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Is Switch potentially becoming the main console for many now?

You think a hardcore gamer is going to main a system without major third party games? Destiny, Wolfenstein, Anthem, AC: Origins, NFS Payback, Evil Within, Overwatch, Diablo, Prey,(borrowed list from poster above) are a lot of big titles that wont be on Switch. So yes IMO a hardcore gamer wont be using Switch as a main console. Don't take offense

We just have different definitions of what a Hardcore Gamer is.
IMO A casual gamer can pick up a Switch and have it be there main or only console much like what happened with the Wii. I consider myself harcore and own most if not all the consoles and PC. I dont ride the bus or train and i perfer not to carry another device around. That being said I would never consider to have switch as my main system. PS and Xbox/PC are always going to have better versions of multplats and Online services that i enjoy. Switch has some amazing 1st party titles like Loz Botw, Mario Kart 8 and more to come but a hardcore gamer IMO will need more.
is this a copypasta
Yeah thanks, I had a quick scroll through after posting and saw a couple. I can see how some people may prefer it, especially for those that want the portability aspect or travel a lot it could become their main system. I haven't seen enough declarations it seems worth a thread but I'm not in a lot of Switch threads so could be why.

I'm in a lot of Switch threads and I see similar sentiments from time to time but I'm sure Gaf is no indicator of the general gaming audience, and I agree that I'm not sure this specific thing is worth a thread.

However what I think could be an interesting thread is the discussion about why some people have made it their primary console. Like, a pure hardware comparison to see how many people really need high fidelity TV gaming and how many would rather sacrifice some processing power to enable more convenience and portability.


Um not a chance? None of the big third party titles are releasing, not sure how it could be people's main. I have my switch listed on eBay right now because e3 brought nothing exciting for me for the near future. No virtual console is a massive disappointment for me as well as no really new fun MP experiences. I'm sure it'll be great down the road once they sort this stuff out and get more games and I'll be happy to jump back in maybe by then they'll have a redesign too, but I'm selling for the time being to get that money invested into it back for other things.
What are you talking about? The current status of the Switch is that people buy it for the Nintendo exclusives. Just like it was the case with the Wii U. We will see what happens when or rather IF 3rd party support comes on board. And even then, I doubt it will be on par with its competition.

As of now it is not even close to becoming a main console for many. Probably only for people who are purely interested in new Nintendo releases. But then again, what the hell does 'many' even mean here?


Not even close for me.. gonna enjoy it on our summer vacation but I will miss my Xbox, PS4 and PC the whole time.

Its a neat little system but I do not ever see it becoming my go to.
I apologize if you took offense to my opinion on what a Hardcore gamer is but throwing insults out isn't the right way to talk to people. Let's put this behind us and enjoy gaming.

I wasn't offended and I didn't insult you. That was the mentality I used to have when I was a kid, now I don't look at games like that anymore.


Anecdotal and overblown. For some people, sure. I do think there's more threads like this hyping up Switch than we had for other platforms though.
Also, what about the online experience on the switch? Has infrastructure and user interface finally reached current standards? Or is it still as bad and barebones as the Wii U's?

That's imo another big factor to consider into the mass appeal of a console.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I'm in a lot of Switch threads and I see similar sentiments from time to time but I'm sure Gaf is no indicator of the general gaming audience, and I agree that I'm not sure this specific thing is worth a thread.

However what I think could be an interesting thread is the discussion about why some people have made it their primary console. Like, a pure hardware comparison to see how many people really need high fidelity TV gaming and how many would rather sacrifice some processing power to enable more convenience and portability.

It is interesting that some people have bought the Switch and made that transition--however many that is on here in various thread. The option to make trade offs in screen size and graphic quality relative to current consoles at the time has always been there with various portables.

I guess some bought it expecting to use it mainly as a console and have been surprised by their usage who would haven't bought it if it was just a new portable from Nintendo.

In any case, I certainly get the appeal for people who fight with TV time with kids, SO, roommates etc, or people with public transit commutes, lots of travel, lots of downtime at work and less free time at home and so forth.

I like mine, but don't really care about portability. We aren't having kids, we have two 55" TVs and both like our alone time so I have plenty of time to game while my SO is working or watching her shows/movies in the next room, no public transit commutes only travel a few times a year etc. So I prefer my high fidelity big screen gaming far more than gaming on a portable so it will never by my main. It's just my Ninendo and some indies and Japanese games box that I'll play mostly on the same TV I play other games.
Switch will harm game sales on other consoles, obviously.

