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PC: Ori and the Blind Forest 75%off - 4.99$ @Steam (possible price mistake)

MS won't be happy.

I wasn't planning on buying this really, I was interested as I heard good things but not sold as I tend to prefer that type of game on Vita, but the graphics look good, nothing was announced and it might not be as tight anyway so why not.
In a year from now at the same price, I might not have bought it with the hype/memories of it settling down.

I wonder if they'll put it up for the correct sale price.

That would be cool, I'd love a Vita version on that OLED screen( for those of us still rocking the OG model)....


I imagine it's to calm down after watching a worst case scenario play out and then having to read shit like this:

It's a valid point because I'm sure many who bought at this price were more than willing to wait for the $5 price point anyway, and there may still be a silver lining if Valve pays up the difference.
Well, everyone who got it for 5 bucks: Enjoy it.

I'll go and fix myself a drink now...

And when the sales data is analyzed and you realize you made more profit from this than you would have believed, and that price sensitivity is real and that unit sales aren't a zero sum game you'll fix another one to celebrate the accidental success of the error. So congrats!


Time Traveler
I imagine what Valve will tell this guys:

"We made a mistake; you had an average of 500 sales a day at $20, and yesterday you sold 50,000 at $5. We offer you all the money in revenue as a solution."

I hope the game is good, heard it's gorgeous, but haven't heard a thing about the gameplay.
How did I not see this earlier -_-

Oh well guess I am going to have to wait a while before I actually decide to finally get this on the cheap.


And when the sales data is analyzed and you realize you made more profit from this than you would have believed, and that price sensitivity is real and that unit sales aren't a zero sum game you'll fix another one to celebrate the accidental success of the error. So congrats!

Do you honestly believe that they aren't aware that they could make a huge chunk of money by going down with the price a lot? It's a conscious decision not to completely devalue their game early on (and to show a bit of respect to early adopters, I guess), which is now kind of ruined. They still could have gone down to 5€ in a year's time or so.

Anyway, it happened and nothing can be changed about that. It wasn't a particularly long time frame either, so I guess in the end it's not all that bad. Will be interesting to see the Steamspy data in a couple days.
MS won't be happy.

Not at all. If Valve won't play ball to make this right I wouldn't blame MS if they pulled their games off of Steam, created their own storefront, and then sold their games there exclusively.


It wasn't a particularly long time frame either, so I guess in the end it's not all that bad.

There may also be long-term damage to value perception. Do you think that people who become aware of the $4.99 price will be less willing to pay $15 for it now knowing how cheaply they could have purchased it? I'd love to see a study on that scenario. I think if I had missed out on the $5 deal and yet had been aware of it, I'd be far less likely to bite at $15 or $10 than I would have before.


I imagine what Valve will tell this guys:

"We made a mistake; you had an average of 500 sales a day at $20, and yesterday you sold 50,000 at $5. We offer you all the money in revenue as a solution."

I hope the game is good, heard it's gorgeous, but haven't heard a thing about the gameplay.

It's great, it's worth full price.
Not at all. If Valve won't play ball to make this right I wouldn't blame MS if they pulled their games off of Steam, created their own storefront, and then sold their games there exclusively.


Im pretty sure they are doing this with Windows 10, at least going forward.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Damn it..I missed it... Why did I have to stay up playing Persona 4 all night....

P4:playing All Night.

Also these price errors always happen when I'm not at the PC. Ugh.


Phew, glad I jumped on this while I could. Pretty obvious it was a price error though, I mean just three weeks ago it was $12 during the summer sale.


There may also be long-term damage to value perception. Do you think that people who become aware of the $4.99 price will be less willing to pay $15 for it now knowing how cheaply they could have purchased it? I'd love to see a study on that scenario. I think if I had missed out on the $5 deal and yet had been aware of it, I'd be far less likely to bite at $15 or $10 than I would have before.

That's definitely the case with me. Small example: Amazon had Assassin's Creed Rogue Deluxe for $15. Didn't have the $15 when it was on sale, won't be buying until I can get it for $15 or under.
Do you honestly believe that they aren't aware that they could make a huge chunk of money by going down with the price a lot? It's a conscious decision not to completely devalue their game early on.

But the whole principle of "devalue" is flawed to begin with. A good is only worth what people are willing to pay for it.

Just because a price doesn't fall does not mean that price sensitivity will change, causing demand to increase at the higher price.

It also implies that if a sales price increases short term sales, that somehow that means lost full price sales later on.

The data suggests this isn't the case at all, that baseline demand does not change following a discount. In fact, many titles see baseline demand increases following a discount period.

People hold on to these false concepts out of a sense of loss aversion. Perfectly normal human trait, which is deeply flawed.

Hopefully, what they'll see in the sales data will help them understand that this discount period didn't hurt them now, and won't hurt them in the future.


Time Traveler
I imagine it's to calm down after watching a worst case scenario play out and then having to read shit like this:
I have a backlog of 200+ games, and I fear this game will turn out to be another Trine, gorgeous game but not fun at all. Sorry to Thomas who seems a nice guy, but that's my outsider impression on this game, I hope I'm proved wrong, then you can be sure I will pay more for your next game.

The only game I will pay more than $5 at this point is La Mulana 2, after the first one being so fucking amazing; and whatever the Crazy Viking guys (Volgarr) make. This includes AAA games from ANY company.
Oh, all this time I thought it was by an indie developer, thanks for the info.

Moon Studios is an independent developer, but Microsoft funded the game and owns the IP.

I have a backlog of 200+ games, and I fear this game will turn out to be another Trine, gorgeous game but not fun at all. Sorry to Thomas who seems a nice guy, but that's my outsider impression on this game, I hope I'm proved wrong, then you can be sure I will pay more for your next game.

