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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Neo Member
Orisa is life.

Maybe this will finally teach people that they need to shoot the shields.

Oh wow, those shield changes look excellent! Having it be a little taller and deeper is gonna help out a lot with shielding hits from Pharah, which is really the only area where her barrier is lacking right now.

If Orisa is going to be good she needs better skins. Maybe a walking Christmas tree.

She definitely needs more skins, but her regular Sunrise skin is already really great. It's way better than her default, and one of the few skins in the game that actually looks good with a gold weapon


That's not the point, the problem is not him being op or weak, it's the rocket punch ability.

No one says Hanzo is op just because he has a scatter arrow. We really didn't need more bullshit like this in the game

If his rocket punch is "bullshit", then we need to remove all the "bullshit" in the game.

Without that ability, he is a wasted roster spot. He relies on rocket punch as a combo starter/finisher. Nerfing it or fucking with the CD immidietely makes him weaker than nearly anyone on the roster.

His is a high risk/high reward character. He has the hitbox of a Reindhardt without the shield. On top of that, he barely has a gun AND he is a completely situational character depending on what map you are on and if youre on offense or defense.

Yet people are complaining that he has ONE good move. Thats ridiculous, and really embodies what I hate most about competitive games and their communities these days.


This is why people hated Roadhog. People don't want to learn footsies!

Agreed. Its the same bullshit we heard about RH, Dva, and others who got the nerf hammer.

Rather than learning a new meta, they would rather complain until Blizzard changes it and makes it so that they can go back to doing what they were doing for the past year and a half.
Than people need to use the right terminology and not call him OP. That's a big deal in my opinion.

I think his Rocket Punch can get some stupid kills sometimes but...
A. He can get punished pretty easily when he does it.
B. There's lots of abilities in the game that can get dumb kills i.e. scatter arrow, Roadhog's hook, Junkrat, etc.

That's not me defending the design behind the ability, but there's a lot of other heroes in this game with similar abilities. I will say that if you weaken his punch, he becomes a much less viable hero and way less fun to play.

They can start by reducing the hitbox of that move, I've been seeing some ridiculous interactions with the rocket punch on twitch/YT and I also died in some really questionable ways. Edit: I really want to find a clip of a Soldier dying behind a car to a doomfist punch in king's row first point but I can't :(

It's still too soon to make drastic changes, I totally agree to that. But they have a lot of room to try things, he has two more abilities and a primary fire that works in a unique way.

This is why people hated Roadhog. People don't want to learn footsies!

I don't think Roadhog is comparable, he has no mobility.

Doomfist can appear in front of you out of nowhere, and he can charge his punch pretty damn fast. Not much you can do about that, it's especially bad as a support. Ana sleep dart is a godsend but she sucks on console.
You can kill Doomfist with a charged Zenyatta alt-fire as he's Rocket Punching towards you and you will still die to the punch.

It's broken.
...this exact same thing happened to me last night and I recorded it to bitch about it but luckily other people already know about it lol
I think it's fine since DF's hitbox is so big as well.

He does have a huge hitbox, it's almost impossible to miss a shot on him with hitscan.

You can kill Doomfist with a charged Zenyatta alt-fire as he's Rocket Punching towards you and you will still die to the punch.

It's broken.

I've for sure been Fisted thru a flashbang numerous times. He gets stunned but I still get killed.
Guys I think DF kinda sucks but it's really not comparable to hog. Hog with hook 1.0 and if he was much faster and smaller maybe

There are a ton of bugged deaths with rocket punch

Also, yeah Ana is fucking garbage on console and has been for months and blizzard hasn't done shit


Neo Member
Yeah I really don't think Doomfist is a problem, honestly. The chargeup on his Rocket Punch is so telegraphed that any halfway-decent Zarya can bubble his target for free charge pretty much every time.


You wanna counter DF? Have a McCree just shoot him literally anywhere on his body and he'll die in like 2 shots.


Agreed. Its the same bullshit we heard about RH, Dva, and others who got the nerf hammer.

