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It's sickening people are showing their true color


If NeoGAF is the kind of forum that will keep people that say disgusting shit like "ex-gays" then I'm glad ResetEra is a thing.



People want to get out of that "lifestyle" because of people like you that keep spilling their prejudice and keep discriminating against LGBT+ people. Because straight people don't need to fear for their lives when they hold hands on the street, and because being straight isn't illegal in a number of countries. Because straight people can get married without any problems everywhere in the world. Because there isn't a single country on this planet that arrests people because they are straight.

That's why people want to leave that """"lifestyle""""". Because they have been taught to hate themselves and they have been taught they are inferior than straight people. There is a huge self-hatred hurdle to overcome if you are LGBT+, and the easy option would be not being LGBT+. But, if you were being honest with yourself and with everyone else, you already realised you can't turn gay if you were born straight. So gay people won't turn straight either.

I don't know why I'm wasting my time here, tbh.

That most certainly was not a waste of time. Great post! Maybe could have done without calling him a moron but whatever.

I think eKongDiddy is posting from a place of confusion and ignorance as opposed to genuine malice so posts like yours are welcomed. A discussion forum needs discussion, not name calling, memes and dog-piling.


I think eKongDiddy is posting from a place of confusion and ignorance as opposed to genuine malice so posts like yours are welcomed. A discussion forum needs discussion, not name calling, memes and dog-piling.

Which is why he should not be banned (though he would have under the "old guard" mods almost immediately). The point where he SHOULD be banned is the point where it becomes clear he's a concern troll (and not genuine), or it become clear he's becoming militant/aggressive in shitting on people he doesn't agree with.

Easy turbo. Meant people arguing over whose been here longer and all the recent juniors popping in for some fake call to arms.

Clearly you guys having your bouts about this weekends events are rightfully doing so. The positive members who contribute to this place leaving is a sad thing. We can agree there yes?


This is my personal view. Sorry if it offends anyone:

All my friends knew I claimed to be gay and no one cared at church. I went to church, but I wasn't ”in" church. They never had sermon focused on the immoral lives of gay people at any church I went to. I was only terrified because of what I thought my Pastor would think of me when I told him I was having issues with homosexuality and didn't want to do it anymore. You know what he did? He hugged me, said he loved me, and told me about other people that have dealt with it and are fine now. He didn't judge me or anything. He just showed me why it was wrong and talked me through how to find where the root of the problem was. For me, It was those incidents when I was younger that I repressed and never faced. After actually letting go, forgiving those people, and turning to God to help me overcome my problems, I no longer dealt with thinking I was gay.

Sure, I can acknowledge that possibility. Not sure what would happen to those people that would be far on whatever side of the spectrum.

Addressing first paragraph:
How come you "didn't want to do it anymore" before you heard it condemned in church and when none of your friends cared? What gave you that feeling? Also, if you don't mind, what kind of "incidents" when you were younger? You don't have to get into the gory details – I'm just curious if you're alluding to sexual abuse.

Addressing second paragraph:
Well, what would happen is what I think we've seen happen to some gay people. They try and try and try to change because even though they may be shown love and encouragement by their church, their church still does say it's wrong. And when they try repeatedly to change but fail again and again (because they're too far afield on the spectrum) they blame themselves. They feel guilty and ashamed that it's a personal failing of theirs, that they're sinful, that they can't ever change their ways and become good. This leads to depression and self-hatred.

But getting back to the topic, since you do acknoweldge the possiblity, then is it fair to condemn homosexuality as being wrong when some people may not be able to change it, even though others might be able to?


Which is why he should not be banned (though he would have under the "old guard" mods almost immediately). The point where he SHOULD be banned is the point where it becomes clear he's a concern troll (and not genuine), or it become clear he's becoming militant/aggressive in shitting on people he doesn't agree with.

Absolutely agree.
Lol at the homophones still clinging onto religion to justify their deep hatred for us gays

Religion is becoming more irrelevant by the minute so enjoy it while it lasts I guess
Resetera isnt looking so bad when you see the trash being posted right now.

Do some of you people have no restraint or is this genuinely what you act like in the presence of a lack of moderation?

I have no patience for homophobes or posters that want to defend homophobes.
Great post.

Right, like how does a KKK member's own personal beliefs affect anyone, right??? It's just an old-fashioned way of thinking, right???

Stop with this nonsense.

You don't get it because you're an enabler. You're not being mature yourself.

I am done having this argument with you because it's going around in circles and you're convinced that you're the mature moderator between the two of us. When in reality you're encouraging ignorant ways of thinking and hate speech.

