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Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker announced as the 13th Doctor!


Its kind of a bummer there is no anniversary coming up.

The multi doctor cross over will be fun whenever it happens.

Well, next year is the 55th...

The nice thing about (most of) new Who's Doctors being so relatively young is that, come the 60th, they'll still look very Doctor-ish. I appreciate the enthusiasm of guys like Davison and Colin Baker, and can understand them wanting to be in the 50th and feeling spurned that they weren't... but they frankly just don't really look like their Doctors anymore (and why would they, it was 30 years ago!).
We've had a Moffat penned Christmas Carol pastiche with the ghosts as a Doctor Christmas Special quite recently. It's been done.

I wouldn't mind if they revisited that kind of story with multiple Doctors this time, it's been 7 years since that Kazran/Abigail/flying shark episode and it was pretty different anyway.


I know it's doubtful, but there's still the chance that if Christmas really is Christmas Carol / It's a Wonderful Life we still might get 13 showing up early as a Ghost of Christmas Future type deal. There is something mindbendingly awesome about her seeing Capaldi and Bradley as her young selves.

While Chibnall is good friends with Moffat I don't think he'd want Moffat to write the first on-screen lines for Whittaker. (Also it would be pretty rough on Capaldi for him to take a backseat for his own finale)

Not that I don't think A Christmas Carol couldn't be done again in Who form.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?

I secretly quite enjoy this film.


Never seen Doctor Who, other than maybe one or two random episodes that I found so terrible that I wrote the entire series off.

With that said, is there any reason in the Doctor Who mythology that says it must be a man?

For example, does the doctor have an actual name if it's the same person? Like his name is John, and now they've just turned into Joan or something to that effect?

If not, are people just crying because it's a woman after being a man for so many years?

To the bolded, yes. I mean there could be a reason that the Doctor has always regenerated as a man but I don't believe they've ever really addressed anything like that for the character. They have, however, brought up before that he could regenerate into a woman and that time lords have changed sex via regeneration. It would be interesting if they dig more into the biology of the time lords but I doubt they would. And the canon is only canon until it's not. I mean you had crazies holding on to the idea that time lords aren't born but rather spun from a loom.

The Doctor has a real name but it's never said what it is. But boy does it make for some dumb episodes. Coincidentally he has gone by John Smith several times, which would probably be Jane Smith now.


I watched her a few times now, and... No...

Sorry, but No.

Too young and could as well be a companion with those looks. She looks too.. bland too... conservative and "cute". She is so unthreathening to the male and seems too have very little substance doctor wise. Mind you I can be pleasantly surprised, Matt Smith surprised me majorly as well. Didn't like him at first either... but grew on me.

But my first impression: Why choose something so bland with all the fantastic women out there that could have played the role. The genius that was "Missy", someone that scared you while basically recasting the Master... Brilliant! And that is my main issue, she is too.. human....

Again, like Matt Smith, she has time to add the quirks of being Alien and odd. But I would have loved for some woman with Authority in there, someone that doesn't fit the conservative ideals of beauty (Blond, Skinny, White)..

And yes, I know that criticism on the choice ... but I keep asking my self:
Why not Black? Why not less fitting to the imposed ideals of beauty? Why not Asian? Why not... etc.

Sigh... I just hope she'll grow on me, and is a hellraiser in disguise :).

At least it is one step in an interesting direction, so that's good. Another "young man" (with the exception of Capaldi) would have been even more boring.
We'll always have the audios, I guess.

Seriously, you can just adapt a lot of the Eighth Doctor Adventures straight across. The scripts just need a little tweaking (way less than they did to Jubilee to make it Dalek, for example) and voila.

Too young and could as well be a companion with those looks. She looks too.. bland too... conservative and "cute". She is so unthreathening to the male and seems too have very little substance doctor wise. Mind you I can be pleasantly surprised, Matt Smith surprised me majorly as well. Didn't like him at first either... but grew on me.

But my first impression: Why choose something so bland with all the fantastic women out there that could have played the role. The genius that was "Missy", someone that scared you while basically recasting the Master... Brilliant! And that is my main issue, she is too.. human....

Again, like Matt Smith, she has time to add the quirks of being Alien and odd. But I would have loved for some woman with Authority in there, someone that doesn't fit the conservative ideals of beauty (Blond, Skinny, White)..

And yes, I know that criticism on the choice ... but I keep asking my self:
Why not Black? Why not less fitting to the imposed ideals of beauty? Why not Asian? Why not... etc.

