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Death Note - Official Trailer


Saint Titanfall
Isn't part of what defines his character. I feel like when people talk about characterization, they always look for large dramatic gestures and sweep away the small moments like that as inconsequential when they are. Light is suppose to be distanced from Kira as much as possible. It's part of what makes "Light" such a good disguise.

Take Bruce Wayne and if they changed him from some disinterested billionaire to some scrappy poor guy who grew up in the slums of Gotham. The "ridiculousness" of him being Batman diminishes (ignoring all the tech and vehicles). The same with Light.

My point is, Light shouldn't actually look/act like those edgy kids in real life who actually made death notes and wrote down their classmate's names after the series became popular, but he does. He looks exactly like them

Light a ways have a whit about justice though it's why he became Kira. It's why the manga went out of it's way to show light solving the death note crimes. If light did note find the death note but someone else did it's likely what he would do.

I disagree about the edgy teens though. Light was the stereotypical "edgy" teen that would use the death note in the way that he did. He wasn't using initially to randomly kill people he didn't like as some school shooter. You would have be a ridiculous self righteous person to do what he did. Random vindictive teens are not that.


Making Light more pathetic in the end? Hmmmm, they should've kept that in the anime. I'm a bit more curious in reading the manga now.

Yup, it's a more fitting end. That's the only major difference as far as I can remember. The anime added
L washing Lights feet before his death.
, and that's it I think.


The trailer and manga aren't very different from the initial portrayal light was always a "good" average guy outside of his intelligience and priviledge that wanted justice (which is reinforced again and again) those two points are pretty much the same. He starts off as someone the audience could relate to, to some degree

Main difference from our limited view into it was that manga light was more intelligent less introspective and more charismatic which are really qualities tear truly came to light later on in the story.

The manga takes great length to explain the corrupting influence of the note. They even show that if he had lost his memory of the note light would go out of his way to personally solve the death note murders.

The villainy of light is in his everpresent sociopathy that are subdue and takes over the deeper into it he goes. He ultimately genuinely thinks he's better than other people and is extremely egoistic, which is something most purely displayed by his privilege. He's set for life. The trailer obviously doesn't go I'm depth about late game light aside from the fact he introspects which light never did in the manga. We'll see how similar or different they ultimately are.

In the very first episode, you get the sense that Light believes himself to be leagues better than everyone else. He didn't even pick up the note and keep it at first, he thought it was a joke. You get a very good impression of who he is, very quickly.

The trailer just shows this Light as this scrappy underdog and if the entire film turns into something like that, then it'll be disappointing. I suppose we'll see.
Yup, it's a more fitting end. That's the only major difference as far as I can remember. The anime added
L washing Lights feet before his death.
, and that's it I think.

Oh Ok, I should at least check out the manga ending though.

L looks good but sounds dorky and pretty awful casting for Light.

I also had no idea this was a Netflix production.

It was originally a Warner Brothers production and they got cold feet in taking it further and it was sold to Netflix. Much of that same production is still intact.
Dafoe as Ryuk is possibly the finest casting I can think of as of late.

However, it's gonna be impossible for this thing to not be a complete dumpster fire.


IT's not great the casting for Ruk and L is fine and i like. I don't care for Light's interpretation i get changes where it makes sense while still keeping the spirit but i don't get the change in character or why he's called Kira in america even if Killer sounds dumb might as well change to something more "american".


Obviously they've taken a number of creative liberties but that doesn't really bother me personally. Defoe's Ryuk looks absolutely perfect -- I like that they kept the name Light as well... it's honestly kind of a cool one, haha. I'll check this out! Wish it wasn't still 2 months away though.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
It's going to be different from the original and I'm going to hate it because of that.


It's going to be different from the original and I'm going to hate it because of that.


(changed this to a non-animated one.. don't wanna give someone seizures)


I didn't like this. Light continues to not impress me, namely that he seems to be this total loner, the type of guy that you'd expect to go all crazy with a Death Note. And now I have my doubts about L as well. Initially I thought that Lakeith Stanfield was an inspired choice for this due to him playing weird characters before, but I dunno, some of his lines just sound corny af. He reminds me more of his character in Get Out rather than L lol

Dafoe continues to be the best thing about this movie though.


It's hilarious that the one thing I thought for sure would end up fucked up in an American adaptation, the Shinigami, are looking to be the only thing done right.


This looks okay, but some of the scenes from the trailer look real bad. Like post
L arc bad.
So here's hoping it isn't.
Dafoe as Ryuk looks brilliant but of course they've turned it into an action movie. Of course they have.

Or, perhaps they showed the action bits in the trailer because it's the flashier shots they can show in a fast cut edited trailer without giving the story away.

For the record, it's being labeled as a supernatural thriller film.


Well that didn't really look to follow even the basics of the original. Don't mind changes to the overall story, but I think they should at least try to do thematic justice to the manga. Unless I remember the story completely wrong, Light shouldn't be doubting himself, it's a story how he just becomes more & more convinced he's a god among men who can cast judgment on anyone & everyone who does bad things or opposes him. This looks like a lame-ified version of the original story, maybe trying to make him more relatable/likable/humane, which is completely the wrong thing to do with Death Note. -_-


- Light trying to be a vigilante before getting the Death Note
- Light, the charismatic manipulator, seemingly lacking an ounce of charisma
- Light, the prodigally capable ideologue absolutely corrupted by absolute power, not being "crazy enough"
- L concealing his identity by wearing A HOODIE AT A PRESS CONFERENCE

No thanks I'm good.


This trailer was much better than the first.

I really enjoyed the manga and thought the anime was good enough, very interested to see how this adaptation is handled.

William Dafoe sounds great.
It's hilarious that the one thing I thought for sure would end up fucked up in an American adaptation, the Shinigami, are looking to be the only thing done right.

Yup. So weird.

Both main actors are pretty bad, judging from the trailers.

The girl from the Leftovers will probably show both of them up.


I dunno. Considering KIRA is just "Killer" written in Katakana, it doesnt make much sense to still call him that unless Light is obsessed with Japanese stuff in this movie.
He also calls a notebook a "note" in the trailer, so I'm starting to come around on this theory.
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