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It's sickening people are showing their true color


It probably would if the woman's tits were showing.

Agreed, but we know that men and women's nipples are treated differently.


That is also not NSFW.


I'm gay.

That's fine.

The posts like Summer Haze just did when he posted some disturbing things. I'm not talking about anything in this thread.

And with that I'm taking a vacation from GAF. Wanted to vent. Hope to come back if it gets back to being normal.

I can't speak to what Summer Haze posted, but there is nothing objectionable about the picture and gif of two men kissing that I am referring to. Says volumes about anyone that would have a problem with that.

Royce McCutcheon

Junior Member
I just want to add that it's been 4 pages since the dude made his weird conversion post and only 1 poster has defended him, come on y'all, cut the fear mongering and believeeeee
Perhaps for some, but I think many choose to participate in that specific church community. I've seen plenty of churches that dgaf if gay people or gay couples worship. Christianity is hardly monolithic on any issue, and that is certainly one.

Agreed. It's kind of ironic that they would expose us to that when leaving in protest against unwanted exposure.

I've heard of pro-gay churches, but those are still the minority. And it's not as easy as switching churches, when you're 15 and your whole family is homophobic. I really hope the gay people in eKongDiddy's life manage to get out of that toxic environment.

It's not easy to get out of a situation like that.


Well I don’t know. There’s many testimonies of ex-gays and those who turned from the community and “became” straight. A lot of people say it’s a spectrum where there’s no totally straight/gay/whatever so it makes sense. There’s people in my life that I know/have heard of who turned to Hod and are no longer gay. For me, I’m more reliant on that old book and their testimonies.

Why don't you try turning gay and tell me how that works out for you? Surely if you can be an ex-gay you can be ex-straight too, right? Also, when did you decide you would become straight. How old were you when you made that decision?


I can't speak to what Summer Haze posted, but there is nothing objectionable about the picture and gif of two men kissing that I am referring to. Says volumes about anyone that would have a problem with that.

I don't think anyone finds the content itself objectionable (well, maybe the conversion guy), just that some might have an issue with that at work. Fan art threads and the like where you can expect to see certain content are usually labeled.


Why does the alt right feel the need to infect every decent community out there? Why can't we just have one that isn't polluted by hate.


Even mods had alt accounts here

Some mods even WERE alt accounts of previously permabanned members

Aren't alt accounts against the TOS? Shouldn't this guy be banned?

Why does the alt right feel the need to infect every decent community out there? Why can't we just have one that isn't polluted by hate.

They're lonely and powerless in real life, so this is how they feel good about themselves.


I've heard of pro-gay churches, but those are still the minority. And it's not as easy as switching churches, when you're 15 and your whole family is homophobic. I really hope the gay people in eKongDiddy's life manage to get out of that toxic environment.

It's not easy to get out of a situation like that.

I don't think they're going to get out because they've now formed families within the church.

I think it depends on where you live. If you're in northern USA I imagine or in Canada, I think it's fairly easy to find a church that will accept and support you, or at least ignore it and not harp on it. In the deep South, I suspect it'd be difficult to find acceptance.

My friend is quite a socially conservative Christian and very dedicated to the church (every sunday, plus bible studies and church retreats.) I've been to her church with her many times and not once have I heard a sermon that talked about homosexuality. It seems to me, even going to the same church a socially conservative Christian would attend won't ever condemn you from the pulpit and make you feel uncomfortable for attending. I could ask her about gay members in the community and see where they stand.

Sounds like eKongDiddy was gay himself or at least experimenting, so probably he would be best to speak to about how painful it is to remain in a church that doesn't accept gay relationships.
OK but my username isn't meant to be NeoGAF 2.0. The new forum will crash and burn on that name alone. It's absolutely terrible. More thought should have been put into it. Just my opinion of course :)

Dude it's just a name, NeoGAF isn't exactly the most creative of names either, you just got used to it.
I no longer hold these views. They came from a place of ignorance. Apologies to anyone who was hurt or offended by these posts.
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Yes I have stated this in previous posts.

It’s really not a situation. The only reason it looks that way to some people is because the way they believe just like it is for Christians. These people are happy. They had support for anything they needed and could talk about any issues they had without being judged. Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?

It's not a "lifestyle", it's just a sexuality and that's it, a biological component of someone, just like your eye colour.

what is the gay lifestyle to you?


Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?

There is no "gay lifestyle", You could literally live the same life, be the exact same person you are, but be born gay or straight, it just changes who you want to have sex with, that's not a "lifestyle".

It's like saying there is a white/black lifestyle or a female/male lifestyle, it's BS.


People are do attracted to "celebrity posters" they figure its easy to manage and launch a good website. One which requires more than free hosting and servers, one which requires a real back end of networking.

Its not easy and 9 times out of 10 not profitable. It is a reason most gaming forums are secondary to something else.

And I also simply don't buy into "celebrity posters/mods" make a community. I been here for years and I've seen many popular faces come and go and the forums ticked on.

As i said no one is irreplaceable. New people will fill the void of the old. People will still post news here quickly etc.

This is what I think.

only for like the first hour or two. They are limiting the amount of registrations when the site goes live to make sure theres no issues with the servers etc. About an hour after that, they'll enable registration for everyone. So there's no need to ask for an invite as everyone will be able to get in on the same day it goes live.

I'm not sure about this; as of last night they were combating massive troll attacks from 8chan types. It sounded like the 'roll out' will take a bit longer than just a couple hours.

It's already fractured. NeoGAF is only going to be a former shadow of itself, I really don't see the insiders, developers and designers returning. And that's one of the reasons why this place was big.

