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I was told to 'kill myself with a gun' tonight while playing Rocket League

I agree that this has become commonplace online. I agree that you shouldn't take it personally. I agree that reporting them and moving on is all you can really do in this situation. But it's really sad to me that people say "grow up" to YOU instead of the people saying "kill yourself". To me, that's like grounding your child for being bullied. Totally backwards. People have actually killed themselves. In my opinion, that's not something you should take lightly. If we really want stuff like this to stop, we should be doing more to discourage it. I can't think of anyone who likes being told to kill themselves.

But I guess this is just my 2 cents. I've been upset today reading both this and the PewDiePie threads. Take what I say with a grain of salt I suppose

But really - I think everyone here agrees this shouldn't happen. We shouldn't have to put up with it - but many of us recognize that we do and we always will.

You don't have to ignore it, but you should try to understand why many of us do. A lot of our comments come from experience. It's an endless uphill battle.

Raise awareness all you want - but try your best not to let it upset you. It's not worth it. Rocket League is supposed to be fun.
Banter is banter.
Don't use chat with randoms if you can avoid it.

Would you say it was "locker room talk"?

People saying this is normal, not thread worthy, etc: you're part of the problem. Sure I may personally be able to shrug it off, but that doesn't make it okay. If your kid was being bullied at school you wouldn't tell him to just shrug it off. You'd do something about it.
You're overreacting.

Yeah, this is the same as a kid being bullied in class.

Online bullying can have similarly damaging effects. You're kidding yourself if you think it can't.

Imagine if you were struggling with extreme depression and anxiety (or some similar mental illness) that led you to suicidal thoughts. Being told constantly that you should kill yourself, even if you consciously know it's just online game banter, is still not going to be good for you. That's just an example.

There's a very simple rule we can follow: if you wouldn't say it to a stranger in real life, then don't fucking say it to a stranger online.
I'm honestly more disappointed in how boring they sound in their delivery. To any trolls out there please be better. "Kill yourself with a gun" is childs play.

Make Trash Talking Great Again
That's pretty tame compared to some of the things I've read.

Back in the day, we used to PK in Diablo 2 permadeath mode. We also create a 'corpse inventory explosion' trick (fully legit; just used the inventory loot mechanics of the game) to make a character's equipped items 'explode' onto the ground. Literally stole $100s of stuff based on the eBay sale value of certain weapons like rare bows back then. First thing I ever sold on eBay was the bow for $70 I looted from a guy's corpse lol.

The angry essays some people would type us about what they wanted to do to our families.... oh man. If the NSA had the Patriot Act back then they'd probably have received a phone call :p

Anyhow, shit is deep on the internets and you got me locked down -- in this cold, cold world.


That's pretty tame compared to some of the things I've read.

Back in the day, we used to PK in Diablo 2 permadeath mode. We also create a 'corpse inventory explosion' trick (fully legit; just used the inventory loot mechanics of the game) to make a character's equipped items 'explode' onto the ground. Literally stole $100s of stuff based on the eBay sale value of certain weapons like rare bows back then. First thing I ever sold on eBay was the bow for $70 I looted from a guy's corpse lol.

The angry essays some people would type us about what they wanted to do to our families.... oh man. If the NSA had the Patriot Act back then they'd probably have received a phone call :p

Anyhow, shit is deep on the internets and you got me locked down -- in this cold, cold world.

Ohhhh boy that brings back memories. You would PvP in Hardcore mode and each person had a 'Mule' friend in game to pick up their items. You had to make them pick up an extra item that would cause them to automatically drop all items stored in the corpse. Good times. Did it myself but never for money. I was just an asshole kid in a group of asshole friends who did asshole things on Diablo 2. I think the bow you're referring to is Windforce.



But really - I think everyone here agrees this shouldn't happen. We shouldn't have to put up with it - but many of us recognize that we do and we always will.

You don't have to ignore it, but you should try to understand why many of us do. A lot of our comments come from experience. It's an endless uphill battle.

Raise awareness all you want - but try your best not to let it upset you. It's not worth it. Rocket League is supposed to be fun.
As someone who will drop an RPG in a heartbeat if I have to grind out a few levels and it becomes busywork for even a few minutes: I'm having a hard time thinking of a single game that is worth playing if I have to keep putting up with bullshit of any kind.

I can't blame people who decide not to participate in the constant demeaning of themselves.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I mean that perma-ban is all well and good, but it took them a year or two to actually perma-ban someone to the point that people are being notified, eh?

