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Oklahoma Double Execution Botched: "We're going to close the blinds temporarily."

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Nope. I love GAF and my time here but the political threads are generally nasty places I read and don't post, mainly because it's silly to post countless arguments when everyone feels superior to the other.

Cool, then see yourself out. They aren't nasty, I don't feel superior, but I do require more than I feel this way so blah.
Many of the prior methods that were used for capital punishment have been ruled unconstitutional, what makes you think the same will not happen with lethal injection?

I dunno, maybe it will be. But there are always other forms of execution. The possibilities are simply limitless. That's why I think they should get on that carbon monoxide in the garage idea. I think it's got some real merit. Maybe some animal testing could be done to further our knowledge on the process. Relying on suicides alone might make some people uneasy, I understand that.
I've read it plenty. And while certain methods of capital punishment certainly can be cruel and unusual, and certain categories of people such as the young and the mentally handicapped are exempt... capital punishment itself isn't cruel and unusual.

Well, this is a certainly myopic view of the constitution. The definition of cruel and unusual is purposely vague as it's a constantly moving target as social tastes change over time.
There's only so many hours in the day and so many better things to spend time on that worrying about fucking murderers.

lol if you think every life is precious lmaoooooo
Well, this is a certainly myopic view of the constitution. The definition of cruel and unusual is purposely vague as it's a constantly moving target as social tastes change over time.

That's only if you interpret the Constitution as a living document. There are many different methods of interpreting the Constitution.


I'm well beyond my youthful flirtations with freshman bodies /wink; are you going to rebuttal his points or merely provide some nonsensical comment that does nothing to address what he said?

I don't even know why my education would even be relevant to this discussion. In fact it couldn't possibly since my university stream was in Computer Science..... five years ago..
The possibilities are simply limitless. .
How many ways can we kill?

Drawing and Quartering, Hanging, guillotine, CO2, Lethal Injection, Crucifixion, Burning, Torture, Firing Squad, Strangulation, Beheadings, Gas Chambers. So many ways!
I dunno, maybe it will be. But there are always other forms of execution. The possibilities are simply limitless. That's why I think they should get on that carbon monoxide in the garage idea. I think it's got some real merit. Maybe some animal testing could be done to further our knowledge on the process. Relying on suicides alone might make some people uneasy, I understand that.

CO2 would actually result in pain, I believe.
Some people deserve to be put to death.

Rapists, child molesters, murderers... They have no room in society and guess where your taxes are going. To feed, clothe, and house these scumbags.

There should be a more humane way to do it definitely.

I don't see why people are like "Who are we to take a life".. These guys are getting more of a chance to live then their victims.

This guy shot and buried this girl alive.. That guy deserved to die, more humanly, but still deserved to die.



Yeah, Im hoping its just pimple faced 13 year olds trying to look edgy on the internet. Would hate to think that actual reasonable rational people would want to torture people to death... I mean ACTUALLY torture people to death. Not just some joking around off comment.

Thats just insane. Its sad, but a bullet to the back of the head would probably be better than this. I mean jesus.
That's only if you interpret the Constitution as a living document. There are many different methods of interpreting the Constitution.

Ummm, what is the Constitution if it isn't? You're telling me the writers of the Constitution during the 1700's were enlightened enough to create a document that will pertain to all forward ongoing eras of human history?
Again, it's not about the people who "deserve" it.
I didn't say anything about they "deserve" it, I'm saying a murderer's life matters as much as that bug you stepped on this morning without a thought.

Don't get care-mad about literal human garbage.

Or get mad, I don't care. I'm not going to worry about it.
...um, the fact that capital punishment is constitutional shows that it isn't cruel or unusual. See, we've got this thing here called the Supreme Court, and they look at constitutional issues sometimes, and hey...

*inserts Schoolhouse Rock episode*

This just in: SCOTUS is not infallible. Please, for the love all that is holy, you have more than that.

SCOTUS just like our founding fathers, were and are fallible. I'm not trying to point fingers here, but the right has this fantastical point of view; which states, the founding fathers and our documents are somehow divine. Guess what, they aren't. Now, you can state that it hasn't been overturned/etc. but that isn't what we are discussing is it?


No one deserves to be robbed of life. I mean who decides what someone "deserves"?

The first act of robbery of a life doesn't justify the second act of robbery.

The government sanctioned revenge killings is not a justified act, its an unreasoned, barbaric, kneejerk reaction based on societies hot blooded emotions.

The moment you lose someone dear, there is no justice to be had, no way to make it better for all involved. No way to make it better. The killer doesn't have the right to ask for forgiveness after such an evil act but he/she doesn't deserve to die either.

If the argument is about what people "deserve", I ask you this, what does that word even mean and what authority must you have to make such an extreme judgement call?

Well said

This is just wrong. His crime was awful but how does this make anything better? This isn't justice. This is vengeance. We're better than this. This is cruel and unusual punishment. No doubt about that. No one deserves to go out like that. We as a first world nation, a nation as powerful and influential as we are, should set a much better example. Horrendous crimes should not be tolerated but neither should events like these.
There's only so many hours in the day and so many better things to spend time on that worrying about fucking murderers.

lol if you think every life is precious lmaoooooo

Some of us would rather see those tasked with carrying out the punishment prescribed for violating our laws in a manner consistent with the supreme laws of this land. Any failure is a breakdown of the very meaning of those laws. Pretending like the Eighth Amendment means whatever the hell you personally want it to mean is childish.


