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Yakuza 0 Review Thread


Son of SparDa, you da man for making these!


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I dunno, i think it takes the same level of detail, interaction and slice of Japan, but ups it with a more humor, amazing characters and an interesting place. I think thats what Shenmue was all about.

I do like the story in Shenmue a lot. But i can't help to feel more satisfied with Yakuza as a series after all this time.

The levels of detail are completely different. Along with the day/night cycle which Yakuza does not have, characters in Shenmue had places to go and lives to live, as well as being fully voiced (for better or for worse...). And this was years before the first Yakuza game. Yakuza's world is bigger, and you can go into shops and stuff, but items in Shenmue are just items. A bag of chips is just a bag of chips that you can buy if you want to have, they have no purpose in the gameplay.

I don't know, I just think they're really different series and not like eachother barely at all.

I also prefer Yakuza as a series but it feels strange to compare them. I like Virtua Fighter better than both of them?


Seems like 2017 is the year I get back into Japanese games. So much good stuff coming so soon.

Think this is a game my brother would love too. The flair seems just his style.


Really looking forward to this, first time Yakuza player, reviews look really good.

Little concerned about the nod towards Deadly Premonition though, must be in the minority because I thought that game was awful.
I'd love to support the release with a tagged avi, if anyone is up to hooking me up

I'll be away for a little while, if anyone else wanted me to add the Yakuza tag for them, PM me and I'll do it when I come back.

Alternatively here is the tag for anyone who has the skills to do it him/herself :)
The levels of detail are completely different. Along with the day/night cycle which Yakuza does not have, characters in Shenmue had places to go and lives to live, as well as being fully voiced (for better or for worse...). And this was years before the first Yakuza game. Yakuza's world is bigger, and you can go into shops and stuff, but items in Shenmue are just items. A bag of chips is just a bag of chips that you can buy if you want to have, they have no purpose in the gameplay.

I don't know, I just think they're really different series and not like eachother barely at all.

I also prefer Yakuza as a series but it feels strange to compare them. I like Virtua Fighter better than both of them?

To be fair, Yakuza has gotten more and more like Shenmue as the series has progressed. Early on there was a lot less stuff to do, and a lot less detail in the world as well. Shenmue still does an amazing job as a world simulator, while Yakuza is a JRPG with crime and real world trappings. They have a lot of similarities, in that both try to sell the environments that they take place in, but the core of the games is different. Yakuza is about combat mainly with a lot of side stuff and little exploration. Shenmue is about exploration and investigation, with bits of combat and a lot of side stuff.


Just go in and spread the love, and impressions of the game. Few people posted already saying they don't want in but want to support Yakuza. It certainly deserves the praise and attention.

Well impressions will have to wait until I get the game on monday, but I'll definitely spread the love.


The levels of detail are completely different. Along with the day/night cycle which Yakuza does not have, characters in Shenmue had places to go and lives to live, as well as being fully voiced (for better or for worse...). And this was years before the first Yakuza game. Yakuza's world is bigger, and you can go into shops and stuff, but items in Shenmue are just items. A bag of chips is just a bag of chips that you can buy if you want to have, they have no purpose in the gameplay.

I don't know, I just think they're really different series and not like eachother barely at all.

I also prefer Yakuza as a series but it feels strange to compare them. I like Virtua Fighter better than both of them?

But thats it. Yakuza manages to takes some of the better ideas of Shenmue and make it into a more interactive game that serves to some kind of gameplay and narrative. I'm not saying that they are the same, but i think that they feel similar to me in their presentation. I like that Yakuza is not afraid of the arcady game, while Shenmue tried to take itself a bit to seriously at times.

I think i get what you said about the characters having a daily life. But Shenmue 2 was a bit more broad and Yakuza like where there is just a crowd. Both are interesting for their different take, but i still think that they share a lot.

Virtua Fighter is alright.

Alternatively here is the tag for anyone who has the skills to do it him/herself :)

I'll save this. I can help take on requests :)


Surprised to see this reviewing better than Gravity Rush 2, but it's a pleasant surprise. Hopefully this means the series finally makes it big in the west.


