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The South Carolina Primary & Nevada Caucuses |Feb 20, 23, 27| Continuing The Calm

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Delegate wins updated. Totals 53 now.

Neither Bernie nor Clinton supporters should be attacking each other. Just because one group is being douchey doesn't mean that the other group is obligated to retort.
That and having pitched battles over competing liberal visions is a very good thing.

This primary has been good for both candidates, the voters, and the party if they're paying attention.


This speech is awful. He seems to be worst as the campaign goes on while Hillary is getting stronger.

Edit. Even cnn had to just cut it and take a break

His stump speech has been getting really repetitive, he hasn't been able to keep up with Hillary in speech quality.
Well, AAs make up only about 12% of the country, but I agree with you that they their causes are extremely important. Along with Latino Americans. I don't really know if the democratic core is AAs though, but that are definitely 95% democrats.

And they vote in the high 90% for the Democrats.

Think about that for a minute what that means in a tight race.
And that means they're the Democratic core.

The Democratic coalition is primarily people of color, women, GLBT voters, Millenials, and technocrats. People of color are first in that list for a reason -- there's a lot of them and they've overwhelmingly turned to voting Democratic as the GOP continues to demonstrate their total lack of discrimination when it comes to institutionalized hatred.

I'm a little sad to see this talking point about the percentage of African-American population spreading so quickly. If you want to look for a Democratic candidate that wins by getting a majority of the white vote, you will still be looking in 2040. White people mostly vote Republican and they have since the Southern strategy began. That's just the American way.

I'm not trying to argue against the importance of AAs. I don't want Sanders to win just because of white people.

And they vote in the high 90% for the Democrats.

Think about that for a minute what that means in a tight race.

I'm well aware of it, hence why im my post i said they vote 95% AAs. I guess I was focusing more on what the term "core" means, which does really matter much in the end. They are important and I hope they come out to vote this fall.


I'm particularly fearful of Super Tuesday establishing the narrative and momentum from here, and I echo the sentiments that some of the CBSN anchors said that it would take a lot for Sanders to get back in. However, I still hold hope that his later states after Super Tuesday can bring things back into a contention.


It was pretty obvious Iraq was being done (by choice) because the Bush admin was full of guys who wanted to "finish the job" from Bush Sr's era, but sadly, too many realized that only after the fact.

Hindsight is 20/20. It's much easier to piece together now than it was then. Especially when the media was reporting everything without digging for the truth.

It was a very weird, tense time to have lived through. Very few voices of reasons calling for calm.

I hope to never see a period like it again. Then again it did get me into politics and started me asking questions / thinking of the larger issues.
That and having pitched battles over competing liberal visions is a very good thing.

This primary has been good for both candidates, the voters, and the party if they're paying attention.

I'd say that it's been a net positive for sure; Sanders has done a great job pushing Hillary left on certain issues.

But this narrative that he and his campaign and supporters are pushing about her being fundamentally untrustworthy is... not great. That's something that could be turned around by the Republicans really easily in the general.
I don't really see how one can equate statements of: "you aren't a true democrat/you aren't truly x minority" as those people just seeing hopeless idealism. It's invalidating my existence, my views and often results in what I see as weaponizing minorities. It's insulting.
I'm not saying that what you mention isn't a stance but it's disheartening to me that some of it is just blatant insulting. I'm not going to not vote or leave the Democrat party or anything as I am very much a Democrat and I hate the Republicans and what they stand for (and I am frankly fine with Hillary, prefer Bernie but am fine with Hillary) but I feel I am being told that these people don't want me to be what I am. It feels like some within the Democrat party would rather I didn't vote. Which is also ridiculous.

I have seen and personally experienced the same from Sanders supporters. I choose to believe (or hope) those people are outliers and not indicative of either overall campaign.

I personally am fine with either candidate. Though I prefer Sanders, I have not and still don't see a way forward for him. This is why I stress that Sanders supporters should carry hat fire ahead and continue to remain politically active.

