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Splatoon |OT4| You're a detriment to your squad


Watched my daughter play on team planes this morning. Over 45 minutes I would say half her matches were mirror matches.

I am team car. Winning every match so far.


Unconfirmed Member
Gets on good team. Looses connection to team. Gets on bad team. Search for new team. Gets on good team. Loses connection to good team. Repeat.
They were happening last night, too, trust me. Scroll back through the thread a bit to see people talking about it, too.

When I started at 9am this morning things were perfect but it's already getting messy. I really wonder if Nintendo is ever going to get this internet thing down :/


I have had no network issues. I did finally get my first loss as the opponents had a dynamo roller in front of our spawn and my teammates never thought to go around.


Junior Member
Just borrowed a GamePad from my neighbor & joined Team Plane. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Also, why is the game disconnecting me after each match? And why have I yet to fight a single Team Car group?

EDIT: Welp, there's Team Car.

EDIT 2: And my team barely won thanks to my Inkstrike.


Aaaahh, was a bad start to splatfest but after taking a break and coming back things picked up a bit! thanks to this splatfest i've picked up a new weapon, i used to sneer at echolocator and the poison bomb (don't know the English name) but i'm loving the combo on the custom splattershot jr <3 also ended up playing with some awesome peeps who stuck around for a bunch of matches! but unfortunately we were disconnected SO SAD. it was so much fun playing with them i stuck around even after becoming an eternal tako girl. THIS is what I love most about splatfest, the camaderie between randoms. it makes me so happy when people stick around, nice each other, even when we lose. i can quit satified now, even though I am fairly sure team tako will ultimately lose XD
Just borrowed a GamePad from my neighbor & joined Team Plane. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Also, why is the game disconnecting me after each match? And why have I yet to fight a single Team Car group?

EDIT: Welp, there's Team Car.

EDIT 2: And my team barely won thanks to my Inkstrike.
Yeah, if you play some more matches, you're going to see that Team Plane got a butt load of votes. Over half of my matches were mirror matches.


Unconfirmed Member
hey EuroSquids...So I'm back in the game, but everyone I added when the game started is not playing anymore.

Would be happy if some of you would add me! my NNID is on the spreadsheet. just search for my neogaf name!

Thanks <3


Batteries the CRISIS!
Well, I'm back at it again after six hours of sleep. About halfway through Champion to King and my record is 7 wins, 8 losses — it was 5 and 1 at one point, until the game decided to DC me between matches from my group of good players.

BTW, this matchmaking was bullshit:


32, 27, 22 and 19


27, 11, 9 and 8.

like come on
Well, I'm back at it again after six hours of sleep. About halfway through Champion to King and my record is 7 wins, 8 losses — it was 5 and 1 at one point, until the game decided to DC me between matches from my group of good players.

BTW, this matchmaking was bullshit:

32, 27, 22 and 19


27, 11, 9 and 8.

like come on

This make me think, is average levels higher in JP than other region? I barely saw any squids lower than LV 20 today.


This make me think, is average levels higher in JP than other region? I barely saw any squids lower than LV 20 today.

Haha! i saw a few below 20 :) pretty much all on my team... except for that lvl 1 player on team ika. but i didn't feel sorry for them cos they had a lvl 50 on their side XD most ppl in my matches were higher lvl than me (36) and most of my opponents were over lvl 40. i guess it makes sense that the squid lovers have put in the most time on splatoon :p


It's good to be King...but it's somewhat of a hollow victory.

19 of my matches were planes vs planes...about double or more vs cars >_>
Not feelin' this SplatFest...too many disconnects.
Struggling to reach Car Queen right now...I get on a team, win then the game stalls out --Lost Connection (6 times in a row!) &#128530;

I don't mind losing but the connection issues are getting on my nerves. Will try again later on today before it's all over.


For those interested the Inkstorm tournament is starting in 30 minutes, you can watch us in the usual places (www.twitch.tv/sendouc and maybe www.twitch.tv/jamesrcade) but I imagine if you're really interested you might want to check out some of the Japanese teams for example


This team "We Have Come To Make Memories" won a 290 team tournament in Japan D:

You can find the groups and stuff here: http://goo.gl/OkemNw

EDIT: and some games might have commentary available here: http://www.twitch.tv/endgametv1
Made it up to Car Defender....and that's all the time I have for Splatoon today.

Had some great games, though! Some pretty close losses too. Think this might be my first Splatfest victory!