Man, did you catch that all of your complaints are based solely on her appearance and nothing else?
While Chibnall is good friends with Moffat I don't think he'd want Moffat to write the first on-screen lines for Whittaker. (Also it would be pretty rough on Capaldi for him to take a backseat for his own finale)

Not that I don't think A Christmas Carol couldn't be done again in Who form.

That's fair. I could see a line-less appearance though. Like the Capaldi eyebrows in Day of the Doctor.

There'd be something awesome about Capaldi still freaking out about regeneration mid episode, getting a glimpse of his future self and going "Oh. I'll be fine."


That's fair. I could see a line-less appearance though. Like the Capaldi eyebrows in Day of the Doctor.

There'd be something awesome about Capaldi still freaking out about regeneration mid episode, getting a glimpse of his future self and going "Oh. I'll be fine."

Now that you mention it, if I recall correctly the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is supposed to be silent. (And I believe Kazran was)


I watched her a few times now, and... No...

Sorry, but No.

Too young and could as well be a companion with those looks. She looks too.. bland too... conservative and "cute". She is so unthreathening to the male and seems too have very little substance doctor wise. Mind you I can be pleasantly surprised, Matt Smith surprised me majorly as well. Didn't like him at first either... but grew on me.

But my first impression: Why choose something so bland with all the fantastic women out there that could have played the role. The genius that was "Missy", someone that scared you while basically recasting the Master... Brilliant! And that is my main issue, she is too.. human....

Again, like Matt Smith, she has time to add the quirks of being Alien and odd. But I would have loved for some woman with Authority in there, someone that doesn't fit the conservative ideals of beauty (Blond, Skinny, White)..

And yes, I know that criticism on the choice ... but I keep asking my self:
Why not Black? Why not less fitting to the imposed ideals of beauty? Why not Asian? Why not... etc.

Sigh... I just hope she'll grow on me, and is a hellraiser in disguise :).

At least it is one step in an interesting direction, so that's good. Another "young man" (with the exception of Capaldi) would have been even more boring.

Too young? She's 35
I watched her a few times now, and... No...

Sorry, but No.

Too young and could as well be a companion with those looks. She looks too.. bland too... conservative and "cute". She is so unthreathening to the male and seems too have very little substance doctor wise. Mind you I can be pleasantly surprised, Matt Smith surprised me majorly as well. Didn't like him at first either... but grew on me.

But my first impression: Why choose something so bland with all the fantastic women out there that could have played the role. The genius that was "Missy", someone that scared you while basically recasting the Master... Brilliant! And that is my main issue, she is too.. human....

Again, like Matt Smith, she has time to add the quirks of being Alien and odd. But I would have loved for some woman with Authority in there, someone that doesn't fit the conservative ideals of beauty (Blond, Skinny, White)..

And yes, I know that criticism on the choice ... but I keep asking my self:
Why not Black? Why not less fitting to the imposed ideals of beauty? Why not Asian? Why not... etc.

Sigh... I just hope she'll grow on me, and is a hellraiser in disguise :).

At least it is one step in an interesting direction, so that's good. Another "young man" (with the exception of Capaldi) would have been even more boring.

I've not seen her in anything that made me consider her as a potential female Doctor, but I have no reason to doubt that she absolutely nailed her audition. We've not seen her take on the Doctor yet... I gave up doubting the casting department on this show long long ago. Any time I had doubts they proved me horrendously wrong.

Billie Piper (who I knew as that awful pop star)
John Barrowman (who I knew as that guy from Shark Attack 3)
Catherine Tate (who I knew as that unfunny sketch comedy lady)

I could list others, but those are the big ones. Since then... I've had faith in any casting choices and don't feel like that faith has ever been tested. Matt Lucas would have scared me, but I figured they knew what they were doing.

They did.

For that matter, I don't think anyone was miscast in Torchwood or Broadchurch either.

So, I'm 100% confident she nailed her audition and is the right lady for the part. I don't expect to find myself second guessing that. I've loved her in Broadchurch and Attack the Block.

Beth Lattimer is not the Doctor, but I'm not going to doubt she can do it.

I'd never seen Chris Ecclestone play a role that made me think he could be the Doctor either... but I knew him to be a good actor, and he sure as shit pulled it off.

From the first word out of his mouth he was the Doctor. Tennant had to grow on me before it clicked for me (Smith and Jones was when I stopped having occasional wobbles over him). Matt Smith didn't. Capaldi was the Doctor from the moment his eyebrows appeared on screen.

I can't wait to hear 13 speak. I hope it's the same magical moment it was for me with so many other Doctors.

I trust in Chibbers. I know many don't yet. But I do.


Man, did you catch that all of your complaints are based solely on her appearance and nothing else?