I'd rather be able to mute/block a person across multiple games. Drives me crazy having to mute every. fucking. round. Psyonix.
I actually started playing again after a long break. First game in, I accidentally crash into a teammate, and the rest of the game hes just insulting me and trying to ram into me :|

play with friends or not at all it seems.
Ohhhh boy that brings back memories. You would PvP in Hardcore mode and each person had a 'Mule' friend in game to pick up their items. You had to make them pick up an extra item that would cause them to automatically drop all items stored in the corpse. Good times. Did it myself but never for money. I was just an asshole kid in a group of asshole friends who did asshole things on Diablo 2. I think the bow you're referring to is Windforce.
it was just a rare very fast bow... i think windforce was a thing that came later. this was still just months after release maybe... early spring '01 -_- at that time, speed 'stun lock' bow zons were dominating PvP, and everyone wanted bows with the very fastest speed more than any other attribute, so the fastest speed bow in the game at that time was actually only from Act 2 in the palace... some short bow.

so, rare bows from there with the fastest speed but also awesome stat bonuses were super rare but also dominating pvp because you could spam guided arrow (I think... one of the bow attacks caused like an animation frame lock at the time) and basically just stun lock people. the damage was totally irrelevant they couldn't move. i think windforce came later when zons moved to... raw DPS where speed didn't matter (?) back to multi-shot maybe.

but yeah I think we started 'inventory exploding' or at least were one of the first on US East to do it... at the very least, no one was really doing it, so maybe my friend heard that someone else had figured out a way to do it, but i still remember the first time we tried it and it worked lol was like a 'eureka, gold!' moment ;p never used it in HC though.... we PKed in HC mode but the 'inventory exploding' we started in regular mode. we were still learning it so sounded kinda scary to risk experimenting with in HC haha

we used to do a lot of dumb stuff..... Telekinesis was another: we created a thing called 'teletrading' where we'd say we really wanted some 'blue rod' I thought I saw and it was Ume's Lament, so we'd make a offer 'too good to not consider' like SOJs, but say we really wanted to see Ume's on the ground (since early on no Necro would trade it, so equipping was not an option) first to see if it was blue. They'd put it on the ground maaaaybe 5-10% of the time, totally unaware probably that Telekinesis even existed yet (we're talking the first 2-3 months after release), and a quick zap later, a new Unique =p It failed the vast majority of the time but I used to get a pretty decent unique like a Ume's Lament, Bonecrusher (for low level barbs/pals), that necro skull helmet, etc once maybe every 10 tries. nothing that valuable tho the game was too new to really have certain scarcity demand yet, uniques lost their value pretty quickly after 1-2 months.

actually i became a bit of an 'honour' pvper after that (in MMOs at least) just because i kinda started to feel bad how many people's games i probably ruined -_- not that most MMOs allowed for D2 style griefing, but my close buddies were pretty famous in DAOC for griefing, and I ended up taking a pass on joining them in lieu of trying to 'help' my realm o.0

anyhow if I remember right, Blizzard patch both 'inventory exploding' and telekinesis eventually... we really were jerks q_q


The amount of normalization going on in this thread of this kind of language is sad and terrible.

I really hate to say this, but that's because it is normal to be a shit human being. Everyone does it at some point and the internet has just made it incredibly easy to do it without actual consequences.

Short of just straight up locking down the internet in a fascist sort of way, it'll never be mitigated in the short term. The best we can do is educate children that it's not how we should treat each other. Maybe then in a few years the generation after us can grow to be better people than us.
The amount of normalization going on in this thread of this kind of language is sad and terrible.

I think the context of where and why someone is saying "horrible things" makes it immediately satirical/sarcastic/hyperbolic, whether the human on the other end really means what he's saying or not.

We are playing a game. If someone tells me to kill myself, the context of it being a game makes it stupid and occasionally amusing. If they really mean it, then the jokes on them for being a lunatic about a game.

I understand and can empathize with people getting upset, but I think people need to learn from it and understand the context they are in.
The last time I got told to kill myself was in Rocket League as well

Those threats are kinda so boring and expected now that they don't have much of an effect on me though

I'll forever be shocked, however, when Just Cause 2 multiplayer was released on steam and the in game chat was just an endless stream of racial slurs

It was wild
Rocket League brings out the worst in me when playing online. I've never told anyone to kill themselves because I'm not crazy, but I've told a lot of people to uninstall the game and never come back.

Teammates who won't play goalie when they spawn IN THE GOAL drive me fucking insane.


I almost never check the voice channel when I play online games. Particularly popular ones. It's so bad.


I either shit talk back or not respond. Even more fun is to shit talk and continuously kick their ass and watch then get more and more infuriated. I don't really take any of the people that rage like this seriously either way.