My big thing is people bringing in stuff (like it's PopGAF) that emphasize cheering and loudly proclaiming their candidate over another as if they themselves won the fight. The "yass queens" and "Bernie Bros" as a derogatory term for Sanders supporters. You can go back a couple of pages right when the victory was proclaimed to see in-all caps directed shaming.

There are those of us that want to hold onto the dream. Yes you can show us the math. But let us believe. It's that awesome little word right under the logo on this forum.

By all means, believe. I shall not get in the way of that happening.

I've missed this scandal -- what exactly is the point of harping about her speech transcripts?
The content of those transcripts may point to political positions that Clinton may not want aired in public. Like Romney and his 47 percent comment.


Noticed that...just as he starts talking about her speech transcripts.

Clinton's victory speech was like 15 minutes long. Sanders lost and talked for way longer than that.

Maybe when he wins a primary they'll devote half an hour of uninterrupted air time to him.


Almost everyone voted for the War in Iraq. It was a terrible idea in hindsight, but there was a huge wave of patriotism going on at the time and if you dared speak against it, you were called a terrorist sympathizer or you were emboldening the enemy.

A lot of people forget what the nation was like for a few years after 9/11. We were attacked and we wanted revenge. It wasn't right or even dignified but there was a very real sense of 'us against them'. I don't hold any senator responsible for their vote on that war, hell back then even I supported it at the time, I bet a lot of people who are in their 30s now did back then.

Horrible idea looking back on it, but that's the curse of hindsight.
Hindsight is 20/20. It's much easier to piece together now than it was then. Especially when the media was reporting everything without digging for the truth.

I don't hang any hats on the Iraq War the way Sanders does, but he does have a point about judgment. He could see it was a horrible decision, and so did I. My heart sank when that vote came in. The outcome has been even worse than I could have thought. Judgment in these kinds of matters, not "going with the flow", is important as a leader.


It's not looking good, but I'll have the satisfaction that he really did a lot to push Hillary to the left if he's not the nominee.

Hillary's position on issues hasn't changed all that much actually. She's remained largely consistent.

Why does anybody need to admit defeat right now?

Regardless of who you support its this rush to have things decided so early that bugs me about this election in particular. Let the people's voices be heard, and the chips will fall where they will soon enough.

I wasn't really referring to the primary campaigns, rather asking if Sanders supporters should now acknowledge their candidate probably cannot win.


Almost everyone voted for the War in Iraq. It was a terrible idea in hindsight, but there was a huge wave of patriotism going on at the time and if you dared speak against it, you were called a terrorist sympathizer or you were emboldening the enemy.

A lot of people forget what the nation was like for a few years after 9/11. We were attacked and we wanted revenge. It wasn't right or even dignified but there was a very real sense of 'us against them'. I don't hold any senator responsible for their vote on that war, hell back then even I supported it at the time, I bet a lot of people who are in their 30s now did back then.

Horrible idea looking back on it, but that's the curse of hindsight.

What the heck man, you gotta take the L when it comes your way. everyone who gave Iraq a yes vote has blood on their hands


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm sorry.

I just, from the bottom of my heart, don't think that the Democratic frontrunner or the Democrats in congress under her potential leadership have the guts, motivation, or intention of doing that with the severe conflicts of interest that are consuming Washington on both sides through legalized bribery, and other unfortunate things.

I know, to the forerunner's supporters, its hard to fathom many Bernie Sanders supporters stances on these issues, why we are so angry about them,, and in some measure i think its understandable why that may be, my bitterness has since petered out in regards to our collective difference of view on these issues.

But i simply can't envision a future at all of the Democratic party, let alone the GOP party, already controlled by big money largely, where they decide to make a hard turn away from their projected trajectory and truly fight for what needs to be fought for in a serious manner.

If Bernie loses here, in this race, and the support he's gained throughout the country ends in failure, i hope that the people he's talked to, and the people who have supported him, and the people who have been touched by his message stay active in fighting the good fight, and largely continue the struggle against inequality and unfairness in all its forms, as i will.