Some people deserve to be put to death.

Rapists, child molesters, murderers... They have no room in society and guess where your taxes are going. To feed, clothe, and house these scumbags.

There should be a more humane way to do it definitely.

I don't see why people are like "Who are we to take a life".. These guys are getting more of a chance to live then their victims.

This guy shot and buried this girl alive.. That guy deserved to die, more humanly, but still deserved to die.

It costs more to execute them than it does to imprison them for life.

They're also having their freedom revoked for the rest of their life and not being spared the misery of being locked up for 23.5 hours a day.

Who makes this judgement? You don't make this judgement for me or anyone else.
That's only if you interpret the Constitution as a living document. There are many different methods of interpreting the Constitution.

Every person in this thread has a different interpretation of the phrase "cruel and unusual"

It is BY NATURE, a reflection of our opinions of that phrase as in a vacuum it has no meaning. This is one of the areas where the notion of wether the Constitution being a living document or not is moot compared to the course of American history and how the use and application of the death penalty has shifted over centuries.


This just in: SCOTUS is not infallible. Please, for the love all that is holy, you have more than that.

SCOTUS just like our founding fathers, were and are fallible. I'm not trying to point fingers here, but the right has this fantastical point of view; which states, the founding fathers and our documents are somehow divine. Guess what, they aren't. Now, you can state that it hasn't been overturned/etc. but that isn't what we are discussing is it?

This is so on point, it hurts. The constitution is so imperfect, it has been amended 17 times since adoption. Gee, them founding fathers sure were perfect and all knowing.


Some people deserve to be put to death.

Rapists, child molesters, murderers... They have no room in society and guess where your taxes are going. To feed, clothe, and house these scumbags.
And the alternative, currently reality: Guess where more of your taxes are going. To murder them. Ineffectively. With illegal drug combinations bought on the black market.

This is so on point, it hurts. The constitution is so imperfect, it has been amended 17 times since adoption. Gee, them founding fathers sure were perfect and all knowing.
Technically 27 times. Or 18. The Bill of Rights, though "accepted" with the signing and institution didn't actually get amended on until well after.
A garage and a car full of gas doesn't cost much.

Everything you've said so far reads like an argument for the worst kinds of abuses visited upon the incarcerated population of America, up to and including lynching. You might already be aware of this and don't care. But don't act surprised when people think you're a psychopath.
This thread is really sad, such misanthropy...

As an Oklahoman, It's worrying just how crazy our state government could. Threaten the Courts like that sounds like something the mafia would do.
It costs more to execute them than it does to imprison them for life.

They're also having their freedom revoked for the rest of their life and not being spared the misery of being locked up for 23.5 hours a day.

Who makes this judgement? You don't make this judgement for me or anyone else.

Yeah but they still gets to eat, sleep, laugh, cry.. get screwed up the butt for pleasure if they really wanted.

That girl died alone, scared, and in a coffin. She didn't just get locked away for 23 hours a day and still gets fed and a bed. She's gone. Why should this guy get better treatment then his victim. He had the choice to do this or not.. She didn't get the choice


Well this is depressing

Why should this guy get better treatment then his victim. He had the choice to do this or not.. She didn't get the choice
Because we're better than that, and we should be leading by example.

So what the hell are they using? Failed drugs that kill people as a side effect, and are being shipped off to prisons at super low prices or something?
Yeah, I know about the problems with procuring the execution drugs, but you'd think they'd be a little more sure that the new drugs they are using wouldn't cause an excruciating, horrifying death.

I don't even know why my education would even be relevant to this discussion. In fact it couldn't possibly since my university stream was in Computer Science..... five years ago..

He's being a dick, insinuating that you're some bright eye'd freshman taking some poly sci or philosophy class or something.

It's funny because he's acting like some super edgy high schooler who thinks he know's everything so...
Always makes me wonder why they don't just use the "Car running in a closed garage" suicide method. It seems to work really well and the person in the car just peacefully drifts off to sleep before dying.

This is what the Nazis did. And we all know how humane they were... Right?


Babies are worse than known criminals because they have the potential to be even greater criminals. Better to get rid of them BEFORE they can commit crimes.


May contain jokes =>
I don't think we should make any kind of habit of putting people to death, but I like that we have the option and I think we should keep it. It's nearly impossible to argue the facts on this stuff: the threat of potentially killing an innocent, the exorbitant costs of extra appeals, the increasing lack of humane ways to do the job. I do not think we should be putting even 1 person to death on average a year in this country.

But when your rare monsters: Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh, or other similar people come along, when the crime is so heinous and there is truly no doubt of their guilt, I want the option to, as a society or even as a world society, take them out behind the courthouse and kill them. We truly do not need Charles Manson sitting in a jail cell attracting weirdos with his views and sucking up our tax revenue.
Babies are worse than known criminals because they have the potential to be even greater criminals. Better to get rid of them BEFORE they can commit crimes.
You might be on to something here.

Where does the castle doctrine stand on home births? The little sods are trespassing the moment they pop out right?
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