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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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I think Psychoward got banned for something else though no?

Probably a good reason to not make lists like this.

I wont defend him of course, but isnt his fanbase filled with 15/16 years old? They probably found him funny for saying that, his subscriptions are gonna probably be higher with this shitty atittude.

What's your point, that people should ignore what he said cause of his audience?


I don't know if this has been mentioned, but it's nice to see TB has gone back to being his usual, shitty self: https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/907108495044030464

Wasn't TB throwing on the cape for JonTron too?

It's a fuckin good ol' boys club at the top of the Youtube hierarchy

Serious question, did you guys at least read ALL of his tweet about this bullshit or just hottake that tweet chain so you can put certain hat on TB?
Yep, that's just in here

Wasn't TB throwing on the cape for JonTron too?

It's a fuckin good ol' boys club at the top of the Youtube hierarchy

Angry Joe atleast condemned PDP so there's one who hasn't joined in defending him.

It's pretty pathetic how these Youtubers are courting the alt-right audience. They won't condemn PDP and claim they are in the "middle" but wait for a diversity in games issue to crop and they all come out to call it bullshit.


( ≖‿≖)
I think a statistic of how many people got banned trying to defend pdp in this thread, would be interesting.

I can think of few things that are less interesting. People's obsession with "graveyard" threads is corny as hell.
Ugh, Boogie always with the fucking apologetics. That great sack of lard could attend a lynching, and still he'd be swinging for the plight of the racists.

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but it's nice to see TB has gone back to being his usual, shitty self: https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/907108495044030464
Amazing. Dude is just straight up playing the victim here. How dare people ask him to speak up about the issues in the community he makes a living from.


Boogie's response to this baffles me to such a degree, it's insane. I'm gonna do what he says he always wants to do and assume the best of him, but the best I can come up with is dangerous stupidity.

Calling this "personal politics" and coming out of this incident worried that content creators can legally have some form of control over what their brand is used to do, while millions of children get exposed to this.

Come on.

Yeah... Youtube at the very least needs content warnings and better parental controls options.


What's your point, that people should ignore what he said cause of his audience?
Nope, just stating that this wont affect his superstar status and that his youtube page will probably continue to have millions of fans, its not the first time he had done shit like this and his popularity just grew up, thats why i talked about the fanbase age.


Glad to see these YouTubers are showing themselves for what they really are more and more. Makes it easier to not accidentally support them if you're not very up to date in regards to their usual behavior. I never watched PDP's videos anyways until the Disney-Nazi thing came up, but I did watch some of Boogie's videos in the past and now I can make sure that doesn't happen again.
Ugh, Boogie always with the fucking apologetics. That great sack of lard could attend a lynching, and still he'd be swinging for the plight of the racists.

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but it's nice to see TB has gone back to being his usual, shitty self: https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/907108495044030464
At least read every tweet in the chain before saying this, he clearly has condemned it assuming that was related to the drama watchers on youtube plus the channels that thrive off it.
I know he didn't condemn JonTron and he is shitty for doing that but this time he did condemn the person responsive.

The impact of this happening could be massive to advertisers and could result in many more channels/videos etc being declared ad unfriendly or more advertisers jumping ship from YouTube.
That is the implication of the biggest youtuber doing this publicly.


Guys, there can be multiple reasons for people getting banned, even in this thread.

If you wonder why a specific person got banned, ask mods.

I'm surprise youtube hasn't done anything. this is insanely bad PR for their service

As long as it isn't dicks or boobs, YouTube/Alphabet pretty much tolerates everything.
a racist can't make money off of the hard work of others, where is the scary as hell part? i guess it's scary if you're a racist yourself.

man these youtubers wanna be taken seriously except when it comes to consequences. replace "playing a game" (a profession) with any other profession, and "their personal politics" with "saying fucking n****r at work", is that scary as hell? because that's what this is.

Just wait, we will get alternative "entertainment" channels where this stuff is allowed.
isnt he like pushing 30 or something?

dude needs to fucking grow up and go back to school or something. embarrassing display of juvenile behavior from an adult. a teenager can be forgiven for racial slurs in heated moments, but he should DEFINITELY know better by now.. oh well, cant take that back. enjoy the backlash.
Man, I used to like Boogie a lot, but the whole Jon Tron thing really separated me from all YouTube Gamers. I expected better reactions from the community, from what was the most clearly racist rant I've heard all year. Few I followed mentioned it, and some even stuck up for him. Gross. There should have been outright condemnation, but Jon never got that. There was no middle ground with the type of stuff he said.

One thing was clear, they would complain about SJWs all day, but as soon as something racist popped up, there would be silence, or, suddenly, time and consideration would be given to them.

I never consciously stopped watching, I just never wanted to again. I would see them on the screen and just ignore.