I know you are done with me and have me branded as an enabler. I thought I would just clarify my stance a little more for anyone who has followed this to and fro.

I'm not convinced I'm the mature one, I'm just talking about giving everyone a fair shake before judging. Do I agree with diddys beliefs? Of course I don't, they are old fashioned and non progressive and yes it is a shame to see someone hold on to them so strongly in the name of an almighty "God".

But In real life if someone expressed said opinion, I would imagine if it was something you thought was disgusting, you would talk about it. If you lashed out calling names and being abusive, it really just makes you seem like a baby.

I'm not trying to annoy you at all and hope you don't start branding me as enabler if we end up conversing in future, I just think instant aggression is very regressive and defeats the purpose of a forum.

No hard feelings :)


I have no patience for homophobes or posters that want to defend homophobes.
No Im not having a go at you, I agree.

I'll be the first to say I felt NeoGAF moderators could often overzealous and take a sledgehammer approach to banning members with opposing views no matter how well they articulated their thoughts, putting forward their view in a considered manner not meant to threaten or undermine others but to actually provide rational discussion but this place right now is like a pack of ape flinging shit at one another.

Its one thing to respectfully disagree, I believe everyone has that right even if that would in a greater general sense make them a 'bigot' in the views of many, but this shit right now is just moronic.

If you need the threat of the ban hammer to keep you inline from acting like a cunt, then maybe you should reconsider how you act.


I'm not trying to annoy you at all and hope you don't start branding me as enabler if we end up conversing in future, I just think instant aggression is very regressive and defeats the purpose of a forum.

Some things awarrant instant agression, like homophobia, racism or white supremacy.

Arguing for a space to debate these issues is fucking insane.


Little Mons†er;252841537 said:
Lol at the homophones still clinging onto religion to justify their deep hatred for us gays

Religion is becoming more irrelevant by the minute so enjoy it while it lasts I guess

Some religions like Christianity are declining.(although still many followers obviously) However, Islam doesn't seem to be doing the same.


Junior Member
No, this is not an account suicide, so don't ban me.

I have been reading and watching some youtube videos regarding the recent development regarding NeoGAF.

To be quite honest, it just feels wrong.

I am talking about people trying to take advantage of this weak moment of this forum trying to promote their own forums (whether it is existing forum, not entirely new forum just made over the weekend). Sure, I can see that it could be a good business to try to get some of the members from GAF but it does show that these people who criticize GAF is really just kicking it while it is down and more over, trying to benefit from it.

I mean, even people here do it/did it, like the mods making new forums to replace this one.

I really wish we have an OT forum to discuss non gaming stuff like this one here...but I guess we will have to wait.

and if it is an appropriate, then delete it, but don't delete me obviously:)

Of all the crap that's happened this week, THIS is what you find sickening? Smh


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Some things awarrant instant agression, like homophobia, racism or white supremacy.

Arguing for a space to debate these issues is fucking insane.

Like I have said in the past I don't think many people want to argue those, but there are those that might want to argue against, or just challenge the tactics of, things like Intersectionalism, 3rd wave Feminism, violent activism, etc.

This forum as of last week did not allow you to challenge 3rd wave Feminism without banning you as a misogynist, which is crazy given that there are prominent 2nd wave feminists that speak out against 3rd wave feminism. Much like 3wF, intersectionalism was another sacred cow, as well as the idea that you can be as horrible to white people, or christians, as you want, and feel justified.

I just want people to be treated the same no matter the color of their skin, their religion, or their sexual orientation. Saying death to all cis white men, fuck white people, christians are racists, any homophobia, muslims are terrorists, or i hate black people are all equally terrible in my eyes.

It would be amazing if this forum didn't allow any of that going forward.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Little Mons†er;252841537 said:
Lol at the homophones still clinging onto religion to justify their deep hatred for us gays

Religion is becoming more irrelevant by the minute so enjoy it while it lasts I guess

So you want to be understood and accepted, but are not willing to do the same for others beliefs and lifestyles? The intolerance of many who demand tolerance is deafening in its hypocrisy.
So you want to be understood and accepted, but are not willing to do the same for others beliefs and lifestyles? The intolerance of many who demand tolerance is deafening in its hypocrisy.


I do hope that with the mass exodus of mods, the remaining / new ones can see things according to forum rules and not their own personal bias.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
So you want to be understood and accepted, but are not willing to do the same for others beliefs and lifestyles? The intolerance of many who demand tolerance is deafening in its hypocrisy.