Rocket League brings out the worst in me when playing online. I've never told anyone to kill themselves because I'm not crazy, but I've told a lot of people to uninstall the game and never come back.

Teammates who won't play goalie when they spawn IN THE GOAL drive me fucking insane.

That is incredibly cringe worthy hahaha.
In Rocket League specifically, I don't talk or type, and the only emote (quick-chat?) I use is 'What a Save!' - it has caused more anger in folks than any other words I could've possibly written or said.


Holy shit, some of y'all need to get a grip. Shit like that is why I never play online. Fucking toxic behavior. I don't need that shit in my leisure time.

I was at this internet cafe in the neighborhood earlier tonight to print some shit out and there was a group of guys in the back playing some MP game and everything they said the whole time was just fuck you, fuck this and all sorts of vulgar shit like that.

Makes me sad.
So is someone gonna create a new topic everytime they get told nasty things in a multiplayer game? Really? People are shitheads online, they always have been, they always will be. Anonymity tends to do that.


So is someone gonna create a new topic everytime they get told nasty things in a multiplayer game? Really? People are shitheads online, they always have been, they always will be. Anonymity tends to do that.

Yes? This seeming acceptance of this stupid toxic bullshit ruining the MP experience for many people is certainly worthy of a discussion. This is a videogame message board is it not? And this has long been a problem in the community and within the culture.

Just brushing it aside as some normal thing because shitheads will be shitheads is stupid as fuck imo. And as others have said, this isn't some anonymous thing, just look at the stupid racist and hateful things people post on twitter/facebook under their real fucking names.


So is someone gonna create a new topic everytime they get told nasty things in a multiplayer game? Really? People are shitheads online, they always have been, they always will be. Anonymity tends to do that.
It isn't anonymity. People have definitively proven that they will act terribly even without anonymity. The problem is that no one is sufficiently enforcing basic social norms of behavior online.

If someone walked into a cafe and started harassing other patrons, the harasser would be told to leave or the cops would be called. In online games, that same behavior goes unpunished far too often.
So is someone gonna create a new topic everytime they get told nasty things in a multiplayer game? Really? People are shitheads online, they always have been, they always will be. Anonymity tends to do that.

I swear this is the last time I post in this thread.

The dismissive nature of this post irks me. So vicious online racism, death threats and other forms of harassment aren't even worthy of being discussed with a critical eye in your world, right? Why bother make the thread. This is how it is, and it will always be that way, right? Not worthy of discussion at all, eh? I disagree completely. At the very least, it's worth discussing, and referencing the reason I bumped the thread in the first place, it turns out that yes, this kind of shitty behavior will get you permabanned for harassment from this game. But again, you appear to be one of many who completely missed the point of the thread. And that's on you, not me, as many others have understood why this thread exists.
It isn't anonymity. People have definitively proven that they will act terribly even without anonymity. The problem is that no one is sufficiently enforcing basic social norms of behavior online.

If someone walked into a cafe and started harassing other patrons, the harasser would be told to leave or the cops would be called. In online games, that same behavior goes unpunished far too often.

I think this extends beyond gaming and into the Sports culture in general. I spent some time doing sports reporting covering both the NFL and the MLB. Players in both leagues say some vile shit to their opponents on the field. I think the trash talk is viewed as "part of the game" by most players and fans.
Online bullying can have similarly damaging effects. You're kidding yourself if you think it can't.

Imagine if you were struggling with extreme depression and anxiety (or some similar mental illness) that led you to suicidal thoughts. Being told constantly that you should kill yourself, even if you consciously know it's just online game banter, is still not going to be good for you. That's just an example.

There's a very simple rule we can follow: if you wouldn't say it to a stranger in real life, then don't fucking say it to a stranger online.

Comparing this to actual bullying is an offence to people who have been bullied.

It isn't anonymity. People have definitively proven that they will act terribly even without anonymity. The problem is that no one is sufficiently enforcing basic social norms of behavior online.

If someone walked into a cafe and started harassing other patrons, the harasser would be told to leave or the cops would be called. In online games, that same behavior goes unpunished far too often.

In a cafe there's no magic button I can hit to just shit someone up. Online I can block communication from anyone at any time without any real effort. This is not the same as someone being a dick in real life.


It isn't anonymity. People have definitively proven that they will act terribly even without anonymity. The problem is that no one is sufficiently enforcing basic social norms of behavior online.

If someone walked into a cafe and started harassing other patrons, the harasser would be told to leave or the cops would be called. In online games, that same behavior goes unpunished far too often.