Same. Outside of gaf and a couple specific reddits, I want nothing to do with you tubers or let's play people on YouTube anymore. There are some good streamers, but I don't even let my little one watch YouTube any longer because I don't want him mixed up in gaming culture of today at all.


This is why you need people speaking out about this.

Look at that rant by TB. He'd happily keep quiet about it under the guise of. "You guys know racism is bad. Why do I need to say anything?" You guys just want a witch hunt, purity bs."

Look at how he responded. Look at what he DIDN'T say about PDP.


Wasn't TB throwing on the cape for JonTron too?

It's a fuckin good ol' boys club at the top of the Youtube hierarchy
I'm not too sure on how/if he reacted to the JonTron incident. He might've pulled a H3H3 and gone radio silent on the matter. I've never understood the mentality of certain YouTubers circling the wagons when another outs themselves as being despicable; having the JonTrons and the PewDiePies kicked off the platform can only be a good thing for the other heavy hitters.
Seriously. Can't wait to see how Philip de Franco "weighs in," these guys are scum bags. I hope Philip proves me wrong.

Hm, could you explain this? I'm not a fan of Philip de Franco, but my girlfriend watches him most days and I wasn't aware of any sort of scandal surrounding him and going easy on hate speech.


At least read every tweet in the chain before saying this, he clearly has condemned it assuming that was related to the drama watchers on youtube plus the channels that thrive off it.
I know he didn't condemn JonTron and he is shitty for doing that but this time he did condemn the person responsive.

The impact of this happening could be massive to advertisers and could result in many more channels/videos etc being declared ad unfriendly or more advertisers jumping ship from YouTube.
That is the implication of the biggest youtuber doing this publicly.

Nah Boogie has done this time and again. So he decided to jump in without even fully knowing what happened? Using the excuse that PDP and others don't know the weight that word carries?

Boogie could have easily came out and said. "you don't say that shit. Ever. PDP you fucked up" and left it at that.
This is why you need people speaking out about this.

Look at that rant by TB. He'd happily keep quiet about it under the guise of. "You guys know racism is bad. Why do I need to say anything?" You guys just want a witch hunt, purity bs."

Look at how he responded. Look at what he DIDN'T say about PDP.
Seriously, scrolling through his timeline, it's basically whining that people are asking him to speak up, complaining that this will drive more advertisers away and a lot of stuff about copyright claims. Shows his priorities right there.


I'm not too sure on how/if he reacted to the JonTron incident. He might've pulled a H3H3 and gone radio silent on the matter. I've never understood the mentality of certain YouTubers circling the wagons when another outs themselves as being despicable; having the JonTrons and the PewDiePies kicked off the platform can only be a good thing for the other heavy hitters.

It's not "Youtubers", it's particular Youtubers who stick to their side/group. Boogie doesn't have a problem about PDP using the n-word. He's upset that it's a big deal that could potentially threaten his income.


At least read every tweet in the chain before saying this, he clearly has condemned it assuming that was related to the drama watchers on youtube plus the channels that thrive off it.
I know he didn't condemn JonTron and he is shitty for doing that but this time he did condemn the person responsive.

The impact of this happening could be massive to advertisers and could result in many more channels/videos etc being declared ad unfriendly or more advertisers jumping ship from YouTube.
That is the implication of the biggest youtuber doing this publicly.

You forget what side of GG Bain was on. He doesn't want to lose that base, so he won't say anything.
From what I've read it's mostly posts saying that people are overreacting but you have to understand that the whole n-word and other racism hasn't really had the same history in Sweden as it has in America so people who aren't aware or doesn't care about other countries or issues doesn't understand the big deal.

With that being said there is also a surge in racism right now and it has been happening for a couple of years with a racist party (Sverigedemokraterna) being the second largest right now in the polls so people are starting to come out of the woodwork so to speak.

To be fair, unfortunately a lot of Americans seem to think that people are overreacting too. Lowest common denominator.
As for a right wing politician gaining power and emboldening racists to speak out, that too is a far too common occurrence. I think the latest example is recent enough on everone's minds...

I'm Spanish and I'm pretty sure the average Spaniard reaction is even shittier than Swedes' or Americans'.


Hm, could you explain this? I'm not a fan of Philip de Franco, but my girlfriend watches him most days and I wasn't aware of any sort of scandal surrounding him and going easy on hate speech.

It's more of what he "doesn't say" and his thoughts on the Charlottesville events, Trump, etc. That come to mind for me.

He typically thinks condemning people's actions is going overboard and downplays when people mess up. Normalizing/rationalizing racism.

I used to be a fan of his as well, but I can only take his "neutral" position so much.


Nah Boogie has done this time and again. So he decided to jump in without even fully knowing what happened? Using the excuse that PDP and others don't know the weight that word carries?

Boogie could have easily came out and said. "you don't say that shit. Ever. PDP you fucked up" and left it at that.

Yup, this.

