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Capcom expects Marvel to sell 2 million, RE7 2M more, has major unannounced title


Junior Member
Are people being serious about DMC5, or is that like a joke/meme or something? I thought the franchise was dead?
Itsuno's new game is supposed to be announced this year, plus (correct me if I'm mistaken) there have been teases from Reuben Langdon & Dan Southworth (Dante & Vergil's VAs respectively). Capcom also mentioned Devil May Cry as one of the franchises that they have major plans for in last year's financial briefing.


Are people being serious about DMC5, or is that like a joke/meme or something? I thought the franchise was dead?

Last fiscal report (and even this report) they list Devil may cry as a strong franchise with world wide appeal. Last report they even said something along the lines of Devil may cry getting another game. Also itsuno said we'd see his next game soon.


I think the major title would be the remake of RE2 or some Monster Hunter game. Way to little chance of it being DMC5 or any of their other franchises.
Would people be happy with a Switch/PS4 multiplat Monster Hunter? There's quite big power difference there, right? I mean, it would make one version have to be hampered down for another I would think, unless they're going to do like a totally different version for one over the other, but I doubt Capcom has the resources for that.


Monster Hunter or Devil May Cry for the unannounced title, not sure which though. Both will probably be announced this year regardless. Also given the strength of the Marvel brand these days, barring poor reviews and a catastrophic launch, MvCI should be able to hit that especially since it's a projection trough March 2018.
Itsuno's new game is supposed to be announced this year, plus (correct me if I'm mistaken) there have been teases from Reuben Langdon & Dan Southworth (Dante & Vergil's VAs respectively). Capcom also mentioned Devil May Cry as one of the franchises that they have major plans for in last year's financial briefing.

Last fiscal report (and even this report) they list Devil may cry as a strong franchise with world wide appeal. Last report they even said something along the lines of Devil may cry getting another game. Also itsuno said we'd see his next game soon.

They're being serious. I don't get how that's going to move millions in Japan, but that doesn't seem to matter.

Oh, didn't know all that. I love DMC, so I hope it's true.


Would people be happy with a Switch/PS4 multiplat Monster Hunter? There's quite big power difference there, right? I mean, it would make one version have to be hampered down for another I would think, unless they're going to do like a totally different version for one over the other, but I doubt Capcom has the resources for that.

The MH team is too lazy to do separate assets. The best we would get MH thats looks bit better than the WiiU version of MH3U.


2 mil for MvC is possible if it ships complete, and without DLC scam. You and me might not care about an arcade mode and a story mode, but this hurt SFV in reviews and recommendations. The game was early access at best and the launch was a fail.

If its meaty enough and not solely geared towards eSports, then it could be a success. The release date should be fine.


Junior Member
SFVI. Finally!
USF4 and SF5 roster merged, Focus Attack returns. So excited.
SFVI won't be a thing until 2022 at the earliest. And combining the two rosters wouldn't exactly be easy, or artistically consistent, seeing as the two games run on two completely different engines. You'd be better off waiting for some of the USFIV characters to come to SFV in later seasons.

Focus Attack can also go die in a fire.


Wild Speculation but I'm just going to put this out there as a really big fan of the Laser Time Podcasts and one of the guys(Brett Elston) from it used to work at Capcom and is a MASSIVE Castlevania fan, he just left Laser Time and their Patreon kind of suddenly to go back to Capcom in Marketing and it was talked about on the Patreon exclusive podcast that he had always wanted to be there to work closer with the games and that he wanted to do a lot more there. I'm thinking a possible Castlevania game could get him back there.
Castlevania is a Konami IP.
Would people be happy with a Switch/PS4 multiplat Monster Hunter? There's quite big power difference there, right? I mean, it would make one version have to be hampered down for another I would think, unless they're going to do like a totally different version for one over the other, but I doubt Capcom has the resources for that.
I could see them targeting Switch specs and porting up. They stuck with PS2/Wii era assets for the longest.


If Capcom is only expecting 2.75 million unit sales in Japan for retail titles, it's not going to be a single 2 million title. There are going to be more announcements throughout the year, they're not going to literally release nothing but one "big" title. Look at the US and Europe sales as well. They are expecting to outperform the previous year. So the MAJOR title they're talking about is something on the same level as RE7 as a worldwide title.