The only game I will pay more than $5 at this point is La Mulana 2, after the first one being so fucking amazing; and whatever the Crazy Viking guys (Volgarr) make. This includes AAA games from ANY company.

This game is nothing like Trine. I'd say it's about the closest thing to classic Nintendo gameplay you'll get besides playing an actual Nintendo game. Add in an incredible orchestral soundtrack, wonderful story and lovable characters and you get my GotY (so far).


never left the stone age
Dammit it was an error, I was gonna buy it too :(. The price you pay when you're in a phone convo for too long I guess.


I agree about lower discount prices tbh. Way, way more people go for it and you get people that might not have been interested later on even with steeper discounts as word of mouth or just general interest dies down, and having a larger userbase earlier on with nice large spikes every so often does combat that. Especially when they are interested enough to check it out they may have heard something good and then they see the 'overwhelmingly positive' amount of reviews for steam and you're gold, don't need to worry about them thinking this is a bad game as the price is too low and being put off.

There's too many games for most people these days. Available and owned. And more are coming.

Obviously this was forced by the accident, which isn't alright, not what I'm saying if you're wondering.

For big publishers they don't want to set that trend but for an individual dev/team I reckon it works out well.
There may also be long-term damage to value perception. Do you think that people who become aware of the $4.99 price will be less willing to pay $15 for it now knowing how cheaply they could have purchased it? I'd love to see a study on that scenario. I think if I had missed out on the $5 deal and yet had been aware of it, I'd be far less likely to bite at $15 or $10 than I would have before.

But its not like the $5 price was a legit sale. It was a pricing error. So you can't really look at that as a valid price to expect it to go down to the next big sale. You'd expect it to drop to whatever it was when it was actually on sale, not just priced erroneously.

As for myself, I had heard just a little about the game here and there and I'm not even a huge platformer fan, but for $5 I'll take a chance on that. At this point its the developers getting $5 from me they wouldn't have gotten otherwise. And the fact that it seemed like a pricing error made me act even quicker to buy it whereas even if it was on a regular sale, maybe I would have waffled and thought about it more before buying or not.


Even if this is an error, it's so shitty that steam users will get this for 5 dollars and Xbox users have to pay 15 dollars.
But its not like the $5 price was a legit sale. It was a pricing error. So you can't really look at that as a valid price to expect it to go down to the next big sale.

The logical part of my brain understands that it was mistake, and the game should be worth just as much as when the cheapest price was still $15, but still, the thought that I could have gotten the game for $5 would make it really hard for me to pay 2-3 times more. It would just feel bad to pay more now, like I was admitting defeat and kicking myself for it. I know it doesn't make logical sense but that's how I'd feel.


Damn feel really bad for the devs, game even at full price is worth every penny.

Since it was just price cut for the Summer Sale, I would imagine that the majority of people who were willing to buy it at the dev's predetermined sale price did so then and people who grabbed it during the pricing error weren't up for buying it at that sale price. Financially, I doubt the devs actually missed out on much money at all, they just caught some of the 'wait for $5' crowd 6 months earlier than they had planned. They're probably gonna catch a ton of complaints from people that picked it up during the summer sale though, which sucks.


God damn it (from steam summer sale):

what are the chances Ori drops below $12 before the steam summer sale next year? =p

I could buy it, but all I'd be doing is adding to a back log and I'll probably want to play it a few months from now.

EDIT: would have missed it anyways
Financially, I doubt the devs actually missed out on much money at all, they just caught some of the 'wait for $5' crowd 6 months earlier than they had planned.

Several people in the X1 Summer Sale thread were hoping for a $10 sale price there so I think they could have made some good money at that tier before going all the way down to $5. I'm guessing the well was getting dry for the $15-$20 price point though.
Since it was just price cut for the Summer Sale, I would imagine that the majority of people who were willing to buy it at the dev's predetermined sale price did so then and people who grabbed it during the pricing error weren't up for buying it at that sale price. Financially, I doubt the devs actually missed out on much money at all, they just caught some of the 'wait for $5' crowd 6 months earlier than they had planned. They're probably gonna catch a ton of complaints from people that picked it up during the summer sale though, which sucks.

I was definitely part of the "wait for $5" crowd for this game. I've been super interested in it, but my current PC doesn't meet the minimum specs so I wasn't planning on buying it any time soon. Took advantage of pricing error because it's a great deal, but I still can't play it :p. Planning to upgrade around the end of the year after Skylake comes out though. Right now I've got a huge backlog of "Games I'll play when Steam controller comes out" (Pillars of Eternity and pretty much every other mouse-heavy game) and "Game I'll play when I upgrade my PC" on top of the normal gigantic backlog everyone has.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I don't have an XB1 yet or game on my laptop so I don't own the game nor have I played it myself yet. But from everyone I've heard that's played it so far, it's easily GOTY 2015 material so it's already more than worth it at full price people.


In case you missed out :)

PM me if there is any issues with redeeming

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
It's ModBot's birthday! Celebrate by giving out something other than bundle garbage today!

- This is a giveaway for the thread url: - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1075907.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Ori and the Blind Forest #1 -- MB-04202CEDC39872EC - Taken by Zero-Crescent. 25 entrants total.
Ori and the Blind Forest #2 -- MB-5B731F7AE8B2DEAF - Taken by Frostinferno. 26 entrants total.
Ori and the Blind Forest #3 -- MB-208EDB670B356095 - Taken by Punto. 31 entrants total.
Ori and the Blind Forest #4 -- MB-D3A544F244624464 - Taken by Regiruler. 26 entrants total.

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