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Polygon: Nintendo Switch will launch with fewer games than the Wii, Wii U or 3DS


Super Bomberman R and 1-2 Switch fit that bill.

Later that same month, SnipperClips, Fast Racing Remix and Has Been Heroes arrives.

Then, Mario Kart hits in April.

As someone that was there for the 3DS and Wii U launch, this article is laughable. The Switch dumps on both from a great height. I never thought I'd see someone long for the apparently halcyon days of Steel Diver and Nintendogs (that counts as 3 games btw, because of 3 different species.)

Every game you mentioned will be enjoyed by a very very small number of people.

How do you even mention SnipperClips without being sarcastic?


I'd argue the PS4 had the worst launch line up, especially if you own a PC, which is incredibly common unlike the very few with a WiiU. There was Resogun for good exclusive games and that was it.... Any other quality title was a multi platform game that played better on PC.

Yes, Zelda is technically multiplatform but again how many people actually still have a WiiU? I got rid of mine about a year ago. And the WiiU version will perform noticeably worse.

This reads like you're trying to make the best of things and I commend you.
I'd argue the PS4 had the worst launch line up, especially if you own a PC, which is incredibly common unlike the very few with a WiiU. There was Resogun for good exclusive games and that was it.... Any other quality title was a multi platform game that played better on PC.

Yes, Zelda is technically multiplatform but again how many people actually still have a WiiU? I got rid of mine about a year ago. And the WiiU version will perform noticeably worse.

So the PS4 had the worst launch line-up as long as we pretend that multiplatform games don't count... for reasons. But the Switch has a better launch line-up because of Zelda, which is multiplatform, but in this case, it's allowed to count... for reasons. Okay.


Wii: I got Wii Sports pack-in and Zelda, the next game I bought (aside from a couple VC games) was Super Paper Mario the following April.
Wii U: I got Nintendoland pack-in and NSMBU. The next game I bought (aside from a couple of VC games) was RE:Revelations the next May.
3DS: I bought Steel Diver (didn't wind up liking it) and was mostly playing Pokemon Black for DS on it, and the next game was OOT3D in June.

The quantity wasn't an issue because I don't impulsively buy games to have them, just things I want to play. So BOTW is pretty good to me and maybe 1-2 Switch if I can get some people together. If Disgaea 5 comes in earlier than later that will seal it. MK8D should be along in the first two months so the post launch gap is already better. They need to stagger the games to keep a rhythm so there's something to look forward to in the near future, not just 5 months out. That's the key difference I see here.


Every game you mentioned will be enjoyed by a very very small number of people.

How do you even mention SnipperClips without being sarcastic?
Wii Fit seems like a bad idea
Wii Play is shit minus the included controller

You could have said the same thing about any of these before launch and all sold like crazy. What the average consumer buys and what neogaf enjoys is two entirely different things.


Polygon is jumping the gun as usual, E3 isn't that far from Switch launch date, plus there's Nintendo direct.

I bet you that 2017 holiday will brimming with Switch games.

Shame on them for not accounting for that event that takes place three months after launch. They sure have pie on their face!

If Nintendo hasn't announced everything for a launch that's only weeks away, that's on them, not Polygon.


The fact that someone from Suda came out stage to say they hadn't started development but were excited straight up tells me a lot of games from Japanese third party are still a ways out.

Which does not bode well for the first year.
Super Bomberman R and 1-2 Switch fit that bill.
Yes, instead of all the other silly games releasing this spring like Mass Effect or Ghost Recon or NieR or Yooka-Laylee, what I really am looking forward to is 1-2 Switch. Those mini-games will tide me over for months I'm sure.

L. O. L.
THat's a really sad image lol. I can't even imagine how bad things would have been if it had launched in November. It seems like Nintendo rushed this thing out once Wii U's failure became apparent.

Also how the hell is Skyrim not ready? No one will care about Skyrim this fall.
Would you want to compete with Zelda?


Wii Fit seems like a bad idea
Wii Play is shit minus the included controller

You could have said the same thing about any of these before launch and all sold like crazy. What the average consumer buys and what neogaf enjoys is two entirely different things.

I don't own Nintendo stock. Why do I care about dumb casual shovelware being bought by the mom down the street?


If you really think thats all Nintendo has planned for this year then...lol.

Quite frankly it's not about what WE think. It's about what the perception among the general consumer is. Most people saw the presentation Nintendo had for the Switch. After that showing I'm sure a lot of the general audience came away disappointed. Hell you even have diehard Nintendo fans right here not too enthused.

Nintendo IMO failed what they needed to do coming off the Wii U situation. Nintendo will continue to have problems because of one simple thing. The 3rd party support for this will be nothing to write home about. It's already showing.

EA is only committing to FIFA. A port based on the PS3 and 360 versions. Not that I expected this, but Switch isn't getting Mass Effect or even Battlefield. Not games like COD. Games that help sell systems to the bigger general audiences.

So far Nintendo is on securing the fact that they will only sell to the Nintendo faithful and maybe a few hardcore gamers like myself.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Wii U had more games out day 1 than Nintendo have announced for Switch's entire first year. Does that sound so much better?

Its not like anyone bought those WiiU games - not quite sure what point you trying to prove. Most games would have bombed next to Zelda anyway. It makes more sense to release them during time periods the actual have a shot at selling well.