Both Boogie and TB are trying to play the both sides angle bullshit. "bu bu What PDP said was wrong but what's worse are the liberal cult bloodseekers who want to take us all down. wont someone please think of our ad revenue??"


From what I've read it's mostly posts saying that people are overreacting but you have to understand that the whole n-word and other racism hasn't really had the same history in Sweden as it has in America so people who aren't aware or doesn't care about other countries or issues doesn't understand the big deal.

With that being said there is also a surge in racism right now and it has been happening for a couple of years with a racist party (Sverigedemokraterna) being the second largest right now in the polls so people are starting to come out of the woodwork so to speak.

Only place I've seen this discussed is the Feber.se disqus comments for the mini-articel they put up. And the disqus comments seem to overall be a pretty shit place, so nothing really to go by imo. Didn't see a thread about this on either Minhembio (granted much smaller community) or Sweclockers. So I reiterate, nothing much to go by, and of the swedes posting on Neogaf and in this thread, I'm seeing most come out against any notion that this was a simple mistake.
Guys like TB have no guts and little moral fiber if they find it so hard to speak out against racism and hatred. Or maybe he is too damn stupid to understand the value of people speaking out against it. I don't understand the issue he has. Is he afraid of scaring away audience? Does he just naively believe it's not an problem at all? Seems like he lives in a bubble, or he is gutless.


Hm, could you explain this? I'm not a fan of Philip de Franco, but my girlfriend watches him most days and I wasn't aware of any sort of scandal surrounding him and going easy on hate speech.

Franco takes this ridiculous 'both sides are bad, I'm the intelligent guy in the middle' to extremes. He doesn't dare offend anyone.

As usuall, these people talking about the middle are actually just covering for the fact they don't actually know anything at all, and so adopt this smug, fake intelligent appearance because it's all they can do. Instead of learning about something, they boil everything down to 'both sides bad'. It's critically bankrupt and extremely misleading.


I'm surprise youtube hasn't done anything. this is insanely bad PR for their service

Every single social media platform is terrified of making a stand. The only place where the do such a thing is, for example, France and Germany, where Nazism is banned and they have to make a stand by law.

They blatantly have everything they need to do such a thing, they are unwilling to open up the can of worms that such a step would do.


Think of the children: a girl's channel can get axed if she has too much clevage but a racist can keep on saying racist shit.

I didn't even think about that. How gross and good point.

Nah Boogie has done this time and again. So he decided to jump in without even fully knowing what happened? Using the excuse that PDP and others don't know the weight that word carries?

Boogie could have easily came out and said. "you don't say that shit. Ever. PDP you fucked up" and left it at that.

You didn't miss anything I read all his tweets and TB's tweets and was deeply offended as expected. These guys are despicable.
You forget what side of GG Bain was on. He doesn't want to lose that base, so he won't say anything.
To be fair I don't know much about GG and it is staying that way. I'd rather not get involved/research into that shite.
Maybe is this more related to him being biased to PDP, dunno much other that.
This situation sucks all around because everyone who is monetising on YouTube is going to be penalised more.

I guess it'll just result in more paid promotions, Patreon and other potential revenue streams.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Guys like TB have no guts and little moral fiber if they find it so hard to speak out against racism and hatred. Or maybe he is too damn stupid to understand the value of people speaking out against it. I don't understand the issue he has. Is he afraid of scaring away audience? Does he just naively believe it's not an problem at all? Seems like he lives in a bubble, or he is gutless.

He clearly a.) doesn't think its a big deal and b.) thinks he needs to "defend" YouTubers
It's more of what he "doesn't say" and his thoughts on the Charlottesville events, Trump, etc. That come to mind for me.

He typically thinks condemning people's actions is going overboard and downplays when people mess up. Normalizing/rationalizing racism.

I used to be a fan of his as well, but I can only take his "neutral" position so much.

I'm not terribly surprised that he might adopt some of that "The truth is in the middle" nonsense after listening in on some of his stuff with my gal. It may be a bit harsh, but the guy always struck me as a bit of a gutless pseudo-intellectual, which is why I myself never became a fan. It's disappointing to hear that he's quick to excuse racism, but a bit of a relief to hear that my girlfriend isn't listening to someone spewing outright hate speech. I was worried there was going to be something pretty blatant.

We'll probably have a talk about this guy as a fence-sitter, though.


Franco takes this ridiculous 'both sides are bad, I'm the intelligent guy in the middle' to extremes. He doesn't dare offend anyone.

As usuall, these people talking about the middle are actually just covering for the fact they don't actually know anything at all, and so adopt this smug, fake intelligent appearance because it's all they can do. Instead of learning about something, they boil everything down to 'both sides bad'. It's critically bankrupt and extremely misleading.

Ah, I was too slow to reply, didn't see this. Basically sums up my general impression of the guy as written earlier in this post. Appreciate the clarification.
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