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Do you think we'll see Bloodborne 2 at E3?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I'm 99% certain we'll see it :)



Did you only read the first sentence of my reply or what. Also how is it concern trolling. Ive specifically already remedied your complaint and you're still banging on about it. Its not about whether or not they'll actually do it, they won't. Its about the people asking for it. End of.
Miyazaki is the president of From and has oversight on all of these projects, if it is in the works he's been involved on some level. Did you read any of my post where I specifically mentioned that the game he didn't direct reviewed better than any other soulsborne game? Your argument is essentially no miyazaki = milking for profit, which is an absurd position to take even if I agree that his direct involvement would be for the better.


I'm 99% certain we'll see it :)

99% huh? Like 99% for Bloodborne 2 and not a spiritual successor? Or just 99% sure that From will at E3. Because I am 99% sure that you know MS's plans but not Sony's plans. So, I am thinking you mean a multi-platform spiritual successor to Soulborne.
99% huh? Like 99% for Bloodborne 2 and not a spiritual successor? Or just 99% sure that From will at E3. Because I am 99% sure that you know MS's plans but not Sony's plans. So, I am thinking you mean a multi-platform spiritual successor to Soulborne.

That's a hell of a lot to extrapolate...


That's a hell of a lot to extrapolate...

Well it doesn't make sense to me otherwise. Why else would Thomas be so sure?
Just because they're working on a Microsoft game doesn't mean they're locked in on campus in Redmond with no contact with the outside world.

Sure, sure. That is valid. But "99% sure" is like saying that unless something happens at the last minute it is for certain going to happen and I am not sure Thomas would be that certain about Sony's plans.


99% huh? Like 99% for Bloodborne 2 and not a spiritual successor? Or just 99% sure that From will at E3. Because I am 99% sure that you know MS's plans but not Sony's plans. So, I am thinking you mean a multi-platform spiritual successor to Soulborne.

Just because they're working on a Microsoft game doesn't mean they're locked in on campus in Redmond with no contact with the outside world.


the piano man
I am no insider but I am also very sure Bloodborne 2 is a thing,

Miyazaki can say whatever he wants but if sony puts the cash on the table and orders them to do a 2nd Bloodborne, then it's going to be done.
Miyazaki is the president of From and has oversight on all of these projects, if it is in the works he's been involved on some level. Did you read any of my post where I specifically mentioned that the game he didn't direct reviewed better than any other soulsborne game? Your argument is essentially no miyazaki = milking for profit, which is an absurd position to take even if I agree that his direct involvement would be for the better.

That's not at all what I said and if that's what you think I said then you need to go back and actually take more than 15 seconds to read what I did say.

It has nothing to do with Miyazaki's direct input. The fact of the matter is. Miyazaki is head of Fromsoft, he decides what gets made and what doesn't. If he feels like something shouldn't get made, then it's not getting made.

If he doesn't want to work on Bloodborne 2 in any capacity, then it's not getting made whether or not he directs it.

Never once did I even imply that the lack of Miyazaki's direct involvement means the property is being milked, you pulled that out of your ass all on your own. I said if the conversation as to why Bloodborne 2 should exist begins with "It made money" rather than "Well, we have a story we want to tell" then it's being milked for profit, regardless of who's at the helm. This was pretty explicit, but if you actually took the time to read the arguments I was making instead of trying to be clever you'd understand that.

And more often than not, the only arguments that exist towards why Bloodborne 2 should exist are either because "I want it" or " It made money". That is milking of a property. Regardless of quality, George Lucas wanted to make the Star Wars prequels because he had a story to tell, not because they made money. Miyazaki is willing to give other Fromsoft employee's IPs if they have a story to tell. but he's not going to keep making sequels just because. The fact that Fromsoft factually currently is not and has no interest in working on a Bloodborne sequel should be all that needs to be said in regards to that.

I am no insider but I am also very sure Bloodborne 2 is a thing,

Miyazaki can say whatever he wants but if sony puts the cash on the table and orders them to do a 2nd Bloodborne, then it's going to be done.

Sony isn't going to order them to do anything, and if anything the fact that Sony gave them the freedom to do whatever they want and Fromsoft gave them Bloodborne means they'd only get more freedom to continue working on whatever they want in the future in regards to their partnership.


the piano man
Sony isn't going to order them to do anything, and if anything the fact that Sony gave them the freedom to do whatever they want and Fromsoft gave them Bloodborne means they'd only get more freedom to continue working on whatever they want in the future in regards to their partnership.

Things change.

we'll see soon enough.
I see Bloodborne as a self-contained game. I'm not interested to see another sequel, but I would be interested in another dark universe where the souls systems could be used in meaningful and original ways...


Did Bloodborne expand on the lore of the Pthumerians? I get the feeling there's more to them than what we know.