PS4/XOne owners who buy a Switch will buy less games for their old consoles.

WiiUs impact was very limited because it had low hardware sales, but Switch will surpass WiiUs lifetime sales within its first year.


No thanks
I have all current consoles to include the switch. I have no interest making the switch my primary. It collects dust between exclusives.


Lol. The WiiU is a main console for more people at this time. The switch is like bottom of the supported pile. It won't stay that way, but I don't think it is going to be pilfering many customers from the other two manufacturers. It is a different machine, complementary rather than in place of.
I have both Switch and PS4 and even if I have a lot of PS4 titles waiting to be played (all the heavy hitters from nov 2p16 till now in fact), I ended up playing Puyo Puyo Tetris just for convenience (I also became an addict to those sweet puyo chains). I can see this happening from here to the future


Switch will harm game sales on other consoles, obviously.

PS4/XOne owners who buy a Switch will buy less games for their old consoles.

WiiUs impact was very limited because it had low hardware sales, but Switch will surpass WiiUs lifetime sales within its first year.

Seems like a weird assumption. The vast majority of third party games still won't be coming to the Switch. I'm not going to not buy a third party game not on the switch because i own a switch. Or not buy first party games on the Xbox and Playstation because I own a switch. If I want to play a game I will get a game.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Switch will harm game sales on other consoles, obviously.

PS4/XOne owners who buy a Switch will buy less games for their old consoles.

WiiUs impact was very limited because it had low hardware sales, but Switch will surpass WiiUs lifetime sales within its first year.

Yes but there was and still is a system called the 3DS. Nintendo has sold over 66 million of them. If your argument is folks will spend less money on PS4/PC/XB1 games solely because the Switch exists even if it has limited crossover games then its not really any different than what the 3DS is.

There hasn't been any sign of PS4 sales significantly slowing down this year. Reality is the biggest 3rd party games still aren't coming to Switch (and probably never will?), in that regard its really about as impactful as the 3DS in terms of impacting sales of other consoles.


I only own a Switch (and a 3DS, if that counts). Only games I'm sad about potentially missing are FFVIIR, KH3, and the Crash remakes. Granted, I've only owned Nintendo consoles since selling my PS3 and Xbox 360 Elite before going to college 7 or so years ago, so it's not like it's unusual for me to go Nintendo only.
Seems like a weird assumption. The vast majority of third party games still won't be coming to the Switch. I'm not going to not buy a third party game not on the switch because i own a switch. Or not buy first party games on the Xbox and Playstation because I own a switch. If I want to play a game I will get a game.

Not everyone has money to buy every game he wants, I think he meant that there will be a decision involved.
Seems like a weird assumption. The vast majority of third party games still won't be coming to the Switch. I'm not going to not buy a third party game not on the switch because i own a switch. Or not buy first party games on the Xbox and Playstation because I own a switch. If I want to play a game I will get a game.

^^^^ This

I mean, I get where that person is coming from, because you spend money somewhere, means you'll have less money to spend elsewhere... but I don't think that's gonna keep most people from choosing the games they most want to play, and as long as PS4 and Xbox One keep getting compelling games that the Switch doesn't... people aren't just not gonna play those games because they've got Mario Odyssey to play on Switch.
You think a hardcore gamer is going to main a system without major third party games? Destiny, Wolfenstein, Anthem, AC: Origins, NFS Payback, Evil Within, Overwatch, Diablo, Prey,(borrowed list from poster above) are a lot of big titles that wont be on Switch. So yes IMO a hardcore gamer wont be using Switch as a main console. Don't take offense

There are scads of hardcore gamers on PC who spend most of their time playing games that aren't quite AAA third party games.

With that minor correction out of the way, I still agree with what you're saying. Most people will be using Switch as a supplementary console (mainly because of its mid-gen timing and the fact that it has to build toward a competitive library against two other mature platforms) unless they're predisposed to prefer portable platforms for their portability, or unless they vastly prefer Nintendo's offerings.
Here you guys have an example:

I also posted in this thread earlier that I was right in the middle of Horizon and Persona 5 when I got my Switch and haven't touched either of them since. I was also playing them nonstop right before I got it. I know I will go back to them eventually but I don't have the urge right now. Having too much fun jumping between Zelda, MK8 and ARMS on a nightly basis. Once I run out of those games and the wait for software is longer then I will definitely go back to PS4, but I'm also extremely interested in picking up Splatoon 2 in July and Zelda seems like a monstrous game (I'm about 20 hours in and have barely scratched the surface) so it might be a while. Furthermore, I have not owned a Nintendo console since the N64. It's not just hardcore Nintendo fans...I'm also not willing to say that it is the norm but people should really read the thread.

