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'I really regret my vote now': The Brexit voters who wish they'd voted to remain

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Brexit is the right thing. Shut down the whole EU racket. But then again, I'm the type of guy who always goes for the
Dark Age
endings in Deus Ex games.


Everybody losing their minds over this when it may be a load of bollocks I ain't come across anybody who regrets their vote and they are all leavers.


British Lose Right to Claim That Americans Are Dumber

LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—Across the United Kingdom on Friday, Britons mourned their long-cherished right to claim that Americans were significantly dumber than they are.

Luxuriating in the superiority of their intellect over Americans’ has long been a favorite pastime in Britain, surpassing in popularity such games as cricket, darts, and snooker.
I refuse to believe this is a real thing... SON OF A BITCH
It's the voter's responsibility to be informed and not take such things lightly when casting a vote. But, the fear-mongering tactics that played into the xenophobia, along with the lies about things like funding the NHS should really also be looked at here.


Seen a moron on Facebook mention he was surprised that Leave one, even though he had voted for it to give "the underdog a fightin chance innit". Makes me feel like there should be a quiz you have to do that vets your eligibility to vote on a topic. Smh...smh...


Which is funny since AFAIK UK has one of the better deals when it comes to EU membership. No Euro, Thatcher renegotiating the EU membership costs (UK pays less, everyone else pays more).

One of the reasons that make me wonder why UK has such powerful anti EU movement.

Because nobody really understood how good they had it. They just assumed that they had the worst scenario. Some people are just like that... and we have a TON of those in the US.


It's crazy to me that the vote was so close, and was a non-binding "suggestion," and negative results are already happening, and (some) people who voted to leave are already regretting it, and basically every expert worldwide is already saying this would be a huge mistake, AND the process of actually leaving hasn't started and could take years (!!), but it's just like "oh well that's the end of that."

I mean, I do support voting and all, but lolwat this just seems insane. The way it was set up is just a clusterfuck of bad decisions.
It's crazy to me that the vote was so close, and was a non-binding "suggestion," and negative results are already happening, and (some) people who voted to leave are already regretting it, and basically every expert worldwide is already saying this would be a huge mistake, AND the process of actually leaving hasn't started and could take years (!!), but it's just like "oh well that's the end of that."

I mean, I do support voting and all, but lolwat this just seems insane.

The fact that there are negative results already happening only makes it more clear that there is no turning back. You simply can't undo this much damage with a "whoops can I have a do-over" and have everybody just happily go along with it.
It really does boggle my mind that people would display and admit their stupidity on tv/online for the world to see. Guess that's why they voted leave.


It really does boggle my mind that people would display and admit their stupidity on tv/online for the world to see. Guess that's why they voted leave.

it's just a prank bro

we've become so desensitized to people putting their own stupid personal shit online all the time that now people feel ultra comfortable saying anything on camera


American here. I'm so depressed over this. I can't stop reading and ruminating about it. Affected as much about this as the Orlando shootings. It's been too much for me. How do I turn off this stuff? I just want to be ignorant and not care but I seriously just can't.


Brexit is the right thing. Shut down the whole EU racket. But then again, I'm the type of guy who always goes for the
Dark Age
endings in Deus Ex games.

And the guy who just don't understand how things work.

Either that, or the guy who is selfish enough to look the other way.

People are losing jobs and the business are closing down, just to show EU what a masculine of a man you are?
Is there any chance they'll re-do a vote if enough UK citizens make a fuss and express disapproval over UK leaving?

I don't agree with the result myself, but on the textbook definition, it was won fair and square. If the results were opposite, how would the Remainers feel if the Leavers asked for a re-do?

If there was a re-vote now to overturn the results, it would piss off the other side. And if Remain wins that, Leavers would want a re-vote.

And if the Leavers won the second vote, what now? Best 3 out 5? Supermajority needed?

Everyone knew the rules, the game was played, here we are. If the NBA Finals were a best 2 our of 3, the Warriors would be champs, but it's best of 7, so they're not and that's that.

It happened, there was no scandal or missing votes or whatever. People had a chance to educate themselves and for those who did, they chose one side or the other.

Again, not the result I wanted, but outside of the usual questionable propaganda on both sides, I don't see a reason right now to call a "mis-vote" of any sort.