Regardless, I really hope their next ARPG IP has lore as deep and as interesting as Bloodborne and Dark Souls, through item descriptions and NPCs. I like putting the pieces together.


Wow that banner image looks like a legit one. I'm totally down for a new Bloodborne game but personally I'd rather see them move onto something new and exciting. The Dark Souls formula is one I love but has gotten a bit tired as of late.


It's safe to say that From has been busy working on something especially when you consider the small DLC efforts for DSIII. Maybe it gave them plenty of time to get cracking on something fresh and exciting?!Talking about a possible BB II? Well... I would be pumped no question, but realistically I'd be pumped on anything they throw our way.
Did Bloodborne expand on the lore of the Pthumerians? I get the feeling there's more to them than what we know.

Regardless, I really hope their next ARPG IP has lore as deep and as interesting as Bloodborne and Dark Souls, through item descriptions and NPCs. I like putting the pieces together.
They got about as much lore as you can realistically expect from these games.
I just want a game that feels and controls like Bloodborne and has the same gameplay loop. Whether it's a true or spiritual successor is irrelevant to me.


If Bloodborne 2 isnt a thing, then Id settle for an action MMO-lite, loot-based game set in Bloodborne's universe. Think of Destiny, but with hunter armor to farm and instead of weapons (normal/rare/legendary/exotics), you get miyazaki state of the art Trick-weapons.

Gather your fellow hunter(s) to go on Co-op adventures on a open-world, dark gothic, lovecraftian world to hunt the most horrendous beasts.

PVP would be exactly the same as something like Bloodborne's PVP, but with extra modes added in such as the Undead Match from Dark Souls 3. (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 6v6, etc).

We'd get also Live events, weekly quotas for extra reards, emotes (they are already in Bloodborne but these would be expanded), cosmetics, Bloodborne-themed treasure boxes instead of lootboxes, etc.

And since there's guns, handguns, rifles and canons here, Miyazaki can introduce a third person aiming mechanic and add in a MOBA-lite mode where the game plays like Overwatch/Paragon where you have a special abitie(s) tied to your Hunter.

I mean, there is so much that can be done with Bloodborne's amazing combat and trickweapons.

Plus with Miyazaki's fantastic Boss / monster design prowess, its the perfect set up for a Bloodborne Online with friends.

I feel like he's missing a golden opportunity here to amass a constant stream of cash to fund his future projects. And this way, he'd also, easily, tap in the MMO market.


I'd love a true co-op experience from them. I always loved being able to team up with a friend but it always seemed overly cumbersome (even though I know it was part of the design). I just wanted a mode where a friend and I could explore the game together.


Whatever they make I hope there's no multiplayer. A new obscure multiplayer aspect would be fine, but not a repeat of Souls. People just want to turn that into co-op.
What I would to see is FROM response to Nioh. I don't mean a copycat of course, I just want to see how they'll iterate the design.


The trouble some of you go to explain why we dont need a bloodborne 2 is beyond me, im a simple man, i liked one thing , i want more, you are more like "hey real madrid you won too much champions league trophies, you dont need more" "hey you make too much money, you dont need more" there is not a thing as too much good stuff.


Whatever they make I hope there's no multiplayer. A new obscure multiplayer aspect would be fine, but not a repeat of Souls. People just want to turn that into co-op.


Multiplayer is fun when you're done with the game but want to keep playing, that's why a lot of us have hundred of hours into these games, both with coop and pvp.

You can always ignore it if you want.


Hard to believe that the game came out two years ago and how much joy it has provided players. Need to try and get back into the game again.

As for the sequel, it is kind of hard to say if it might be seen as "Too Soon" or not since we had to wait at least three years to get confirmation that TLOU was getting a part 2.

If we see it, then it is time to get hyped all over again. Otherwise, I'm not going to lose sleep if it remains speculation.


So, let's assume that Bloodborne 2 is real and will be shown at Sony's E3. Hype would off the charts, people would crazy, sites would crash and all that fun stuff.

My question, if the above should happen, is: was there any gen where a single company brought out "HYPE™!!" at basically every single E3 of a specific "console gen" (so far)? Because Sony is on a damn impressive roll with their E3's.

Kinda crazy really. I assumed they would "drop the ball" this year and have a more "regular" E3, but if this rumour is true it'll clearly be another Hyped E3 for them.
So, let's assume that Bloodborne 2 is real and will be shown at Sony's E3. Hype would off the charts, people would crazy, sites would crash and all that fun stuff.

My question, if the above should happen, is: was there any gen where a single company brought out "HYPE™!!" at basically every single E3 of a specific "console gen" (so far)? Because Sony is on a damn impressive roll with their E3's.

