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Trump: Trans Soldiers now barred from the military entirely

For those seeking SRS, it is a medical need.

Firstly, it's not a matter of opting in or out of something. Most trans people cannot afford SRS. If you polled trans people based on income level, you would see SRS a lot more often among people making a living wage.

Secondly, the existence of people who do not seek care in some way or another does not mean that it is elective. For example, someone can have chronic back pain, but the fact that they do not or cannot seek care doesn't mean treatment is elective.

I see. I think I was not getting the term 'elective' in the right context.
I can't put into words how disheartening it is to see some African-Americans defending Trump's decision citing the same "the military isn't the place for social experiments" argument that was once used to keep African-Americans out of the military.

I can't stand people that think simply existing is a social experiment.




I can't put into words how disheartening it is to see some African-Americans defending Trump's decision citing the same "the military isn't the place for social experiments" argument that was once used to keep African-Americans out of the military.

It's sad, but shouldn't really be surprising. No sex, race/ethnicity and class is free of bigotry.


It is times like this that I really want to go back and do a headcount of those that voted for Trump so I can give my middle finger a work out.
I have already been dealing on my Facebook with people who are all "I stand with LBGT" and I say no, uh uh fuck you. You do not get to do that when you voted for Trump.
You do not get to go back and pretend now that you did not know.
This board is no different.


Conservative radio is especially disgusting tonight.

Probably been mentioned but:
US military spends 84 million in Viagra for personnel
US military spends 2.3 million on transgendered insurance

Fuck you Donald Trump.
Currently rewatching it for at least the 10th time. Has taken on a new lease of life in these days days. Feels like a fantasy show now.

Tried re-watching a couple of times. Way to daunting and to much other shit to do. Maybe when I retire for good someday.

Edit: Now I'm watching You Tube clips
Tangent question: I'm seeing a lot different numbers for number of trans people in the military. Ranges from 6,000-15,000.

That said, the military is ~2MM according to wikipedia and an article I'm looking at from NYT says that roughly .06% of the US population. That would mean that approx. 1,200 people in the military would be trans unless there is disproportionate representation. But could that order of magnitude for representation be 5-12?

The RAND study that I see in the news says 1,300-6,000 (rounding here) and Jenner says 15,000. If anything the only number that I could see being accurate is the low end of the RAND study.

Edit: To clarify this is not a "there's only a few of them" post. Rather the numbers I've seen in the news today didn't pass my initial gut check and I am trying to validate.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
"They were gullible! They bought into his charade!"

WHAT CHARADE!? He wasn't selling himself as some well spoken wholesome guy that treated everyone with respect. This stuff didn't just jump out from nowhere after the election. Nothing changed. If someone tells you they're selling a bottle of piss and you gladly accept and gulp that shit down don't get defensive and say you didn't mean to. You were told. You bought it. You deserve it.

The only thing anyone could be gullible about with Trump is how he said he'd bring jobs back. But what kind of drooling imbecile would believe that a NYC billionaire who lives in a tower of gold with his name on it, would have the interests of factory workers and the middle class at heart, really.


At one point I was considering voting for Tump, knowing very little of what he said in the past, and having not watch or paid any attention to what any of the candidates said, because I thought he had no chance in hell of winning, and it'd be hilarious in cosmic sorta irony way if he won. I didn't vote however, because of a lot of personal reasons. I guess however, it would've made me a racist immediately if I had voted for him.
It might not have made you a racist, but it sure as shit would have made you a racist-enabling dumbfuck, and you would rightly get shit for it. Seriously, admitting you considered voting "for the lulz" is not the shining defense you think it is.

Also, I'm starting to think you totally did vote for him. That would explain why you're so defensive.


I wonder what the increase in suicide rates for members of the military will be when all is said and done.

This administration and party will probably break records for how much domestic blood is on its hands.



The only thing anyone could be gullible about with Trump is how he said he'd bring jobs back. But what kind of drooling imbecile would believe that a NYC billionaire who lives in a tower of gold with his name on it, would have the interests of factory workers and the middle class at heart, really.

Yep. In the words of Obama "Come on man!"


I have no idea why, but I once heard that the army DO have a disproportionate representation of trans people.

Maybe it is like being in denial -> trying to be super manly to compensate -> army

Thanks for this. I've also seen Gender Confirmation Surgery. Do you have insight into whether that's any better?

Gender Confirmation is better than SRS

GRS is just wrong.
There needs to be a sequel to this:

"How could I have known???"


I have no idea why, but I once heard that the army DO have a disproportionate representation of trans people.

Maybe it is like being in denial -> trying to be super manly to compensate -> army.

No, it's because trans people have no civil rights protection and can be fired or evicted for being transgender with no recourse in most states.

The Armed Forces won't do that. Until today!


Absolutely disgusting. There was a segment on the news earlier where Trump made a campaign promise that he'd "protect" the LGBT community. I bet his supporters will say he is protecting them, by not letting them get killed in war/conflicts.