Playing a game is not really like walking into a cafe and harassing patrons. It is more akin to someone trash talking on the field/court/pitch etc. but in sports this sort of behavior is not uncommon, or at very least it was not 15-20 years ago. You could complain to the ref but few ever did and much like video games nothing came from reporting.
Playing a game is not really like walking into a cafe and harassing patrons. It is more akin to someone trash talking on the field/court/pitch etc. but in sports this sort of behavior is not uncommon, or at very least it was not 15-20 years ago. You could complain to the ref but few ever did and much like video games nothing came from reporting.
I think even the Aussie cricket team would draw the line at telling one of their own team mates to shoot themselves with a gun.

There's a line, and this stuff goes beyond 'trash talk'.


Mute the person and move on. Why is there this huge movement of "ow, my feelings" in the US.

Yea, i'd hate it if the world started to feel compassion and understanding and being kind to one another.

Hopefully we can all just shit on one another like always and be happy about not evolving beyond fucking grade school.

I mean there's like a million different ways to engage in banter, without resorting to actual death threats, bigotry, misogyny and racism.


It takes an incredible amount of mental gymnastics to believe that being told to kill yourself for no reason does not register as 'actual' bullying.

Being told to kill yourself from a stranger in a online game doesn't get a reaction from me at all but racist remarks hits me harder.


Playing ranked 3s with two mates. They were impersonating pidgeons and thus the banter centred around puns and the like. We never say kys, just your bad and we copped it back too. But it was all light-hearted. I've never experienced the vile and hatred that seems to be posted about here. I guess when you have a really bad experience the get shared and then they build up. My advice is the same as the others OP, turn off voice, report and move on.


Being told to kill yourself from a stranger in a online game doesn't get a reaction from me at all but racist remarks hits me harder.

Racist remarks on me doesn't hit me as hard as being told that i should kill myself (me being a white cis male), so i should just let it slide?

Fuck off.


Yea, i'd hate it if the world started to feel compassion and understanding and being kind to one another.

Hopefully we can all just shit on one another like always and be happy about not evolving beyond fucking grade school.

I mean there's like a million different ways to engage in banter, without resorting to actual death threats, bigotry, misogyny and racism.

I get your point, but it's easier to just shrug it off and move on. The majority of people out there aren't awful. Ignore the riff raff and move forward. I promise it leads to a happier life rather than stopping everything you're doing to tell everyone you can that you've been offended.


I get your point, but it's easier to just shrug it off and move on. The majority of people out there aren't awful. Ignore the riff raff and move forward. I promise it leads to a happier life rather than stopping everything you're doing to tell everyone you can that you've been offended.

Ignoring is the same as enabling.

If we talk about it and highlight the shitty nature of being a fucking racist/misogynist/random hate speech advocate, we might actually begin to signal that "this is not okay, this shouldn't ever be okay" and we can evolve from it and become better.
Just saying "ignore it and it'll go away" has proven time and time again that it does not work.
In what world has a problem solved itself with just not thinking about it, beyond just sheltering yourself from it? You're creating your own, desensitised bubble that only protect you, without giving fuck all about the next person. Is that the world we should live in?

This is rather uncalled for, don't you think?

Don't worry, it's just banter.


Being told to kill yourself from a stranger in a online game doesn't get a reaction from me at all but racist remarks hits me harder.

So why would you tolerate any form of online harassment?

By telling others to just accept and tolerate death threats you can't complain when you encounter racist insults. Just move on and accept it - you're overreacting.

Only I'd rather not live in a world where this is how we respond to this sort of behaviour.


So why would you tolerate any form of online harassment?

By telling others to just accept and tolerate death threats you can't complain when you encounter racist insults. Just move on and accept it - you're overreacting.

Only I'd rather not live in a world where this is how we respond to this sort of behaviour.

I'm so fucking sick and tired that the gaming community is seemingly the only community that's not getting it.*
I mean, it has improved somewhat. Many high profile streamers has rules about what the chat should or shouldn't contain... That's a start. It's not just about following Twitch's rules, it's fucking common decency.
I, for one, gladly welcome a world were we finally treat each other with respect.

*Atleast that i'm a part of.


I bet you did it too, didn't you OP, you absolute madman

But seriously, experiences similar to yours are commonplace and you shouldn't let them get you down. I know that's sad and shouldn't happen but it does and that's the reality of the Internet.


The amount of normalization going on in this thread of this kind of language is sad and terrible.


No one should ever accept being insulted, wherever it take place - real life, virtual life, no matters. It is just called lack of culture.
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