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Red Dead Redemption 2 (Fall 2017, PS4/XB1, Trailer 10/20 @ 11 AM EST) announced

What will ultimately anger people the most about this game?

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Knowledge is power, guard it well
It not being released on PC right away is both funny and aggravating because we won't hear the end of it from the master race even though port begging is banned.

Generically referring to PC-GAF as the master race can get you in trouble too though....
Because you just listed two games at most to represent each race/gender, one being Sleeping Dogs which came out 4 years ago, that's how far back you have to go for asian people to play a game where they are represented.

You don't even have to go back 4 days to play a game where white people are represented.
I'm playing Shadow Warrior 2 right now though.
In regards to ethnic diversity there is clearly a Native American in the image and are we sure none of the other men are black? Because they could be imo


For some reason people will tell you they are, but I don't think they are at all. Melee is still trash, character control is like 10% less janky but bleh, aiming feels better but Euphoria hit reactions are toned down, and driving is significantly less interesting and weighty.

I have zero faith in Rockstar's mechanics at this point, and am going into everything they make from here on out with complete skepticism until they prove me wrong. The one thing they'll always get right is the consistency of physics throughout the game world, but other than that.....

Driving is mixed.
They fucked most bikes (they feel so stiff now) except for super bikes, but race cars are pretty good.
I was a fan of GTAIV's handling though, but regardless, i think GTA games are still top in class when it come to driving, especially given the diversity in vehicles available, and they all control pretty good (still has the best Helis, for example, even with that turbulence bullshit).

On foot control are undoubtedly better than GTAIV, but still shit, and the problem is, the rest of the industry moved forward a bunch since 2008.


Ok, you'd literally be kicked out of a university class trying to argue that a person creates a story without reason. Especially a story that may or may not be at least over twenty hours long, took at least 150 million dollars to create, and with a professional cast of actors and about 500-1000 of the most experienced developers in the industry.
The "reason" is obviously they have ideas they want to explore through the cast of characters they're choosing to write. What I take issue with is this idea that factoring diversity into writing ought to be done because it's this moral good, or that it ought to be excluded because of historical accuracy of a fictional videogame. These aren't reasons, these are excuses for inclusion and exclusion. I've already put forward that including minorities (again), and women can at least offer some level of variety to explore new things in their storytelling from previous games rather than treading old ground. A qualitative argument is the way to have more inclusion in games rather than pretending like it's a moral responsibility.
Wouldn't mind a later PC date IFF they were to release RDR on PC to tide us over. Would love to re-prime myself before jumping into the wild west again.

If not, I hear great things about how it runs on X1 hardware.
Awww Yeah! Day 1.

For PC users, don't worry. Get the console version or you guys could just wait, like the GTA V times. I am sure RDR2 will released on PC some time and PC version will getting some enhancements over console version.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Lol ok. Whatever, Idk why it's so offensive, not like there's anything else about the game to talk about, it just got announced. Wtf do you want people to be ecstatic that the games not coming to where they like to play? Especially when I've given Rockstar hundreds of dollars on said platform... Yeah just an entitled brat. Not like other AAA companies can do it or anything. Sounds more like people like to be up the company's ass that any complaints about their decisions offend them deeply lol.
It seems you missed the sarcasm.

The "reason" is obviously they have ideas they want to explore through the cast of characters they're choosing to write. What I take issue with is this idea that factoring diversity into writing ought to be done because it's this moral good, or that it ought to be excluded because of historical accuracy of a fictional videogame. These aren't reasons, these are excuses for inclusion and exclusion. I've already put forward that including minorities (again), and women can at least offer some level of variety to explore new things in their storytelling from previous games rather than treading old ground. A qualitative argument is the way to have more inclusion in games rather than pretending like it's a moral responsibility.
I mean, are you trying to argue that taking diversity into account is not a moral good? And that there isn't anything inherently wrong with reinforcing the status quo? Because there's plenty wrong with doing that and with presenting yet another example of whitewashed history.
Red Dead Redemption is one of my favourite games of all time, and my most favourite Rockstar game, I cannot convey how happy this makes me!


Incredibly hyped for this. Red Dead Redemption was an awesome game and a nice break from Rockstar's typical modern-day America parody stuff which has run its course for me.

I get why some people are pissed about there not being a PC version since the market's gotten bigger since the first one released, but the first never came to PC and Rockstar have a track record of bringing their games to PC a while after their console versions launch. Could be less chance if this has any story ties to the first game since that never got a PC release, or it could be the opposite and Rockstar could crank out a PC version of the first finally, maybe on this engine with a remaster for current gen consoles. Who can say?

As for the diversity discussion going on... Yeah. Not touching that one.



Can't say i'm thrilled with the all guy cast. Not because of the lack of gender diversity (which is an issue, but not something i'm willing to get into) but because it's just plain...boring.

EDIT: The game will probably be very good, if GTAV is of any indication.

It actually bothers me a bit in a game like Final Fantasy XV (Even though I am still going to play the hell out of it). But here? Not at all. A female character would of course be welcome, but I have zero issues with a band of male outlaw cowboys in a western themed game. There is not a thing in the world wrong with that and actually fits like a glove for the kind of game they are going for. Either that works for you or not.


If Westerns always featured women and people of color as outlaws and marshals, do you think you would be making that comment about it being fiction? Or do you think that your outlook has been influenced by decades of Hollywood's portrayal of the West?