In reality, it's just another tactic to try and take everyone's attention off of the Russian investigation. I wish they'd find the smoking gun and bury his ass already. Our government impeached Clinton for getting a hummer from an intern, but Trump is fucking us all, and nothing is happening.


Girlfriend and I know someone that is an openly trans service member working for the DoD, wonder what is going to happen to her. She's super smart and was getting promoted at a pretty rapid pace. Can't imagine what's going through her mind right now.


It's just another tactic to try and take everyone's attention off of the Russian investigation. I wish they'd find the smoking gun and bury his ass already.

For real, our government impeached Clinton for getting a hummer from an intern, but Trump is fucking us all, and nothing is happening.

I think it's an unintended positive consequence for him. His real goal truly seems to be to make sure that his wall bullshit isn't as much of a disaster as the healthcare repeal has been for him.

Or maybe it's the other way around.


I still can't believe this. I know zero trans people, so from a "personal stakes" standpoint this doesn't affect me at all, but it's still one of the most hurtful things this rancid growth of pus-filled anal cancer has done.

Forget the ugliness of the policy of itself, look at the way he f*cking said it. "... cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail..."

The implication here being that trans people are disruptive leeches just by their very existence. If it's even offensive to someone like me, I can't even imagine how ugly it feels to people who know/are trans themselves. Not that anyone would want to lay down their life for this sorry-ass country right now in the military anyway, but that's beside the point.

You know, I made a post last year around the fourth of July calling some guy who burned the flag in protest an edgelord doofus. While I still think he was doing it for attention, it doesn't matter anymore. Burn it all down - for as long as Trump is president, I don't think it's literally possible for me to feel any sense of patriotism or love for the dumbass states of america. I almost want to go buy a bunch of flags this weekend just to burn them privately in my home.

Thank God Nintendo is hot right now again. If they keep pumping out these grade-A games, I can keep sleepwalking through existence until either this nightmare is over or we're all dead.


Went to Facebook and someone I know that is in the military posted this;

"For everyone that is getting upset due to what Trump just put out....Just hear me out if the military will separate you for being BiPolar, Depressed...try and find help for alcohol or anger problems. Why you think it's ok to put someone on meds trying to change genders in combat or potential combat. So your saying one medical condition is better than the other."
Went to Facebook and someone I know that is in the military posted this;

"For everyone that is getting upset due to what Trump just put out....Just hear me out if the military will separate you for being BiPolar, Depressed...try and find help for alcohol or anger problems. Why you think it's ok to put someone on meds trying to change genders in combat or potential combat. So your saying one medical condition is better than the other."
Your acquaintance in the military is ignorant, and I've had it with people making being transgender out to be a mental illness.
Went to Facebook and someone I know that is in the military posted this;

"For everyone that is getting upset due to what Trump just put out....Just hear me out if the military will separate you for being BiPolar, Depressed...try and find help for alcohol or anger problems. Why you think it's ok to put someone on meds trying to change genders in combat or potential combat. So your saying one medical condition is better than the other."
Tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about and to shut the fuck up and link a few articles if you're feeling generous.

And then unfriend him to save yourself the headache.
Lots of gays can also be pretty transphobic unfortunately, and just as bigoted as the people who hate them. It sucks that some gays don't understand that if you don't support the T in LGBT the other letters fall as well.

And there should be no forgiveness for those people either. Anyone for discrimination of any kind might as well admit they believe "it's not enough for me to be happy, I want others to not be as happy".


Do the boner pills really cost them more?

Go hitchhike into the sun, Trump.

You can't have aggression without boners, and only violent cis male aggression wins battles. Victory in battles protects freedom. Boners = freedom, straight-up.


The Birthday Skeleton
On another thread people laughed when I said Trump was a great marketig guy, that he doesnt do anything by mistake, everything is well thought. We are now on 44 pages of this trans soldier news while the failed repeal of obamacare has 4. He succesfuly changed the news focus yet again.

Are you going to try this shtick in every bad Trump thread? Your derailing tactic is too transparent already. There's nothing genius about Trump, just greediness and bigotry. In this case for example was him actually not understanding the issue at hand and just acting on impulse. I guess having no love for trans people helped the decision.

Dead Man

Your use of the word "nice" reminds me of a perhaps the biggest thing I've learned over the past year:
There are a ton of people in this county who are "nice." They're pleasant to be around. Polite. Cordial.

But being "nice" is not the same as being decent. And there are a ton of people in this country who, while being outwardly "nice," are fundamentally vile and indecent to their core.

Very well said.
Your use of the word "nice" reminds me of a perhaps the biggest thing I've learned over the past year:
There are a ton of people in this county who are "nice." They're pleasant to be around. Polite. Cordial.

But being "nice" is not the same as being decent. And there are a ton of people in this country who, while being outwardly "nice," are fundamentally vile and indecent to their core.

I'm curious, was this discovery based on things happening that affecting you personally/affecting those around you or because you're just paying more attention?
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