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Russian warship heads toward US destroyers after strike on Syria

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Jesus Christ, people, calm the fuck down. The most the Russians are gonna do is shadow US assets in the area. They aren't going to fire on shit.
WW3 isn't starting. The only thing the Russians have is nukes, and they might as well use them on themselves if they plan on using them. Mutually assured destruction and all that.

The US military dwarfs Russia's in every way possible. Land, air, and sea. Let Russia posture all they want, they aren't dumb enough to have a death wish.


The good news is that this is just for show.

The bad news is the Russians already took over the US government.

Pretty much. We are just watching military entertainment at this point. This is such a obvious distraction.

Why people are forgetting trump is a pawn of putin, and several other people he surrounds himself with. Is proof this remedial shit works.

They lobbed some bombs at a airstrip that Syrians got a heads up on. Now we are supposed to think there is some grand peril? The mod video from a Russian drone shows the damage. It's almost like they avoided the runways, and hit buildings. https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivi...sian_drone_footage_of_shayrat_air_base_after/


Can you PM me the definitive rapport on the investigation of the chemical incident? Oh you can't? Then consider to stop spreading propaganda please instead of making it even harder to know what's confirmed and what is not.

Wait, we're buying into the conspiracy theory that neither Russia nor Syria had anything to do with the chemical attack?

Is this an Alex Jones thing or a Tulsi Gabbard thing?


The American and Russian governments will both talk this shit up and pretend that they are escalating the conflict. Then they will save the whole fucking world by agreeing on a tremendous deal. That deal will include the US removing sanctions on Russia, in return for Russia leaning on Assad to not use chemical weapons on his own people. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump and Putin for averting nuclear armageddon.

This plus some part of the deal will include a contract for Haliburton or the like to rebuild the airfield the US just bombed, paid for by US tax payers of course.

Are we on the brink of the next major world war?

Like once big boys like China, Russia and EU get involved its gonna be a big mess all over the world again

Outside of the ability to throw an insane number of bodies at you in a ground war, I wouldn't call China a big boy.


With Trump as the president?



lol ya'll kids are too young to remember, we all did this kinda shit all the time during the Cold War. It's just posturing.


I'm going to have to stop coming into these threads for updates on this story for all of the WW3 shit.

This is expected posturing. If the US and Russia never got into a full scale war during the Cold War then this admittedly terrible situation in Syria isn't going to lead to that either.
Can you PM me the definitive rapport on the investigation of the chemical incident? Oh you can't? Then consider to stop spreading propaganda please instead of making it even harder to know what's confirmed and what is not.
You need to stop watching Russian TV and look out into the real world.

Try it. It'll help your intelligence.
Trump is the LAST person you would want to manage a crisis like this.
It took the level headedness of JFK and Khrushchev to avert armageddon. But now we have a narcissist with the finger on the button.

Luckily this "crisis" is fabricated and both sides are on the same page.


The American and Russian governments will both talk this shit up and pretend that they are escalating the conflict. Then they will save the whole fucking world by agreeing on a tremendous deal. That deal will include the US removing sanctions on Russia, in return for Russia leaning on Assad to not use chemical weapons on his own people. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump and Putin for averting nuclear armageddon.
This is like the most likely outcome. What a time.
Either Putin realizes that he won't be able to keep control of his asset (Trump) and is acting accordingly or it's a big show in an attempt to downplay Russia's control of the White House.


This is like the most likely outcome. What a time.

The only way congress approves the removal of sanctions is if Russia actively works to remove Assad from power in Syria. The sanctions are for the Ukraine and are completely unrelated to the Syrian conflict, so Russia would have to give up quite a lot to convince lawmakers here.
The American and Russian governments will both talk this shit up and pretend that they are escalating the conflict. Then they will save the whole fucking world by agreeing on a tremendous deal. That deal will include the US removing sanctions on Russia, in return for Russia leaning on Assad to not use chemical weapons on his own people. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump and Putin for averting nuclear armageddon.
Why do Gaffers enjoy stealing posts from Reddit?


The ship totally should have exited the Black Sea into the western Mediterranean Sea instead of the eastern side. I heard there are Russian ships pointing in the direction of the US in the Pacific Ocean as well.


Will this be the spark that ignites WWIII?
I really hope not.
No it won't

I actually think it's becoming an eye roller tho when that's what people think this will become, not pointing you out but I know too many people here and just irl that actually jump to WW3 anytime a little smoke is blown like this.

this is just a dick measuring contest it's been like this for years


Maybe this is all part of the plan. Maybe Russia and Trump both want a return to the glory days of the cold war.

Has anyone who's posting these inane ramblings considered the possibility that maybe Russia and Trump are in direct conversation and aren't playing 25d Chess?

Like, maybe Russia colluded with the GOP to create chaos in the American election, but that Trump isn't some manchurian candidate ready to deliver the US into Russian hands and instead this past week has been the actions of two disparate countries clashing in the middle east?
Nations are more like animals than individual humans. They are just sniffing each other's ass and figuring out who is the alpha
The American and Russian governments will both talk this shit up and pretend that they are escalating the conflict. Then they will save the whole fucking world by agreeing on a tremendous deal. That deal will include the US removing sanctions on Russia, in return for Russia leaning on Assad to not use chemical weapons on his own people. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump and Putin for averting nuclear armageddon.


Well he's not coming back.
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