Rather than learning a new meta, they would rather complain until Blizzard changes it and makes it so that they can go back to doing what they were doing for the past year and a half.

I think it's safe to say Dva was and still is broken.


only acceptable change to doomfist is to tighten up his punch. it's fist 1.0. That said, doomfist only works when he gets in close so if you don't hit anyone you're basically dead.


Watching season 4 matches today, Doomfist definitely seems like a strong DPS option. He kinda necussitates a healer like Ana or Mercy but on a map like Horizon point A he seems like a must for defense. Because the most viable attack option is to go upstairs and Doomfist thrives on team fights in enclosed spaces. Similar on Hollywood, an offensive Doomfist can decimate a defense in the cafe.

The issue with Doomfist is him fulfilling the same role as Genji/Tracer but being much easier to isolate and eliminate. He doesn't get dash resets so if you hard commit on a dive he is likely to get eliminated in the fight even if he picks up a crucial kill. But I think with good support Doomfist is very strong. He was used a lot during the Apex matches last night.
You wanna counter DF? Have a McCree just shoot him literally anywhere on his body and he'll die in like 2 shots.

My best games as McCree have been against Doomfists. Flashbanging a Rocket Punch is 👌.

I think it's safe to say Dva was and still is broken.

I feel like everybody has a different definition of "broken."

To me, Reinhardt's hammer not actually hitting/doing damage is broken. Doomfist's hitbox extending well beyond where it should hit is broken. A character doing what they're designed to do well isn't broken.
Was playing tonight on PS4. A few games before hitting diamond, I had one where we needed to hold them under 1 tick. Two of us get killed by ulting Genji and we lose the match because the other four are apparently playing Call of Duty off the point.

Makes me seriously question the whole SR system. I can't even imagine what bronze is like if this is the top 10-15% of players.

Low Bronze is like 12 chickens with their heads cut off that have had auto-firing weaponry strapped to their bodies. I'm not even kidding. It is chaos.


I'm watching the Kongdoo Pantera vs Uncia Apex game.

Doomfist getting one shot kills is pretty damn exciting. Up until now, all the characters in the meta had to put in a certain amount of damage to get results in fights. Oneshot kills are fun to see because those are the ones that can change the tide of a battle in an instant. It's why we really need Roadhog back. It's been said over and over, but the fact that his hook was oneshot was not a flaw. It just wasn't.
If his rocket punch is "bullshit", then we need to remove all the "bullshit" in the game.

Without that ability, he is a wasted roster spot. He relies on rocket punch as a combo starter/finisher. Nerfing it or fucking with the CD immidietely makes him weaker than nearly anyone on the roster.

His is a high risk/high reward character. He has the hitbox of a Reindhardt without the shield. On top of that, he barely has a gun AND he is a completely situational character depending on what map you are on and if youre on offense or defense.

Yet people are complaining that he has ONE good move. Thats ridiculous, and really embodies what I hate most about competitive games and their communities these days.
The problem is the move is fundamentally glitchy. That's what's bullshit, not that it's a OHK, that you can kill him first and still be killed by it. Roadhog's hook was a OHK but you could still counter it after you were hooked, and it was pretty easy to avoid if you have working ears. Doomfist is a lot more mobile and harder to predict. If I kill him while he's rocket punching I shouldn't be killed afterwards. And the hitbox for the move is giant. It's garbage. They need to tweak it to be more like hook 2.0 and not hook 1.0. You can have powerful moves that aren't also bullshit. Even for hook 1.0 though generally you had to be out of a barrier and out of position, Doomfist doesn't give a shit about either. If they reduce his hitbox while reducing the hitbox and bullshittery/glitchyness of rocket punch at the same time that's fair and makes sense.

And yeah, he sucks ass outside of it and even with it so maybe they should have designed him better.
Rocket Punch seems to be at the mercy of the ol' online discrepancies, for the times where his fist seems to have flung itself around a door corner to hit me I've had times where I'm so damn sure I should've splatted someone with it only to apparently miss entirely by a smidge.

