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Red Dead Redemption 2 (Fall 2017, PS4/XB1, Trailer 10/20 @ 11 AM EST) announced

What will ultimately anger people the most about this game?

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All these PC complaints. I'd rather the console version come out clean and then have an even more polished and proper PC version later. Worked out brilliantly for GTA5.


I imagine most will throwback "It's just a title." But the naming is a worrying factor. 'Redemption' was pretty much the summary of RDR 1's plot. I can't see how the Redemption part of the title is going to mean anything unless Rockstar are literally making another story revolving around redemption.

It feels like they've simply taken the popularity of Red Dead Redemption as a franchise and slapped a 2 on it. Makes me concerned what direction they're taking this one. If they truly had something original in the works, Rockstar being what they are, you'd think they'd have the balls to have a more original title.
Eh, I dunno. Has R* ever been prone to just tossing out rehashed sequels? By the time this is out we'll be 7 years removed from RDR 1. Can't deny the title is a tad bland, but I think this probably will be a case of "it's just a name".


I have absolutely no issue with people discussing diversity in games. Diversity is important period. You're jumping to assumptions about what I think based on one post, which is my fault for being a dick in the first place. The only thing I'm objecting is the outrage over the diversity conversation of the game when we know nothing at this point. On Thursday it might be relevant to have that discussion but right now in this thread it's too soon as far as I'm concerned. I see I'm being quoted a lot so I hope that clears up my position on this

This clarifies nothing. Where is the outrage? Who is actually losing their minds and throwing a tantrum over the diversity question? People are discussing it the same way they discuss platforms, graphics, etc. any time a new game is announced. You keep calling it outrage, even though it is nothing of the sort, to discredit people's opinions. That's why people do it. There's no other reason. What makes the diversity posts any more outrage-filled than any other posts?

You see it everywhere on GAF. If someone says something a poster disagrees with, the original post is now outrage. Go back and look at any No Man's Sky thread. People criticize the game and defenders immediately begin accusing them of outrage, seeking to undermine the premise that the game overpromised and underdelivered.

As I mentioned, outrage now means "I disagree with this person and seek to portray them as an unreasonable, overly emotional caricature who is less rational and correct than myself." If you don't mean this, find a word other than outrage.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The controls are still shite though.
The controls, (sprint button aside), aren't the issue, the insane amount of animation priority is. For games about masculinity Rockstar sure likes to make their protagonists move like molasses regardless of age or body type. Franklin is huge as hell yet he moves like he's in slow motion.


Really disappointing that there's no PC or even NX confirmation. PC would had been more likely ofcourse, NX just a dream. Might never get to play this then, though i'm willing to wait a year or two if they are releasing it on PC later. Liked the first Redemption alot, so would be in day one. Happy for the rest of you though!

Glad to notice that they seem to be including a Native American in the presumably main group of characters in the game. I also have some faith in Rockstar to include great female characters in the story/world, since Bonnie was great.

They didn't ever do a Gamecube version when it was more powerful than the PS2 and still maintained sales with at least Xbox. After Chinatown Wars, Rockstar will never touch a Nintendo console again with their games I think.


The lack of PC version is clearly a Sony/MS shill for PS4Pro/Scorpio versions.

Sony and even MS cannot afford to bully Rockstar lol.

Rockstar are doing this of their own choosing because they want to get PC owners to buy console and then double dip.


Yeah, that's probably a younger Marston and gang.
Feels dissapointing on some level

something something 'developer's vision' something.

But on a serious note - hasn't the Marston voice actor kinda done a Rick Moranis and quit the industry?

Marston's the one on the far left, so he's possibly just a minor part of the gang.
I wonder if the third guy might be Dutch.

Eh, I dunno. Has R* ever been prone to just tossing out rehashed sequels? By the time this is out we'll be 7 years removed from RDR 1. Can't deny the title is a tad bland, but I think this probably will be a case of "it's just a name".
well, you could maybe say that about their portable games (LC and VC stories) - but even those were of rather high quality.


Really disappointing that there's no PC or even NX confirmation. PC would had been more likely ofcourse, NX just a dream. Might never get to play this then, though i'm willing to wait a year or two if they are releasing it on PC later. Liked the first Redemption alot, so would be in day one. Happy for the rest of you though!

Glad to notice that they seem to be including a Native American in the presumably main group of characters in the game. I also have some faith in Rockstar to include great female characters in the story/world, since Bonnie was top tier.

I feel like NX is definitely far out there. There has never been a "main" GTA game on a Nintendo platform, nor have either of the Red Dead games appeared on a Nintendo platform. I doubt Rockstar feels like the NX will have the audience for their software.
Were you able to try Online in RDR? I was surprised, I thought it was actually really good. It certainly didn't seem to detract from the excellent singleplayer, but it was fun to have a lot more to do once you were done with the story.

In RDR was awesome (Liar's Dice is, to this day, pretty fun to play) because it isn't like GTAV.

But they'll probably try to replicate the GTA Online model. I don't blame them, but what I expect the most about a RDR game is the campaign being top notch as the first one.

If they can deliver both, I'm OK with that.
something something 'developer's vision' something.

But on a serious note - hasn't the Marston voice actor kinda done a Rick Moranis and quit the industry?

Marston's the one on the far left, so he's possibly just a minor part of the gang.
I wonder if the third guy might be Dutch.