For those interested the Inkstorm tournament is starting in 30 minutes, you can watch us in the usual places (www.twitch.tv/sendouc and maybe www.twitch.tv/jamesrcade) but I imagine if you're really interested you might want to check out some of the Japanese teams for example


This team "We Have Come To Make Memories" won a 290 team tournament in Japan D:

You can find the groups and stuff here: http://goo.gl/OkemNw

EDIT: and some games might have commentary available here: http://www.twitch.tv/endgametv1


Azure J

For those interested the Inkstorm tournament is starting in 30 minutes, you can watch us in the usual places (www.twitch.tv/sendouc and maybe www.twitch.tv/jamesrcade) but I imagine if you're really interested you might want to check out some of the Japanese teams for example


This team "We Have Come To Make Memories" won a 290 team tournament in Japan D:

You can find the groups and stuff here: http://goo.gl/OkemNw

EDIT: and some games might have commentary available here: http://www.twitch.tv/endgametv1


Sorry Splatfest, but this too hype.


For those interested the Inkstorm tournament is starting in 30 minutes, you can watch us in the usual places (www.twitch.tv/sendouc and maybe www.twitch.tv/jamesrcade) but I imagine if you're really interested you might want to check out some of the Japanese teams for example


This team "We Have Come To Make Memories" won a 290 team tournament in Japan D:

You can find the groups and stuff here: http://goo.gl/OkemNw

EDIT: and some games might have commentary available here: http://www.twitch.tv/endgametv1

Let's fuckin go NSTC!
Warning: Wall of text. TL; DR at bottom.

This Splatfest started out great. It was fun, pleasant, and I was screwing around with the Aerospray. Lost a few games because my teammates couldn't get the sole dude who eluded me, but who cares? It was fun. No errors, all enjoyment. A good hour of fun, I'd say.

Then a laggy Octo Brush appeared. Little did I know, he was only the start of my Splatfest troubles.

He was so laggy, that even after he was splatted, the message apeared 4 seconds after I I somehow trade with him every time. Heck, even poured 3 seconds of Aero on him and he wouldn't die, but he wouldn't move, either. Well, we end up losing, but I brush it off and move on to the next one. Same stuff. Then the next one. Same laggy stuff.

By now, the opponents had an unusual difficulty spike, which started making things unfun. But no, to top off the the lag BS and stupid difficulty spike, the SprayRNG for rapid fire guns decided to give me the finger as well. How does an Aerospray go nearly a second of MISSING EVERY FREAKING SHOT OF INK ON A ROLLER THAT'S AIMING TO JUMP SHOT THEM DESPITE THE RED X ON THE CURSOR?! I wouldn't have cared if we traded or if I had died first and it hit him to near death, but that? No. That just starting filling the salt tower. No damage markers on the guy and no damage sounds at all. He wasn't even moving left and right, just barreling towards me on his spawn on Blackbelly. It did not hit ONCE FOR A FULL SECOND.

This would continue on and on and on and on and on and on for another 3 freaking hours for a Splatfest that SHOULD HAVE only lasted 2 and a half hours MAX. The only reason I didn't just break completely is because the servers FINALLY allowed Jeff on my team. And even then, the servers DC'd me during that match and we had to try again, in which we finally succeeded again after several tries.

...I just don't know what happened this Splatfest. It was like I was going 200MPH on an empty and long stretch of road for a while only for a giant brick wall of BS to magically materialize in front of me and forcibly crash into my fun. I then started getting the common complaints of the servers magically DCing from your good team mates, but hey, these team mates suck, so we're not gonna DC you anymore trolololololol. Oh, and that difficulty spike in enemy teams? We'll keep matching you with them with your newfound fodder team mates trololololololol. Heck, I was even paired with someone from OFF, but nooo, DC immediately after the match ends.

...I understand that Splatfest is full of kids, and that it really shouldn't be taken seriously, but the amount of stuff that happened after that laggy Octo Brush was just absurd. Sure, any sane person would have come back to it later, but I just wanted the grind over with. Alas, the issues never really let up all the way to King. ...I'm just taking a day off from the game to come back from that colossal waste of my time.

tl; dr version: Splatfest starts out great and fun. Universe saw I was having fun. Gave me a quadruple whammy of skewed teams in terms of skill, lag, DCs, and the most super-ultra-extreme-mega-terribad SprayRNG I've ever seen. Universe is now pleased that it sucked the fun out.

I'd just like to thank Jeff for helping me keep my sanity and putting up with my salt and frustration.

The only thing I don't like about custom range blaster is it's almost too good.