From that, i sincerely hope that one day, there is someone who eventually stands up in the same manner as him to attempt to challenge what i personally see as a proliferation of the status quo and dragging of the national conversation away from topics that many of us feel are extremely pressing.

I'm sure that in the potential advent of Bernie Sanders defeat, it will be significantly harder for anyone else in the future to run on a platform of attempting to give our country universal single payer access to quality health insurance, significantly restructuring the banks leverage and monopolies on assets, or dialing down our military's obsession with interfering with foreign countries, or even getting big money out of politics in general, due to the fact that Sanders loss will have been surely portrayed as a firm rejection of all of these things by a majority of the American public.

But i don't think we can give up the fight at any point and i sincerely hope we can really make a difference at some point in time down the road in regards to these matters.

Yes i know i've rambled on and on, but i really needed to get this off my chest.

Thank you to anyone who bothered to listen to my spiel.

Just hold out for when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020, then hopefully we'll have a chance for some real reform in Washington like Bernie is trying to do in 2016. We'll just have to survive four years of Clinton changing nothing, so it seems....


This thread is bringing out a lot of moderators who I didn't know read political threads!

Either they're excited about the big election or they're basically the riot police.


Delegate wins updated. Totals 53 now.



The the total delegate count is now 91 - 65 in favor of Hillary. And thats without super delegates.

Bernie, it's not cute when your audience has your speech memorized.

This isn't cute either:

"With such a brilliant audience here, there's just no way we're going to lose Minnesota. You're just too smart, I can see that."

Fuck off, Bernie.

Oh, did he really say it that way? He really doesn't have to frame it that way and really shouldn't at all.
Just hold out for when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020, then hopefully we'll have a chance for some real reform in Washington like Bernie is trying to do in 2016. We'll just have to survive four years of Clinton changing nothing, so it seems....

Warren is not going to primary Hillary
I'm not trying to argue against the importance of AAs. I don't want Sanders to win just because of white people.

I'm well aware of it, hence why im my post i said they vote 95% AAs. I guess I was focusing more on what the term "core" means, which does really matter much in the end. They are important and I hope they come out to vote this fall.

Core means they are often a deciding factor when the Dems win.


This group they have on CNN needs to be the permanent lineup.

Doubtful, unfortunately.

They have completely different teams for Democrats and Republicans.

Although Gloria is their Chief Political Analayst, so she's on almost every night regardless of which race they're covering.
My big thing is people bringing in stuff (like it's PopGAF) that emphasize cheering and loudly proclaiming their candidate over another as if they themselves won the fight. The "yass queens" and "Bernie Bros" as a derogatory term for Sanders supporters. You can go back a couple of pages right when the victory was proclaimed to see in-all caps directed shaming.

There are those of us that want to hold onto the dream. Yes you can show us the math. But let us believe. It's that awesome little word right under the logo on this forum.

I specifically remember you having an orgasm for every .1 percent change in the returns as Bernie closed the gap in the Iowa thread. You were typing in all-caps too. Which is fine! People get really excited when their candidate does well.


Doubtful, unfortunately.

They have completely different teams for Democrats and Republicans.

Although Gloria is their Chief Political Analayst, so she's on almost every night regardless of which race they're covering.

Wolf can stay, I love when he just reverts to an old man and just says out the pocket things.
Bernie, it's not cute when your audience has your speech memorized.

This isn't cute either:

"With such a brilliant audience here, there's just no way we're going to lose Minnesota. You're just too smart, I can see that."

Fuck off, Bernie.

This speech is awful. He seems to be worst as the campaign goes on while Hillary is getting stronger.

Edit. Even cnn had to just cut it and take a break

His stump speech has been getting really repetitive, he hasn't been able to keep up with Hillary in speech quality.
Something else that bothered me in his speech is when he started talking about how this isn't something he can do alone. For some reason, I got hopeful that he'd talk about how important Congress is and to make sure to turn out to vote not just for him, but also participate in and vote for Senators, etc, since even if he's elected he won't be able to make the change happen alone. But nope, his message instead is "I can't do this alone... unless you all vote for me! Then I can do it alone! Who needs Congress?"

