameCube, so that's not a good comparison.

JoshuaJSlone said:
It boils down to: if it's not a new system with a fresh start, who (publishers and end users) will care?

It depends on how convincing a "re-launch" it is. You know just how mind-staggering the sales on the PS2 have been this generation (at least in the U.S.). I wouldn't be surprised if some publishers were willing to give Sony a second chance next generation, assuming this generation turns out how it's currently going. For the end users, see my response two quotes up.

schuelma said:
i need something to do.

Apparently, I'm being too reasonable. :lol

The Sphinx said:
I think the hypothetical is very unlikely because, assuming Blu-Ray becomes the standard HD format, there will be MUCH cheaper players on the market by 2012.

Well, yeah, that would kill the some of the advantage of a $300 PS3/Blu-Ray player. Maybe if the PS3 was at the average/lower end of Blu-Ray player prices (whatever that would be) in 2011? It could be like how DVD helped out the PS2 in 2000.

Great Rumbler said:
"PS3 sales are completely terrible in Japan, but that's okay because it's a Bluray player as well and it'll last 2-3 years until the price is lower and then it'll be rebranded for GREAT SUCCESS! Just like the DS!"


It's funny being on the other side of these things.

My Chemical Mouse said:
No it was the Lite. All the way up to and including May 2006 PSP was beating DS on a monthly basis and slowly but surely cutting into the lead. Nintendogs, Brain Age and NSMB were all released and still PSP was on a course to catch up.


From Jan - May 2006, GBA = PSP = NDS. All were selling just above crap. Nintendogs brought the NDS from below-crap levels to PSP crap levels, though. Also by May, I think people knew about the DS Lite coming and intentionally held off buying NSMB until they could also get a Lite. Now, I did not think that at the time, but looking back and conversations I've had with casuals since lead me to believe that the DS Lite coming in June was more well-known than I gave it credit for.

My Chemical Mouse said:
It's quite obvious DS Lite propelled the DS to a clear victory instead of a middling tie.

Fixed. ;)

Miniboss1232 said:
Actually, I thought the upswing started when New Super Mario Bros. was released, which was incidentally just a few weeks before the release of the DS Lite in the US.

Nope. NSMB's release had no appreciable affect on DS hardware sales in May 2006 in the U.S.

My Chemical Mouse said:
Anyone else think Big Brain Academy Wii won't sell nearly as well as it did on handhelds ala Pokemon.

It's already sold much less (still > 1.3 million, though) than the other Brain Trainings. I think it will get some good sales on name alone, but I don't see it as a runaway hit.

Brak said:
The rebranding of the DS has been an important part of its success and he was just using that as an example for how Sony could salvage the PS3 trainwreck.

Yep. I was just using it as an example that it's not impossible to adjust public opinion by doing a redesign and making a big deal out of it. For the PS3, though, it's got to have a lower cost to go along with it (<=$300) or a redesign/relaunch will be worthless.

Brak said:
I don't think that he was saying that "PS3 sales are ok" either, just that Sony could potentially find a way to rebound.

Yes. Thanks. :)

Great Rumbler said:
If resources start to shift in a big way to the Wii and the Xbox360, it'll take a huge miracle to bring them back.

Or a generation reset (see: 360/Wii support). Video games is about the only medium where almost everything gets reset every 5 years or so. PS3, if it's really as future-proof as Sony wants to believe it is, could "cheat" on next gen that way by not "resetting."


Nice report as usual, Vinnk. Thanks.

I agree that you should stop checking PS3 availability. However, you should keep on mentioning the fact that PS3 are availabe for puchase (not supply constrained) in the summary section, so that anyone who does know it (yet), will know that fact, and we will not have guesstimate that "PS3 are supply constrained in US) anymore.

I would like to know :
- is it true that Wii purchasers are more diverse than saya GameCube (ask you Famicom Dojo pal) ?


