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Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials


The adoption of -gate to suggest the existence of a scandal was promoted by William Safire, the conservative New York Times columnist and former Nixon administration speechwriter. As early as September 1974 he wrote of "Vietgate", a proposed pardon of the Watergate criminals and Vietnam War draft dodgers.[8] Subsequently, he coined numerous -gate terms, including Billygate, Briefingate, Contragate, Deavergate, Debategate, Doublebillingsgate (of which he later said "My best [-gate coinage] was the encapsulation of a minor ... scandal as doublebillingsgate"), Frankiegate, Franklingate, Genschergate, Housegate, Iraqgate, Koreagate, Lancegate, Maggiegate, Nannygate, Raidergate, Scalpgate, Travelgate, Troopergate and Whitewatergate.
god damn it, now i have to become President in order to rescind his Presidential Medal of Freedom and then resign
and nothing will happen like always 😒



So are going to call this Trumpgate?

I'd like it to get an entirely new name, so we can use it as a suffix for future political fuckups. I have no idea what that name should be though.

and nothing will happen like always ��

Shit is absolutely happening. I might have been with you a couple months ago, but we're finally starting to see a little bit of fire among all the smoke.


Watergate only got its fame because Nixon resigned, there's been way bigger crimes committed.

Hell, Nixon's use of the IRS against his enemies is a thousand times the crime that a break-in and bugging of DNC HQ (that eventually led to them gaining absolutely nothing of value which is the funny part about Watergate) is imo

Not to mention that whole thing he did regarding Vietnam before becoming President.



Lovely...Happy birthday you racist waste of humanity! Kinda assumed he was, but just getting the confirmation on today of all days.
The first one, does this look like Teen Twitter

I apologise for that. Keep seeing it used here and thought it meant a general Awakening to the truth/reality but I misinterpreted, and so I am truly sorry for that.

As for seeing something different, the Republicans seemed to give sessions a handy Jay yesterday and have been impugning Comeys trustworthiness compared to Trump since last week. I will grant that the Senate seems to be signaling not being all in on Trump, but I don't trust the House and that is my concern. I mean the man who would bring impeachment charges said Trump is too dumb to know what he did and blamed Comey for not telling Trump what he was doing is wrong. Now, maybe after Trump shit on them and the ACHA bill they passed might change some tunes, but...*sigh* I mean Ryan said that would treat a Dem President the same and got called out and then today a representative blamed Dems and their reaction to Trump for the shooting today.

I want to believe. I desperately do. This bill today is nice but I'm not going to assume that we are in a new better timeline.
It'd be such a delicious irony if, in the end of all of this, Trump actually was not personally implicated in the whole Russia thing and could have walked away scot-free but instead ended up being in deep shit because he kept trying to obstruct the investigation as a result of his fragile ego and obsession with his image.


It'd be such a delicious irony if, in the end of all of this, Trump actually was not personally implicated in the whole Russia thing and could have walked away scot-free but instead ended up being in deep shit because he kept trying to obstruct the investigation as a result of his fragile ego and obsession with his image.
I actually consider this to be the most likely proposition of all for Trump personally by far.
I actually consider this to be the most likely proposition of all for Trump personally by far.

This is what I want. In addition to them finding a shitton of financial crimes from over the years and Russian mob connections. Then he gets pardoned only to have various states convict him anyway.


"In this morning's news... everything's fine! Our recent birthday boy President is not in any kind of trouble. He is a good man. The Democrats are only chasing ghosts and are mad losers. Everything is fine! Please ignore the massive inferno behind us and at the White House, that is an alternative fire"

Sounds about right.


Start with the Dems, and their desperate hunt for collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice, or just jaywalking — anything remotely resembling a crime will do. Their fury knows no bounds, with character assassination now routine because they can’t handle the truth about the 2016 election.

No matter what question they ask or what insult they throw, the goal is always the same: overturn Trump’s victory. Absent that, they’ll settle for wasting two years of the nation’s time relitigating the election.

Either way, for them it’s a win-win. They win if Trump’s agenda is stalled, and they win bigger if he gets impeached.

It’s a dirty business, but, unfortunately for the people who want the nation to change course, they’re making progress. Just months after being left for dead as political road kill, Dems have played a bad hand very well.

They still don’t have an agenda of their own that will move the economy forward or protect America from terrorism, but they have managed to muddy the waters so much that Trump’s popularity is sinking.

A fundraising email sent under Trump’s name captured the frustration. “If you told me this would happen in America, I wouldn’t believe you,” it read. “The losing political party is using a conspiracy theory — without having a single shred of evidence — to DERAIL a constitutionally-elected president.”

It went on to blast Comey, the Obama administration and the “fake news media” as part of an effort “to SABOTAGE us . . . this is a threat to our republic — we can’t let them win.”

There is much truth in the charges, yet truth alone is not nearly enough to win the day. The president needs to find solutions that get the public back on his side, and he needs to find them fast.

I love the idea that people couldn't possibly dislike Trump because he is a self-serving asshole and buffoon with severe and pronounced complexes and an awful, destructive agenda.
This is what I want. In addition to them finding a shitton of financial crimes from over the years and Russian mob connections. Then he gets pardoned only to have various states convict him anyway.

I wouldn't mind seeing his empire crumble, stripping his name from his buildings, and locking up Ivanka, Eric, and Donny Jr, along with Donald's cabinet of nightmares.


A fundraising email sent under Trump’s name captured the frustration. “If you told me this would happen in America, I wouldn’t believe you,” it read. “The losing political party is using a conspiracy theory — without having a single shred of evidence — to DERAIL a constitutionally-elected president.”

