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UnderRail |OT| The Fallout 3 you've waited 17 years for

Is there any way to make a non-psi persuading/intimidating intelligent sniper? Seems that the game pushes you heavily towards fireballs if you want the social skills.

Eh? I mean with low will social skills will suffer some. But you don't need to go Psi.

High Per/Int/Will is probably what you need. Dunno if sniper rifles require strength. You'll be weak in combat somewhat unless you invest in heavy armor or some dodge/evade with DEX.

You also don't need a whole lot of will. At minimum you need 4 to avoid stat penalties.


Oh, I saw that feat. Didn't really interest me that much since I'd have to lead in with stunning... whereas I can simply stealth in and do a full burst with less AP.
The trick is to stun them before the burst so you'll have 90+% chance to hit. That taser is godsend.


So, just how long is this game?
I'm taking my time doing side quests, and I just found the acid hunters...

Money is pretty abundant in this game. You just have to wait until they refresh their coin supplies. I typically hoard weapons and stash them in a nearby barrel.

TIP: Don't sell your stuff at South Gate Station for credits, because SGS credits aren't accepted anywhere except SGS. Only buy items you need.

This is literally the hardest part of the game because it genuinely tests whether or not your character is built correctly.

As with most parts of Underrail, going full rambo is a big nono unless you have a heavy hitter build. There are multiple paths to do the old junkyard, but spoilers:
it's entirely possible to do this part using stealth and lockpicking, with only a bit of combat. You need to work your way west-ward through either of two routes: either underground or up top. Both require you to find a couple keycards.

I found out about this much later in the game, but relying on pistols, especially in Junkyard, is not a great idea. Try to optimize your damage per turn as soon as possible, either by SMGs, melee, or PSI. Pistols are only good at early game when your to-hit percentage and ammo counts are low.

Thanks for the post. I'm doing a PSI only build with stealth but no lockpicking .. x_x turning out to be a mistake. I have high WIL INT and AGI, low everything else. Really don't want to start over but I might have to.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
It really can't be emphasized enough as to how freaking *huge* this game world is. Every time I think I've cleared an area out I find some exit I missed that leads to another 15 areas. Just insane.
It really can't be emphasized enough as to how freaking *huge* this game world is. Every time I think I've cleared an area out I find some exit I missed that leads to another 15 areas. Just insane.

Yeah, it was quite a shock right from the start. Dudes dump you in your room. You approach the elevator. Bam, NINE floors to explore then and there.

Can't even recall the last time an rpg started in such an unguided manner. Was expecting, like, 3 o_ô


Thanks for the post. I'm doing a PSI only build with stealth but no lockpicking .. x_x turning out to be a mistake. I have high WIL INT and AGI, low everything else. Really don't want to start over but I might have to.

Lockpicking is absolutely vital in this game.
Thanks for the post. I'm doing a PSI only build with stealth but no lockpicking .. x_x turning out to be a mistake. I have high WIL INT and AGI, low everything else. Really don't want to start over but I might have to.

Yeah stealth without lockpicking/hacking just seems not viable to me.
Lockpicking is absolutely vital in this game.

That's the one shame. Pickpocketing and Mercantile are just worthless. Pickpocketing maybe slightly less so. Meanwhile I feel lockpicking is almost mandatory. You miss out on so much without investment into it. Other than that though, the game supports so many builds that I already have at least two replays planned. And one play through is already going to take like 50 hours.
Has there ever been an rpg where the barter/merch skill wasn't useless?

I'm not sure honestly. I think they do try to give it some special dialogue options, but I don't think it has enough. And even with merchants having limited cash/buying select items, you'll still end up swimming in gold. Especially if you craft your own shit.

I suppose that's the thing though. If you NEED the skill to be able to buy what you need, then it becomes something everyone has to take. Which would suck. So instead there's enough cash where you really just don't need to waste skill points in Mercantile.


I killed a dude but now an npc is standing on his corpse and I cannot loot it. Any way to loot it without attacking that dude to get him to piss off?

people die all the time in Underrail....sometimes for the simplest stuff, like standing on the wrong corpse.

(lol, I tried playing like I usually do, paragon of good, no evil choices, etc. Game wasn't having it. Underrail makes you face some dark shit if you want to progress.)
Ratking was an interesting fight.

Also I am trying to defend a Coretech Warehouse and the mission is basically impossible for my character. Maybe I need to get literally 30 or so traps and trap every tile.