If Sony wants to relaunch they've got to announce it around E3 2008, launch in Fall 08, before development shifts too far away from them. It might work. :/
60_gig_PS3 said:
or people would just play them on the PS3...

Devs would release them on a console Sony had stopped manufacturing? Check out that XBox 2006-2007 lineup.

It's not even worth arguing such an impossible fantasy. But even if every PS2 owner this week bought a PS3, it wouldn't look too good. And devs working on big expensive next gen projects wouldn't want old PS2 games to be topping the charts to be played on PS3 or PS2, it doesn't matter tot hem.

What an asinine talking point.


Surreal said:
If Sony wants to relaunch they've got to announce it around E3 2008, launch in Fall 08, before development shifts too far away from them. It might work. :/

A relaunch mid-generation is kind of pathetic, and I think it would be viewed as such by the gaming media/gamers. The last system with a real relaunch mid-generation, as I recall, was the N-Gage (the QD or something?).


The problem with the whole future proof theorem is that its based on the console itself. When future proof is games/sales not the console itself

Microsofts Xbox was the most "future proof" of the last gen consoles.. Hard Drive, Online out of the box. Most powerfull console and yet it had the shortest life cycle

The PS2 became a hit, sold very well which led to its long cycle. If the PS3 doesnt start selling soon. Its gonna be replaced in 5 years. Sony wont be able to afford to loose money on the console for 5 years.
donny2112 said:
A relaunch mid-generation is kind of pathetic, and I think it would be viewed as such by the gaming media/gamers. The last system with a real relaunch mid-generation, as I recall, was the N-Gage (the QD or something?).

DS. The day DS Lite came out.


Thanks to those who provide their charts and accumulated data (you know who you are, and it's so well done now, great charts and weekly marketshare %) and findings (hey Vinnk!).


My Chemical Mouse said:
DS. The day DS Lite came out.

Yeah, this is what I'm talking about. Not a relaunch, Sony just needs to blow their PS3 "redesign" so it doesn't fall too behind. A slimmer case, with a online service (which I'm guessing will be competent by then), remove Wifi, card readers, w/ 20GB HDD, 1 SKU, Resistance 2, launching at $400. Could work, maybe. :lol

Ah, it's fun to dream.


Grecco said:
Sony wont be able to afford to loose money on the console for 5 years.

Can they afford to R&D a brand new console without having made significant profits with the current one?

I expect them to do a PS4 with new features and more power, but I wonder whether it would be better for them to just stick with the PS3 assuming its comparable in power to next-gen machines.

I was watching the History Channel about the life of Ferrari. He worked for a guy who was the top of the racing world pre-WWII. When WWII hit, this guy hid all his cars. After WWII, he brought them back out and started winning all over again. Car racing technology of his peers hadn't progressed beyond where he was 10 years earlier, so he was still able to whip them. Ferrari eventually made a different technology work that allowed him to beat this guy. However, the point is that this guy's cars were so top-of-the-line pre-WWII, that they more than held their own 10 years down the road.

If the PS3 is that robust, why should Sony bother with the R&D cost of a new system?

My Chemical Mouse said:
DS. The day DS Lite came out.

The GBASP wasn't a relaunch (how I'm defining it), and neither was the DS Lite.
My Chemical Mouse said:
DS. The day DS Lite came out.

You forgot PS2 slim, that came first.

My Chemical Mouse said:
Depends on how you define it obviously there champ. DS Lite can be considered a relaunch.

DSfat was #1 in every market worldwide. It had already had that amazing 700,000 unit (or whatever) week the previous December, and was selling gangbusters in the months between that and the DSL launch in Japan. Nintendogs was already a multimillion seller in Europe, Lite was not needed there either.

The only region where PSP was still making inroads was the US, where GBA was still going strong. You could easily argue that it was NSMB that drew GBA buyers to DS, rather than the DSlite. Either way, a sales boost in one region (where the platform in question is already in the lead) does not constitute a relaunch.
And here we go... the second instalment of what would come to be known by GAFfers all over the world as...