To be fair I recall that happening for both Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. So she's right on track in regards to that. Though I don't recall anyone being as weirdly insulting by saying they seem too cute or "unthreatening to males" which is lols because just look at Twitter.
Wow that we're not all on board with your casual sexism?

No sexism, perhaps you failed to read my post.

Dr Who is one of the very few shows where the male lead doesn't conform to a sexist stereotype, I think it's lame to end that instead of continuing it and starting a new show in addition starring a female lead.

I'll still watch the show, I'm just disappointed.
No sexism, perhaps you failed to read my post.

Dr Who is one of the very few shows where the male lead doesn't conform to a sexist stereotype, I think it's lame to end that instead of continuing it and starting a new show in addition starring a female lead.

Nothings 'ending'. The show just changed again. As it always does every few years. If you think the show was defined by the Doctor's junk, I can only shrug my shoulders and feel sorry that you won't be able to enjoy it any more.

Her gender was never the point. It never represented who she was. I doubt it will suddenly start... but to the young girls who have never had a female Doctor, it will absolutely matter, and there will still be 50+ years worth of Doctor Who from when she was a man (presuming she won't be a man again in the future, which would be a mistake) to enjoy.


Lame. Cannot give a female lead her own show so gotta steal one. It the only good sci-fi where the male lead not all guns and action as an answer to problems.

How have you gone this far without ever hearing about Star Trek? Is it because you don't know the definition of "steal" and your life is a constant struggle?
MacGyver hates guns too.

Does the new MacGyver hate guns?

Hey now, not every Doctor hated guns. Because the Doctor is always different, even if it's like there are 10 key traits and every Doctor has seven or more of them, but not always all of them.

Like many Doctors wouldn't pick up a sword, but at least two didn't hesitate to.


No sexism, perhaps you failed to read my post.

Dr Who is one of the very few shows where the male lead doesn't conform to a sexist stereotype, I think it's lame to end that instead of continuing it and starting a new show in addition starring a female lead.

I'll still watch the show, I'm just disappointed.

What if they keep the Doctor as a woman, but just make that new show you're suggesting and have that one star a man instead. Problem solved?
Nothings 'ending'. The show just changed again. As it always does every few years. If you think the show was defined by the Doctor's junk, I can only shrug my shoulders and feel sorry that you won't be able to enjoy it any more.

Her gender was never the point. It never represented who she was. I doubt it will suddenly start... but to the young girls who have never had a female Doctor, it will absolutely matter, and there will still be 50+ years worth of Doctor Who from when she was a man (presuming she won't be a man again in the future, which would be a mistake) to enjoy.

You mention a female Doctor mattering to girls (because so few female leads), can you not see a male lead not conforming to expected stereotypes being appealling for the same reason?


Nothings 'ending'. The show just changed again. As it always does every few years. If you think the show was defined by the Doctor's junk, I can only shrug my shoulders and feel sorry that you won't be able to enjoy it any more.

Her gender was never the point. It never represented who she was. I doubt it will suddenly start... but to the young girls who have never had a female Doctor, it will absolutely matter, and there will still be 50+ years worth of Doctor Who from when she was a man (presuming she won't be a man again in the future, which would be a mistake) to enjoy.

Moreover, unless I'm missing something, the new series has always had at least one man and one woman on board the TARDIS at all times, which I don't see changing any time soon. Jack and Rory were both positive male role models, no?


You mention a female Doctor mattering to girls (because so few female leads), can you not see a male lead not conforming to expected stereotypes being appealling for the same reason?

The gist of what you're saying - that the Doctor has been a male lead in sci-fi who doesn't conform to stereotypes of fantasy action heroes - is a good point, but your original post is phrased in a stupid and hyperbolic way ("stealing" a show), which is what people have responded to.

The Doctor will be male again, preferably a PoC, but I think the presence of a female sci-fi lead will enable more stereotypes and tropes to be shattered.


Hey now, not every Doctor hated guns. Because the Doctor is always different, even if it's like there are 10 key traits and every Doctor has seven or more of them, but not always all of them.

Like many Doctors wouldn't pick up a sword, but at least two didn't hesitate to.

Their views on violence change all the time and it's one of the most interesting bits.

10 hated guns with a passion, to the point where he would smack talk military dudes about it. 11 found River with a gun to be sexy. 12 would just blow shit up or bust out the old Venusian Aikido.


The Twitter meltdowns by the MRA nutjobs is just joyous. Keep ranting on chaps.

Still think Dr. Who is a bit naff.


Their views on violence change all the time and it's one of the most interesting bits.