Check out Nerd Commando's builds. I'm playing two characters in parallel, one is a pure psion and the other is a crossbow guy (he calls the build Arbalist). Great success with both on Normal, but they're tuned for hard difficulty so you could even relax the minmaxed stats a bit to get a few utility/QoL perks and so on.

Psion is probably much easier in the start because your spells cannot miss and the enemies have really low psionic resistance early on. Plus the damage on metathermics is pretty great and the range on cryokinesis is just insane. Once I got to lvl 6 or 8 and was able to pick Pyromaniac feat the tables really turned. Every organic enemy became a cakewalk due to builtin CC on this feat, not to mention the added damage. You get a rather sizable array of different spells pretty early on which really expands your tactical options. This build is a true powerhouse, great fun.

That said, I kinda prefer the crossbow guy. I'm a huge fan of stealth in this game and there's just something special about setting up ambushes with traps and shooting people with bolts from stealth. I'll probably continue this character from now on, mostly because stealth opens up access to so many areas and with the stat/feat layout on this build I'll be able to see more content than with the psion.

Man, I'm getting excited just writing about this game, it's crazy. Definitely in my top 5 of all time.

Thanks for the tips. Stealth/Crossbow was the build I was thinking about.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I finally found an energy shield and my game crashes every time I save with it equipped.

I finally found an energy shield and my game crashes every time I save with it equipped.

Surprisingly the game has fortunately never crashed on me, and I had only one minor bug in 25 hours of play.

Ratking was an interesting fight.

Also I am trying to defend a Coretech Warehouse and the mission is basically impossible for my character. Maybe I need to get literally 30 or so traps and trap every tile.

I did that mission yesterday. It's very hard. In the ratking's lair you can get a lot of level 3 mines for free (assuming your traps skills are high enough). The acid blob traps worked the best for me.
Surprisingly the game has fortunately never crashed on me, and I had only one minor bug in 25 hours of play.

I did that mission yesterday. It's very hard. In the ratking's lair you can get a lot of level 3 mines for free (assuming your traps skills are high enough). The acid blob traps worked the best for me.

Yeah I cleaned out the Ratking's traps. Still can't really handle the mission. Not at my level anyway. Or not with this character. Going to attempt it later level or next character.
He's weak to fire. And tasers.

If you are talking about the Ratking, I don't really need a protip since I beat him already. I'm talking about the Coretech Security Warehouse. The context was me using the traps gained from the Ratking to win. But it isn't possible even with all those traps.


If you are talking about the Ratking, I don't really need a protip since I beat him already. I'm talking about the Coretech Security Warehouse. The context was me using the traps gained from the Ratking to win. But it isn't possible even with all those traps.
Well, never mind then. I do hear that crawler poison caltrops are pretty dope.


I'm playing a trapper and I plan to bring ~30 bear traps with me. Even in early access that was easily one of the toughest fights.
Jesus fuck my stealth/dagger dude is so useless at combat. Even the "300% out of stealth" attack does jack shit to people. lol. Thank fuck I can avoid the vast majority of the combat.

Not sure what I want for my next build.

Either a heavily armored Psi user with melee/sledgehammer as a backup.


Heavily armored assault rifle user, with throwing weapons.

The two are somewhat similar, but Psi user lets me play with Psi powers which look fun. The assault rifle user will require me to spend a bunch on ammo, lacks Psi (which I dont have this current playthrough), but will have high PER so I can see all the secrets I may have missed on this current playthrough.

This game's going to keep me so fucking busy.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Bought the game, made a character. Did I mess up this build?

Base: STR - 4, DEX - 7, AGI - 7, CON - 4, PER - 7, WIL - 4, INT - 7

OFF: Guns 10, Throw 5, Bows 5, Melee 7

DEF: Dodge 9, Evasion 9

SUB - Steath 10, Hacking 10, Lockpick 10, Pickpock 10, Traps 5

TECH: Mechanics 6, Electronics 6, Chem 0, Bio 0, Tailor 0

PSI: all zero

Social: Persuasion 9, Intimidate 0, Mercantile 0

Feats: Hit and Run, Snooping

So, How'd I do? Any holes or wasted points?
Stats may be spread too thin. Honestly wouldn't go below 9 in a primary. Maybe 8.

You also need/want to set stats you don't need to 3. You really have to specialize.
Well I restarted and basically just copied this build


Seems to be working well so far. My first time trying a build without stealth, but it seems to be going OK. We'll see if I can make it past the Junkyard.