Yes, there will be annual MH shit, but it won't be MH5 or the expectations will be much higher.

This is very sound logic. I really can't see such a quick release for MH5 in any event, let alone one where they would think it would sell so low to fit in with their forecast. MHXX HD would be the only thing that would fit in with that.
Monster Hunter is not coming to PS4. That would require Capcom to reinvent the franchise in a new direction.

No it wouldn't. Why would the franchise need reinventing for PS4 but not for Switch? The mental gymnastics people are employing to shout down any notion of these games ending up on any platform not owned by Nintendo is amazing. Love it.

Either way, bookmarking this post.


All concrete evidence leads to a new DMC:

First of all Capcom's new strategy about main titles getting a new release at a 2-2.5 year window. DMC4SE came out June '15 so they are right on track for a 2.5 year gap between the next entry:


Second, Itsuno's tweet about a new game announcement this year. He's the director since 2 and no, Capcom's internal plans do not suggest another Dragon's Dogma series (which was never as successful as they wanted anyway). According to their pipeline, DMC is on the list of titles to be released at some point in the 2017 fiscal year (ending in 2018):


Dragon's Dogma ain't happening anywhere soon.

Monster Hunter PS4? I doubt how this is viable for Capcom on a global scale. It will sell strongly in Japan, everywhere else? Market is already oversaturated by those type of games. It wouldn't work.

Onimusha? Long dead and buried franchise that has become irrelevant. Cannot be considered as a major title.

About Ninja's Theory involvement. They are not developing the game in the first place. They might be back for a minor role as Capcom reverted back on it's outsourcing policy. Everything now is developed internally with a more tight budget:


There is no solid reason to expect anything other than DMC5 at this point.


No it wouldn't. Why would the franchise need reinventing for PS4 but not for Switch? The mental gymnastics people are employing to shout down any notion of these games ending up on any platform not owned by Nintendo is amazing. Love it.

It wouldn't require reinventing of the gameplay but if say it were exclusive it would require cultivating a completely different audience than the one who but it for local multiplayer in japan, the millions of them.

Switch/ps4 release imo.
I mean the prospects of a new Marvel vs. Capcom was way, way less likely than a new DMC and look where we are. I wouldn't at all be surprised to see DMC5 happen.
It wouldn't require reinventing of the gameplay but if say it were exclusive it would require finding a completely different audience than the one who but it for local multiplayer in japan, the millions of them.

Switch/ps4 release imo.

That's assuming that those millions of people only bought Monster Hunter because of the local multiplayer, which is likely far from the truth. But going back to my original point, it wouldn't have to be re-invited. The series started off as a PS2 game. Very little of MH has changed structurally since it's debut. If a MH game can work on Wii and Wii U, then it can work on a PS4. I wonder if half the people who say these things even play these games.


I will make one rebuttal here. Something Dragons Dogma is happening, but it's more than likely just the PC port on PS4/X1.

They have a slide on "successful" franchises, and listed DD despite having other series with higher sales.

Ace Attorney
Dino Crisis
Lost Planet
Sengoku Basara
Ace attorney
Mega man
Ghost n goblins
Marvel vs capcom

No it wouldn't. Why would the franchise need reinventing for PS4 but not for Switch? The mental gymnastics people are employing to shout down any notion of these games ending up on any platform not owned by Nintendo is amazing. Love it.

Either way, bookmarking this post.

The only think I see them doing with a new MH is adding better controls on Switch, which honestly is all I ever wanted from the franchise. I'd like a different mission structure but better controls I'll take.

As a Switch owner I want this to basically be like Destiny. You know what? It will be the Switch's Destiny. BOOKMARK THAT.


I will make one rebuttal here. Something Dragons Dogma is happening, but it's more than likely just the PC port on PS4/X1.

They have a slide on "successful" franchises, and listed DD despite having other series with higher sales.

Ace Attorney
Dino Crisis
Lost Planet
Sengoku Basara
Ace attorney
Mega man
Ghost n goblins
Marvel vs capcom

They also announced intentions to eventually bring Dragon's Dogma Online worldwide not too long ago.
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