Edit: I think one of the possible takeaways is that it could eat into software sales a bit. Instead of me buying more games for ps4 after finishing horizon and p5, I have delayed finishing them and instead bought Switch games so there are likely some lost sales in there. But that should be obvious for anyone who owns multiple consoles.


Authorized Fister
I found it hilarious. Had friends over last weekend, one of them brough his switch with an extra pair of joy cons to play Mario Kart. Two of them got pissed about the small controllers. I got Wii controllers out with my Wii U. The response from two of them: "Wow, this is much much better than the Switch, is it the next system?!".


Gold Member
I have a Switch and love it but I'd never use it as my primary system considering that much like Wii and Wii U it's missing 99% of third party games.

It's a Nintendo / indie console which has the great USP of being able to be taken on the go.


I found it hilarious. Had friends over last weekend, one of them brough his switch with an extra pair of joy cons to play Mario Kart. Two of them got pissed about the small controllers. I got Wii controllers out with my Wii U. The response from two of them: "Wow, this is much much better than the Switch, is it the next system?!".

you should stop being friends with those people, honestly
I'm a Nintendo fan and I really, really like the console. However, as E3 showed my AAA third party games aren't coming to the console so I don't think you could really use it as a main personally. Well I couldn't anyway. Need to play stuff like Horizon and Destiny 2 etc.
Not really. I game pretty frequently on the Switch when I do other things for most games not Zelda, but it is like my other consoles.

Right now It gets a couple of hours a week, got Doom so PC has been my main go to.

I use all my consoles at least once a month....but the Xbox One has been lacking this year. Maybe getting the X will get more balance as I will get a lot of the 3rd party games there. I do see myself buying a lot of retro, pick up and play games for the Switch. Rocket League for example doesn't get much play from me on PS4, but I want it on Switch because I know I will play a lot.
Seems like a weird assumption. The vast majority of third party games still won't be coming to the Switch. I'm not going to not buy a third party game not on the switch because i own a switch. Or not buy first party games on the Xbox and Playstation because I own a switch. If I want to play a game I will get a game.

Most people have a limited budget on games. If they buy a Switch and games they will spend less money on other systems. If the Switch has 100 third party games or 1, is irrelevant for this obvious fact.


I am loving my switch but it will never replace my PS4. Needs better 3rd party support to stand a chance obviously if it is going to become the go to console.


It's you that needs to calm down, because that's not at all what this thread is about.

Maybe you should read a thread before posting in it.

Here you guys have an example:
I'm only speaking for what I've seen. A few anecdotes from this thread aren't really going to convince me this is definitely a trend, especially with counterexamples of people selling their Switches or who haven't touched it since Zelda. And again, to my other point, if it were true that swathes of gamers all over the world were dropping their PS4s to play on Switch over whatever vague timeframe we're talking about, it could be a natural result of the horrible Wii U drought at the end of its life cycle temporarily forcing Nintendo fans to turn to other systems to have something to play, only to come back to the Switch once it launched.
It will be mine... only because my PS4 Slim was recently stolen. A PS4 Pro will eventually take that spot from the Switch down the line.
Is this a meme parody? Or are you 12?



I wish it were the case for me, but there's an absence of anything for me to play. Come mid-to-end 2018, that could be a different story. But right now it collects dust. Occasionally will play a round or two of MK8D, but then put it back down 5 minutes later. Switch needs some games. One "big" game every couple months isn't going to cut it. They need third party support and more indies. Still shocked by how few indie games are in Switch. I was hoping to see tons of games like Terraria, Fez, Hotline Miami, etc to come over. Whatever happened to Stardew Valley?


The Switch is an amazing companion console. I don't think it makes sense as a primary console for anyone other than the most diehard Nintendo fans.


hey why do people say stuff like this

I think what they mean is that there are only two games they care about on the system.

IMO that's fair, since that's how I see things too. What's the point of telling me that the platform has a bunch of games that I'm not interested in? I don't get any enjoyment out of owning a console with many games, I get enjoyment from playing many games that I enjoy playing.

To me, Switch has... Zelda, Mario Kart, and the future MHXX(I live in Asia), and that's good enough for me. There will be more game, such as Metroid Prime 4, and whatever in the future, but they are too far into the future for me to give two toss.
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