For the Junkyard, try to craft or buy armor with acid resistance. Will make things tons easier. You can get acid resistant armor by getting mutant dog leather, or leather from whatever the creatures that spawn from the lakes are called. Siphoners?


I assume you aren't spread entirely as thin though. 10 in guns, 5 in bows, 7 in melee? Its an unfocused build, even ignoring stat spread.

Actually, mostly in stealth, lockpicking, and crafting. Guns and Dodge/Evasion are maxed. I shouldn't have divested points in PSI early on though :(

Also, I just got to near end game
What on earth am I supposed to do in this part of the game?! Nothing hurts these mushrooms...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Uhhh might need some help in Foundry, some murder quest spoilers ahead.

I think I'm stuck in Evelynn's Bunker. I was just exploring mindlessly when I stumbled into the area below foundry. I hacked the door and lock picked the hatch that led into the bunker but when I come outside the original electronic door is closed and I can't open it. Am I screwed?


Uhhh might need some help in Foundry, some murder quest spoilers ahead.

I think I'm stuck in Evelynn's Bunker. I was just exploring mindlessly when I stumbled into the area below foundry. I hacked the door and lock picked the hatch that led into the bunker but when I come outside the original electronic door is closed and I can't open it. Am I screwed?

No, you're fine
did you find Evelynn's laptop password yet?


Jesus fuck my stealth/dagger dude is so useless at combat. Even the "300% out of stealth" attack does jack shit to people. lol. Thank fuck I can avoid the vast majority of the combat.

Not sure what I want for my next build.

Either a heavily armored Psi user with melee/sledgehammer as a backup.


Heavily armored assault rifle user, with throwing weapons.

The two are somewhat similar, but Psi user lets me play with Psi powers which look fun. The assault rifle user will require me to spend a bunch on ammo, lacks Psi (which I dont have this current playthrough), but will have high PER so I can see all the secrets I may have missed on this current playthrough.

This game's going to keep me so fucking busy.

I'm in a similar situation with my crossbow build. It's great when I can dicate the terms and open the fight with prepositioned traps but if I get caught out in the open I get cut into little pieces and fed to rathounds. It's not so much the game's fault as my own, I try to explore everything, go everywhere but in order to do that you need a strong build that can frontload the damage, aoe and/or mass disable.

So for now I've decided to go back to my psion build where I'll likely ignore stealth altogether. It just doesn't go well together with any form of decent defense (>30% armor penalty).

The best thing is I don't even mind. I fucking love it, in fact. It's amazing that there's a game out there where tradeoffs and compromises are a very real thing.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Huh, that's weird. Did you try the security terminal by the power generator?

Or even better, did you turn the power off?

Security terminal only gives me control of the turrets, I tried playing with the power on and off but all it changed was the lights and the electric floor. I posted on the dev forums and hopefully I'll get a solution. I'm 19 hours in and my last save is from 3 hours ago so i might just shelve this game until something happens.


Security terminal only gives me control of the turrets, I tried playing with the power on and off but all it changed was the lights and the electric floor. I posted on the dev forums and hopefully I'll get a solution. I'm 19 hours in and my last save is from 3 hours ago so i might just shelve this game until something happens.

I can't remember the area exactly, but isn't there another set of stairs inside the bunker? When I played it
drinking with Evelyn
, it said that something was in the way...


~90 real time minutes.

Is there a way to check what difficulty the game is on once the campaign has already started? After I went back to my other character I got the feeling that the numbers don't add up.
~90 real time minutes.

Is there a way to check what difficulty the game is on once the campaign has already started? After I went back to my other character I got the feeling that the numbers don't add up.

Heath hypos heal 160, 80, 40. Respectively on easy, medium, hard.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I can't remember the area exactly, but isn't there another set of stairs inside the bunker? When I played it
drinking with Evelyn
, it said that something was in the way...

Not that I see. There is a ladder that leads into the bunker and a locked gate on the north side but both are dead ends.


Neo Member
I can't wait to dig into this but I'm being super indecisive about what build I want to use. Is it possible to build a combat-focused character (melee, guns, or psi doesn't matter) that can also craft a bit and see the most content possible via lockpicking/hacking? It sounds like persuade/intimidate/barter aren't too useful, is that true?

Can anyone recommend a good build in this vein?
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