She definitely needs more skins, but her regular Sunrise skin is already really great. It's way better than her default, and one of the few skins in the game that actually looks good with a gold weapon

As soon as Orisa dropped I was straight in there on sunrise, might go back to it after lootboxes have slowly had me rotate through all the colour options.

I don't care for her non regular skins at all, especially ones that lose her expressiveness which is how she communicates her character.


i wouldn't mind if they decreased the amount of damage you take when you hit a wall depending on how far away the wall is from the point of contact. like, if a 200 hp character hits a wall at max range then i don't think that should be a ohko
As soon as Orisa dropped I was straight in there on sunrise, might go back to it after lootboxes have slowly had me rotate through all the colour options.

I don't care for her non regular skins at all, especially ones that lose her expressiveness which is how she communicates her character.

I actually really like the bug skins, and she still keeps her normal eyes.


i wouldn't mind if they decreased the amount of damage you take when you hit a wall depending on how far away the wall is from the point of contact. like, if a 200 hp character hits a wall at max range then i don't think that should be a ohko

I think the OHKO is the whole point of this hero. "One Punch is all I need."


I think the OHKO is the whole point of this hero. "One Punch is all I need."

i don't mind the ohko if you're close to or near a wall, but dying from a punch that sends you across a street sucks. maybe reduce the distance of push back on the punch then


Ehh, I don't think someone like Doomfist should even have a one hit kill. He is played fundamentally different than snipers or Hog and can approach from numerous angles, a lot of times near impossible to predict.
Doomfist puts himself at significant risk to get those OHKOs though.

Give him time. I think the complaints about him will follow the trajectory that the complaints about Bastion did at launch.
I dislike one hit ko moves (scatter arrow drives me nuts, heck Hanzo drives me nuts as that's pretty much his gimmick with normal shots assuming he's accurate).
Yet for perhaps bias reasoning of just loving the heck outta blitzing people into walls I don't find Doomfist nearly as frustrating in this regard.

It may be due to the combo of buildup he requires to really launch you, the sound that gives him away and the fact that he has to throw himself into the mix and commit to that with the punch which is risky when it's not a teamfight or isolated player.
Basically I feel like I have more of a chance to evade or even just take him down before the move compared to the original Hook or Scatter Arrow.

I actually really like the bug skins, and she still keeps her normal eyes.

I feel like I should like them but I think it's the colours that put me off.
One of them constantly makes me think of the Pokemon Heracross, not a bad mon at all mind you.


I think DF requires quite a bit of skill to not die after performing his OHKOs. He's sorta the whole risk vs reward similar to Genji except his mobility is more limited. DF's Ult is also incredibly shitty.

Maybe he can have a rework in the future but I assume Blizzard will just see how he does for a few months before they change anything.


Ehh, I don't think someone like Doomfist should even have a one hit kill. He is played fundamentally different than snipers or Hog and can approach from numerous angles, a lot of times near impossible to predict.

Without the powerful punch, he'd be trash.


Unconfirmed Member
Doomfist is getting a slight nerf on the PTR patch by virtue of every character being buffed is a counter to Doomfist. I'm not looking forward to that change.
Changing his punch to only be stun --- and really long stun if the enemy hit the wall, will still make him viable.

Not really. He's barely viable as is.

They just need to fix its hitbox and getting killed by it even after killing DF, then they can tweak him however they like because then he won't be glitchy,


Without the powerful punch, he'd be trash.

Yeah, but it's still not healthy. Hog was dependent on LoS and could be countered by just good positional awareness. Right now if you are a back line support a Doomfist on the other team means your life is miserable. Numerous times playing Ana and Zen a Doomfist has leapt onto me out of nowhere and 100-0 without me being able to do anything. Versus Hog, he has his loud footsteps and limited angles he can approach from. And without hook then, he was an ult feeder like he is now.

Doomfist is the character where a one-hit kill feels like bad design, not pre-nerf Hog.


Not really. He's barely viable as is.

They just need to fix its hitbox and getting killed by it even after killing DF, then they can tweak him however they like because then he won't be glitchy,

He's plenty viable. He has the highest win rate of any DPS in Competitive right now.

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