I'm so glad I'm not the only reviewer that thought Goro Majima stole the show. One of my favorite gaming characters ever now.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
To be fair, Yakuza has gotten more and more like Shenmue as the series has progressed. Early on there was a lot less stuff to do, and a lot less detail in the world as well. Shenmue still does an amazing job as a world simulator, while Yakuza is a JRPG with crime and real world trappings. They have a lot of similarities, in that both try to sell the environments that they take place in, but the core of the games is different. Yakuza is about combat mainly with a lot of side stuff and little exploration. Shenmue is about exploration and investigation, with bits of combat and a lot of side stuff.
When you say 'they both try to sell the environments that they take place in', isn't that true of almost any RPG? I think it's the difference of how far Shenmue goes with it that makes the games' mission statement too unalike to compare them: time is fleeting, you can't just fuck around all the time or you will literally lose the game. Gotta get to bed by 11. I think you know what I mean.


To be fair, Yakuza has gotten more and more like Shenmue as the series has progressed. Early on there was a lot less stuff to do, and a lot less detail in the world as well. Shenmue still does an amazing job as a world simulator, while Yakuza is a JRPG with crime and real world trappings. They have a lot of similarities, in that both try to sell the environments that they take place in, but the core of the games is different. Yakuza is about combat mainly with a lot of side stuff and little exploration. Shenmue is about exploration and investigation, with bits of combat and a lot of side stuff.

But thats it. Yakuza manages to takes some of the better ideas of Shenmue and make it into a more interactive game that serves to some kind of gameplay and narrative. I'm not saying that they are the same, but i think that they feel similar to me in their presentation. I like that Yakuza is not afraid of the arcady game, while Shenmue tried to take itself a bit to seriously at times.

I think i get what you said about the characters having a daily life. But Shenmue 2 was a bit more broad and Yakuza like where there is just a crowd. Both are interesting for their different take, but i still think that they share a lot.

Virtua Fighter is alright.
Ultimate, it falls down to this

Shenmue is and will always be the story of Ryo Hazuki. The narrative focus is always centered around him. We know, usually, only what he knows.

Yakuza's star, in the vein of most crime dramas, is the world itself or rather the town of Kamurocho. This is why we're able to see events that our player character has no way of witnessing.

Both games share the base DNA but their focus is wildly different. Ryo is the star of his story whereas the world of Yakuza is a character in itself. When Ryo's story ends, so will Shenmue. When Kiryu hangs his white jacket for good, Kamurcho will always be there and I'm certain we'll revisit it with other protagonists.


Just ordered Ishin on Play Asia XD.

Will get 0 as soon as I have access to my PS4. Can't wait!!

Glad to see the reviews are good!!


Gold Member
Wow! I'm really surprised it's reviewing so well. I'll have to pick up a copy. I was on the fence, but the reviews pushed me over.


Ultimate, it falls down to this

Shenmue is and will always be the story of Ryo Hazuki. The narrative focus is always centered around him. We know, usually, only what he knows.

Yakuza's star, in the vein of most crime drama, is the world itself or rather the town of Kamurocho. This is why we're able to see events that our player character has no way of witnessing.

Both games share the base DNA but their focus is wildly different. Ryo is the star of his star whereas the world of Yakuza is a character in itself. When Ryo's story ends, so will Shenmue. When Kiryu hangs his white jacket for good, Kamurcho will always be there and I'm certain we'll revisit it with other protagonists.

I like this.

I do like the cast and the support characters in Yakuza games. They are usually very interesting. Kiryu is also has the biggest heart of gold. he is pretty awesome, and badass.


I'm just pleased to see Yakuza getting more recognition in the West. It's nice when a game that embraces its own national identity is still accessible to people in other countries, and maybe teaches them a thing or two about cultures outside of their own.

Hopefully, this will push up the sales of the game. If any franchise deserved more love saleswise, this is it.


he's actually pretty awesome in the sequels too.