Very curious to see how this will go. As a Canadian, I can "go home" at anytime, but I've loved and appreciated the UK the last 8 years and want them to succeed, with or without tthe EU, so I only hope for the best.

Helluva ride though...I survived a Quebec referendum and Scottish Independence vote.

But in 2016, Leicester wins the EPL, Cavs win the NBA Finals, Britain leaves...the Cubs might win and so might Trump, and I'd believe it.


Honestly every time I turn my back my country does something else to make us look even more stupid... is this what its like to be American?

Nope. The U.S. is a two steps forward, one step back experience. It's basically cool thing, cool thing, really disheartening thing that makes you forget the two cool things, then two more cool things and you're always conflicted as to whether the two cool things were worth the one really horrible, disheartening thing, but ultimately you realize that the math adds up in the long run.
Nope. The U.S. is a two steps forward, one step back experience. It's basically cool thing, cool thing, really disheartening thing that makes you forget the two cool things, then two more cool things and you're always conflicted as to whether the two cool things were worth the one really horrible, disheartening thing, but ultimately you realize that the math adds up in the long run.

This is pretty spot-on.

We had big advancements in LGBT rights, and Hillary will win in Nov.

And then the bees will attack
Nope. The U.S. is a two steps forward, one step back experience. It's basically cool thing, cool thing, really disheartening thing that makes you forget the two cool things, then two more cool things and you're always conflicted as to whether the two cool things were worth the one really horrible, disheartening thing, but ultimately you realize that the math adds up in the long run.

Whereas this is an instant 80 year regression back to the good ol' times where we were ready to war with Europe at the drop of a hat and kick all dem dirty foreigners that come ere' steeling our factory jobs.

2 things I can't understand throughout this whole thing.

1: Why do english people hate europeans so much?

2: What the fuck is so good about england that makes everyone so hard on patriotic for it?

Man I've seen the world, and pretty much all of it was better than this steaming hunk of rainy, depressing, shit country. But at least we had the option to go somewhere nicer whenever we wanted quite cheaply. Now? :(


Is there any chance they'll re-do a vote if enough UK citizens make a fuss and express disapproval over UK leaving?

I've read online earlier today that some politicians were speculating that the terms of the new trade deals could be put up for a public vote.

So assuming the new deals are crap, and rejected by the voters. That rejection of the new trade deals, could result in staying in the EU with the old deals. Maybe.

As an American. I have no idea if that is a realistic scenario or not, or just a desperate unfeasible idea. But I did read about it somewhere today.


Nope. The U.S. is a two steps forward, one step back experience. It's basically cool thing, cool thing, really disheartening thing that makes you forget the two cool things, then two more cool things and you're always conflicted as to whether the two cool things were worth the one really horrible, disheartening thing, but ultimately you realize that the math adds up in the long run.
2 things I can't understand throughout this whole thing.

1: Why do english people hate europeans so much?

2: What the fuck is so good about england that makes everyone so hard on patriotic for it?

1: Must be a proximity thing to an extent. You live beside someone long enough, you're gonna argue and have differences that are going to bubble up. I'm sure there are actual specific reasons, but basic proximity rules must have something to do with this. You see it in sports all the time, with the derbys and stuff, or Yankees vs Red Sox in baseball.

2: Not the worst place I've lived in. I'm sure to visitors, I'm sure a bit of it is romanticised, considering their very well-known history of knights, and castles and monarchy and all that. I guess that's where some pride comes from? Which is fine by me; just don't ignore the rest of the world cause of it!


What? You've never heard of Snooker??
This place never ceases to amaze me

Yeah wtf? I'm American and know what Snooker is. Of course I don't speak for everyone but I thought it was pretty common to know what it is. Or have at least heard of it.


Yeah wtf? I'm American and know what Snooker is. Of course I don't speak for everyone but I thought it was pretty common to know what it is. Or have at least heard of it.

Well I've heard of snooker, but like how many Americans have actually played it?

Like Bowls vs. Bocce


This is pretty spot-on.

We had big advancements in LGBT rights, and Hillary will win in Nov.

And then the bees will attack

Not to be nationalistic in a time like this, but the last time I remember being proud of my country was reading some translated posts from chinese boards that happened throughout the day of the SOPA/PIPA protest. Early on they made fun of SOPA/PIPA and how we were moving towards a more censored internet, and by the end of the day they were essentially astonished to see grass roots democracy in action.
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