10 hated guns with a passion, to the point where he would smack talk military dudes about it. 11 found River with a gun to be sexy. 12 would just blow shit up or bust out the old Venusian Aikido.

Though he did do that weird thing in his last episode, where he spun around in a circle, pointing a revolver at the Master, then Rassilon, then the Master again, over and over (for some reason cocking the gun each time).
Though he did do that weird thing in his last episode, where he spun around in a circle, pointing a revolver at the Master, then Rassilon, then the Master again, over and over (for some reason cocking the gun each time).

Did he pick up a gun in The Doctor's Daughter? I haven't watched it since it aired. I sort of remember that.


Though he did do that weird thing in his last episode, where he spun around in a circle, pointing a revolver at the Master, then Rassilon, then the Master again, over and over (for some reason cocking the gun each time).

His hatred of guns was kind of the point of that scene. He told Wilf to piss off with the gun earlier in the episode, but took it in a "shit has gotten so real he's resorted to this" moment.
You mention a female Doctor mattering to girls (because so few female leads), can you not see a male lead not conforming to expected stereotypes being appealling for the same reason?

There are a lot of shows with a lot of male leads and I'm pretty sure more than a few of them dont' conform to expected stereotypes

That said: The Doctor has been known to conform to male stereotypes (maybe not as frequently) partially because the majority of people writing/directing him have also been males who enjoy indulging said stereotypes.

You're not really going to be losing anything by having a female Doctor. Instead you'll be gaining a new twist on a familiar formula.

Why not choose to look at it that way, instead of choosing to look at it as some sort of inherent loss?

How is this not a gain, really? Especially considering the themes/aims of the show in general? Especially considering your favorite Trek is VOYAGER?

if you managed to reconcile that show taking on a new form with a female lead without wondering how/why this was going to be considered a net loss for the male gender, how is it you can't reconcile that now, with a show that ostensibly makes the prospect even easier to digest via the fictional universe it occupies

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Watching someone in other things really doesn't give any indication of how they'll play the Doctor. I watched plenty of Capaldi but nothing came close to his Doctor.

They said she blew them away in Doctor auditions, so that's enough for me.


This whole concept that The Doctor didn't conform to male hero stereotypes about violence is interesting and all, but where are all these female pacifist Sci-Fi leads?

Janeway was one of, if not THE, bloodiest Trek captains. Ridley kicked ass, Buffy kicked ass. Who else is there?
People been posting the pic of that general regenerating into a woman: She regenerated like that because the Doctor flat out grabbed a gun and shot it.
The gist of what you're saying - that the Doctor has been a male lead in sci-fi who doesn't conform to stereotypes of fantasy action heroes - is a good point, but your original post is phrased in a stupid and hyperbolic way ("stealing" a show), which is what people have responded to.

The Doctor will be male again, preferably a PoC, but I think the presence of a female sci-fi lead will enable more stereotypes and tropes to be shattered.

It was just an initial reaction so brief, and I already posted not the literal use of the word steal, which I suspect some people knew but ignored anyway. You can't steal a show.


I seem to recall Colin Baker shooting the crap out of Cybermen back in the day. Or was it the 5th Doctor? Hmmm, can't remember. But he definitely used a gun a bunch in the old stuff.

As for Jodie as the newest Doctor Who, I'm all for it. A while back, I remember thinking it wouldn't work if the Doctor regenrated into a woman, but after Michelle Gomez absolutely KILLED it as the Master/Missy, I think it could work really well.


This whole concept that The Doctor didn't conform to male hero stereotypes about violence is interesting and all, but where are all these female pacifist Sci-Fi leads?

Janeway was one of, if not THE, bloodiest Trek captains. Ridley kicked ass, Buffy kicked ass. Who else is there?

Are there all that many female sci-fi leads in general?


Did he pick up a gun in The Doctor's Daughter? I haven't watched it since it aired. I sort of remember that.

Jenny does, I don't remember Ten doing it though.

His hatred of guns was kind of the point of that scene. He told Wilf to piss off with the gun earlier in the episode, but took it in a "shit has gotten so real he's resorted to this" moment.

I know, I just wanted to reminisce out loud about how silly that moment was.
How have you gone this far without ever hearing about Star Trek? Is it because you don't know the definition of "steal" and your life is a constant struggle?

I'm pretty certain Picard, Kirk, and Sisko went around blasting things on a regular basis. Each one in different amounts and in varying ways (Sisko was a mad man), but still...


Maybe if they work together they can come close to matching the Doctor's body count.

I didn't even really think about it, but the "pacifist" Doctor has such a high body count he make a death-obsessed space executioner go "oh what the fuck" at his record this past season.
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