He's a lot different in this game from what I understand, as this is how he *becomes* Goro Majima if you get what I mean.

Such a wonderful character though, I love him.


Don't understand why people compare Yakuza to Shenmue when they are different games and Yakuza had like 10 sequels to refine it's formula while Shenmue had 2 games. Not to mention part 2 was out before Yakuza 1 when you put things in perspective on how old Shenmue 2 is
Don't understand why people compare Yakuza to Shenmue when they are different games and Yakuza had like 10 sequels to refine it's formula while Shenmue had 2 games. Not to mention part 2 was out before Yakuza 1 when you put things in perspective

Becaues Yakuza is the closest thing we have past Shenmue ?


I like this.

I do like the cast and the support characters in Yakuza games. They are usually very interesting. Kiryu is also has the biggest heart of gold. he is pretty awesome, and badass.

Yup, Rymuth is on point. While I'm attached af to Kiryu Kazuma, I can easily see another Yakuza game without him behind the steering wheel, the cast of Yakuza's likeable main and side characters is just so rich that it almost feels limitess, on the flip side, I really can't imagine another Shenmue game after Ryo's story comes to a conclusion.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
At best, Yakuza and Shenmue are both adventure games where you can go into shops and arcades. You constantly fight people in Yakuza, and you occasionally fight people in Shenmue.

Beyond that, both series' MO and design are completely different. In my opinion they are more unalike than alike.


I just hopped in this thread. Did EGM seriously give this game 5/10? How to be factually wrong while giving an opinion, by EGM.


Hmhm, I have completed Yakuza 3, own 4 and 5 but haven't played them.. I however am contemplating on getting in on this possibly?
Since I'm not sure if I want to even hook up my PS3 again for 4 and 5...


86 metacritic! I'm so happy it's reviewing well. Can't wait to get it.

To be honest, anything below 90 metacritic to any of the Yakuza games, is underrating them.

But i seems many of the western reviewers just dont get much into the japanese culture fest that are the Yakuza games. Or they dont get the humour, or dont take time to get good with the fighting system or worst, dont even try the sidequest or minigames that are the tasty gravy of the yakuza games.

But not bad reviews for this title, i was actually expecting worst reviews from the western media.


I just hopped in this thread. Did EGM seriously give this game 5/10? How to be factually wrong while giving an opinion, by EGM.

That EGM review didn't read like a 5/10 game. Writing style seemed a bit tempered so I guess the dislikes came across to me as being a lot more minor than what is reflected in the final score.
Hmhm, I have completed Yakuza 3, own 4 and 5 but haven't played them.. I however am contemplating on getting in on this possibly?
Since I'm not sure if I want to even hook up my PS3 again for 4 and 5...

Go for it. Yakuza 0 is a prequel so it doesn't matter which games you've played before. You don't have to play 4 or 5 if you really don't want to.


Go for it. Yakuza 0 is a prequel so it doesn't matter which games you've played before. You don't have to play 4 or 5 if you really don't want to.
I guess I'm just worried the assumedly better mechanics of 0 will make it harder to ever return to 4 and 5.. but eh!
Thanks for the reply

Edit also it seems like this runs fine on vanilla PS4?
I have only played a little bit of yakuza 3 and never really got into it but I went ahead and bought this on amazon for release day. Just the shear weirdness of all the mini games has me excited!


Yakuza is a special series. Let's not fight about whether it's Shenmue or GTA.
It's better than them.
I guess I'm just worried the assumedly better mechanics of 0 will make it harder to ever return to 4 and 5.. but eh!
Thanks for the reply
Y4 and Y5 have the benefit of having 4 different playstyles because of the 4 different characters (5 in the case of Y5 but one of them's not a fighting style) so even if you go back, it won't be such a big readjustment.
Edit also it seems like this runs fine on vanilla PS4?
1080p/60. The game actually doesn't have a Pro mode so it's the same thing across the board.

Only performance issues are some minor slowdowns in some areas but that's only in adventure mode when FPS doesn't really matter. During actual combat, it's smooth as silk always.
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