What was that about a birth certificate?
What was that about a birth certificate?

But that was different.

Life was different; times were different.

America now faces extremists around the globe who seek to destroy us, which is something totally unlike what Obama faced.

Calling out Republicans for trying to have Obama removed from office for the birth certificate crap is meaningless because the world faces greater challenges now, and the threat of impeachment undermines our government when we need it most.

Kidding aside, I do wonder what it was about Obama that made Republicans so angry, and why they were desperate to cast him as an “other” who doesn’t deserve to run our country.
It'd be such a delicious irony if, in the end of all of this, Trump actually was not personally implicated in the whole Russia thing and could have walked away scot-free but instead ended up being in deep shit because he kept trying to obstruct the investigation as a result of his fragile ego and obsession with his image.

The Sessions hearing very likely disproved the possibility of that irony becoming reality. Sessions very likely worked as a messenger between Trump and Kislyak for the Mayflower meeting considering that Sessions is now admitting that he both had a meeting with Kislyak at the Mayflower AND that at the time he was working on Trump's foreign policy team.
It's a safety measure for Mueller.

By announcing Trump is under investigation for obstruction, it makes it almost impossible for Trump to fire him without making it look like he's committing another act of obstruction.


I wonder how long it's going to take for the Republicans to try to pass a law that says nothing a Republican does is illegal, but if a Democrat tries the same thing, it's treason. It kind of seems like that's all they've got left at this point, because otherwise too many of the things they've said in the past about Clinton and Obama are going to come back to haunt them.




But that was different.

Life was different; times were different.

America now faces extremists around the globe who seek to destroy us, which is something totally unlike what Obama faced.

Calling out Republicans for trying to have Obama removed from office for the birth certificate crap is meaningless because the world faces greater challenges now, and the threat of impeachment undermines our government when we need it most.

Kidding aside, I do wonder what it was about Obama that made Republicans so angry, and why they were desperate to cast him as an “other” who doesn’t deserve to run our country.

Damn, well played.
The leaks about Trump's reactions to these various stories really do seem to show someone who thinks he's innocent and that this all is a witch-hunt. This, to me, lends credence to the "Trump was barely or not involved in any of the illegal shit people in his campaign may have been doing, but is totally implicating himself because he's a spoiled, privileged baby who thinks he can just make annoying problems go away like he did as a CEO" theory.

The question is whether or not this is one of Trump's "It's not a lie if you believe it" things, or genuine innocence and incredulity.


The leaks about Trump's reactions to these various stories really do seem to show someone who thinks he's innocent and that this all is a witch-hunt. This, to me, lends credence to the "Trump was barely or not involved in any of the illegal shit people in his campaign may have been doing, but is totally implicating himself because he's a spoiled, privileged baby who thinks he can just make annoying problems go away like he did as a CEO" theory.

The question is whether or not this is one of Trump's "It's not a lie if you believe it" things, or genuine innocence and incredulity.

I think it's more accurate to say he doesn't think he's done anything wrong (even if he realizes its illegal) and that he believes people like Obama and Hillary have gotten away with worse.


lacks enthusiasm.
I think it's more accurate to say he doesn't think he's done anything wrong (even if he realizes its illegal) and that he believes people like Obama and Hillary have gotten away with worse.
Indeed. He's so far in the bubble he believes it as reality and him (and the people around him) just look at the world through a totally different lens. It's kind of amazing to think about when you step back.


I wonder how long it's going to take for the Republicans to try to pass a law that says nothing a Republican does is illegal, but if a Democrat tries the same thing, it's treason. It kind of seems like that's all they've got left at this point, because otherwise too many of the things they've said in the past about Clinton and Obama are going to come back to haunt them.

Why don't they just pass a law that allows the entire constitution to be incinerated if a Republican deems it necessary
I think it's more accurate to say he doesn't think he's done anything wrong (even if he realizes its illegal) and that he believes people like Obama and Hillary have gotten away with worse.
Yeah, thats my take.

Trump working with some unsavory contacts to get a leg up and hurt Hillary during the election absolutely seems like something he'd be all for. Its just playing hardball right? Politics is a dirty business and he knows it better than anyone, right? He knows it first hand. And lying and avoiding any and all personal responsibility is second nature to this guy. We've all seen it, time and time again.

This whole idea that he was blissfully unaware of the machinations of his close inner circle, who worked collectively and in secret without any input from their big boss doesn't pass the smell test at all.


Man this shit is scary. If Trump does get impeached, I won't feel safe here as a brown dude. Conservatives are going to come out with their pitch forks.

Don't think it is possible for him to get impeached. He'd resign and say, "The swamp is too deep to drain, folks." before impeachment would go through.


who says?

History so far. Everytime something new comes out against trump people say "this is it, THIS will get him" and it never does. Its handwaved away, and hes back on twitter like nothing happened, or telling the world how its all a witch hunt.

hes untouchable.


You don't get to bring friends.
Don't think it is possible for him to get impeached. He'd resign and say, "The swamp is too deep to drain, folks." before impeachment would go through.


He'll cite "health" reasons so he doesn't look like a coward to his base supporters

He'll cite "health" reasons so he doesn't look like a coward to his base supporters

You seem to think he has enough humility to ever admit to having health problems.

Need I remind you that he maintains a relationship with an embarrassing sham of a doctor just so he can fake immaculate health and not have to face his own deficiencies?
History so far. Everytime something new comes out against trump people say "this is it, THIS will get him" and it never does. Its handwaved away, and hes back on twitter like nothing happened, or telling the world how its all a witch hunt.

hes untouchable.

Such a toxic thought process.

This is what's currently happening. The fall is inevitable.
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