Kinda crazy really. I assumed they would "drop the ball" this year and have a more "regular" E3, but if this rumour is true it'll clearly be another Hyped E3 for them.
Its not even a rumor. Its pure "what if" based on hopes and dreams™


Its not even a rumor. Its pure "what if" based on hopes and dreams™

Sure, but the hypothetical question remains :p

On a more serious note I thought From said they were done with Souls for now? I would assume that would also include stuff like Demons Souls and Bloodborne.


Well, in the same article its announced he says hes not making any more Souls or Bloodborne games.

But he also said that he is making a Dark Fantasy ARPG which "will meet fans expectations in a straightforward manner" . That sounds as a souls game to me, be it BB2, Demon Souls 2, or a new IP. I actually think that making an arpg that's not souls-like would be very difficult to pull off, as people will be comparing both styles...so not a good idea probably

I think we are putting too much weight on a single interview the dude made. Something could be lost in translation or he could just be misdirectimg people to keep the surprise. Maybe Sony won't allow him (or asked him nicely not to) spoil the surprise.

So imo anything can happen at E3


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Sure, but the hypothetical question remains :p

On a more serious note I thought From said they were done with Souls for now? I would assume that would also include stuff like Demons Souls and Bloodborne.

Last we heard: Theyre done with Souls (for now, Im sure itll be back down the road)

They have 3 games in development: Armored Core, new dark fantasy game (new ip I believe), and a third game we havent heard anything about.

Assuming Im remembering it correctly.


One can hope a new Metal Wolf Chaos is in the works. If anything, this would be the best time to release a game like that.
But he also said that he is making a Dark Fantasy ARPG which "will meet fans expectations in a straightforward manner" . That sounds as a souls game to me, be it BB2, Demon Souls 2, or a new IP. I actually think that making an arpg that's not souls-like would be very difficult to pull off, as people will be comparing both styles...so not a good idea probably

I think we are putting too much weight on a single interview the dude made. Something could be lost in translation or he could just be misdirectimg people to keep the surprise. Maybe Sony won't allow him (or asked him nicely not to) spoil the surprise.

So imo anything can happen at E3

The sentiment that Miyazaki is interested in doing new things and is done with the souls series isn't from one interview and one he's had for a while, at least since Dark Souls 3 was announced.
The fact that in the same article he says he's done doing sequels should tell you that it's a new IP. I've also gotten confirmation on the fact that: Souls games are done and that there is a new ARPG IP in development at Fromsoft. I had also specifically asked whether or not we would see a Bloodborne 2 or more spin off games like Bloodborne and reccieved a no.

If he had no intention of talking about the future of the souls series he could have simply kept quiet and said no comment rather than ousting any speculation on future games. and like I said previously, Fromsoft doesn't really have the man power to be working on more than they already have on their plate, none of which are souls games.

Edit: Miyazaki has also said he doesn't really care whether or not people compare it to the souls series.
Miyazaki has talked about being influenced by Ico and he makes games with great level design and architecture so I'd love to see a 3D cinematic platformer from him/them. I would not say no to another Bloodborne though.


A new IP would be a nice idea, but I feel like we are getting to a point where we might be starting to over due the "Souls" genre just a touch. Don't get me wrong, the more the better, but we have Dark Souls, Bloodborne, & Ni-Or alongside with that "Anime Dark Souls" Code: Vein coming soon too. Nothing wrong with new ideas and if we do see one, I hope it does separate itself from all the rest that we have seen up to this point.
Miyazaki has talked about being influenced by Ico and he makes games with great level design and architecture so I'd love to see a 3D cinematic platformer from him/them. I would not say no to another Bloodborne though.

The level and art design in The Last Guardian would lend itself to being a god-tier Souls game. It's easy to see why Miyazaki looks up to Ueda.



Sure, but the hypothetical question remains :p

On a more serious note I thought From said they were done with Souls for now? I would assume that would also include stuff like Demons Souls and Bloodborne.

Honestly I don't know. Bloodborne is different enough to not guarantee enjoyment of both Souls and 'Borne, but it's a Souls game. It's not a Souls game by name, however.

Whenever the topic of FROM being done with Souls comes up you always have people like "but Bloodborne though?"
I wouldn't​ be surprised if From's weird, potentially kids game is something like that tbh. Would also be a nice change of pace and make a lot of sense.


Honestly, I don't care if we don't get a sequel and get a new IP instead.

All I want is a continuation of Bloodborne's combat.

Dark Souls 3's combat wasn't even up to par with Bloodborne's fluid combat, perfect dodge mechanics and its trick weapons. Sorcery didnt even look as good in motion as Arcane.

On another note, the Greatswords felt like a huge downgrade in DkS3 from how perfect and impactful they felt in Bloodborne.
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