That sort of what I was getting at in my above post. The homophobia is bad and shouldn't be accepted, but the attack on Christianity should also not be accepted. There has to be balance or the forum will just end up like it was...toxic.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Fuck tolerating bigots.

define bigot?

Am I a bigot for not being on board with intersectionalism? Am I a bigot for condemning hate speech against any race including white people? Am I a bigot for thinking christians have relgious rights just like muslims do?

Be careful that your lack of tolerance doesn't turn you into a bigot yourself.


define bigot?

Am I a bigot for not being on board with intersectionalism? Am I a bigot for condemning hate speech against any race including white people? Am I a bigot for thinking christians have relgious rights just like muslims do?

Be careful that your lack of tolerance doesn't turn you into a bigot yourself.

Yo, is this a serious post?


Diddy is banned so it's a moot point now.

And now, instead of possibly changing his views and making him see how uneducated and backwards his thinking has become, he'll likely retreat to his own eco-chamber where he will reinforce his beliefs and possibly even become aggressive in his views.

Once again, NeoGAF took the approach they are frequently criticized for.
So you want to be understood and accepted, but are not willing to do the same for others beliefs and lifestyles? The intolerance of many who demand tolerance is deafening in its hypocrisy.

Sexuality is not comparable to a belief or life style.

Furthermore, abrahamic religions are the root and reason for a lot of the homopbobia in the world.

I'm not saying that all religious people are homophobic and horrible. But try to look at it from more perspectives instead of defaulting to "let's respect all beliefs".


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
define bigot?

Am I a bigot for not being on board with intersectionalism? Am I a bigot for condemning hate speech against any race including white people? Am I a bigot for thinking christians have relgious rights just like muslims do?

Be careful that your lack of tolerance doesn't turn you into a bigot yourself.

It's funny because the literal definition of bigot is being intolerant to others who have a different opinion.


So you want to be understood and accepted, but are not willing to do the same for others beliefs and lifestyles? The intolerance of many who demand tolerance is deafening in its hypocrisy.

yeah when other people's beliefs and 'lifestyles' include questioning other's humanity, i'll pass on tolerating them.

thanks for asking though.

tolerance of intolerance is a fallacy.


And now, instead of possibly changing his views and making him see how uneducated and backwards his thinking has become, he'll likely retreat to his own eco-chamber where he will reinforce his beliefs and possibly even become aggressive in his views.

Once again, NeoGAF took the approach they are frequently criticized for.

It is not our job to educate bigots. By your logic, people like him should continue being able to spout hate as much as they want here because maybe they'll change their mind someday.

But yes, we should be kind to the bigots because they might get even angrier?

Fuck that.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Sexuality is not comparable to a belief or life style.

Furthermore, abrahamic religions are the root and reason for a lot of the homopbobia in the world.

I'm not saying that all religious people are homophobic and horrible. But try to look at it from more perspectives instead of defaulting to "let's respect all beliefs".

I don't think you are wrong and there is certainly merit to criticizing or even condemning certain beliefs. But when it is done in such a wide arcing manner such as "religion", that is where I feel the pendulum has swung too far.
That sort of what I was getting at in my above post. The homophobia is bad and shouldn't be accepted, but the attack on Christianity should also not be accepted. There has to be balance or the forum will just end up like it was...toxic.

The attack on Christianity didn't happen out of the blue, there was a catalyst from a religious homophobe. The homophobia did come out of no where. When that happens, it's not a wash.
yeah when other people's beliefs and 'lifestyles' include questioning other's humanity, i'll pass on tolerating them.

thanks for asking though.

tolerance of intolerance is a fallacy.

I wonder how people picture this happening IRL.

Person A: My belief is that homosexuality is a sin, I don't hate the sinner just the sin.

Person B: I'm gay, but I respect your belief because I respect everyone's belief.

They'll live happily ever after and it won't be awkward at all surely?


It's funny because the literal definition of bigot is being intolerant to others who have a different opinion.

"Please tolerate my intolerance."


Some "opinions" are stupid. It's really as simple as that.

If someone's "opinion" is that they think a person should have less basic human rights than another person because of how they were born and you are "intolerant" to that, it is not the same thing as what that person is doing.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
The attack on Christianity didn't happen out of the blue, there was a catalyst from a religious homophobe. The homophobia did come out of no where. When that happens, it's not a wash.

So it would be ok for them to attack Islam too? Or is it only ok to attack and generalize all Christians?
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