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No Man's Sky went gold





Could someone point me to a source for this? It's someone from another site.

But Sean Murray went on record a long time ago as saying the goal is to get to the center of the GALAXY you're in, correcting an earlier statement that other websites still get wrong today. But you have a whole UNIVERSE as your playground.

Apparently I'm still wrong about this game...
I really hope there inst like 10-15 creatures and the variety is just the randomisation of colour/appendages to said creature.

am I wrong for expecting new animations/totally wacky creature designs or is the "skeleton" so to speak is embedded in the game and just the "skin" is what the CPU will randomise?

This has been answered several times in this thread alone. :|

Creature generation = simplistic base models (deer, snake, bird, etc.) -> 3d mesh procedurally altered + skin texture procedurally generated (based on planet/system it's on) + skeletal animation morphed + vocal sounds procedurally created. I believe parts from other models can also be applied, as well as skeletal animations from different models entirely, which are blended to fit the new model.

There was a NMS article in Edge mag from 2014. Don't want to link to the scans as I think that's frowned on, but googling "no man's sky edge" might get you there. In there is a picture of 20 creatures, all procedurally generated at random from a single base model. I think it's a good example of the diversity that can be created from just one base model, and I think there's at least a couple hundred base models.
I don't know about that.

Add in the icons with progression wheels and it looks to be pretty much exact.


In the old version of the UI at least. If I am reading correctly.

The UI just looks like the Internet circa 2012, or whenever companies started adding stats like "how many coffees we consume" and amusing rollover popups.

Wanna add a funny ot title:

No Man's Sky |OT| A men-made universe


Could someone point me to a source for this? It's someone from another site.

Apparently I'm still wrong about this game...

Look, the folks from Hello Games and Sean Murray himself have used different words even after the whole initial confusion from their website about whether it's a universe or a galaxy, so I'm not surprised that people are still confused, especially because we don't exactly know how the universe is represented, but we can make a pretty probable, educated guess.

The point, as legacyzero already mentioned, is that all players start on the rims of the same galaxy, and have the optional goal of traveling to its center. However, they've been somewhat more insistent in the later interviews that your goal is to reach the center of the universe. It's obvious that there's a lore/gameplay aspect they want to hide until the game is out, so we can make some assumptions that reaching the center of the starter galaxy opens up the entire universe to explore, which basically consists of other galaxies (naturally), so in that sense, you are exploring an entire universe, and reaching the center of one galaxy might be technically seen as reaching the center of the game's universe as well.

Listening to the Rutger Hauer narrated trailer, he says:
"I've seen things. A few things before. Left the sun and moon behind. Galaxies waiting to be found. Planets rich in resources. Battles to be fought. Treasures unknown. A universe you wouldn't believe."

Also, from the most recent talk from a Hello Games member, Paul Weir's talk about procedural sound, and he describes the game as (the bit starts at 4:20):
"So the concept of the game is that you play in a galaxy, it's literally galaxy sized, well... actually a universe, so the planets themselves are constructed mathematically, what we call procedurally, so they're not hand crafted."

It just sounds to me that they want to hide the details on how you go on about exploring the entire universe, but you definitely start inside a single (spherical) galaxy. I really don't think that you're thrown into a massive blob of 18 quintillion planets all squished together, but who knows.


Maybe when you get to the middle the seed changes and it takes you to another galaxy. So you start in a galaxy, but there's potentially a whole universe of galaxies out there.

Don't know what the point of that really is though.


Also, I just realised with my ADHD I probably wont spend more than 5-10 minutes per planet if I have the option to bounce around that freely.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Also, I just realised with my ADHD I probably wont spend more than 5-10 minutes per planet if I have the option to bounce around that freely.

It's not that free. You need to get resources and fuel so you can actually go.
Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

BTW, not my intention to hijack the thread or anything, was simply inspired by something More_Badass said so I wanted to try what an NMS book cover might look like, that's all. :)


Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

you should tweet that to sean I bet he'd love it
Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.
This is freaking awesome dude
Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.
Brilliant. I want to read that book. Definitely tweet at them like qwerty suggested


Dreams in Digital
Has anyone considered that we may get facilities guarded and patrolled by certain races of Sentinals, and inside that facility there could be a rare blueprint. I'm not talking about the buildings we've seen but more complex layouts with protective fencing and smaller buildings within. We may even get quests related to those blueprints.


Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

BTW, not my intention to hijack the thread or anything, was simply inspired by something More_Badass said so I wanted to try what an NMS book cover might look like, that's all. :)

Its fantastic - well done


Dreams in Digital
Hmm that made me think of a cool question.