I know that's not what he meant whatsoever, and isn't who he is, but nonetheless it just comes off as so bleh and tone-deaf, since it was the perfect moment to get something like that across and make sure he gets that point across to the portion of his supporters who don't seem to understand that, but instead... nothing. Just Sanders all the way. It's particularly frustrating since I know he doesn't believe that himself and I know he's intelligent and knows how important Congress is, but having an opportunity like that, having the perfect opportunity to address something that seems to be infecting a portion of his supporters sentiments, and just completing ignoring it... I dunno, perhaps it's not a fair criticism, but at lest to me that nonetheless was really off-putting and was just a weird moment for me and I don't know what to make of it. Just strange.
Just hold out for when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020, then hopefully we'll have a chance for some real reform in Washington like Bernie is trying to do in 2016. We'll just have to survive four years of Clinton changing nothing, so it seems....

I feel like Warren's biggest fans seem to have no idea how old she is.


Almost everyone voted for the War in Iraq. It was a terrible idea in hindsight, but there was a huge wave of patriotism going on at the time and if you dared speak against it, you were called a terrorist sympathizer or you were emboldening the enemy.

A lot of people forget what the nation was like for a few years after 9/11. We were attacked and we wanted revenge. It wasn't right or even dignified but there was a very real sense of 'us against them'. I don't hold any senator responsible for their vote on that war, hell back then even I supported it at the time, I bet a lot of people who are in their 30s now did back then.

Horrible idea looking back on it, but that's the curse of hindsight.

You are totally right!! Except Iraq didn't attack us, So why attack them or vote to attack them? The only reason I can think of is because of stupidity or it makes them feel good to give 15000+ families a flag and an urn full of ashes. Missguided patriotism FTW!!!!

I would say the curse of hindsight is following the same leaders who thought invading a country for no good reason was a beautiful idea.
Yes he is sounding like he's just reading bullet points.
And with his somber tone it was absolutely the wrong way to go tonight. He didn't address the elephant in the room that was his ass whooping at all, unless I missed it. I did miss the very beginning, but that's not the kind of thing you can really brush aside in a few statements.

If you're going to be the truth teller about the process, its more important than ever to be upfront when its not your day.


Just hold out for when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020, then hopefully we'll have a chance for some real reform in Washington like Bernie is trying to do in 2016. We'll just have to survive four years of Clinton changing nothing, so it seems....
Why do so many people think Elizabeth Warren is so young? Not an attack, I'm just curious, I've seen a lot of people saying things like this and it just seems a little strange.


It's not about being wrong or right – the original post stated that Obama is to the right of Hillary, and I said no, not militarily. Hillary is definitely more of a hawk than Obama.

If we ignore Obama's excessive use of drone strikes then yes she is much more hawkish. She is more aggressive than I would like when it pertains to war but lets not pretend that Obama has been much less aggressive.


Just hold out for when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020, then hopefully we'll have a chance for some real reform in Washington like Bernie is trying to do in 2016. We'll just have to survive four years of Clinton changing nothing, so it seems....

No, you can't have her.

/Masshole and proud


Just hold out for when Elizabeth Warren runs in 2020, then hopefully we'll have a chance for some real reform in Washington like Bernie is trying to do in 2016. We'll just have to survive four years of Clinton changing nothing, so it seems....
Sorry, but there's no way Clinton gets primaried in 2020, and Warren is already 66. She's awesome, but 2016 was almost certainly her last shot at the Presidency if she wanted it.


I specifically remember you having an orgasm for every .1 percent change in the returns as Bernie closed the gap in the Iowa thread. You were typing in all-caps too. Which is fine! People get really excited when their candidate does well.

I remember that thread. I wanted Bernie to win, true. I also didn't try to lord anything over Hillary supporters in that thread specifically. And you're right, it was the first poll, I was super excited!
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