The Sales-Age Saga


Previous instalment(s)

Chapter 1 (MC 3/19-3/25 2007)


"While yes, I agree that indeed the sales situation is the complete opposite of our home dimension on a technicality, somehow I don't find it as satisfying."

Elsie glared daggers at Henry. "We were supposed to find a place where Sony was on top!"

"No, if you'll recall, the criteria for our destination was one where the sales situation was the complete opposite of our situation back home." The X360 unit replied nonchalantly. "I'd say having the XBox brand sold out everywhere in Japan counts."

Elsie rolled her eyes. "Right, and as soon as the DFA charges up again, we are out of here."

"DFA?" John ventured cautiously.

"Dimensional Flux Agitator." Tack commented in a bored tone as he brushed away several crumbs off his shirt. Somewhere in his mind, John wondered if Tack ever stopped eating. "It's what we use to go between dimensions."

John nodded his understanding before speaking up again. "So... is it just me, or does anyone else find something... odd about this dimension? Does it have anything to do with X360 selling 100K+ in Japan every week?"

"Not necessarily." Elsie crossed her arms, a frown on her face. "You see, when we entered a command into the DFA, it simply used 'opposite sales situation' as the criteria. There are probably thousands of dimensions in which that occurred, and some would be virtually indistinguishable from the one we came from, while others would be barely recognizable. The DFA just chooses one that fits our criteria, and dumps us into it."

"In which case, I wonder what rules this dimension play by that they carve their sales numbers into the sidewalk." John murmured thoughtfully as he stared at the words and numbers carefully inscribed onto the pavement.

"Maybe they just take sales too seriously." Elsie suggested as she played with a tangle of her glowing blonde hair.

"That'ssss a laugh and a half, coming from you!" Bob snapped from his crouching position. "Your preciousssss Nintendo fansssss... polluting sssalessss threadssss with their endlessss babble, babble, babble!" He spat, despite lacking the necessary equipment for spitting, such as lips, saliva, and a throat. "Final Fantassssy 13 for the Wii! Indeed!" He turned away as if disgusted at the very thought.

"Wha's his damage?" Tack mumbled as he chewed away on a sausage bun.

"Leave him be, brother." Henry shook his head. "Unlike us, he came into the arena with every guarantee of success - and he lost it all. We emerged knowing we were relative underdogs - we can't understand."

"Are you guys going to enjoy your sales or what?" Elsie snapped, looking rather impatient. "We're going to be off pretty soon, you know."

"They certainly look like they're enjoying their sales." John commented.

"No, not like that." Elsie shook her head. "You see, as consoles, sales are... well, they're like our lifeblood. It keeps us going strong - almost as important as a steady supply of good games actually." She frowned. "Come to think of it - they're like food and water for you humans. Different, but equally essential to a healthy lifespan." She turned back to the two. "And so hurry up!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Tack grumbled. "Just because she's your wife, you let her boss you around all the time?"

"Oh, shut it." Henry shot back.

"...Wife." John commented.

Elsie offered him a warm smile. "What, you've never heard of the Wii60?"

There was a long, tense moment of silence as John let this new information sink in. Then he ventured a single statement. "Tell me you two never used the Wiimote for anything. Please."

"Rest easy." The Wii chuckled. "Nothing of that sort."

"And... done." Henry commented as he walked back to them. John couldn't be sure, but he got the impression that the two 360 units looked a bit more... well, buff.

"Oh, hey guys." Tack commented as he stared down at what appeared to be a PDA in his palm. "New MC thread in the homeworld. Lessee here... ooh, nice. The kings' are back for a while."

"Kings?" John commented. "You mean Queen, right? After all, the Wii-"

"Is neither queen nor king." Elsie said with a wan smile. "It's not nearly far enough into the next generation for me to be crowned yet, although my brother has had one of two crowns for a while now."