What happens if you stumble upon a cave network going beneath the ocean or lake and you blast upwards, will all the water fill up the cave?

Yes. I doubt it will be anything more complicated than Minecraft though, although aesthetically it should look more realistic.


Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

BTW, not my intention to hijack the thread or anything, was simply inspired by something More_Badass said so I wanted to try what an NMS book cover might look like, that's all. :)

dude, that's so good!
Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

Any chance you could make this in higher rez so I can use this as my phone background? :D


How well do people think this game is going to score? I'm predicting high scores. I really think this is going to hit in the 90+ Meta range, am I crazy?
Thanks guys, you're too kind. I'll try to tweet it to Sean/HG once I figure out how this Twitter thing works (yep).

Any chance you could make this in higher rez so I can use this as my phone background? :D

The image I posted is the resolution I worked in (1520x2560). I mean, it's not a problem to just resize the image on my end, but it'll just be a bit blurrier (not sure if that even matters on a phone-sized screen though, since the image is kinda blurry on purpose to make it look like an old book cover scan.
Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

BTW, not my intention to hijack the thread or anything, was simply inspired by something More_Badass said so I wanted to try what an NMS book cover might look like, that's all. :)

Fuck! Need poster!
Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

Pretty cool. Title might work better as one line though. Reminded me immediately of the font used in the Chronicles of Narnia books I read when I was a kid...in fact it might be the same one..

Alternately, if we asked the concept artist at Hello nicely, maybe he could sketch something for us quick to use in the OT header. Probably a longshot, but you never know.


Aftershock LA
I don't even care about the confusion surrounding "galaxies" or "universes," because, ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, it won't matter. We won't be seeing 99.9% of the locales in the game, so if there's another galaxy generated when you reach the center doesn't mean much. It's just data that we'll more than likely never fully uncover.

I'm happy with what I've seen of the game so far. I've watched literally hours of No Man's Sky videos this weekend, and that pullout Sean does where the camera pulls back to show the solar system, then the other solar systems, and it keeps going and going and going...incredible. And I'll never explore all of that. The thought that there's even MORE of it if indeed that bit was just a galaxy is just too much to try and absorb.

I'll be content planet hopping a few hundred planets and naming things, and then one day I'll probably make a trip to the center just to say I did. But for me it doesn't matter if it's a universe or galaxy because we've never seen a game of this scale in the level of detail that Hello Games has pulled off (it feels good to say they've pulled it off now that the game is actually complete and is a real thing, and not just a concept they're still working to finish).
Man oh man, you guys. I've been refreshing this thread all day. I'm super excited for the game! But not in a way that's unbearable like I've been for other games. I think it's because I have my expectations set accordingly. I felt the same way when MGSV was coming out; incredibly excited, but in a different way than normal. Basically, in a way that's based on knowing what the core gameplay is like and not in a spoiler heavy fashion. I think both teams for these two game, NMS and MGSV, have done a great job in guiding the players expectations without underselling their game. I hope I'm sort of making sense! MGSV did it by just showing the same mission (Mission 3) done a whole bunch of different ways to show the players that you can play the game in many ways, and to sort of make the player think about how they will play the game. What I'm saying is, they showed off the main gameplay loop without spoiling much, but still managed to get across how large the game is, and just how many things you can do.

I think Hello Games have sort of repeated that same method of demoing the game. With IGN's first coverage a few months back, we now know of the basic gameplay loop, but have been otherwise only told about other features. Normally, that would raise doubts for other games, but in my opinion, the footage we have seen kinda makes it easy to picture how the rest of the game might look and work. For example, by showing off the dialogue with the alien, you can now get a grasp on how the trading might work and already have an image of what it might look like in your head. Now when the game finally comes out, you can actually see those systems for what they are and still be surprised by either how much more there is or how close it was to your vision. That's my feelings on how a game should be sold. Obviously, it doesn't apply to all games. In a way, MGSV and NMS are similar in that they are both open world, so maybe it has something to do with that.

I'm done now with this sort of mess that just spilled from my brain, I again hope some can get a feel for what I mean.

Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

That looks amazing, ich! Inspiring stuff; I think I want to try my hand on something akin to that tomorrow!


I hope this game ends up having a long life like minecraft. I know they are not really the same but they're both pretty much "do what you want" lol

I'm also excited to see what updates/expansions they do, if they do any.


Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

BTW, not my intention to hijack the thread or anything, was simply inspired by something More_Badass said so I wanted to try what an NMS book cover might look like, that's all. :)
Love it man! God I want to pick it up and thumb through it.


How well do people think this game is going to score? I'm predicting high scores. I really think this is going to hit in the 90+ Meta range, am I crazy?

People will score it high at first then the honeymoon phase will end and fans will finally take an unbiased look at what the game does and doesnt do well. Im ready for the inevitable AngryJoe thread where everyone shits on him cause he gives it a 7.5 or something.

Sushi Nao

Welp, here's a quick and dirty book cover attempt, looked through some old sci-fi book covers and basically most of them have these thick, large fonts for the title, so I decided to use a font that's a bit more reminiscent of the time, instead of the original thin NMS logo font.

This is incredible. I spent a good minute admiring the effective aging around the edges and the authenticity of the font & layout. I grew up on golden age sci-fi and I feel like I've read this book.


Dreams in Digital
After watching several videos I think I've got a grasp on how creature creation works. In one video, Sean says they have creature types (cats, dogs, lizards etc) and those creature types can have an almost infinite amount of possibilities using colours, sliders, appendages, markings, size and so on. I'm guessing that what we've been seeing so far are variations of one or two creature types.

As you get closer and closer to the centre of the universe, new creature types will be added and not only that but two or three or four creature types will be mixed to create completely alien looking creature types. I'm confident that we'll be able to see as many creature types as there are planets. The only question I want answering is 'how many creature types can you have on ONE planet?'.

Remember, these are creature types and Sean says there are hundreds of creature types. Mix these and you have billions and billions of creature types. This is also only the way they 'look'. The way they behave, sound or move is also procedural, adding even more diversity. We're going to see some weird shit in the centre of the universe.

I think we've seen 6, 7, or more species at once on a planet. Between fish, flying creatures, and land species, etc

I'm more curious about the complexity of the ecosystems. Rain World may have spoiled me in that regard


Dreams in Digital
I think we've seen 6, 7, or more species at once on a planet. Between fish, flying creatures, and land species, etc

I'm more curious about the complexity of the ecosystems. Rain World may have spoiled me in that regard

The reason I ask is because each planet has the same biome and as we know biomes and planet temperature dictate what creatures exist on that planet and how they behave. Having only one biome suggests to me that you'll likely see the same creature types all over the planet. I'm not bothered about that but I'd be interested to know. Maybe we'll get different creatures in caves or on mountains or near sea shores. No idea.

I haven't played Rain World so I don't know how that works.
The reason I ask is because each planet has the same biome and as we know biomes and planet temperature dictate what creatures exist on that planet and how they behave. Having only one biome suggests to me that you'll likely see the same creature types all over the planet. I'm not bothered about that but I'd be interested to know.

I haven't played Rain World so I don't know how that works.
Game's not out yet, but I've been playing the alphas. The game has very complicated AI, and the dev is working on a 30-40 species ecosystem where each species interacts with eachother dynamically. It's kind of my gold standard/bar to clear for ecosystems and animal AI in games.


Dreams in Digital
Game's not out yet, but I've been playing the alphas. The game has very complicated AI, and the dev is working on a 30-40 species ecosystem where each species interacts with eachother dynamically. It's kind of my gold standard/bar to clear for ecosystems and animal AI in games.

Any recommended videos to watch? I could Youtube it but if there's a perfect example that would be great.
I'm more curious about the complexity of the ecosystems. Rain World may have spoiled me in that regard

Yup, I'm keeping my expectations in check on the AI front. What we've seen so far of the AI has been really simplistic, mostly just simple flocking and flee behaviors. Nothing even close to Rain World (though that seems a very high standard). But then again we haven't even seen a creature attack another one, so who knows, they might be hiding the good stuff.

Having only one biome suggests to me that you'll likely see the same creature types all over the planet. I'm not bothered about that but I'd be interested to know.

I think that's safe to assume. But at least we will see different creatures appear at night, and there are unique creature types that only appear in caves.


Blurring the game screen in the background of the UI is a huge step up from the boring background of Destiny's menu which was pretty much my only issue with it.
Really? I feel like the plain background looks pretty clean and sleek with the interface. They did a pretty good job making it contrast and look natural with everything else.


Really? I feel like the plain background looks pretty clean and sleek with the interface. They did a pretty good job making it contrast and look natural with everything else.

I always felt it was TOO clean and a bit boring

It also helps that I'm a big fan of blurred backgrounds so NMS has a big advantage for me there
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