It's not mere fiction. It's fiction informed by history. Except Hollywood's West has never been very historical

i agree with you 100%. i think my original post didn't quite get the point across that i was trying to make.
I was simply saying that regardless of historical accuracy or inaccuracy (so even if the wild west was actually much more diverse than it has been portrayed over and over again) i can ask a more diverse cast.
Because games are, in essence, games and not documentaries.

That actual history (as opposed to the west as portrayed by spaghetti westerns) actually supports the argument for a more diverse representation of characters is just a nice bonus ;)


I imagine most will throwback "It's just a title." But the naming is a worrying factor. 'Redemption' was pretty much the summary of RDR 1's plot. I can't see how the Redemption part of the title is going to mean anything unless Rockstar are literally making another story revolving around redemption.

It feels like they've simply taken the popularity of Red Dead Redemption as a franchise and slapped a 2 on it. Makes me concerned what direction they're taking this one. If they truly had something original in the works, Rockstar being what they are, you'd think they'd have the balls to have a more original title.



Kind of interested but after liking the setting RDR wore thin on me. Too many missions that felt like R* staples that weren't that fun with their usual mix of open world vs linear narrative dissonance.

But I do like the setting so still interested: gonna skip console release though at least initially until I see what plans for PC are. No way am I double dipping due lack of information.

Yeah, I liked the first, but didnt think it was the masterpiece so many others did. It seemed like a reskinned gta. But that was made by rock star san diego. Is this one made by them? Does rock star san diego still exist? What the hell have they been doing since 2010?


In regards to ethnic diversity there is clearly a Native American in the image and are we sure none of the other men are black? Because they could be imo

Most likely. As I covered in some posts early on Rockstar seem to be about using males to target males. It's a diversity issue around females, more than blacks and ethnic diversity. GTA fairly early on had no issue with a main black protagonist.


The leap from GTAIV to GTAV is astronomical. Pretty much every single problem from GTAIV was addressed, from the controls, to the graphics, the polish, the performance, the interactivity in the world, the presentation of the open world, the design of missions, etc. Everything was a leap forward. Not everything is amazing, there are still ideas which are a bit of a dud, but even then there is a conscious effort to learn from the mistakes and feedback from GTAIV.
The controls are still shite though.


All I can say is HOLY FUCK!!!! They even called it Red Dead Redemption 2.

This just eclipsed everything else as my most anticipated game (okay, except maybe Cyberpunk 2077).

Fall 2017 though? huh. I was not expecting that, especially with them mentioning how they were big fans of Bethesda's Fallout 4 announcement approach. It's almost certainly guaranteed that this game slips into at least March 2018 as well.

Still though. FUCK YES!


By the by, Rockstar knows exactly what they're doing with skipping the PC version for now. By doing this you'll get as many double dippers as possible, just as they did with GTA V. (Though with that they managed triple dippers from folks moving from one console generation to another and then to PC.)


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I wonder if the rumours were true that sony was supposed to announce the game at E3, but because of the shooting they held back on it


Pretty disappointed with the name :/ but it's a minor thing, no big deal. Sucks about no PC too.

When is Rockstar gonna team up with Platinum to make Red Dead Revengeance


It seems you missed the sarcasm.

I mean, are you trying to argue that taking diversity into account is not a moral good? And that there isn't anything inherently wrong with reinforcing the status quo? Because there's plenty wrong with doing that and with presenting yet another example of whitewashed history.

Yeah, you get the same retread bullshit over and over which is why I think creators ought to have some variety in the stories they tell and the characters they write.
The leap from GTAIV to GTAV is astronomical.

For some reason people will tell you they are, but I don't think they are at all.

I have zero faith in Rockstar's mechanics at this point

LOL, I feel like this is one of those "thisisneogaf.gif" cases. Either way, thank you both for the answers. As for me... I am cautiously optimistic that this game will have satisfying mechanics.

As far as story goes, I do hope that this game has something as full of impact as Dutch's monologue, or when Marston "opens the barn doors"... You know, THE moment of the game.


I wish more companies announced games like Bethesda does.

Fallout 4 announced, lots of gameplay and trailers, comes out 3 months later. lol


The controls are still shite though.

I wouldn't say shit. I mean there's a certain feel to GTA controls which I agree are not very natural. But comparing GTAIV to GTAV is like comparing something that is barely functional to something that is very functional but feels a bit too loose and somewhat awkward at times. I guess this is the "tank controls" of the open world genre. GTA Is never going to control like a smooth TPS, but they have made aiming and combat manageable and occasionally fun, which is a HUGE step up imo.
Only just caught the announcement, it's seriously not coming to PC??

What is R*'s problem with PC???

2K/Rockstar like money. Releasing it later on PC makes them more money (from people double-dipping at full retail). They are one of the few (if maybe only) developers that can really still get away with this.
I wonder if the rumours were true that sony was supposed to announce the game at E3, but because of the shooting they held back on it
We'll find out when the trailer releases, unless they never release that original trailer.

Rumor was a guy walks into a bar and shoots the place up in the trailer, right?


Really disappointing that there's no PC or even NX confirmation. PC would had been more likely ofcourse, NX just a dream. Might never get to play this then, though i'm willing to wait a year or two if they are releasing it on PC later. Liked the first Redemption alot, so would be in day one. Happy for the rest of you though!

Glad to notice that they seem to be including a Native American in the presumably main group of characters in the game. I also have some faith in Rockstar to include great female characters in the story/world, since Bonnie was top tier.


I always liked Dutch a lot - his monologues were pretty amazing. I hope we're playing as him!

"We can't always fight nature, John. We can't fight change. We can't fight gravity. We can't fight nothin'. My whole life, John, all I ever did was fight."

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