"And here you are, Elsie! I was looking all over for you!" Came the voice from behind them. It was strong, filled with vigour, youth, and energy.

"Indeed we were, indeed we were. Hmm... I feel weaker in this world. Perhaps it's the heat." Another voice, this once with the seeming properties of being ancient and wizened.

"It's not the heat, it's the sales. Taking this lad on a trip, I'd venture." A third voice, this one old as well, but different from the second, filled to the brim with power and authority.

John turned around and beheld a trio of figures fast approaching.

One was a youth, a tiny silver circlet nestled in his shining brown hair. In one hand he clutched a majestic jeweled scepter. As he neared their group he bowed slightly before walking up to Elsie and embracing her.

The second was an old woman, bowed and stooped with age. Her eyes, however, were quick and intelligent, darting back and forth. For an instant they settled on John, before roving away again.

The third figure, however... As he neared, every other manifestation of a system kneeled save the youth with the staff, who bowed his head respectfully. Dressed in a majestic robe of crimson and ebony, he stroked his long, flowing beard thoughtfully. His hair shone silver-white - yet with every deliberate movement and gesture he carried himself with the seeming of a noble borne lord. And one his head was another circlet, one than sparkled with golden light in the midafternoon sun.

"Milord, we did not expect to be graced by your presence." Henry said softly.

"Rise up, rise up. I told you I was never one for formality." The old man demanded. Slowly, all the other systems got to their feet. "So this is the youth that needed cheering up, eh?"

"And, uh... if I may ask... who are you?"

A hint of a smile graced the old man's face. "You needed to ask, lad? I'm hurt! We spent so many happy hours together, you and I. Exploring Disney worlds, travelling to Zanarkand and Ivalice, defeating demons with style... why, we even took a trip to ancient Greece not so long ago!"

The penny dropped. "P- Playstation 2?" John sputtered.

"Yes, although you may refer to me as Duke Richard Eddington. A flair for the bombastic, I suppose, but that's my name, and well enough it is."

"A - and your companions?"

"Dennis Stark." The youth with the staff grinned. "I'm your DS."

"Clementine Shelley." The ancient woman croaked. "Gameboy Advance SP, that I am."

"And why have you graced us with you distinguished presence, milord?" Elsie inquired.

"I was bored." Richard said with an elaborate shrug. "What with you young'uns stealing all the limelight, I couldn't help but come to see for myself!" Then his expression darkened. "Plus, I needed to make sure my next-of-kin doesn't muff up even worse than he already has."

At this Bob jerked his head upwards, crimson eyes flaring with rage. "Fine talk! Fine talk indeed! I carried your crown. I won exclusssivessss for myssself!"

"Yes, like Devil May Cry 4 and Virtua Fighter 5." Richard commented acidly. "Funny how that turned out." John caught Elsie beckoning them further away.

"Through no fault of mine own!" Bob screeched, skeletal fingers coiling and uncoiling reflexively. "Take it up with Ken! With Hirai! With Harrissson or Tretton or Ssstringer! Anyone but ME!"

"Um..." John spoke up, trying to cut into what was obviously a rather long-standing family feud. "I don't mean to interrupt, but... Sir Richard-"

"Richard to you, young lad."

"Um... okay. Richard, where are the Gamecube and XBox? I owned both, after all."

A shadow fell across the Playstation 2's face. "Well, I suppose you have a right to know." He turned to Henry. "Is the DFA prepared?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Fire it up." He paused, stroking his magnificent beard. "Set destination as the 'Console Graveyard'."


Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.
AdmiralViscen said:
You could easily argue that it was NSMB that drew GBA buyers to DS, rather than the DSlite..

No you cannot. NSMB was out on the 14th of May. That month the system saw no jump, and was still beaten by PSP. Next month, DS Lite comes out and the system sales increase by over 300%.

1+1=2. This is not hard stuff we are discussing here. DS Lite was the relaunch that saved the system in US, and although DS was doing well in Japan, it was still a relaunch.