They were largely already gone. In that respect, gaf was already a shell of what it was several years ago. I'm sure some will jump in on this new project, but I can't imagine most/all.

The community is fractured, sure, but why would devs and reviewers go to where the same mods that drove them off in the first place is going?



It’s really not a situation. The only reason it looks that way to some people is because the way they believe just like it is for Christians. These people are happy. They had support for anything they needed and could talk about any issues they had without being judged. Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?

Because many people believe that your sexuality is hardcoded and can't be changed. What you believe goes against what they believe. You're working on completely different frameworks of understanding.

Could you have a look at my post here? Thanks.
Yes I have stated this in previous posts.

It's really not a situation. The only reason it looks that way to some people is because the way they believe just like it is for Christians. These people are happy. They had support for anything they needed and could talk about any issues they had without being judged. Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?

Because the only reason people want to "get out" of that "lifestyle" is the entire society, specially most Christian people, telling them they're going to hell, that they're sinners, that God hates them.
It's because they fear for their lives every day, because they are beat up, and offended and molested.
They want to change because everybody else is telling them they are abominations. Have you ever wondered why no one wants to stop being straight? That's because they don't face the same shit gay people do for being straight.

Go watch Prayers For Bobby before getting into the subject of conversion as a positive thing. That was a real story.


Yes I have stated this in previous posts.

It’s really not a situation. The only reason it looks that way to some people is because the way they believe just like it is for Christians. These people are happy. They had support for anything they needed and could talk about any issues they had without being judged. Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?


People want to get out of that "lifestyle" because of people like you that keep spilling their prejudice and keep discriminating against LGBT+ people. Because straight people don't need to fear for their lives when they hold hands on the street, and because being straight isn't illegal in a number of countries. Because straight people can get married without any problems everywhere in the world. Because there isn't a single country on this planet that arrests people because they are straight.

That's why people want to leave that """"lifestyle""""". Because they have been taught to hate themselves and they have been taught they are inferior than straight people. There is a huge self-hatred hurdle to overcome if you are LGBT+, and the easy option would be not being LGBT+. But, if you were being honest with yourself and with everyone else, you already realised you can't turn gay if you were born straight. So gay people won't turn straight either.

I don't know why I'm wasting my time here, tbh.
My pleasure!



First i want to say this place is getting ridiculous.

Second... I like the way Kurdel thinks.

Im not a gay man but I'm also not uncomfortable when two gay men kiss. So let me repost his gifs.. Just to make the homophobic asses out there feel uncomfortable


Junior Member
Yes I have stated this in previous posts.

It’s really not a situation. The only reason it looks that way to some people is because the way they believe just like it is for Christians. These people are happy. They had support for anything they needed and could talk about any issues they had without being judged. Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?

They THINK they're happy because the people in their lives are convinced that they're "normal," and that they didn't choose "that lifestyle." Now that they're pretending to be straight, they don't have to fear potential backlash/ostracizing/ridicule/harassment/violence/etc., especially if they are abstaining from sex.

It's clear that you don't want to accept that it's not a choice.

The only choice a gay person (if they live somewhere where they don't get killed for being gay) has is choosing to be themselves, or living a life trying to please the ignorant people around them. And that shouldn't even be a choice. But because of people like you who don't want to accept the obvious, it's still a "choice" for gay people to live as themselves.

Again: straight people cannot become gay, so it's the same thing the other way around. And again: if people had a choice between being straight and being gay, approximately 0 people on Earth would choose being gay. It only makes life much harder, even in the more accepting urban cities.
I no longer hold these views. They came from a place of ignorance. Apologies to anyone who was hurt or offended by these posts.
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Yes I have stated this in previous posts.

It’s really not a situation. The only reason it looks that way to some people is because the way they believe just like it is for Christians. These people are happy. They had support for anything they needed and could talk about any issues they had without being judged. Why is it a problem when people want to get out of that lifestyle?

You recall reading about people having clinical depression, and how no one knew they had it since they seemed happy all the time?

Think about how they had to hide their true feelings and show a different face outwards.

Think about what that caused.


Post more gifs please :) I think I'll just scroll through and look at those from now on, not reading anymore of ekongdiddy's brazen homophobia.


Junior Member
This is my personal view. Sorry if it offends anyone:

All my friends knew I claimed to be gay and no one cared at church. I went to church, but I wasn’t “in” church. They never had sermon focused on the immoral lives of gay people at any church I went to. I was only terrified because of what I thought my Pastor would think of me when I told him I was having issues with homosexuality and didn’t want to do it anymore. You know what he did? He hugged me, said he loved me, and told me about other people that have dealt with it and are fine now. He didn’t judge me or anything. He just showed me why it was wrong and talked me through how to find where the root of the problem was. For me, It was those incidents when I was younger that I repressed and never faced. After actually letting go, forgiving those people, and turning to God to help me overcome my problems, I no longer dealt with thinking I was gay.

Sure, I can acknowledge that possibility. Not sure what would happen to those people that would be far on whatever side of the spectrum.

My friend had a pastor that claimed that she "used to be a lesbian" and then spread a bunch of ignorant untrue BS to others, like my friend, which caused homophobia to grow in their hearts.

Newsflash the pastor is still a lesbian. "Turning to God" does not change that. It is only repressing it.

Also, i also had a religious friend who told me to get therapy when he found out I was gay (plus constantly mocking me and insulting me). He told me, "I thought I was gay once too, but it was actually because I just didn't have a girl for so long. Trust me etc etc" garbage.

If you don't feel like you're repressing homosexual thoughts then you're not gay.

Here are some facts:
-your sexuality is not a choice
-no one would choose to be gay if it actually was a choice

Good day
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