90% of launch buyers will spend nearly 400 on Zelda and the console - there wont be much money left for much else. If i were a 3rdparty i wouldnt wanna release a ambitious release anytime near the launch. Let Nintendo push the system with first party releases and have games ready for late summer/fall releases.
The fact that someone from Suda came out stage to say they ahdn't started development but were excited straight up tells me a lot of games from Japanese third party are still a ways out.

Which does not bode well for the first year.
That's wasn't someone from Suda lol. That was Suda himself. His studio is Grasshopper Manufacture.

I do agree that him coming out to say "I have a sketch for a game I might make" is pretty laughable.


Ehm most people don't even own a wii u so thats a non statement

And most people won't own a Switch when it launches either, and it probably won't even hit Wii U numbers until sometime next year. And that's IF it sells on a somewhat consistent basis.

Astral Dog

When if you don't care for Zelda, then you would be looking for more...
Then wait until the Switch becomes more appealing to you,as will many others Nintendo isn't forcing you to buy the thing at launch with a gun in your head.

Or buy a Wii U.


Yes, instead of all the other silly games releasing this spring like Mass Effect or Ghost Recon or NieR or Yooka-Laylee, what I really am looking forward to is 1-2 Switch. Those mini-games will tide me over for months I'm sure.

L. O. L.
And you just listed four games I don't give a rat's ass about. And again, if I was interested in ANY of those games, I would get them on PC as opposed to any console anyway. Different people enjoy different games.
It's funny because there are threads about how AAA games are stale and this generation is the worst ever, yet Nintendo throws a changeup in and all of a sudden everyone whines that it won't have Assassins Creed 30 or Call of Duty 28

D i Z

In a nutshell yea. But even further than that only the most loyal and hardcore will go out and buy a 300 system at launch because of a better version

Other than in other's eyes that launch is terrible

And that's one of the numerous problems with this launch. They have somehow managed to split the direction of their hardcore once again with a Zelda game dropping on two platforms. They aren't even using their own base effectively.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
It can't be worse than the N64 launch of only 3 games, yes 3! Mario 64, Wave Race and Pilotwings.


May I have a cookie?
Its not like anyone bought those WiiU games - not quite sure what point you trying to prove. Most games would have bombed next to Zelda anyway. It makes more sense to release them during time periods the actual have a shot at selling well.

90% of launch buyers will spend nearly 400 on Zelda and the console - there wont be much money left for much else. If i were a 3rdparty i wouldnt wanna release a ambitious release anytime near the launch. Let Nintendo push the system with first party releases and have games ready for late summer/fall releases.

You're assuming these 3rd party games exist.
It launches with Zelda. What more do you need?



I bought two games at each of those launches and even then 1 of those games was usually crap (except 3DS I love you Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars).

It looks like I'm going to get another 2 games at the Switch's launch and both of them look great so far, along with another 1 or 2 within launch month.

Planning on Zelda, Bomberman, Fast RMX, and Puyo Puyo Tetris at the moment, but also keeping an eye on Snipperclips, Arms, and I Am Setsuna for spring. Not to mention Mario Kart in April. I'm doing alright.

Astral Dog

And most people won't own a Switch when it launches either, and it probably won't even hit Wii U numbers until sometime next year. And that's IF it sells on a somewhat consistent basis.
If you want to play Zelda you have to buy a Wii U or Switch.its that simple i think its great we have options despite some opinions ;•)
And that's one of the numerous problems with this launch. They have somehow managed to split the direction of their hardcore once again with a Zelda game dropping on two platforms. They aren't even using their own base effectively.
O yea that's what I was saying I think we are in agreement I worded it really bad


Zelda isn't going to carry the slack, especially when its a cross platform game. Its more important to have many games cover as many gamers as possible than it is to have *one* killer game try to carry the launch. System sellers aren't a thing anymore.
And you just listed four games I don't give a rat's ass about. And again, if I was interested in ANY of those games, I would get them on PC as opposed to any console anyway. Different people enjoy different games.
It's funny because there are threads about how AAA games are stale and this generation is the worst ever, yet Nintendo throws a changeup in and all of a sudden everyone whines that it won't have Assassins Creed 30 or Call of Duty 28
The discussions aren't necessarily about what we want. It's about what the average consumer is looking for. And going by past NPD and other sales numbers, we know what they're looking for.
I think it will be in better position at least,SMT V is a start
SMT is probably a 2020 game :p


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
You're assuming these 3rd party games exist.

...i know that Skyrim, Fifa and Minecraft wont be at launch and likely be late summer/fall releases proving my point. Same for the rumored Rabbids RPGs - all 3rd party games failed hard on WiiU, they are more cautions this time. The system isnt cheap and not many people will spend more than 400 at launch - so no need to be there unless you have a smaller cheaper game like Bomberman or eShop title like FAST Remix ready.


I think this is the argument against buying a Switch at launch though.

This is the exact argument that pushed me from buying in march/april to all the way until fall 2017. At least I can hope nintendo will attempt to make a bundle package. Granted, that they bundle it with a physical cart and not eat up all the damn internal storage, and don't bundle it with 1-2 switch. I want a game-ass game like mario kart or splatoon, not a party game I can only get use out of when I hang out with my friends IRL.
Outside of zelda, its a shitty launch. I hope there are some good vc games in between nintendo launches to help out with the droughts between them.
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