What did Rick Moranis do? I read an article recently saying he quit, but he'd be a fool to not reprise his role.
I'd love to see them work out how to get duels working in MP. Imagine The Quick and The Dead style online tournaments!

Yes, I would. Completely different from RDR though. It's a slick, garish, fast-paced, arcade combo shooter that treats the Wild West in a tongue-in-cheek (almost) superhero style. Story mode is a little cliche, but surprisingly well handled, and thoroughly enjoyable. Duelling is superb. Best CoJ by a very wide margin.

Hmmm. You've definitely articulated your thoughts well, and you sound knowledgeable, so I'll pick up Gunslinger on the next Steam sale. It goes for pretty cheap these days :)


Do we hope it controls like GTA V or RDR or neither ?

For me, no mashing the button to sprint on a horse and less cumbersome movement controls like RDR, not too loose GTA V movement and definitely not the shooting of GTA V.


2K/Rockstar like money. Releasing it later on PC makes them more money (from people double-dipping at full retail). They are one of the few (if maybe only) developers that can really still get away with this.

I'm blown away that people don't still realize it.

Like, I'm not saying it's great, but how do you not see it coming?

"PC not at launch? But it sold millions when it was delayed! That means it'll sell BILLIONS if it was day one!"

No, learn to business, people.


Am I alone in somewhat hoping for a clean break from the storyline of the previous game? I just like new stories, new characters. Maybe a cameo or callback here and there, but focus on a different setup.
All these PC complaints. I'd rather the console version come out clean and then have an even more polished and proper PC version later. Worked out brilliantly for GTA5.
I mean, GTA V PC was certainly better than IV, but that's not saying much.

It was a pretty damn standard port that other devs would have been capable of pushing out the gate at launch if they didn't want as much money as possible from double/triple dippers.


Am I alone in somewhat hoping for a clean break from the storyline of the previous game? I just like new stories, new characters. Maybe a cameo or callback here and there, but focus on a different setup.

Yes. You are alone. =P

I'd personally prefer that as well myself.


The double dip crap by hold back the pc release is a dick move. It was kind of explainable with gta5 because ps3 was still relevant and so it came out for that first. With the current console pc landscape is makes no sense and is clearly a money grab. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers and wait for the pc enhanced edition or whatever.
The controls, (sprint button aside), aren't the issue, the insane amount of animation priority is. For games about masculinity Rockstar sure likes to make their protagonists move like molasses regardless of age or body type. Franklin is huge as hell yet he moves like he's in slow motion.

When people say controls, they aren't generally talking about button configurations (though in this case, Rockstar deserves hell for continuing the ridiculous tap to sprint stuff), but talking about things like animation priority, clumsy locomotion, a bad cover system, having trouble getting through doors and up/down ladders, etc.

Just watch a high intensity action scene in GTAV. PVE or PVP. It looks like an alien's rendition of what they think human shootouts look like.

Do we hope it controls like GTA V or RDR or neither ?

For me, no mashing the button to sprint on a horse and less cumbersome movement controls like RDR, not too loose GTA V movement and definitely not the shooting of GTA V.

I hope it controls like a game from 2017, so neither.

Rockstar has ALL the time, ALL the money, and ALL the talent. There's no excuse here.


I gotta admit i´m excited for this, even though i didn´t enjoy RDR as much as i had hoped. Maybe it was just vast and "empty" for my tastes back then. Hopefully this sequel will sweep me off my feet. Poster is awesome
I always liked Dutch a lot - his monologues were pretty amazing. I hope we're playing as him!

"We can't always fight nature, John. We can't fight change. We can't fight gravity. We can't fight nothin'. My whole life, John, all I ever did was fight."


Yup, damn right. Dutch and Bonnie McFarlane were my two favorite supporting characters in a game full of great supporting characters.

If we're going down this route, I also vote for at least a cameo from Landon Ricketts.
I'm blown away that people don't still realize it.

Like, I'm not saying it's great, but how do you not see it coming?

"PC not at launch? But it sold millions when it was delayed! That means it'll sell BILLIONS if it was day one!"

No, learn to business, people.
No doubt it will get a $100 ultimate edition that releases 3 days early as well. Just because devs/pubs are coming up with ways to make as much of a profit as possible doesn't mean we have to be okay with it.
No PC, really?

Surely even the PC-hating San Diego Rockstar would've learned from the reception/backlash of RDR1? This might genuinely be my first no-buy Rockstar game unless the PC version is simply a later release.


So are we squashing the prequel rumors now that we know its RDR2 and not RDR : Subtitle Here?

Cause that guy in the middle looks more like Jack to me, not John.

(edit: Actually.. its too hard to tell much of anything from that picture. But im still thinking that this is a sequel.)


The double dip crap by hold back the pc release is a dick move. It was kind of explainable with gta5 because ps3 was still relevant and so it came out for that first. With the current console pc landscape is makes no sense and is clearly a money grab. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers and wait for the pc enhanced edition or whatever.

Did RDR ever come to PC?
I'm blown away that people don't still realize it.

Like, I'm not saying it's great, but how do you not see it coming?

"PC not at launch? But it sold millions when it was delayed! That means it'll sell BILLIONS if it was day one!"

No, learn to business, people.

Sadly the online portion of RDR2 on PC will still probably be half-assed. I fully expect them to make no significant changes to their client-trusting mesh network with no cheat detection.
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