:lol @ people who dont get this.


My Chemical Mouse said:
No you cannot. NSMB was out on the 14th of May. That month the system saw no jump, and was still beaten by PSP. Next month, DS Lite comes out and the system sales increase by over 300%.

1+1=2. This is not hard stuff we are discussing here. DS Lite was the relaunch that saved the system in US, and although DS was doing well in Japan, it was still a relaunch.

:lol @ people who dont get this.

DSlite saved the DS in the US? It was neck and neck with the PSP in the preceding months.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Unfortunately current PS3 owners won't be as kind as DS owners if they have to buy another console a year later after just spending $500-600 on a PS3.


My Chemical Mouse said:
No you cannot. NSMB was out on the 14th of May. That month the system saw no jump, and was still beaten by PSP. Next month, DS Lite comes out and the system sales increase by over 300%.

1+1=2. This is not hard stuff we are discussing here. DS Lite was the relaunch that saved the system in US, and although DS was doing well in Japan, it was still a relaunch.

:lol @ people who dont get this.
Who gives a flying flip? I call cosmetic changes a "redesign", you can call them "spaghetti" if you want to, I don't care.

And as for "saving Nintendo in the US" or whatever ridiculous thing you claimed, that's only possible if Nintendo required saving. Which they didn't, since their handheld division still led the market and their overall US operation was profitable. Not as profitable as it is today, of course... but not failing either.


Pureauthor said:
Note to self: Refrain from posting 'Sales-Age Saga' in the middle of the 'Retarded Argument Poster of the Week' section.

You must have missed my Media Create lifecycle post. The period where hardware numbers come out is usually the worst.


Pureauthor said:
And here we go... the second instalment of what would come to be known by GAFfers all over the world as...

The Sales-Age Saga

Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Excellent! Very creative. I hope you now realize that we are going to want an installment every week. Well at least I am. Nice work! :lol


Surreal said:
Yeah, this is what I'm talking about. Not a relaunch, Sony just needs to blow their PS3 "redesign" so it doesn't fall too behind. A slimmer case, with a online service (which I'm guessing will be competent by then), remove Wifi, card readers, w/ 20GB HDD, 1 SKU, Resistance 2, launching at $400. Could work, maybe. :lol

Ah, it's fun to dream.

Unfortunately, it isn't card readers or Wifi which has driven the price up to $600; its Blu-ray and Cell and i don't think they are going to remove them (since its central to their whole gameplan... what's left of it...)

So, Sony is stuck, the only way out i can see for them, is to relaunch when they can price the system at $300. Even then i doubt they are gonna be making any profit on the PS3 this generation.


Pureauthor said:
And here we go... the second instalment of what would come to be known by GAFfers all over the world as...

The Sales-Age Saga

saga of awesomeness

Feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Nice mix of drama and humor, reads a little slow though. You might want to try altering how you do the conversations. Instead of pushing each character's words into their own paragraph, allow them to talk over each other occasionally. It'll give the conversations more punch, since this doesn't look to be a very action packed adventure.

Your descriptions of setting are great, but try to give the consoles more movement, a few more quirks. You're doing well in distinguishing their personality, especially Tack, but most of the rest of the consoles, and especially John, seem to be almost entirely stationary.

Either way, it's still the best fanfic starring the souls of videogame consoles I've ever read.

...that was actually a compliment. Any sarcasm was entirely accidental.


My Chemical Mouse said:
No you cannot. NSMB was out on the 14th of May. That month the system saw no jump, and was still beaten by PSP. Next month, DS Lite comes out and the system sales increase by over 300%.

The lite definately increased sales. But to say NSMB didn't have a big impact is missing a key fact. Everyone knew that Nintendo was goign to release the lite. When NSMB cam out many people (my friends included) waited for the new system. But Had they not known about the DS lite they would have bought the "phat" for NSMB and the other big titles at the time.