I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling squids and your dumb Blasters! (=P)
Splatoon plus no sleep = playing godawful. Finally dragged myself into Car Champion (my way of protesting airport security) and now I'm taking a break. My brain is running too slowly for this game.


2 weeks without playing really affected my skill ugh

The connections is very unstable today, and I played more times against other plane teams than against car teams..

Also got 2 damage up on my splatfest tee, and now I don't want to unlock the last slot :p


Some of you guys need to chill. This is splatfest. It is intended to be fun, not tryhard farming for snails. There are six-year-olds who only get to play on weekends here. I am picturing you guys slamming your controller down, foaming at the mouth because a kid who is trying to enjoy his hour a week of splatoon decided to try a new weapon. Anytime someone suggests Nintendo add voice chat to the game, we could quote your posts as a strong argument against it.

Be a good sport. Don't spawn camp. Try new weapons. Ignore your rank. Don't yell at your teammates. If you get frustrated, have the willpower to quit and go have a snack.

Conventional wisdom holds that the matchmaking algorithm is completely disabled during splatfest. So, just roll with who you get, and back out of each match until you find a team that works well.

I'd like to think that the people here (me included) who make rage posts aren't actually yelling at a tv screen, throwing their controller, or cursing kids out. Because that's goofy. It's really easy to type things up, though.

I also rolled with who I got for three hours straight until Nintendo's server silliness last night separated us. That's when I started getting annoyed, until then even three losses in a row didn't faze either of us. Maybe I was too used to playing in a set pattern with them (that other players couldn't know/follow for good reason), because we had things on lock. All other teammates were a new slate that I didn't understand and they didn't understand me.

Poor Europe stays losing. Cars v Planes seems it would have been a better "steal" than Cats v Dogs. The latter is the most common question, come on.

I'll be checking in periodically to the Ink Storm stream, waiting to see NSTC playing in the finals!


I'm like on a 0-11 losing streak, despite topping my team every single time with 1000-1200+ pts(save one where I had 900+). Ironically, we just won one a game before I could finish this post. Come on team Plane!

Edit: now I finally lost top spot, but we won yet another!


Junior Member
2 weeks without playing really affected my skill ugh

The connections is very unstable today, and I played more times against other plane teams than against car teams..

Also got 2 damage up on my splatfest tee, and now I don't want to unlock the last slot :p
I've been off of Splatoon for 3 weeks, mainly because my little bro lost my GamePad. Now I have to borrow my neighbor's until my GamePad is brought back.
Matchmaking was really weird here in Europe for the few games I played due to no Japanese or Americans. Seemed to be very few players above level 30 and I probably shouldn't have slaughtered the sub level 10 players that would stand still doing nothing.

Poor Europe stays losing. Cars v Planes seems it would have been a better "steal" than Cats v Dogs. The latter is the most common question, come on.
I've seen some good art so I'll give it that. I hope they go with old EU localisation titles as eternal cat girl is too awesome.
Its going to be cat queen because NOE can't get anything right...ugh...why do I care I chose dogs and the boy inkling

I'm surprised more people didn't do protest art like I did:

...yeah I'm terrible at miiverse drawing...


Junior Member
He took the GamePad to school for Smash. He brought the Wii U back, but left the GamePad in a friend's locker in the girl's dressing room. It's been in said dressing room for 3 weeks straight, & he can't get anywhere near it due to a musical being rehearsed & now performed.


Batteries the CRISIS!
i started playing again after my break and won the first four games in a row

it was nice

then i went one and thirteen


including 10 straight losses

do you know how demoralized i am right now?

every splatfest i consider selling this game to gamestop. it would be the first game ive ever sold in my life. this one is no different.

i just made king after a total record on the day of 22 wins and 39 losses. it took me an hour and 20 minutes to get the last 50 GODDAMN POINTS

this fucking game isnt fair and i hate it

i played one game as king just because. of course we won THAT one when it didnt fucking matter. i was too broken to even do well though

i am physically exhausted.


I hit King earlier. I forgot to double check my win streak, but I'd say that I lost maybe six matches total for team car. I was changing teams frequently, so it's not as though I just rode a winning team to king.

Echolocator and Splattershot Jr, Dual Squelcher, or Nzap were the best.
Finally started playing in this Splatfest. Went 7/0 first game; feeling good about that after being mostly absent for a month. Still feel kinda off though.

Go Team Plane!


I'm worried about team plane lol. I lost several matches in a row on the back of shit teammates. Went 16-2 k/d in a blowout loss.
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