I agree that the lite drove a lot of sales but I don't think it "saved" anyone. Nintendo was in a good spot, between the DS and the GBA Nintendo had most of the market. As games dried up for the GBA people moved to the DS. It would have happened without the lite, just not as fast.

But why is this being debated in the first place again? Because a PS3 lite is going to save Sony? The situation is totally different.
donny2112 said:
It depends on the mindset of the potential buyers. If there are still people who wanted a PS3 but couldn't stomach the price, $300 in 4-5 years as part of a "re-launch" might just get them on-board.
Most people who want but can't (or won't) afford a PS3 now want it because of the success of past PlayStation systems, which they presume means PS3 will end up similarly. If it's 4 years down the road and PS3 is still in third place worldwide, I think these people will have moved on.
donny2112 said:
I expect them to do a PS4 with new features and more power, but I wonder whether it would be better for them to just stick with the PS3 assuming its comparable in power to next-gen machines.
I don't think this is a safe assumption, though. Nintendo's next system, maybe. But most people find X360 to be comparable to PS3 now, and Microsoft isn't going to sit still.

As for the whole NSMB vs DSLite argument...
donny2112 said:
Also by May, I think people knew about the DS Lite coming and intentionally held off buying NSMB until they could also get a Lite. Now, I did not think that at the time, but looking back and conversations I've had with casuals since lead me to believe that the DS Lite coming in June was more well-known than I gave it credit for.
The fact that NSMB sold nearly twice as well in June as in May is a bit of evidence in favor of the "people waited" theory.

Xavien said:
Unfortunately, it isn't card readers or Wifi which has driven the price up to $600
Seriously. Cheapo PSP and Wii have such features.


Pureauthor said:

Also next week could you start with an overview of which system each "Avatar" represents? I was having a hard time remembering who was what. But again, I really enjoy reading them.


They could also have diverted a large part of their production toward the US. I heard there is some sort of Nintendo game coming later this month that just may create some small additional demand for HW.


zallaaa said:
that's a good 40k less than last week I think. Shortages again?

No, a memo was sent out to all of Japan from Sony telling people to stop buying them. [/sarcasm]

Of course it was shortages!


donny2112 said:
I expect them to do a PS4 with new features and more power, but I wonder whether it would be better for them to just stick with the PS3 assuming its comparable in power to next-gen machines.

That's exactly what I said last week, but people were too narrow-minded to consider the possibilities. Just up the clock-speed a little bit, add some unique and new features, makes it $300 or less, call it another name, spend a truck load of money on a cool marketing campaign, re-launch it with a dozen or so games, I don't see why this can't happen in a few years time.


The Sphinx said:
Golden Week, April 29 thru May 5-ish. Nintendo and third parties are releasing, among other things:

Super Paper Mario, April 22
Big Brain Academy Wii, April 29-ish
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, April 26

There shall be money flowing EVERYwhere.

thanks :)

GOLDEN week... I need to remember the name :p

and monorojo game (priceless)...

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
zallaaa said:
that's a good 40k less than last week I think. Shortages again?

As has been stated, stockpiling for FF:RW and like the Wii, stockpiling for Golden week.

Funny though isn't it, Nintendo can afford to ship nearly 40% less units (Like the Wii), and still outsell their nearest competition by nearly 3:1, scary.

N.B: @ MyChemicalRetard, (Yes I went there), the DSLite did not save the DS anywhere, in Japan it was already ahead, in the EU it was starting to pull a lead thanks to the pink DS, and in the US it was neck & neck with the PSP, the re-design of the DS only served to hammer home a huge lead, boosted by games such as NSMB etc, it wasn't like if the DSL never existed that the DS would be a failiure.
linsivvi said:
That's exactly what I said last week, but people were too narrow-minded to consider the possibilities. Just up the clock-speed a little bit, add some unique and new features, makes it $300 or less, call it another name, spend a truck load of money on a cool marketing campaign, re-launch it with a dozen or so games, I don't see why this can't happen in a few years time.
You misunderstand him as I initially did. He's not talking a GCN->Wii upgrade, he's pondering the possibility that Sony could just... keep going with PS3, but with some new big push convince people to take a look at it in several years.
My Chemical Mouse said:
No you cannot. NSMB was out on the 14th of May. That month the system saw no jump, and was still beaten by PSP. Next month, DS Lite comes out and the system sales increase by over 300%.

1+1=2. This is not hard stuff we are discussing here. DS Lite was the relaunch that saved the system in US, and although DS was doing well in Japan, it was still a relaunch.

:lol @ people who dont get this.

You're absolutely right. I see the error of my ways.

What have you accomplished?
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.


Vinnk said:
Also next week could you start with an overview of which system each "Avatar" represents? I was having a hard time remembering who was what. But again, I really enjoy reading them.

I strongly agree, i was a little bit confused too. Thanks again for the excellent work.


provides useful feedback
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Just a word to the Nintendo fans tearing apart a certain Sony fan:-

Don't be so mean to him. If he started gaming at the age of 6, his first ever system would have been the SNES/Genesis. If he started gaming at the age of 9 or 10, his first console would have been the Playstation (a far more likely scenario). His first console game would have cemented his fanboydom in much the same way playing Super Mario Bros at home for the first time did to so many Nintendo fans. It would have been natural for him to move on to the Playstation 2 when it was released as it is natural for him to support the Playstation 3 now.

The thing is, that as a Sony fanboy, he has not yet had to taste the bitter ale of console defeat. He has not yet had to watch as his console of choice linger in the doldrums as 3rd parties abandoned it in favour of other consoles. He hasn't yet had to sit through terminal release droughts or the inconvenience of having to walk past shelves and shelves of other consoles' offerings in order to get to the half a shelf dedicated to his console of choice. He's never had his console systematically trolled before. Most of all, unlike Sega fans, he hasn't had to watch his console die mid-generation.

Unfortunately for all Sony fanboys, it currently looks as though these things will happen this generation to some degree or other. With the anecdotal evidence coming out of the PAL territories and the actual numbers coming out of the US and Japan, the writing seems to be on the wall for the PS3. The worst news is losing Japan - lose Japan and you lose the Japanese devs.

These things are not certain - they won't be until next year, but the most likely scenario is that the PS3 will be the 'losing' console this generation. And as long as it looks that way, fanboys for whom the Playstation was their first console will slowly or not so slowly turn into the "Nintards" of the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox generation - fanboys who, in their effort to "damage control" and "keep hope alive" can no longer rely on stock-standard, common-sense notions used by the majority and must instead turn to irrational arguments and obnoxious posting styles.

Yes, the fanboy inside you wants revenge on the Sony fans for the PS2 killing the Dreamcast, stealing the Gamecube's exclusives, forcing the Xbox into early retirement or the relentless, unmerciful trolling but it should not be this way. Live and let live. Nintendo fans, enjoy having the winning console after having to endure the horrors of the N64 and Gamecube eras. The dark ages of gaming are over for you. For Sony fans, they have only just begun.

*wipes a tear away*

That was... beautiful, little squirrel dude.
Jonnyram said:
Stockpiling for FF12RW.
Btw, is SE stockpiling FF12RW cartridges? Because 500k for a sequel to a numbered FF, last one being X-2 which sold near 2m, doesn't sound like it needs a huge influx of DS to sell them.

Expected hardware numbers, I don't really get whats in Nintendo's minds with all this irregular Wii shipments...anyway, even if it went to 30k its still going to (at least) double competition. PSP has keep there on 40k, Sony should just pay MC so they don't track PS3 until they get their shit together, PS2 keeps fighting, bla bla bla.

For Vinnk's report, I'd like to know prices on these games:
Children of Mana (DS)
Heroes of Mana (DS)
Dawn of Mana (PS2)
Tales of Rebirth (PS2)
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)

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